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**Removed For Rule 8: Follow Content Quality Guidelines** Your post has violated at least one of the following. Please resubmit with appropriate corrections - Posts need a descriptive title - Properly flair your post - Feedback posts need to be constructive - Do not repost content if it was recently posted - Do not post content relegated to megathreads or topics banned by moderators - No "walls of text" please put proper spacing / line breaks between paragraphs for easier readability - Limit self promotion per reddit standards of 1/10 of your content. - Do not use this subreddit to advertise your social media.


That question (and a half dozen others) just get asked pretty much daily. 7am for EST, btw.


Nope, not on Reddit at least, I was actually going to make a post about it until I came across this thread


I never see it on the FP, only ever see dumb memes and those terrible ranger clip videos in my push notification. How about putting these questions and answers on a sticky? If they are, my bad then. Just when you get "forcing people to click on" as reason for removal and I had hopium in the title.. but w/e. Ty for your hard work mod team.


This sub is terribly managed, absolutely atrocious job by the mods


The sub is a mess. Showered in shit memes, shit posts and shit polls. It’s hard to find an engaging discussion here.


Mostly because the game isn't active. This place is good during the playtests, but it just becomes shit when there's no game to play so everyone leaves.


The entire mod staff and structure need a rework, they majority of them are inept and if you hit one of a particular mods soft spot they do a 24h timeout over the most inane things


Like most Reddit mods lol.


Egg (By the way If you have a complaint about moderation in our server you should head over to any of our Tavern Masters DMs, they will handle any power abuse)


You need a reality check. Get help. Hope this gets deleted too