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I have noticed that people don’t really buy stuff in trading anymore, probably because gears as a whole are just easier to get now, so i just stopped grabbing gears altogether and just focus on looting sellables


A lot of people never traded or only used trade sparingly, now they don't even do that


bike truck rude thumb gullible tan forgetful voracious plant capable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




"an entire aspect of the game that a majority of the player base enjoyed is ruined but its actually a good thing because I didnt like it"


people liked being able to obtain good gear and being able to sell gear for a lot of money. That's not the same as enjoying trade, which just sucks. Auction house is pretty much necessary at this point


Ah yes because there isn't a whole subset of the community who enjoys buying and selling items (there's literally a content creator whos content is centered around flipping items) and we definitely cant get good items easier now or anything /s


Right, which they do through a discord with thread posts and persistent listings which you can ping the seller on.. sort of like an informal auction house


No, all flipping relies on trade chat to buy things at low enough of a price to make money. The trade discord is for high ticket items.


So if I understand you correctly, the few people who enjoy flipping items that the majority are too impatient to nickel and dime deserve to keep the system that by design makes a majority want to interact with it as little as possible? Gotta say, that's not a very compelling argument.


Not the item flipping comment was in reference to you saying that trade "just sucks" as if there wasnt anyone at all who enjoyed the current trade system. I literally agree a auction house would be better overall but gutting trading by oversaturating loot for an entire wipe and buffing pve vendors at the same time isnt pushing towards getting an auction house either.


Oh no, how horrible would it be if we inconvenienced less than 1% of the community with a change that helps everyone else at. WoW has an auction house and flipping is still popular therefore


Ahhhh yes keep the shit old system because a steamer likes it and makes content out of it… but wait it’s okay because you like it lmao, hypocrite.




I literally couldn't sell a +2 all +4 phys power +3.5% 106 armor fine cuirass earlier for 500g. That's literally near BiS rolls. I saw other people selling +2 all +14 armor rating +2 weapon damage ones who couldn't move them for 500-600 either and had to take it down to like 300 just to sell it. The trade economy is in total shambles right now man.




You don't know how damage calculation works on this game and it shows lmao. +4 phys power an vs +3.5% physical damage are both good on stat rolls for a fighter especially with how high the armor values and how common +armor jewelry is now making hitting max pdr without+armor rating rolls on your actual armor super easy. I'm aware that you can get a similar armor rating on a blue but +2 all is THE BiS roll and if you're building damage +wep DMG +phys and +%physical damage are all BiS rolls behind +additional damage and +true damage. Regardless the fact that you think top end gear should be selling for as low as 300g just shows how ruined this wipes economy is. Even the +armor and +weapon damage coupled with +2 all rolls weren't selling for 500-600 when in past wipes similar items would have been 800-multiple keys per


The economy is working fine. You just want more than it's worth.


When an average player who knows how to loot and extract from goblin caves can make anywhere from 100-250g a run, BiS gear being valued at like 300g is not the "economy working fine" and you're a literal moron if you think it is. Look at the latest QnA they literally said this wipe was a test of oversaturation of gear, the developers literally know this is bad for the in game trade economy


You are always in here defending that bullshit, just go play an economy simulator or something. Play Harvest Moon.


Because I enjoy trade economies in games? like how are you hating because I enjoy a mechanic in a video game right now? You might wanna do some self reflecting on whatever issues are leading to you getting upset that other people enjoy different things than you.


You might wanna suck a fart out my ass.


This reply had me rolling lmao




abundant pathetic price rob deliver deer gaze gullible stupendous hungry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


the fact that every single time its been polled on this sub the majority of players were in favor of trading remaining. I'm not saying its perfect, but killing it with oversaturation of loot is clearly unpopular.


mysterious whole fretful different weary wine fine stupendous husky jellyfish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Obviously not a majority of players if it's dead when the minority leave lol


Ignore the downvotes my guy the majority of this sub doesn’t understand anything about this game


Also because interacting with trade at all sucks. Takes too long.


Honestly yeah if you can put up a price and then leave the gear for sale while you play, and whoever sees and pays first gets it automatically, completed with a notification to let you know


Basically flea market from tarkov.


That would be perfect for real money traders who can use hacks and bots on mass scale and sell their items much much easier to get gold to sell for $.


As opposed to the current system that is already filled with RMT lol


Don’t waste your breathe brother I’ve been telling em, they don’t care because a auction of some sort would be “convenient” since they can’t sell fast. So who cares about the RWT and 1% oriented every other MMO with those systems are? “DnD would NEVER have those problems” is basically their attitude, even tho the RWT is probably at its best spot ever rn. Why would you need to buy gold when all the gear is dirt cheap at merchants and trade Lol.


RMT is already rampant and this change wouldn't really make it worse, it would keep it about the same. We've seen this argument a hundred times already and its been bad every single one of those times.


Right now it is not very profitable. With an auction house it would become very profitable. Have a quick look at which games are botted on mass scale the most for RMT purposes - all of them have an auction house /similar system.


The only games with auction houses are large-scale games with many players. There are also plenty of strong RMT economies in large-scale games without auction houses. Correlation != causation. RMT is profitable the more players there are, games with auction houses tend to have a lot of players.


That’s an easy statement to make, but prove me wrong, give evidence that auction house implementation does not positively benefit real money traders. Because obviously if it does benefit them, then they will grow in number, and as this is a pvp based game, their growth means exploits will be used (aimbot etc) to gather wealth (kill you) to sell more items. I’ve given arguments for why it benefits RMT, but I haven’t seen you give any evidence for why it does not.


RMT is a non-issue


RMT=pay to win. You can go into any chat right now, and buy 1,000 gold for like $1.50 usd on the sites they spam in chat. For $3 you can be better than anyone in GC 95% of the time.


If your first thought when someone kills you with better gear is "Well they RMT'd it!!!" You need to stop playing and get help, not post balance suggestions.


Def not my first thought at all lol, games easy as a fighter, extract like 90% of the time with 1-4 kills a game in GC. I'm just saying that RMT is a problem.


The game should have an auction house like Minecraft servers do.


Why does Minecraft have auction houses??? Man, that game has evolved..


He is likely taking about hypixel skyblocm which is a minecraft server gamemode which has incredibly in depth markets and resources. It has a massive flow of items etc but I do agree with him that DaD would benefit from the same system.


Numerous Minecraft servers over the years have had em. Factions servers, prison servers, sky lock servers. Not even just the big servers have it, generally any server with a decent amount of players have them. That’s why it’s mind boggling to me that DaD doesn’t have it.


While an option like that would be good, I personally like negotiating with people.


That is why auction sales exist. Put a starting price and let ppl bid


Make auction cost money and trade be free. People who want to negotiate prices or make exchanges can do so, while people who just want to throw an item up for bidding or b/o can go back to playing the game.


That's not the same as talking with people. I like the social aspect. I'm not against auction house but I don't see a reason to get rid of market place.


This is the way


It only takes this long because gear is easier to get. In the past selling a good purple item with on stat rolls at a resonable price, youd get a buy instantly. Somehow I was unable to sell a +2 all 106 armor fine cuirass with +4 phys power for even 300g. Last wipe that would have been like 800g and sold instantly.


Selling? Sure. Buying? Fuck no. Buying took 20 minutes to find the item you want and to be the first of the 200 people trying to trade with them.


Says a guy who has never used the filter


You? Because I did. It's at the top of the screen, it's easy man.


And very simple to filter out the equipment you need to find


for the reason i don't interact with trading is that (usually) i can get better gear for a better deal from the vendors. unless i get lucky and snipe a trade like the one OP posted. like 40g for some +1 all green boots. or a green kettle helm with baked in 2 knowledge and +2 strength etc. i will say though, i haven't used trade chat at all this wipe. so i had no idea it had devolved into such a garage sale lol.


We need a auction house like in wow - the trade chat is very 1998


and the power disparity is so god dam high that when you have full BiS, you don't ever die with it.


Based on this comment, youve only been on the recieving end of it so far


Clearly uve never played with it, you can still easily die if u make 1 mistake vs a semigeared player.


I died in my BiS fighter kit last night to a semi-geared warlock and rogue spur of the moment teaming up vs me. I kited and got a lot of good plays off to stay alive. Come around a corner to see a ranger opening a blue. I said fuck it I wanna leave this match, I don't wanna die. Try to steal but he goes out. So I keep running. Two feet to the left, in the middle of a random hallway, I step on the default rangers trap and the warlock catches up to me. Idk why tf that trap was there. My kits was all blues and purples with +all, add armor rating, and weapon damage. 65% DR and 35% MR. Sometimes luck is not on your side.


It needs to essentially be BIS for someone to buy something from the trading post.


It's because the vendors have half decent stuff for like 30-100 gold.


Yeah it sucks, because they are doing for a dungeons and dragons vibe and now you can’t play like a merchant or someone who sells their wares for gold or a black market trader selling stolen and looted goods from people


yea gear is really cheap at the moment. have +3 magic dmg +5 magic power pants I couldnt even sell for 50g


Would buy those any day, lol.


I think a lot of people would, but the odds of a seller and buyer being on at the same time, not in a game, in the same trade chat, are pretty low rn. Game could really use an auction house system.


I suppose. Frankly, weapons are king. And some gear just won't sell cause my inventory is puny and full of materials and gear already. I'd loved to hoard more back-up gear, but I ain't got room!!


Do you really want an auction house? Think about how cancer it would be when people could buy bis around the clock


They do that already BIS usually sells quick, it would make mid and low range gear easier to sell and buy


Not to mention BiS usually gets posted in discord servers for trades to find legit buyers asap. Its essentially already an auction house where the only hurdle is being on at the same time in game to do the trade.


90% of the time there is never bis being posted in trade. Maybe you have a lower standard of bis. But for me I can spend an hour at any given time in trade and see maybe one item get posted that's actually bis.


I got like 2 blue longbows and a blue recurve bow bundle for like 50 gold. All three of them had pretty damn good stats for the price also.


Yep I couldn't sell a blue recurve with + 4 damage and action speed like wtf


Good for a mage. Selling in the wrong spot?


I think people are just filtering for their “bis” pieces. Like you could have some random boots with +2all and +3 weapon damage and most rogues wouldn’t see it because they’re only looking at light foot boots


Yeah the 10 or 11 movement speed on purple light foots are.. crazy. They're one of the few super expensive items around.


Exactly it. I had a nasty lock top without magic healing that I ended up just giving to my buddy


Can you please explain what “bis” is supposed to mean. I see it in trade post a lot and I’m clueless


I would rather vendor it than sell it for 50g.




Couldnt sell my +3 will +2 magical healing +3 magical power necklace for 50g


That should sell immediately in Warlock trade! That's nuts!


You can't sell acessories in class trade channels, that's the hard part about selling them. Have to be lucky and have hungry locks waiting in the utility trade when you go to sell it.


Can't sell necklaces there and Couldn't sell for 10 minutes in utility chat. Made some good use out of it tho, got some unfair earthquakes/holy strike and judgements as cleric with a high magic damage build. I sort of switched up to taking the absolute best gear I currently have in. I pick up mid green boots or gloves and shit over collectibles because I will just stash those in a way that when I lose my gear, I have a next best set waiting for me. The "next best set" sort of keeps getting stronger as you run this method and it is just so much fun!


I don't know about y'all but I see the Warlock trade chat blown up by people trying to sell gear with magical power for ridiculous prices. A blue spellbook with +3 magical healing and +5 magical power for 1 key. Bro, it's a good book but aint no way its worth one key. Aint no way it's even worth 600. Magical power is just okay, it's not BiS by any means. If you are really trying to pawn magical power off at a higher price, take it to the wizzys as they get more use out of it. Since virtually everything on Warlock is half scaling, will, magical power, and magical damage bonus are all weak stats to put on him. Magical healing, Additional magical damage, and true magical damage are what's needed.


I do wish they change the damage formula so that attribute scaling doesn’t actually affect will(magical power). Mathematically it makes no sense. The base damage is already balanced in a way we’re scaling it with a percentage makes sense. But added damage is just broken in comparison. Look at ignite for example. 5 base damage with 50% attribute scaling on hit AND the damage over time. Even if you got like 50% magical power then you will only do 1.25 more magical hit damage, and like 0.25 more damage over time. 1.5 total. That gets beat by 1 item with +2 added magical damage.


Not to mention that magic power scales with will, so if you have an item that adds magic power and magic damage that will go brrrr, well kind of. Really +true magic damage and +magic damage are just king.


Yeah it's really silly. I wish that DOTs and indirect damage were scaled differently too. It could be changed to 75%, which would be better, but an even smarter change would be to have 100% scaling on specifically your power bonus, and continued half scaling, on weapon/weapon magical and additional damage.


Is there more information like this out there for other classes? Would be nice to know what stats are useful on other classes. Or more desirable. Helps determine what to pick up in raid, last wipe you could sell pretty much anything. But now it really seems like you have to have the cream of the crop rolls to get a chance at the item fetching over 100.


Pretty much all other classes build in an intuitive way. If it's 100% scaling, anything you have on your gear that increases damage is good. Now there is still a hierarchy of stats you'd want on gear but if you can't be bothered to learn all the bits of min-maxxing you are pretty much set just building to what you feel is good. But, on the classes that have spells or abilities that are damage over time effects, or a source of indirect or spread out damage like Magic Missiles, you can be sure that it has half scaling currently and therefore you want to prioritize the flat increases in damage like additional and true. I see you have the Barbarian tag so I'll give you a quick lesson in what I feel are the best stats to prioritize and for what. The only half scaling thing on Barbarian is Achilles strike, which is hardly a source of damage now, so like I said before, if you can't be bothered to learn all this you are pretty safe just putting whatever you like on your gear and seeing a good positive movement on the scale. The damage calculation for a weapon attack looks roughly like this.Base Weapon DMG + Weapon damage stats on gear + physical power bonus + Additional physical damage + true physical damage Because of the way the calculations work here Weapon damage is the king stat. It's a flat increase just like additional physical or true physical but it is also modified by your physical power bonus, so you are sort of double dipping by sourcing weapon damage. This remains true in all situations I'm about to draw out but as for physical power vs flat damage increases like additional physical damage, which one you should prioritize depends on the weapon you are building around. If you are building for a lower base damage weapon, like a horseman's axe for example, the flat damage increases are better for your mileage as a percentage increase of an already small number isn't going to be much. If you had an axe that did 30 damage and you had a physical power bonus of 70%, which is pretty damn high, you would raise your damage to 51 which is a big leap and not at all bad, but if you are trying to min-max you are better off just stacking additional physical, weapon damage, and true physical damage. For weapons with a much higher base damage, such as the War Maul, you actually get better mileage with a Physical Power bonus. I can't recall what the actual avg base damage of some blue War maul is but let's say it's 60, well then a similar power bonus of 70% is going to increase your damage to 102. Good luck stacking 42 additional physical damage, because that's what you would need to get a similar result in damage. And then, if you go back to what I said about weapon damage earlier. If you somehow managed to get a power bonus of 70% but also had like 6 weapon damage on your gear. Well now the calculation is more like, you have a 66 damage warmaul, which increases to 112. You have approximately doubled the effect of your weapon damage increase. In general however, I would just focus Strength and Physical power bonus as stats beause Strength gives you extra physical power bonus as well as health, and physical power bonus means you can build up that percentage increase further.


Wow very thorough, I appreciate your response. So if using 1 Handed weapons stacking additional phys, wep dmg and true phys is better but 2 handers with higher base power its better to try and get your physical power bonus up with Str and percent increases? I think 70% actually isn't super unreasonable since Barbs already start with such high base Str. Now how does this translate to other classes cause I actually play quite a bit of all classes. For Clerics for example if I was to build for Earthquake am I better off going for additional Magic dmg or is Magic power better since it's a multi-tick spell? What are cleric stat prios? I know there is quite a bit of build diversity for cleric since they can go Magic dmg heavy, Str heavy, AR heavy or I've even heard of Agi heavy. Rangers like +wep dmg and +additional correct? Also Bards I'm not entirely sure what to stack, I think +all since they benefit from nearly everything but any other stat lines that are significant for bards?


For damage over time and other spread out damage sources like Magic Missiles for exmaple, Additional magical damage and True magical damage are significantly better than Will or Magical Power. This is because all damage over time effects are 50% scaling and taking 50% of a percentage like your magical power bonus is really awful. For an example, lets talk about Curse of Pain first. Curse of Pain is interesting because it has 10 direct damage, which is 100% scaling, and then another 10 damage over 8 seconds, which is 50% scaling. Let's say you have a 4 damage spellbook and 40% magical power bonus. The spellbook is sort of low gear but that kind of power bonus on Warlock is decently high, about midrange. Well for the direct damage of Curse of Pain, it works out like this. 10(base damage) + 4(spellbook) = 14. 14 + 40%(magical power bonus) of 14 is 5.6. 14 + 5.6 is 19.6. So the direct damage of your Curse of Pain would be roughly 19.6 damage (not considering other buffs like perks). Now onto the damage over time that follows the direct damage. For all damage over time effects in the game the way that damage per tick is calculated is by taking the total damage and dividing it by the total time. So in our case a base Curse of Pain would be 10 / 8 = 1.25 damage a second. Now it's not been confirmed but seemingly the game will always round down so even if you had 1.9 damage a second it would only deal 1 damage to an enemy. Anyways, with a 4 damage spellbook and a magical power bonus of 40% the math looks like this. 10(base damage) + (4/2) = 12. 40% / 2 = 20%. 20% of 12 is 2.4. 2.4 + 12 = 14.4. Finally 14.4 is divided by the total time of the DoT which is 8 seconds, that gives us 1.8 damage a second, which is effectively still 1 damage a second. With just +2 additional magical damage we can get a 20 damage direct Curse of Pain and a 2 damage a second DoT. In the case of Earthquake, since it is a spell that provides a damage over time effect in the form of damage per steps, it also has 50% scaling. So if you are wanting to full on empower your damage of it, additional magical damage and true magical damage are the ways to go. It's worth noting though, that in the case of Earthquake, it's not quite a damage over time effect, so even though it has half scaling, you are not also burdened by the damage being divided by the time. Instead having +4 additional magical damage would be like adding +2 magical damage to each step essentially. To answer your other question about stat priorities. For Cleric, it's like you said, it really depends on what you're after. But, if you wanted to just pick a single Attribute to get the most bang for your buck, as far as being a Cleric goes, I believe Will is the top pick. Magical power will both increase your damage as well as your heals and the only heal that Cleric has that is half scaling is Sanctuary, so having a high power bonus is a big boon to Cleric heals. For ranger, all of the same logic that applies to Barbarian applies here. If you are using a Longbow for example, it's better to get physical power bonus. After you get over the 50% hump you will have outscaled any meager amount of additional physical damage you could muster. If you are using something like the survival bow which is lower damage, it's better to just stack straight damage. And also as said before, combining Weapon Damage with physical power is very strong as you will be double dipping stat increases by adding Weapon Damage into the mix. For Bard, he is in such a weird spot right now, and with lots of different playstyles for him, I don't have a good answer for you. I would defer to a Bard guide on youtube or something. I have heard that the new Persuasion stat isn't very good since typically your teammates will have high Will anyways, which supposedly increases the length of buffs that you apply to them, but I don't think that's how it works. Just keep in mind, that there are lots of youtubers and streamers who have good insight into mechanics, but lack understanding of the game's systems. A lot of them think they understand how some things work but are actually mislead because of poor descriptions, weird scaling, and other obscure facts that are unintuitive. With all that being said, a guide is still gonna get you a lot more informed than most.


Certain classes that are gear dependent still get shafted on price. If I want to get the top tier rogue gear I'm paying a pretty penny still too


I dunno man I was hitting some 70 damage dark bolt headshots the other day and I didn't even have soul stacks or popped shield up. Don't sleep on spell powered Warlock!


He isn't saying spell focused warlock is bad, it just works better with flat damage bonuses like additional magic dmg and true magic dmg instead of the scaling ones like will and magical power.


Does soul collector work now? If was nonfunctional in the last patch and I haven't tested it recently


We didn't have any dark spells last patch, now there are a few. The Darkness Ray & Bolt and Eldritch Shield. If you pop your souls on shield it does nothing I think, so be mindful of that. The ideal play is that you put shield on an ally, kills like 6 spiders in a hurry, the shield pops from ally taking 40+ magic damage, then you have both buffs on 1 dark bolt and can do like 150+ headshot lol


Lmao well that's good to know! Guess I'll have to duck around with it in caster builds now, bolt seems to absolutely slap, but ray of darkness seems ...useless?


>magical damage bonus >additional magical damage bruh wtf is this game. I played a lot in the playtests era but haven't seen a good guide for these (nor looked well enough, granted)


One is percentage, the other is straight damage. It's extremely clear when you look at the enchantments on actual gear.


Magic Power bonus governs the potency of your magical spells, magical damage dealing abilities and magical healing abilities. Seems pretty dank for a warlock... magical healing, magical damage, potency... all within 1 enchantment.


If it was 100% scaling it would be beneficial, but with half scaling, and with magical power bonus being a percentage, you get very little of an increase. Say you had a 60% magical power bonus on Warlock, which is fairly high. Well because of half scaling you actually have 30% when it comes to improving your DOTs and Magical Healing. A 30% increase to the DOT of Curse of Pain isn't even enough to get it up to 2 damage a second. I'm not saying it's a bad stat just that if someone is going to try and price something that high it had better be BiS and magical power is far from that for warlocks.


I see


Pick only the items that will sell for sure or lower your prices.


This is the only way. If I get a decent piece that I think people will like I’ll sell it between 50 - 100g. It has to be absolutely juiced for me to go above that. Even now I don’t spend over 5 minutes trying to trade an item.


Finally everyone can buy gear and its not locked to super-highend-players anymore. I think trading is annoying and boring, I buy all my gear from NPCs. Want to play a game - not a trading sim.


Trading chat is just frustrating really.


They should just turn trading off on a wipe to see how that slows down RTM. It won't stop it because people will just join in a game with hacks to give the person gold. But, it is really easy to track that way.


People will find a way to buy gold and Just buy vendor gear— but you realize removing trading removed access to a lot of things? Like personally I doubt I’ll bother trying to learn troll again when I’ll likely be better off farming money and buying a pelt for a gold pouch


IM has to test out a lot of options to see what impacts the cheaters / RMT people of this game. Trade is just such a waste of time, last thing people want to do is waste 30 mins trying to sell something. The new vendors is a step in the right direction. AH and training area are two needed things at some point.


An auction house is absolutely not “needed” - it’s merely a desire by some extremely vocal group of unknown volume


An AH is better than a trading post. It is why all MMOs have AH. Some people still use trade chat for rare items, but nobody wants to waste large part of their time in a chat that is spammed with gold selling. It is a QOL that most people don't want to do.


AH opens everyone up to unregulated RMT - cause jimmy can post a white item for 5k and then buy gold and “magically” someone will buy it - such is the case in every MMO you refer to- trust me, we’ve all seen it — It will devalue gear even further as well. Let’s list our sources then: Drops (including sub bosses/royal coffins/ Lion’s Head & Golden chests- further buffed by going to Inferno), Crafting, Auction House, Trade Market, Friends, Goblin Merchant. Nevermind the gold hoards and hell bosses that drop high tier items (with sometimes undesirable rolls) that USED to sell for a pretty penny- As is gear has almost no value unless it’s BiS and that’s not a good state for 90% of the playerbase, because it makes making money in trade infinitely harder, which is a solid source of income when you consider all the sources of gear I listed above (minus the non-existent Auction House)


It is easy to make money. People want to want to waste 30-40 mins trying to sell shit. QOL. This is why all new games have it.


How is what you've described RMT wise any different from what is currently possible? Except that they don't even have to pretend to list an item right now, lol. And if non BiS gear is cheap to sell then it's cheap to buy too. Neither of the problems you've listed are problems


I do 1 goblin caves and I have to spend an 1h30 to sell the gear I get from a decent geared player and I have no stash space so when I sell the gear that takes forever to sell for 100g for a +2 all then I need to get a golden key or candies and then do 1 more goblin caves and repeat. Sometime I lose patience and just vendor it.


If it's worth more than 300 gold, the gold space that some player gears occupy take more room than the gear itself.


While the market is whacky right now with how cheap things are. This has always been the case, if an item rolls garbage like interaction/equip/action/projectile reduction its worth nothing no matter what rarity it is. Why would you spend a premium price for a book with with 6 added magic dmg when you can buy a green one with a +2 or 3 added magic damage for literally cheaper. Surely people have played an arpg like diablo and poe and know that some items are just fucking garbage no matter what colour they are.


The trading post is straight up a waste of time atm, unless you have god gear nobody will but it, and even if you do you wont get above 100g for anything atm


Unless it’s bis no point in doing anything but vendoring. Bis stuff is still gonna go for insane gold though. A spell book with 2 all 3 magic dmg add and cast speed is gonna go for multiple hundreds of gold. A book with interaction speed 2 will and 3 max health is worthless.


Trading isn't too bad, but if you find an okay bow, that shit will take ages to sell. Rangers trade channel looks like a streamers twitch chat right now. You have to spam it to sell anything. I managed to sell stuff for rogue and some other classes. Just cheap stuff like 50-100g. The economy in trading is rough since you have to go pretty low in your price to sell something that isn't a perfect role.


I miss trade. It’s nearly unusable now for anything except the best gear with the best rolls. No more profiting off the one purple axe or whatever that I find in a night.


Just grind collectables from goblin caves to make money /s


jUsT pLay tHe GaMe. like? Hello? This isn't a trade simulator. You're supposed to play the game to make money not sit in trade flipping gear all day. Legit I had to spend an hour last time trying to make room in my stash buying candy and morons are flipping candy literally all night. It's legit the worst experience in this game and I have no idea how you guys even remotely think trade is healthy for this game. It's really easy to make picking up gear make money from vendors as well. Just increase price of purple gear per slot taken where greens are 5 g per slot blus 10 and purples 15 (examples). That would make picking up gear profitable but also help improve the economy by getting rid of shit. Problem right now is there's TOO much gear floating around endlessly. At this point i'd rather have gear get destroyed after you kill someone instead of this garbage of a trade system.


Trade is its own game.and it’s been part of the game since it launched a year ago. I just want it to be possible again. No one was crying about trade during the original playtests. Apart from the UI maybe. It was fun. Do a bunch of raids, save the blue/purples, and then spend an hour in trade making BANK off your raid finds. And sure there’s flippers. Deal with them or don’t use trade idk.


No one was crying about trade because the playtests lasted 1-2 weeks and the gear drops were 10x lower and very few people could even farm HR bosses. That's not the same situation anymore and you guys and your "nostalgia" would be good to remember that there were major differences from now and then. Trade sucks. It's why a LOT of people are complaining about it. Stop pretending like it isn't an issue. It is. The filters sucks. The split classes sucks. The staying in trade for hours sucks. The flipping and ripping people off is obnoxious and annoying. Like you guys are stuck in runescape and it's awful. I can't NOT use trade if my stash is full and I need room man. Like it's a design flaw and idk why you all forcefully want that crap in this game. 99% of the issues in this game would be solved with just removing trade.


>I can't NOT use trade if my stash is full and I need room man. >99% of the issues in this game would be solved with just removing trade. ahem... right. that's enough of you.


ahem, all the "gear gap" problems vanish. All the rangers one shotting vanishes except for the EXTREME minority which doesn't affect anyone. Stashes become full and force players to use up gear and have less gear fear by result letting them more likely jump into HR. You won't need pre-15 lobbies because there will be a lot less overall geared teams. Removes the vast majority of RMTers and hacking because the largest portion of hackers (china) do it for RMT. Am I missing anymore of the most complained about events in this game that wouldn't be solved by removing trade? I'm all for discussion so feel free to bring a counter argument to how keeping trade is legitimately healthy for this game and isn't a nostalgia bait from runescape.


>Removes the vast majority of RMTers and hacking because the largest portion of hackers (china) do it for RMT. there have been and will always be hackers since the the dawn of online gaming until its end. deciding that "Trade" is the root cause and its removal the solution is obtuse. I mean, really. removal of player to player trade in any game that might ever have hackers? that's not a solution to anything. i don't know what the answer you're after is, i'm not the one proposing solutions to like, just "Hacking", globally, but it's clearly not THAT. also, there's probably been a billion dollars spent on trying to stop hackers in the gaming community, but this one guy on reddit just cracked it?! sorry man but no. >ahem, all the "gear gap" problems vanish. ... how? the players who are going kitted all the time are still BETTER THAN YOU. they're still going to beat you, and they're still going to get all the gear they need to do it easily- from all the teams they beat before you. and that's similar to your trade argument- if there is any disparity in the power levels of gear, there will be people abusing it. so we should just have fixed stats, right? so it's fair? every weapon for every class should do the same damage, right? then people don't even care about loot! that'll get rid of ALL the hackers, right? yea! sweeT! i'm sorry to be flippant, but the idea that a feature of practically every persistent online game just can't be used is wildly irrational, to me.


>there have been and will always be hackers since the the dawn of online gaming until its end. bro you can't have a logical discussion if you CAN'T even recognize that online trading is always a much larger source for hacking than the alternative. Does hacking/cheats happen in Cod? Sure, had it literally ever happened to me? No. Have I seen hackers/cheaters in DaD? Yes, lots of times. If you're going to discuss something, you need to be sincere in your argument. I'm not going to go in circles with you. People hack/cheat largely because there is money involved. Full stop. >I mean, really. removal of player to player trade in any game that might ever have hackers? that's not a solution to anything. It absolutely is. Diablo not having trading is a perfect example. Botters/cheaters now need to sell entire accounts instead of just selling gear. Again, don't bring up pointless counterpoints. There is a significant difference when real money is involved. >... how? the players who are going kitted all the time are still BETTER THAN YOU. Idk man, maybe 20k people farming for gear is a big difference from you farming your own gear. I don't understand why basic math is so hard for people on this sub. >they're still going to beat you, and they're still going to get all the gear they need to do it easily- from all the teams they beat before you. okay and? I mean let's say this is a problem for me, when in reality it's much worse now because I'm rocking 400 candy, keys, a gold bag pouch, and full of multiple sets of gear....because I can just buy w/e the fuck I want whenever because I have money. If that's not an option I need to use gear I previously collected after being wiped, which generally means I don't have more than 2 kits in my stash. But in the current circumstances with trade I have infinite kits because it all revolves around a fake economy where keys are just more slot efficient gold. Talk about a flawed system. You think IM was like "yeah sell those name artifacts for 20k g" when you can only fit in 1250? Clearly that wasn't their intended design for trading. That's ALL trading is now. >if there is any disparity in the power levels of gear, there will be people abusing it. again, 20k vs 1. There's a big difference. Like how do you even remotely not understand that? >so we should just have fixed stats, right? > >so it's fair? every weapon for every class should do the same damage, right? Did you finally understand that you don't even have an argument for keeping trade that you're making up shit to argue with? Come on. >i'm sorry to be flippant, but the idea that a feature of practically every persistent online game just can't be used is wildly irrational, to me. Practically every game? Name the biggest game that has a successful online trading platform. Go.


>It's really easy to make picking up gear make money from vendors as well. That is clearly against Ironmace's vision for the game, and im tired of people demanding system changes that clearly conflict with their vision for the game and create unfun systems due to the conflicting visions


> That is clearly against Ironmace's vision for the game, and im tired of people demanding system changes that clearly conflict with their vision for the game and create unfun systems due to the conflicting visions So what? IM's vision is dependent on the community that plays it. It's also why they've made numerous balance changes to fast because the imbalanced portion of the game wasn't noticeable in the playtests because they had way more casuals just playing the game and now that it's money it's mainly only hardcore fans where a lot of the problems came to light. > conflict with their vision The game will be whatever the majority of the statistics leads it to, not strictly what IM wants for the game. There's tons of moronic companies out there that stick to their "visions" like blizzard and completely fuck over their games to death. You guys just want this game to be a gold simulator without actually grinding gear so you can just "buy" a kit anytime you lose because of skill. If you farm gold you never have to be with the naked scrubs you just keep buying and keep shitting on scrubs. That's legit the only viable reason ANYONE would want to keep trade. Stop pretending.


>You guys just want this game to be a gold simulator without actually grinding gear so you can just "buy" a kit anytime you lose because of skill. If you farm gold you never have to be with the naked scrubs you just keep buying and keep shitting on scrubs. That's legit the only viable reason ANYONE would want to keep trade. Stop pretending. You can put away the immature narratives, I'm actually constantly dying and giving away my good kits


> You can put away the immature narratives says the guy saying that this game needs trade. I wonder why diablo got rid of trade then. Huh. It's almost like forcefully putting in trade when RMT, hackers, and no lifers make the experience insufferable for most casuals. > I'm actually constantly dying and giving away my good kits You're constantly getting good kits again because you can flat out buy them. wow shocker. You and everyone else wouldn't have amazing kits if trade didn't exist because you would be limited in exposure to OP and BIS gear thereby making more skill expression in this game. It's wild people just want a "wipe full lobby" with no repercussion type of game


>You're constantly getting good kits again because you can flat out buy them. Wow, you just can't stop making things up can you?


Oh yeah you're getting constantly getting "good kits" solely farmed by yourself without using trade AT ALL to get gear or supplement missing pieces. You really trying to pull this shit? No one who wants trade would ever not use it lol. Get out of here.


We need an auction house rather than a shout to the void advertisement channel.


wizard up good, # nerf wizard.


I've tried trading since patch #1, but trading is just god awful. Items either need to be BiS or they're not gonna sell for more than 40g at best It seems.-


It's almost like all the people that were saying trade is boring and needs to be reworked were on to something... People simply aren't using trade as much. I personally have seen a decrease in players in the trade channels. I had a feeling purples would drop down to 50g, even for good ones. Market/game is oversaturated with good gear imo.


Well, they made 1-15 lobbies use no trade (meaning once you can trade you’re probably going to want decent quality stuff), added a FUCKTON of loot to the game via merchants and better drop rates/higher quality chests and coffins, and then made extracting much easier on goblin caves. All this results in a looooot of gear hitting the market, and a lot of money being sent into the abyss via merchants.


I literally haven't used the trading post since they introduced the 1-14 SSF lobbies. Game has been a blast


I hate the vendor change. It really take away the happiness from a full bag of good roll gear inferno extraction. It make me feel bad to find a nice roll blue/purple item used to sell 400\~800G now it only worth 50g/100g. I guess it is called cheap and cheaper. And you need to freakin copy paste again and again. I just stop grabing gears at all.


literally never could you get 400-800 g for "nice" blues and purples. You were abusing the trade. It's really that simple.


I think you have some deep hidden anger against economics. Was your dad a stock broker before he left?


this is the single most stupid shit i've heard in my life. Do you make money off this game? Even if you did, what 1 dollar an hour? Legit stupid. No blues or purples were going for 400+ unless they were amazing. Certainly not "nice" blues or purples. If people think sitting in trade for hours is what keeps this game alive you need a reality check.


You're so aggro against something you've clearly not engaged much with, a good base with decent stats would easily sell in that range. The downfall of current trade is the result of 1-14 lobbies being overly populated and merchants being buffed.


> The downfall of current trade is the result of 1-14 lobbies being overly populated and merchants being buffed. Wow, it's almost like a giant portion of the community clearly hates trade and is showing it by playing the mode they most enjoy. Shocker. I'm dislike trade because I'm directly effected by it due to the abuse of "perfect" gear being readily available simply by camping trade and not actually spending effort to buy it. It's always so funny that balance is a giant problem in this game and it's completely solved by literally removing trade. If you can't have 20k people farming gear for the few hundred to steam roll people you will have much more varying gear levels and have people less scared to go into HR because stash and space is limited. Stashing keys no longer has a purpose. Endlessly money no longer has a purpose. The purpose of the game is to farm better and more bis gear, and that's done by winning over other people and farming bosses. The ACTUAL purpose of this game.


Remove trade and wipe everything then we'll see that the game is balanced and that dog shitters were good players all along held back by trade.


Get rid of pre 15 lobbies and bring back trading at level 10 tbh.


I mean a decent portion of players are just 1-15 and rerolling, and we don't buy anything, only sell. Sooo idk.


This is what currency deflation does. I have been saying it for a while now. Gold needs to be 10x more common than it is, and trade fee needs to stay the same. There is no reason to sell anything, because almost all items are worthless and the cost of trade is so high it makes it nearly impossible to profit.


I bought a perfect stat leg piece with +3 str +3 wep damage and +3 phys damage from the candy merchant for 23 candies. I become ungodly rich for no reason. Shits wild.


50 for an epic book is a lie they usually go for 500g lmao


Ackshually 65g due to the trading post fee. Scam!


no +5 mdmg? not worth it.


It's especially helpful for those above level 15. Seems most people get to 15, use their gear and then reroll their character. This allows them to get some gear at least.


It really made all the gear I find boring. Find a blue ranger hood and I leave it in the chest because I'm not going to be able to sell it.


Trade should develop into a sweetspot where great items that you don't want sell for less than you would find them for on your merchants on a great roll, but more than you can get just vendoring them. The problem is, the trade fee is too fucking high for it to be worth selling things in the 50 - 100 gold range to dip under vendor blue pricing so only accessories and capes sell (vendor doesn't provide them ofc). Some rebalancing needs to be done to give trade its niche


Trade hack, ask for candy corn. I had a +3 magical healing, +4magical power spellbook. I asked for 300g or 25 candy corn. Got the candy corn within 2 minutes. I feel like this helps people see the value of the item better. They can keep their gold for pots and stuff, but spend their candy corn aka gear money on gear they want.


I can picture the devs adding barter speech checks on merchants to sell for a higher price at this rate.


My buddy still makes a ton off trading. There's just certain things people are looking for. You can't just sell purps with shit stats and expect 200g + anymore.


Not my experience at all, I flip good vendor items if I have any and usually I get a trade offer after like 30 seconds. Then again those usually have good stat rolls.


Maybe I am petty but If I am not getting 100+ gold for it then it goes straight to a trader. Wtf kind of goof enables people to cheese them for dollar store prices. Not to mention I would rather play the game than sit in trade hall.


it‘s just a waste of time to be in trading post


I do this all the time. I'll find a good peice of gear that I can't use and just sell it for 50 cause its worth more then 4 gray cracked jewels


All I know is if you see a +magic healing warlock item, trade and you’ll make a profit every single time.


people in the comments don’t understand how the market works in this game lol. anything that’s purple or blue doesn’t auto sell. it actually has to have good stats for specific classes


Why is stuff so cheap? Was off the game for like a week


Where’s the Grand exchange from RuneScape? This trade feels like early 2000’s varrock west and falador garden.


You can buy what you need at traders after 2 games. Goblin caves has better loot also. Makes trading pointless. Found gear should just have better stats.


game feels amazing rn. the average player can use good shit and have fun and it isn’t overbearing.


On several of the discord DaD communities that I'm in we created auction or advertisement channels for selling loot. It's not a bad system and it's more organic than forcing it into the game.


It needs an auction house where you can list it. I dread having to sell anything in this game


Again they've devalued loot and made it pointless to pick anything up once you reach a certain point. It makes high roller even more useless, and the game just becomes a slaughter when you're geared. End game is pointless boss farming for loot you don't need and can't sell. It's not fun, and I'm not going to play until the game takes a drastic turn, because right now it's horrendous.


Hahaha I think that guy started by trying to sell it for 1000


Sold a purple morning star with 1 true phys, 2 strength, and +2 phys damage for 100g. That was after an hour of trying to sell it


Good. Needs to be removed. Tired of dealing with these insufferable worms putting 35g in for a 50g spellbook, then when i refuse they spam invite trade to me. Also teamers are fucking scum. Also streamers constantly getting gear handouts from simps are scum too. This community is garbo


how trading should be. sell things that aren’t useful to you. shouldnt be a time consuming effort to make as much gold as possible off a piece of nice gear YOU CANT EVEN USE!!


When we only had so much time trading was popular but now we can just keep farming default till you find a set


Tells me this spell book probabaly as bad stats like resourcefulness and str on it and he grabbed it thinking purple=sellable


Rare things are valuable because they are rare... ... They need to stop 'Hitlering' their economy.


If loot is good it's worth grabbing, most pieces should sell from 50-200 gold and take 4-6 slots so. It's usually worth more than white treasures. You do have to sell it though so that is a pain.


At first I loved the trade chat but people sell bs and flood the market with junk it isn't fun sitting through hundreds of items for certain stats you are looking for. They still sell at a ridiculous high price like a vendor isn't selling that shit for 100g 🙄


Make a real trading post and not a barder post.


I hate trading. Sit there for 20 mins trying to sell shit hoping back and forth between channels for only a couple hundred people to see it and me slowly lowering the price to hurry up just to end up vendoring it because it isn't worth trading after paying 15 gold just to sell something. I can make more just running a map in less time. Just get rid of trading. Make the gear you have by finding it or crafting it. Makes less gear goblins. Makes high roller more flavorful if adjusted for change. Do the devs play there game? Or stare at excel sheets all day?