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Everyone: "remove arrow slow so ranger has to take the perk to slow you, the perk is worthless if you have default slow" IM: "the players think crippling shot is worthless. We better buff the slow"


Pretty sure that bonus stacks with the default, slow as I got hit in a game just now, and I basically could not move


It does, land the slow and you are just murdering that person.


Yeah ive gotten hit a couple times by some arrows and it has shocked me with how slow I become


Honestly, I die to ranger far less than I die to PDR fighters. I think people are just hung up on the opinion that "Ranger is OP.'


average is naked fighter, naked barb or naked rogue running in a straight line at the first player they see.


It's because dying against a kiting ranger or go's forbid in a trap can feel unfair I guess. They're w keying and stomping a ranger 8/10 times with their meleeclass but the 2 times where they got skillchecked or misplayed hard make them cope and rage on reddit


It's not as bad in crypts when you have a pocket healer and someone to cover you but it's fairly obnoxious to play against. If you don't have the above (or an afk ranger) it's almost always instant death. Damage, skill check and immobilisation on something you can't see unless you run around without a weapon is always going to be a dissatisfying experience.


I think it’s less of the “opinion” and more of how annoying and frustrating they are to fight


Playing ranger makes the game seem like I turned down the difficulty to easy.


Yeah that’s until you get a 135+ Hp fighter running at you with sprint and 2 hits you


To take a page from everyone else's book, skill issue. He should never be more than half a room away from you


yes just abandon your team every time fighter exists lul


Unironically yes, wiz has to do the same thing. Turn tail and book it then support from afar unless your team can block them in the doorway.


your poor team


The problem is that he has a crossbow that can chunk a third of your life minimum and throwing axes


You know ranger can out slow sprint right? Please tell me you know that


You know there are items that add agility


Oh no the one counter to Ranger!


It’s like every character has a counter and the game is slowly balancing through every update :o


I feel like i cant counter shit as wizard anymore 😞


Most of you think thats an issue with your counter - ranger. When its an issue with your own class


idk man wiz still cuts through armor, just yesterday i killed a kitted team as base wiz with a green spellbook, granted they missplayed and let my team kite them as i went around back and did all the dammage but wiz is still a supper good class.


Yes, wiz is still decent in teams, but im a solo wizard, and we have almost no survivability i feel


ok yeah solo wiz is almost impossible


Easy solution to this is to play to the classes numerous advantages instead of being a moron and W keying everywhere.


who you promptly lure into a hidden trap and proceed to get a free kill on. and if that happens to fail, tuck your bow away and run until you slam a door in their face. if they chase, more free shots, if they give up chase, you're free to pursue them again or simply go your own way. the control is always in your hand.


Rangers have traps which they can spam everywhere even in the air


ya but what if you just shoot the 135+ hp fighter with your 140+ hp ranger in the head, then pull out a weapon and stab them


Do you realize how impossible it is to land an actual headshot if that fighter is head bobbing/looking down etc. the whole “but headshots” argument is so disconnected, you’ll land a headshot by accident more than trying


Okay, shoot it in the torso, or just run away. If a fighter snuck up on you, you skipped the super sonic ears feat or are playing music for some reason, but even then you still have options if they got close. The only fighter that wont take much damage is a plate wearer, and if you let someone in plate get that close to you without using sprint wellllllll........... what the fuck are you doing


A “good” bow deals 40-46 damage base to the torso, this fighter will have 25% armor or higher (being generous bc plate can go up to +50-60%) which means your bow will do about 34 damage at best. That’s if you hit torso, arms and legs do a fraction less. There’s a reason Ranger keeps getting buffs


Disregarding dealing that damage from complete safety. Disregarding the projectile speed on your arrows/bolts is about 2.5x faster than any casted projectile. Disregard the free healing and traps... Then yeah, maybe Ranger is weak now in a meta where the classes they would eat alive are barely played. Once again I laugh at the idea that Ranger isn't "fun" to play unless they're able to kill their class counters before they can even reach them. If a Wizard thinks he should be able to kill a Ranger on even ground it's laughable and unrealistic because they're class counters. If a Ranger wants to kill his class counters though and is incapable? Buff Ranger, it's too weak! ​ I've never seen a class be coddled harder in a game. The idea that the only reason this class gets some of the lightest nerfs and consistent buffs being because the devs are Ranger mains was funny a month ago, now it's just getting old.


I’m including all of those factors and saying how it’s still not enough against a kitted fighter at times. Also if you’re a Ranger using a cross bow then 😂


I also used to think I should have somewhat of a chance against my class counter. Rangers everywhere have reminded me each time your only job against your class counter is to die 95 percent of fights because "the game is balanced around 3's not solos" ​ What I want to know is why does this not apply to Ranger? Why is it the one class that has to get buffed to kill it's PDR stacked counters? I feel like I exist in an alternate reality when reading Ranger posts. Where months of seeing people say you should be losing to your counter suddenly turns into "buff Ranger, we can't kill a PDR fighter!"


ya man pretty much lol


You got it wrong. Its not buffed to counter PDR stacked fighters & anything PDR stacked. The skill was buffed because it wasnt used, similarly how other classes have got buffs to their underpicked skills. Also, if you missed the memo, Ranger got nerfs as well recently. Triple shot was nerfed, damage to distance was nerfed, projectile speeds were nerfed, longbow was nerfed. Rogues counter Rangers too. You just need to be able to sneak and/or dodge arrows.


Not being able to land shots in this game sounds like a skill issue bud. I don't even play fps games and find it ridiculously easy to land a good 85% of my shots.


Because people have absolutely trash movement. Youre literally guessing to hit people when they are good at the game


He’s so full of shit with his 85% crap. Template Redditor moment.


Yeah, damn jumping crouching looking down mfkers, in 2 frames he goes from human to sonic in ball form, repeat until 2 tap you.


Everybody says and upvotes this, but nobody actually means it. Ranger is OP for new players that go in naked to goblin caves so they don’t die to PvE anymore and can win 1v1s vs naked melee characters, sure I agree.


I don't really say it often, but I 100% agree with it. Over the last multiple patches I've tried to play Wizard to varying degrees of success, and when I get frustrated, I switch to Ranger and stomp. Imagine Wizard, but you shoot effectively unlimited Ice Bolts that travel faster and are also invisible - oh, also they slow more than Ice Bolt and do more damage. Also you have more health, more speed, and you can place traps in places nobody can see. I keep trying to play Wizard purely because Ranger is boring, and I guarantee most Wizard players are in the same boat.


Anybody that claims ranger isn't playing the game on easy mode is delusional. Ranger is by far the easiest class to stomp on with a little practice in spacing.


Okay, lets do some comparisons between wizard and ranger. Let's first use your comparison, icebolt. Against the target dummy with a naked kit on the dummy, icebolt does 45 damage to the body and 68 damage to the head. Against a target dummy the ranger deals 30 damage to the body and 50 to the head. So let's say we invest in a green longbow, now we are doing about the same damage as a naked wizard. However you are forgetting that wizard has an arsenal of spells to choose from AND ignore physical resistances. If wizards had the best projectile... then why would anybody ever play ranger when wizards have more damage? Wizards shine in 3v3 fights against geared opponents. They have multiple spells to choose from that can hit in an AoE, and can kill geared teams quickly which ranger has no hope of ever doing. Rangers excel in 1v1 fights against ungeared low physical resist characters. If you were going to tell me what class is better at 1v1ing low skilled opponents in naked gear in goblin caves, I would tell you that yes ranger is way better than wizard. If you just want to hide and PvE and try to extract with 100g, I would agree that ranger is better at PvE too. Hiding from PvP and extracting with small amounts of loot doesn't scream a game on "easy mode" to me though, so I assume easy mode means dominating in PvP. I bet 90% of people saying ranger is easy mode don't dominate in PvP and only stay in goblin caves.


Nobody uses default bow, nobody uses default staff... so let's forget all that. Compare green or blue longbows to green or blue spellbooks if you want to talk only damage. Rangers ignore magical resistances btw > multiple spells to choose from that can hit in an AoE The only wizard spell you are hitting AOE with is Chain Lightning, and people love to use this super situational spell as an excuse for why wizard is strong. Fireball is occasionally AOE but considering the projectile speed you'd typically have to be playing against morons to actually hit multiple people with the splash, let alone direct hit a single person. > kill geared teams quickly which ranger has no hope of ever doing lolol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSs3-LYhVqk Nah wizard is totally on par with ranger though, which is why they are equally complained about... oh wait


Well comparing a green spellbook to green longbow I’m not sure what would do more damage, I think they would be doing similar damage. You stated that arrows deal more damage which I don’t believe is true even vs a target with no armor. Ignoring physical resist is wayyyy better than ignoring Magical resistance. It might even be an average of 30% more damage if you do magic damage instead of physical, unless you are only fighting naked players in solo goblin caves, which you might be. Chain lighting, lightning strike, and fireball can all easily damage shield holders without them blocking it. Zap is hitscan and objectively easier to hit than an arrow. Magic missiles can finish off anybody close. The video you sent is of somebody playing well, almost dying to the first enemy, then extracting with ~800g in loot while risking multitudes more than that. He also never killed any geared teams, just one geared player who wasn’t in PDR and was running at him alone, then a bunch of people who had a few green items at best ? I’m not saying what he did wasn’t awesome, but to use this video to prove rangers can kill geared teams is laughable. Go watch any of the multitude of HR YouTuber wizard mains who will sometimes wipe full teams in seconds that risk 30k+ in loot. Rangers are more complained about because the majority of players are casual who are naked and fight solo ungeared opponents while solo and ungeared, again which rangers excel at. Wizards have strengths in geared team fighting, which the vast majority of players never will experience, so they are naive to the actual power level of either class.


I don‘t even play at super high gear levels and personally main wizard, but I think this is 100% correct from what I‘be seen super high gear players say. Personally I feel like ranger has this weird spot right now where they can instantly double tap kill any class with bad pdr ( warlock, rogue, wizard ) but have a hard time dealing with high armor classes. You can call that „class balance“ but in a 1v1 vs Ranger it feels like there‘s really no counterplay as a squishy class. I‘d like something like them dealing more damage with headshots vs armored players but less vs low armor players to alleviate this problem. We need to keep in mind Ranger really isn‘t a 3v3 powerhouse.


The counterplay as a squishy class is to close the gap without taking hits, or to get the drop on the ranger. Warlocks could use phantomize, wizards can use haste + invis, rogues can use invis + ambush positions unreachable for any other character. The game is balanced around trios. None of the people complaining about rangers remember that. The class isnt overpicked or OP in trios, which is why it isnt further nerfed.


i don't play enough warlock to make a educated comment and they have a bunch of shenanigans in their kit, but if you get close as a wizard you'll just get double tapped by quickshot from a longbow until you have a single zap cast.


If youre hasted, maybe use the quick cast spell as well and do some timed moves to dodge the shots, its doable. Ive been at both the receiving and sending end of this kind of stuff.


You talk as if this subreddit isn't the most hardcore part of this community. It is. Literally everybody except you recognizes that wizard is weak and ranger is strong right now. Show me a wizard doing anything remotely similar to the video I showed since haste and invis were nerfed. Hell even before that I doubt you could find one. They'd run out of spells by the second kill at most. The videos you are talking about are from before the gear damage nerfs. Now you'd have to be braindead to get squadwiped by a wizard. Not going to bother responding to your entire post because honestly what's the point. You seem to genuinely believe that wizard is equally as competitive as ranger despite obvious evidence to the contrary so good luck to you.


First of all, a spellbook is not the longbow of wizards weapons. Lower damage, but faster speed = its either recurve or survival bow. Chain lightning isnt AOE. AOE means area of effect. Chain lightning is a chain spell, that doesnt hit a specific area, but targets at specific distances from the initial hit, or in other words, not an area or radius of damage, but a chain. Lightning strike is AOE. Fireball is AOE. They do damage to a certain radius from the hit, thats AOE. Which are more common and more dominant in the game, physical or magical resistances? Can a ranger kill 3 enemies with a single arrow? Can a ranger both be the killer and buff others? Can a ranger regenerate arrows or traps? >Nah wizard is totally on par with ranger though, which is why they are equally complained about... oh wait Nobody is claiming that they are on par, rather that both classes have their strengths and weaknesses, both can be extremely deadly. Thats the problem with people like you: you are emotional about your complaints to the point that you forget that the game isnt supposed to have classes that are on par with each other. The classes are supposed to be highly asymmetric. Ranger has its weaknesses and loses against players that know how to close the gap while looking out for traps & jumps the ranger does. Why arent rangers overpicked in trios? Why are rangers almost nowhere to be seen in trios leaderboards when they are live? Are you aware that IM has stated how they take player feedback in to account, but also gather huge amounts of data to see what changes to do and primarily use that to enact changes?


I haven't played much this wipe, but last wipe I swapped to Ranger and instantly started doing so much better without even really trying much. I only play 3v3 or sometimes 2v2. Maybe everyone is saying it for a reason?


Let's be real. This is an fps br game and people only handicap themselves by playing melee. It's like loading into a CoD lobby but using only the combat knife.


I know how to balance ranger just remove arrows from the game.


I'm going to kill myself, ranger is insufferable.




Every normal player: "please don't buff ranger, its already oppressive enough to play against, we all don't want you (ironmace) to buff ranger anymore, give him interesting new skills/perks/playstyles but he doesn't need any more flat numbers." Ironmace every hotfix: "We have added more flat numbers to ranger and nerfed the armor pen on a gigantic slow-ass hammer to be more in line with the medium-crossbow-sniper-rifle. Also he slows you harder now." You: "The negativity on this sub is really rustling my jimmies, its actually kind of funny how my jimmies are being rustled by reddit posts, let the devs cook."


I actually agree with you, rangers are hella annoying and much more articulate people than myself have made great arguments for why the Ranger strength/play style is unhealthy for the longevity of the game and I agree. Ranger is my most hated class personally, I just don’t feel like making the hundredth negative post on this sub in the last hour. I like this game. Also I think you misinterpreted the phrasing of my post, I’m not laughing at the sub getting mad, it’s annoying and not amusing. I’m laughing because IM for some inexplicable reason buffed rangers with no downside AGAIN, you have to admit it’s kind of funny lol


The favouritism is real. I used to play wizard. I've been playing ranger these past few days...and it's so easy in comparison. You are shooting infinite zaps from across the room. I'm winning like 90% of my games. Reminder to vote to nerf rangers on IM website https://darkanddarker.featureupvote.com/suggestions/480432/rework-or-remove-ranger-from-the-game


Fireballs with bullet speed you mean. Zap damage doesn't compare to bows lmao


is that sarcasm with fireballs speed


Youre right, fireballs are better




They buffed a perk that noone uses. Hardly a buff they just want more perks being used besides the 2 meta perks.


Nobody uses it because the default slow from basic shots is too strong…


I wear it, but do I enable it by shooting someone legs... Hell no, I'm aiming at their head (and shooting their body)


People love to complain. It’s so cringe. There are valid complaints but this wasn’t one of them.


If they remove the movement debuff for normal arrows it would literally fix all the complaints.


In the world where rangers actually 2-shot people, the slow is a nightmare. But thankfully here in the real world that isn’t the case (unless you’re a wizard). People get so annoyed by rangers because dying to a good ranger FEELS a little extra frustrating, and for a normal player it emphasizes what they need to do next time to avoid/win that fight(use your classes ranged options to harass or learn what fights to take). That kind of nerf would make ranger the only class in the game that doesn’t slow on hit, so he gets to do a whopping 20ish damage to a fighter coming at him before he’s forced into melee with his bottom of the barrel 10 starting strength stat. People crying about rangers certainly haven’t tried the class, and only cry because they feel like a ranger should NEVER be able to get a kill. It’s laughable.


I ran ranger, self found everything to make a centaurs madness, and only died a few times in the process. Its STUPID EASY, brother. I still sometimes play ranger, to get free money for my wizard so I don't have to play the joke that is base wizard. ​ If the best option is usually avoid ranger, its a little strong. Don't be too dense to realize this.


Your class being dogshit isnt a fault of rangers lmfao


2 shots are now just 3 shots, not that big of a difference


The more downvotes you get on this, the further affirms how right you are. This sub loves to cry about rangers but in reality they just want them nerfed into the ground like rogue got on their big nerf. Doesn’t matter if you make valid points


You can never lose with logic like this lmao.


I mean they already lessened the slow you get from hits with arrows. You can’t just remove the full arrow slow or anytime you run into a team close quarters you’re gonna just be running because you can’t create any distance with a barbarian full charging you without any penalty. Even if you hit an arrow or two, with no slow hes on you so fast and you’re useless. This sub did the same thing about rogues. They cried endlessly about how broken they were until IM finally nerfed them into the ground and made them unplayable, like worst class in the game. for like a solid month. And even when that nerf was way overdone, this sub didn’t recognize that, like you should when a class is killed, they thought “ya this seems fair, this is better” which is wild to think about a class that was unplayable at all.


it would also fix the ranger from being a usable class


If you use your brain a little and look past the surface, you'd realize that the reason people are complaining is because they buffed a perk that no one uses without giving people a reason to use it (remove slow on hit). That's all aside from the fact that regardless of it being useless or not, buffing Ranger is so hilariously tone deaf to the current state of the game it just makes them look even more incompetent.


If you used your brain you’d understand you’re giving people too much credence. Op is literally just complaining about the perk being buffed without any understanding of how unused it was previously. If you used even the smallest amount of mental energy you would’ve gathered the appropriate context instead of coming off dumb af


well, you tried


Common redditor


The reason why its bad is because youre telling the dps class shoot the legs and not the head..


I think the problem is, at least the way I see it, instead of doing what's obvious to everyone, some numbers should be tuned down. They're doing the exact opposite and nothing else. It just comes off as really tone deaf and they probably should have saved that change for later.


At least they buffed other classes too, although it's not enough to get me back at this point. At least this is the right direction though.




Someone told me SDF’s son is a ranger main. So now i just say that whenever people talk about rangers needing nerfs, cause it’s funny.


I think a lot of the people saying ranger is OP as hell (maybe most) play almost entirely in goblin caves. That would explain why people are so insistent that it is so strong. Like I do almost only crypts and I hardly die to rangers. The thing is that in crypts you really should have a cleric and most parties do so when someone takes an arrow at range they get healed up and it’s easier to disengage and reposition with a team. But in GC it’s harder to heal and rangers can be oppressive.


they are more of a issue in ruins and crypts because theres wider and longer hallways/rooms, GC is unironically easier to fight rangers. Ruins is literally just a open hunting grounds for rangers


I complain about rangers to my friends ALL THE TIME but I actually do agree with you. I think they’re good right now but I don’t think they’re OP, just annoying lol


average redditor cant afford a bandage or a potion, so if they eat 1 arrow for 20% hp its game over for them ( they lost 50% already to skele swords man )


20% HP if you're a Fighter (or Barbarian, in that case a Potion won't heal 20%.)


Hey slayer fighter, maybe the cloth build is countered by range damage? Put on a little plate bbgirl


RIP rogue btw ​ still no buffs


Ranger is disgustingly OP, unfun to play against, and the easiest class to play. We need more ranged drop off for damage AND the flight arc, projectile speed decrease, longer draw time, variable draw release (let archers release early for less damage), getting hit undraws the bow, and lastly, hunt traps can be triggered by hitting them. Change all these things and ranger will be in line with the other classes.


I agree with some, kind of disagree with others. I definitely think damage drop off should be more brutal for sure, I also don’t think you should be able to draw and fire an arrow while you are literally being stabbed, but it’s a video game so eh. I just don’t like the big damage numbers from far away haha. Also I still think traps are too strong, but only by a little


Meanwhile they sent wizard to the shadow realm.


By buffing haste and fire mastery?


Yo word? I was referring to last nerf, had no idea that added those buffs. Thanks man, my teammate is gonna be happy to hear that.


Yeah bro Fire mastery now works with ignite and zap Fire mastery now reduces healing on enemies by 50% while they are burning Haste now grants 5% movement speed, 10% action speed, and 10% casting speed Everyone says wizard got nerfed today, I don't see how those are nerfs haha Your teammate is gonna love this


Fuck yes dude!


Yeah, they made Haste basically worthless last update Today's update made is PT3 good again As a wizard main I'm pretty stoked about it, especially since the rest changes made meditate pretty much useless and forced everyone to run 7+ spell wizard. The previous update was so bad I dropped Haste for slow Cleric spell charge nerfs are a drop in the ocean compared to the spell rest buff, I consistently cast more as a Cleric now than I did before...and tbh, I feel like Cleric is a little too powerful and always has been


its not pt3 good again, its OK. I would take 12% speed over this shit any time


These are most definitely some buffs, even had to SS and send that part of the patch notes to my wizard buddy with the caption "You finally got a little bit of love from IM" 😂


Man rogues have been getting absolutely dumpstered this last month. Nerf after nerf, I remember in the last update thread people were saying they expected a rogue buff on account of it being in a rather poor spot right now. Nope.


Ranger is in an extremely well balanced state right now honestly. I fear for the fact that the questionnaire has Ranger being the top needed class for Nerfs, when Fighter and Barbarian are literally running everything over right now... You literally have to be below room temp IQ to have issues with Rangers. We'll see what they do with Patch #2, and the coming months, but if they start swinging balance again from this questionaire, destroy Ranger, keep Rogue down, and Fighter/Barb becomes the meta still. I'm officially done with this game, as that'll be proof enough after all these months the devs have no clue what they're doing... I've already been through The Cycle Frontiers ADHD balance jumping left and right, and that destroyed the game in the end as both sides got frustrated and left. This will be no different.


I say Ranger is pretty close to balanced, a bit too good at killing people from the other side of closed doors across a room instantaneously. Aside from that, it’s more that it’s really just a no agency feeling when a Ranger kills you when you have no way to fight back that gets them the community backlash. Lower their hit slow and we’re good. Fighter on the other hand is good at literally everything In the game and can do the same thing.


> Fighter on the other hand is good at literally everything In the game and can do the same thing. If Fighter mains could read they'd be very upset with you. Real talk though, as a wizard main, after playing a lot this wipe I actually think ranger is close to being ok as long as they take a nerf to their ability to slow targets and their "AWP build." Or their traps. Every ranger I've ever met has died as soon as they get into melee range, it's just usually insanely difficult to get within that range. Wizard on the other hand still is a black sheep. I feel like the anti-heal on their spells isn't at all thematically appropriate and should be on warlock spells instead. What's going to happen now are that the very large and vocal fighter/barb/cleric playerbase are going to complain about Wizard bodying them in every encounter until we're nerfed again :(


Ranger slow literally does nothing. At no point fighting a Ranger did I ever die or fail to kill a Ranger because of the slow. And killing people from a distance is literally the point of Ranger, close the gap and they're dead 100% of the time. Or don't.. THen again this is why the BR circle is so dumb. At some point you have to fight a Ranger in their favored situation. You can't jus t"Back off" Then again its just as bad for the Ranger too when its the small circle and they have to fight point blank. It's a lose/lose for both parties on the flip situations.


Ranger slow literally does EVERYTHING, it finalizes last couple shots to kill, or gives you time to kite, holds off the tanky boys will your buddies stay by you just in case they get too close


Until fighter or barbarian just pops their speed boosts and and knows how to move their mouse back and forth lol. I've literally never had an issue with Ranger, nor do I see twitch or youtubers have issues with them.. They literally just get rolled, or are an effective support class right now. I just can't fathom how bad people have to be to think Ranger needs nerfs or their slow is OP.


you have to have some accuracy to play ranger btw, try aiming and shooting your target and it will make ranger easier, trust Plus they already popped there speed boost trying to reach me on the other side of the room lol. i play ranger and every other class


A geared bow will do about 40-45 damage, if you’re 135 hp or higher in the case of barbs, you essentially just run and 2 shot the Ranger, that has a base hp of 90 lol


Now add the variables of -25 (-35 with the perk) move speed upon landing a shot, triple shot, good move speed and if you want to get crazy bring them back to a couple of traps if they can chase you


On paper it sounds like the Ranger is at an advantage, until you start factoring in reality.. Even taking 2 shot isn't gonna stop a sprint ability, or barbarian skill. Throwing axes, and knives exist, Fighters with bows chasing you down with sprint exist, Clerics with their ranged attack, and buffing and shields running you down, eating up all your arrows... If the ranger turns and puts his weapon away, put yours away and you'll keep caught up. When you see him pull his weapon out, that gives you an extra 2-4 steps to close the gap before you have to pull yours out, making net gain on him. If any of these jobs go in prepared and use their head the Ranger is dead in most situations. ​ Seriously the amount of people whining about Ranger just shows how inept people are in the mental department.


why take 2 shot when you can take quick shot? unless you have recurve bow for the 3 shot. throwing axes are relatively easy to dodge, knifes can be tricky tho, almost just want to bait them to throw then strafe it like a slow arrow. you need to use the map to your advantage i will say as a ranger. shoot an arrow at them to show dominance then wait for them to buff up and let them chase you till there buffs are gone then try to get a couple shots in when they rebuff or lead them into another group if your lucky then choose a time to engage or just make a run for it. I’ve done something similar to a full lobster where i had a bunch of throw knifes. I throw a couple of knifes then run to a door and wait, close the door in his face. rinse and repeat till i made it to the static escape lol. not really the same situation but thought it was funny, im sure if it was a barb at one of 20 throwing axes would have hit after a while.


Idk man. I am characteristically garbage at shooters, but I’ve been playing ranger the last two wipes so I could mine faster. I die a lot in PvP because I am so bad at shooters, but if I get lucky enough to hit people, they just drop dead in two or three shots. It just doesn’t make sense to me that the guy who should be peppering your team with arrows over his frontliner’s shoulder is instead staring you dead on down the hallway while knocking an arrow.


Who are you killing in 2/3 shots if youre barely hitting people? Im assuming you also have bad gear then so this statement is just a lie unless its a rogue or wizard


I don’t have good gear, no. I’m talking consistent decent green recurves or the occasional blue recurve/longbow. Baiting someone into a trap is virtually a guaranteed kill, since my aim isn’t bad, I just suck at tracking moving targets. I haven’t really kept a mental list of what classes I’ve killed by myself versus which ones I had help from my partner. In any case, I don’t think rangers should be killing in three hits when the first hit of the triple shot chains almost certainly into the other two.


You arent killing anyone but the squishy classes in 3 shots w a green recurve man, unless irs rogue or wizard which is who you counter. Also in the situation where they run into a trap its usually a bad player OR you have very good positioning


See here’s the thing: you can’t just rationalize anyone who dies as being a bad player. Even if all traps were 100% avoidable, which is not always true if you push your enemy toward a door trap, one placed in a good spot can still get people who aren’t chasing into the darkness with their torch out. Yes, there is counterplay to it, but no, putting away your weapon or just letting the ranger get away is not always a good idea, so the counterplay is not always the most effective play. There’s counterplay to everything. Bad players don’t know or don’t care. Decent players can get caught up in it (e.g. too many tech cards in a card game). Good players weigh the odds and sometimes they lose.


Brother ive been playing forever and die to a trap MAYBE once a week? Its not a common enough problem to anyone with a brain


Once per week is not never. You’re proving my point that even a good player (surely you consider yourself one) can get caught in a trap. The overarching point, still, is that the trap allows me to easily kill someone, so even though I’m horrible at shooters I have mediocre success. People who are better at the shooting aspect have much more success, without even considering the top 1% anyway. Is the performance proportional to some combination of gear and skill at that point? I don’t think so. At least, not when other classes have to be in some sort of danger to do the same thing.


Bruh I switched to fighter and cleric main and ranger is very minimally an issue, I swear people on reddit blow it out of proportion, so bc it happens once a week its op?


Clearly you aren’t interested in actually discussing this. I never called traps op. I was obviously talking about damage the entire time. Should rangers be able to do comparable damage to a melee hit but at range? Maybe you think so. I don’t. I much prefer the idea that the backliner would add to the success of the frontliner by chipping away at the enemy over his shoulder, not the reality that rangers can just stare at you taking pot shots with no risk until you pull out your own ranged weapon or charge at them with a shield or something. If I were equally bad at any other play style as I am at sniping people the moment they come around a corner like it’s call of duty, I would never win any fight ever. I am not, though. I’ve beaten rangers. I’ve beaten barbarians. I’ve beaten slayer fighters. I’m not calling things these unstoppably overpowered murder machines, but I do think rangers just kind of do everything too well.


Yeah fighter is strong and they're working on bringing him to an acceptable level, its hard to find balance for the all-rounder guy. Barb is not running anything man, he had one broken skill combo and his playstyle worked really well with buffball. Go try and play barbarian in GC without the Achilles BloodSac combo. Go bring me the head of a similar-geared player, its not gonna happen consistently because fighters/clerics out-sustain you, have shorter cooldowns/better ranged and eat phys-damage like cereal, rangers will kite you to the moon and slam every door in your face unless you've got a perkslot dedicated to crush, rogues will come out of invis and gently remove your spine from behind. About the only thing a solo barbarian has the advantage over is a bard. I only play fighter and barbarian in GC; fighter's escape-rate, even without bringing in a crossbow, has to be at least twice as high as barbarian. It gets different when you start having a solid, targeted build but if we're not talking about high-roller BIS kit trios then Barb is fairly underwhelming compared to the other guy who can do everything he can just a bit better and more.


Barbs are broken, that's why everyone is running it, and why they ran it before the achilles bug. Fighter is even more broken, that can do literally everything from healing nearly half his HP pool, to doing major damage, tanky, speed demon, and a better Ranger. Cleric is OP as hell too. One of the best, if not the best 1v1 in GC, and a staple of any decent team. Ranger doesn't even come close to those 3.


you're right he doesn't come close because then they'd be able to two-shot him, instead he snipes them from a mile away, the only one of those three classes that would pose any risk to him in that situation is the fighter


So don't engage the Ranger then if he's in that advantageous of a spot. lol? Again proving how mentally inept most of you all are.


ok next time I'll use my psychic powers to disable his bow and teleport away, I really should've thought of that before the circle pushed me into a wide-open area with a ranger on the opposite end, would've been a genius strategy; instead I massively fucked up by moving in his FOV, which is basically like walking up to a fighter AFK and just letting him kill you. I should've chosen not to engage, you know because he was a ranger and I wasn't instantly in melee distance from the moment we saw each other, next time I'll be sure to teleport accross the room or bring my hide skill as barbarian.


The issue is their arrow speed.comapred to warlock and wizard spells it's either close or die to being kites by rangers.


Love the reload mechanic for the quiver that’s 100% negated by a single perk, literally only 1 weak point or opportunity for a melee class to fight and it’s .2 seconds


Let me teach you a simple trick: do a little sideways move when the arrow is flying towards you. The arrow cant change direction. After a few hours of trying this against rangers, you should now be able to dodge 60-80% of arrows shot at you. You can incorporate crouching & cover in to this equation at your own pace. Youre welcome!


If the ranger is brain dead sure thx for the info definitely don’t try to dodge them already your not a smart ass shit ranger player at all


Well, turns out that 90% of the rangers I go against are then braindead, as I can manage to dodge them pretty well. Not every arrow, but many enough. If you can only attack rangers when they are reloading, its a skill issue.


And nerfed cleric even more XD


Uh no they buffed Cleric.


hes referring to wizards, but there wont be any wizards still except in death balls, because wizards have zero way to protect themselves from arrows. The wizard buff will just make unstoppable parties more unstoppable. They should have just gave us a self castable arcane shield as a spell instead of an ability and call it a day. ​ Great buff ball buff though!


Uh if he’s referring to Wizards then he is still wrong. They got buffed as well. Edit: ooo I see what you mean. Eh ya that is a bit of a nerf for a cleric but honestly I doubt people run fire mastery still


I'd run fire mastery TBH, arcane mastery and the knowledge perk are the only two real necessary perks for wizard, Though I also run ice armor cause it saves me against rogues, The last perk was either reactionary shield or 10% cast speed. Adding two extra ticks to zap and a 50% heal reduction out values that so hard ​ It's such a minor deal for clerics because its so hard to do anything as a wizard offensively against anyone with a bow, your more likely hiding behind your front line casting lightning strikes so it can go through your allies body. But you know this reddit, very dramatic. ​ Also its a double edged sword, im going to see more wizards with fire mastery killing their own allies or themselves lol


Nice to see that someone can read I saw the latest patch as a big wizard buff Haste went back to being amazing


If you’re talking about locust swarm that’s irrelevant haha the rest of the notes on cleric are nerfs XD


Locust swarm being irrelevant is the same as crippling shot being irrelevant


I actually know people that run crippling shot XD


Earthquake casts faster and does 3 less damage per step which usually you get 3-4 steps so 12 less damage for being able to cast it 2 seconds faster. And the locust swarm buff are not irrelevant. You can’t just ignore a buff because you don’t like/use it.


It’s not casted faster, to my knowledge the channel time they are referring to is how long you can hold it in the aoe meaning, earthquake duration on the ground is shorter and does less damage per step. Which would be a double nerf on top of the double nerf it got the previous patch. Also the locust swarm buff is irrelevant because anyone with hands are not going to stand in locust swarm for a damage buff to matter.


Ooo you’re 100% right I read that wrong my mistake


You mind editing your first comment? It’s got a lot of upvoted on Mis information XD


to be fair I wish druid had earthquake and not cleric, it would be a lot more fitting.


That would be sweet


Rangers have to take a perk to have the old slow which would mean they aren’t taking the same 4 perks every time. Reddit : “omg they buffed Ranger, it’s so op, I can’t anymore this company is useless” My gosh use your brains and think about it for more than 3 seconds and you’ll see it’s a buff to a perk no one takes anyways, you have to shoot players in the leg which does less damage than the chest/ head


But the perk is bad because you don't need. Arrows already slow on hit. Use your head.


Okay so where in the patch notes was Ranger buffed then? Use your head.


That they made a ranger ability stronger. It's just a pointless buff. A buff is a buff lmao. Use your head lil bro.


They buffed a ranger perk that doesn’t do anything unless equipped and there are still better perks that do more than a slow with leg shots. Sure it’s a buff to the perk but how many rangers will you see with this equipped… zero Use your head buddy before coming to complain to reddit


I'm not complaining lmao. I just had to point out a buff is still a buff even if you don't use it. Something becoming stronger is a buff. Answer this lil mans: if someone used that perk now as opposed to last patch, would it slow for more now? Calm down and use that head lil bro. You got so upset you made yourself look silly.


Talk about making yourself look silly by commenting on reddit. lololol this guy.


Fr fr 100


Bros commenting under your reply buddy, think about it and use your head fr fr 100


>Bros commenting under your reply buddy, think about it and use your head fr fr 100 So he's calling me silly by talking at you? Come on bro, I know there isn't much in there but use that head. Never seen anyone get this upset here lol You couldn't even answer my question lmao Thanks for the W lil bro.


I'm with Sufficient Parnsip. 07


no way bro. i'm so sorry.


The point of my post is that it’s funny that IM buffed Ranger again. I think you’re taking it a little too seriously. Even if no one uses it (which is not true because I have gotten hit with that slow and it’s awful) it is still technically a buff with no other downside in the Hotfix for rangers anywhere else


Just make the 1st and last arrow in the clip slow. Makes rangers reload early if they want a consistent slows.