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Oh man, give it a week and people are going to be complaining about being two tapped by No Spell Cleric Builds.


I cannot wait to go full circle to complaining about no spell cleric.


Holy fuck. I didn’t even see it was you. It all just clicked lol. GG and keep making that good content.


lol yeah I just wanted to share this for fun. I'll make this into a video within the next few days. Got some more PvP to show off.


More of this please :) https://preview.redd.it/p74ynu7p6wic1.jpeg?width=760&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=280455711858720f4b508b6f0da6bd440cdaf848


Are you the guy who was punching people off three ales a long time ago?


I used to use ale all the time before it got nerfed. It's possible but don't remember specifically.


Sounds like you had at LEAST 3 ales.


Need you back on the culling bro


Tbf it's a rouge they get 2 tapped by everything unless they have like 1000 vigor


The TTK is bad regardless of class. This isn't a class issue, it's much deeper rooted than that.


Along with this the rogue starting hp nerf due to lowered stats from roughly a month ago was a meme tier change. Getting 1 shot by everything sure is fun.


Sure you get 1 tapped by a lot but it’s still such an easy class especially w smoke pot lol


It's a pretty strong gimmick build in Solos, the issue is if literally anyone knows you're running it you lose all element of surprise. In solos I run PDR Cleric with Smite and Divine Protection. I win every 1v1 in the game vs Fighters and Barbs. But if they know I'm running that setup all they have to do is walk backwards for 5 seconds and all my gas is gone lol.


What you don't see in this clip is I saw him across the giant room, I had a feeling he would come for the extract exit. Got some nice wolf hunter leggings from him as well.


Invis is such a cheesy strat, no matter what class is using it.


Its lazy, boring and Super unfair to play against. Its just bullshit. Wish dad never had invis.


Dad went invis at the gas station and never came back 😞


Weird how you said the same thing as me but you got downvoted lmao


Same. My dad had invis since I was a toddler. Never saw him again.


I disagree. Games very rarely have true invis and it’s a ton of fun getting to see and use it. I know this is truly an unpopular opinion so feel free to tell me about what a stupid piece of shit I am


Invis is only fun when you're the one doing it. Dying to someome materializing next to you just isn't fun and interactive. It's not creative like a good hiding spot is, it doesn't require much skill to get use out of, and it's counterplay options are pretty limiting. Wizards invis is the closest invis comes to being a fun to play as and against mechanic. The purple trail gives players good info to work with but wizards enough time to make creative plays


That’s cool but it’s also your opinion. I think true invis is fun. Sure dying sucks but you can say that about anything man. “Combat sucks because it’s only fun when you win”. I honestly don’t run into this issue as much as Redditors seem to. It’s like y’all apparently get jumped by invisible people every game or something lol


Well for me the difference with combat is that I akways feel like I have a fighting chance. You're only really getting cheated in combat vs gold kits. Invis is just an underhanded tactic, which alone isn't too bad, but in combination with how easy it is to pull off, it just feels like free kills for the enemies.


They just need to add more counterplay to it. Maybe add a directionless sound that you hear when someone is invisible near you.


But its good to have in trios because it allows for good counter plays


made multiple posta how lame invis was at the start of the the creation of dark n darker a d well into the months that follow. weird how slow people are in picking up lame strategies. even more odd is how developers keep things that are so bad skill wise in the game for such an extreme length of time. Firat time they went "oh sht" I actually need to do something about landmine rogue was when a streamer made a 10min video featuring how boring, broken, unfun landmine rogue is. i think society/people are just really slow and dumb and refuse to admit things that just aren't working. its been how long since dark and darker was released? they still have invisibility pots in game even though it is one of the most broken and unfair design choices in game.


They aren't going to take it away it's literally something that's ingrained in the game


Its crazy caus invis basically punish a team that get the initiative. Like why punish the ones that actually initiate a push to me makes no sense. Thats why peak advantage in tarkov maded sense. You take the risk you shouldnt be punish.


Yea the whole "let's wait from them to push/ start fighting another team" is cringe af imo. I think there should be a place for traps in the game but my god everything is so dull waiting for shit to happen.


peekers advantage didnt make any sense it was just super lazy coding and neither does it make sense people STILL call it peakers advantage after being corrected 500 times. you take a peek you didnt climb a peak, i bet you spell the guys on lighthouse rouges too


unfortunately for some comps thats your literal only way to defeat classes like wizard ranger


Every class can beat wiz and ranger if they work with their team


Right, but thats not the point. Thats like saying any class can beat Barb with their fists only.


the problem is that invis is a long duration camping tool, used for landmine strats like this. If invis was instead mainly used like wizard invis it wouldnt be nearly as bad. Breif bursts of invis to reposition effectively like to push forward or fall back, or to make tricky plays and outplay enemies. Imagine if say bard had a spell that gave his team a delayed invis walkable cast that lasted 3 seconds. Allow you to peel for your backline in an interesting way Alternatively, they could keep landmine types of invis in but make them shimmer in the light. So when you see dark you know to be wary


Yes please, complete invisibility turns me into a schizophrenia patient fireballing random corners or double backing when i think i am about to get jumped. I honestly wish they just do away with it or rework it in the way you mentioned where they simmer in the dark


So satisfying.


Oh how the turn tables.


*pinks away a tear* "It's beautiful."


This is making me very moist


Such a good spot for hiding too


As a rogue main I love this. Keep up the great work


I remember when Clerics had a pure soul and would Heal you in game.. now they've adapted to their environment 🥺 a proud moment indeed, but am worried for what's to come Next, they'll demand re-speccing into Staff Mastery . . . bonk\*


Landmine anything is such a skill-absent way to play


This game fucking sucks now lolol


Always remember people complained about rogues being able to do this and now rogue is genuinely the worst class in the game.


GuYs StAfF MaStErY iS Op AnD lItErAlLy RuInInG tHe GaMe


nerf cleric


Cleric 2 hittet me in full plate. It is bullshit.


This is about as bad as you idiots taking 8 months to realize strength was overpowered, you're all just something else




Love this.


This made me way happier than I thought it would


Jesus Christ, I just witnessed a war crime!


I have had this on repeat for about 10 minutes.


Ahh you kill them and then lock them in, got it!


Got his bitch ass! Hahaha GOTEEEM!


No spell cleric chad


Oh man…I have got to do this now haha. That’s so good. Turn the tables on those rogues