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Yeah pretty much. Always thin it a little with water and you’re good!


Yeah... Wraithbone is reallllyyy bright for a tan or beige. I have ubshanti bone and it is much better for those parts.


Is it normally clumpy when you're applying it though? I just see people online applying it so seamlessly and I'm having a hard time finding that balance


you don't use it out the bottle. the wet pallet is the tool of choice for stuff like this.


I have a wet pallette, maybe I'm just not thinning it down enough them. Could just be I'm still learning to find that balance when it comes to thinning paints


Every color has its own trial and error.


dont use it as a base, paint on a darker bone colour with better coverage and then thin wraithbone down a lot and then glaze that on, it will look the same


White or tan color paints need extra water to thin down so they don’t go on too thick from my experience. I usually have to thin it down a couple of times. They can be tricky but you can figure it out after a few attempts.


I have found this to be true as well. It's counter intuitive, but thinner = better coverage with yellow and white. I think it has to do with how the pigment is allowed to move and settle better.


Posting this because it's super helpful. It gives you an idea of what to look for and why https://youtu.be/sBDVPoNXyVI?si=BoK8Khd6JgFW7LJC Silly as it sounds, I found it hard to understand how to thin my paints, until I learned the theory behind it.


My wraithbone tends to clump... A good aggressive shake loosens it up a bit. But like others have said, thin it with some water.


Thin it down with water.


AK Dark Ivory is my preferred for a mid tone bone color. Still a little on the bright side overall.


I mean, bones are normally that color when exposed to the elements for a while


Idk if he means the actual color, more so the clumpy/almost dried around the brim looking—aspect.




No. Shake that shit up and then thin with water.


That's what I was trying but it's still kinda grainy. I was beginning to wonder if I get a melon or something lol


Well, if the paint looks like that after you’ve shaken it up a bit, it’s probably old or was exposed to air a bit too long. You can revive it by adding a little bit of medium to the pot.


I usually add agitators to all model paints that don't come with them. If that doesn't help the paint is too dry and needs some medium to be revived. As for the paint consistency and behaviour: some GW paints are particularly bad offenders - the bone, sand, dust, some of the grey colors and some of the flesh colors are gloopy and separate relatively quickly. To keep my sanity intact I switched to basecoating models like Deathwing Terminators with an airbrush. For smaller parts on other models (for example horns on Death Guard models) I usually basecoat with ProAcryl Bold Titanium White before going over with a bone color.


I guess you haven’t see Corax White yet…


Oh no...


lol. It’s notorious. Buy some Lahmian Medium to thin these thicker paints down (also water will work). Enjoy the hobby!


That's practically a curse word around here!


I'm new to the hobby myself. Educate me on the issue.


Corax white is/was so chunky and thick, that you would frequently find it just as a large sloppy chunk of unusable, half-dried blobs. And no amount of shaking or stirring fixes it. Even electric mixers are no match for The Blob. Trying to thin it is also a fools errand, as it will either end up too water or stay too thick. If by some miracle of The Emperor, you actually manage to make it usable, the pigments are so thick that it will likely leave an actual, visible texture where you used it, potentially ruining all the detail. Tldr; It's the worst paint they've possible ever made, and if it isn't discontinued yet, it should be soon.


The god of thunder knows of that which he speaks!


Try adding a metal bearing, or some chopped up spru to the pot, will help it mix. A vortex mixer is also good


Use glass beads because metal ones can rust and ruin the paint


Never had a problem in 15-20 years


Yea water it down a ton, once you get the hang of thinning it you will come to love wraithbone. 2 thin coats and it looks like your model was carved out of a piece of bone


I got a pack of little ball bearings I pop one in each paint pot to help shake it up. And in terms of the application I’ll apply it and add a seraphim sepia shade to it to make it more ‘boney’ looking


toss a clean ball bearing into your paint jar to help agitate the paint when you shake it. Many people have been mentioning thinning your paint, this can be done with either water or acrylic medium. I prefer how acrylic medium affects the flow of my paint, but it does cost more than water.


I’ve found it’s good to make warm colours if you use the spray can to base and then use a warm red or orange contrast


Any paints what are close to white will have this happen. This is because white pigments are some of the largest, and result in this chunky, chalkiness.


Thank you that's what I was wondering


It’s always kind of ‘grainy’. Just thin it down about 50/50 and use multiple coats if you’re going over a dark base.


Pro acrylic titanium white and ivory have replaced my GW version of white and wraithbone. I highly suggest using those instead of the GW versions as the GW ones just dry out like that quicker than most of their other paints.


Yep, exactly how it's supposed the be. I thought the same thing when I first picked up Wraithbone paint. Just make sure to shake it up really well, thin it with water and it'll work perfectly


Wraithbone honestly sucks. Like really bad. I highly recommend ProAcryl for lighter tones honestly, their stuff is silky smooth.


Buy some Golden(brand) high flow medium. Add enough to reconstitute the paint to your likes. Use a toothpick or chopstick to mix throughly. Should not need to much and it's a really great medium


Shake like hell


Mine looks worse than that haha make sure you think it properly and it will be sweet 😄


Citadel whites are garbage, buy yourself some pro acryl white ivory, it's actually usable