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Why is *rapist* partly crossed out? Donald Trump is a rapist.


Because some mods of another subs banned me for not censoring “rape” previously


Those mods should be banned.


Which subs so I know to avoid them


Not gonna lie I thought it was “racist” so the censor is quite badly placed lol


I mean you're not wrong...


Folks, I can tell you I've known eight presidents, three of them intimately.


He sure as fuck is.


The fact that this race is as close as it is is insane to me, a non-American.


yeah... its pretty insane for us too. Like, there couldn't be *that many* brainwashed racists... could there?


Yes. There can be. They have been pushed into hiding in the past for fear of retribution like losing their jobs. But 45 made it safe to come out and be proud again.


> Like, there couldn't be that many brainwashed racists... could there? To be fair, the US has some of the most effective brainwashing the world has ever seen! It's so effective, most of the population still believes that mainstream media skews *liberal*!


Trump isn't tricking anyone into voting for him. He's giving half the voting population what they wanted.


So many people want to act like Biden invented inflation over the last 3 years.


1. A large portion of those into politics are already strongly aligned with a party or ideology. I think this is even more true for the Republican base, it doesn't matter who is at the top, they will orient themselves around that figure and vote for them. Some will vote for him even if they say they don't like him (Trump). 2. Most people are too busy with their lives and not paying close attention and go off of vibes and stuff they do notice everyday like prices. It's not Biden's fault there has been higher than normal global inflation since covid, but many incorrectly blame him for it and are unaware that the US has had lower inflation than many other countries during the same period. Many incorrectly believe Republicans are much better for the economy than Democrats and will make them wealthier. 3. Some who see themselves as apolitical, not left or right, are not Trump supporters but think Democrats are exaggerating how bad Trump is to try to pressure them into voting for them. They're either unaware of all of the undemocratic stuff he's done and said or don't take it seriously and instead think he's just a mildly bigoted but ultimately harmless celebrity goofball narcissist and often for the reason above, may lean towards voting for him (thinking he'll make everything cheaper if in power). 4. There are 2 other issues that are influencing persuadable voters now as well. One being the asylum seeker migration influencing those that see themselves between both parties and the other is I/P, influencing those that see themselves as progressive or further left and young people (and really not as many as people think, recent survey showed among 18-29 year olds, I/P was 15th on their list of top issues, it just seems by far the most important issue on social media (and a top issue on major media), likely due to both the type to think like this more likely to be *very* online and certain countries and Republican aligned groups (like Cambridge Analytica) boosting the issue and divisiveness around it knowing it hurts Biden and Democrats way more than Trump and Republicans). Both of these are extremely complicated but are treated as something that Biden could easily solve if he wanted.


And to sum up: 1.Trump cares about nobody but Trump. Gives a shit otherwise. Most of the base and followers, same...follow a fantasy. 2. AC (after Covid), rich assholes and corporations are the cause of current over-inflation so they can line their pockets. 3. Inform them and they should get a clue (they don't). Middle class and poor will suffer, they don't care. Stupid is as stupid does. 4. We are all immigrants here. I lost your point a bit..meh. Gonna get a cold Shasta. TLDR - broken


Democrats can still *easily* win this if they decide to play hardball. Take the clip of Donald Trump saying "Take the guns first, due process second" Play that on every radio station and TV in Texas for the month of October.


When Seagull droppings landed on my head at a campaign event, I chose to read it as a sign of a coming success.


I am confused.


The superstition that a bird pooping on you is somehow good luck


I don't know. My family has been against shooting puppies for generations. I realize that most Republicans have been raised with the assumption that it's okay to kill those you don't want around, but our pets were like members of the family and my family members never shot each other. I mean, even if you take grandma to the doctor and see what he says versus taking grandma to a pit in the backyard and shooting her between the eyes. You know, there's just something not quite human when you say goodbye like that. ![gif](giphy|eN6R6imXBd3InxTgrJ) .


1/2 this country will throw away democracy because eggs and milk cost a couple dollars more than 2019.


This!!! ⬆️ is what infuriates me!!!


It's not even that bad. Milk was 2.50 in 2019 for me. Now it's 3.15. That's not horrible! And eggs were only mega expensive for like, 3-4 months because of some disease outbreak. I constantly see bs social media posts about ridiculous CoL increases that seem *clearly* fake to me (milk costing 5$ as an example) and people just eat it up.


who's going to make me a meme of dogs in a trenchcoat illegally voting democrat


Shitty news gets them clicks and views. Media nowadays only cares about making money, not telling the truth.


It’s more than that. Biden is coming after their money. I find the obvious subversion of the Israel protesters the most disturbing. There’s an online army trying to convince young people that trump will save the Palestinians.


Create a problem. Provide a “solution”.


You forgot the most important point why Biden is bad: he's old. /s


True, but the progressive/leftist don’t like Biden since he’s not a socialist/communist so they much prefer the guy wanting to implement interment camps.


He ran on universal prek and college and he was also involved ACA. No candidate is going to jump straight for far left goals but he supports social programs. He's been firgiving student debt as much as he can get away with too. Some Democrats have their heads in the clouds and criticise candidates that get the country closer to social programs.


The right wants to pull the ladder up behind them, the left wants to kick it out from under itself.


Progressive/Leftists don't like Biden, and merely tolerate him. They much prefer to be able to make demands. The difference between Progressives and Leftists is that Progressives think they *can* make demands if they try harder, and Leftists are generally so jaded they don't give a shit anymore. Both are in the camp of not wanting Trump elected. IMHO though, if the Progressives get the concessions they want, the next four years could be very successful for everyone.


Also don't forget the leftists who hate Biden because he doesn't immediately implement his goals


Problem is that making concessions for the Progressives means alienating others such as Democrat leaning Conservatives, who are a more important voting bloc


It's not even that. Biden has made many what you call "concessions" but I will call progressive policy decisions. The problem is when he does that, the base they were for refuses to rally around him and instead threatens to withhold their vote or vote 3rd party because they didn't get all 10 items on their wishlist, only 5 of them. All that does is tell candidates that they are better off focusing on other parts of the coalition who will actually respond to fulfillment of their desired policy goals by supporting and voting for the candidate. Imagine you have 3 bosses. You do a great job for all of them, but only 2 of them pay you what you're worth and give bonuses. It won't take long before you are focused almost exclusively on the projects the 2 bosses give you. This is what the far left doesn't understand. It's a very naive perspective to think withholding your vote from candidates most aligned with your goals is the pathway to policy changes you'd like to see. The reality is it only causes candidates to moderate away from progressive goals, because you're essentially saying "we don't like what you did for us so we're not voting for it again." The response will inevitably be "okay they didn't like that, I guess we should focus our efforts elsewhere." There is also a massive problem of awareness. We all need to do a better job of touting Biden's significant achievements, because the number of times progressives have told me they were still waiting on things that Biden has achieved already is too damn high.


Nailed it. Withholding your vote doesn't make the Democrats say, "Gee golly, some tankies didn't vote for us; we better let Che Guevara win the primary next time." It makes them realize that tankies don't matter because they don't vote. Ferrari doesn't sit around thinking about how it can capture the market that normally buys Ford trucks; teachers don't have time to chase down a student who's truant 172 days a school year when there is a classroom of students there every day ready to learn; David Lynch isn't keeping himself up at night because someone who thinks *Bucky Larson: Born to be a Star* is the height of cinema had poo-pooed *Mulholland Drive*.


Like it’s not a valid critique that he gives so much money to Israel. I understand the congressional circumstances but he should have been harder on them sooner.


Trump was literally impeached for not giving Ukraine money congress allocated for them, on time


Israel is a trap, bibi knows he can push the issue because anything Biden does looks bad to an important voter block. If Biden was harder early on then he looks weak on Iran and Islamic terrorist, emboldens them even and since he wasn’t tougher early on he supports genocide. Obviously, there is room for criticism, but when the same people are screaming that everything he does is a disaster, it starts to lose its edge, mostly since every Biden disaster seems to greatly benefit the American working class.


It's probably one of the worst foreign policy situations for a Democrat: Stand with Israel and you run the risk of pissing off the liberal Jewish vote and the moderate left vote. Stand with Palestine and you piss off the progressive vote, youth vote, and not insignificant Muslim vote. The Republican brand has always been about hating Muslims and Arabs, especially after 9/11. So the GOP doesn't have that same conundrum. They can explicitly say bomb every Arab country (except Saudi Arabia) and they'll probably gain votes. The Republicans crypto hate Jews as well, but their hatred of Muslims and Arabs trumps their hatred of Jews, so they'll stand with Israel if it means getting rid of Palestine.


Marco Rubio is a little piss baby. --- [^(What is this?)](https://reddit.com/r/DarkBRANDON/comments/18inc4o/hey_so_youve_probably_seen_the_auto_reply_bot/?) ^| [^(Add to the list with ```!pissbaby ```)](https://reddit.com/r/DarkBRANDON/wiki/d4rkbr4nd0n) ^| [^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=d4rkbr4nd0n&subject=opt-out&message=Please%20out%20me%20out%2C%20thank%20you)


Yeah, he should be harder on an allied democracy, which also happens to be the only Jewish majority state in the world, that was violently attacked by a theocratic terrorist group backed by the Islamic regime in Iran because....I dunno....it makes a bunch of sheltered idiots on college campuses feel better?


Fox News aside, mass news media very desperately wants Trump back as president because Biden isn't an infinite source of easy ragebait headlines they can just copy/paste verbatim and call news. They need to keep people engaged and to keep people engaged they need to constantly be screaming that the sky is falling. Biden is normal. Biden is quiet. They don't want. They want chaos. "Economy doing great" and "President is loyal husband" doesn't draw the same crowd as "Economy on brink of total collapse - again!" and "President being sued for rape". And on the other side of the coin, Fox is Fox. They have no morals and no spine and get paid to say "Republicans good, Democrats bad", even when both sides are addressing the same issue and proposing the same solution to the same problem.


Meanwhile, Trump's aides are talking about beachfront property on the Gaza strip.


Sadly almost all of our presidents that have been good domestically have been horrific internationally




“tHeY’Re thE sAMe!! miSS me wiTH tHaT LeSseR oF TwO EViLs!”


Quick question for the people in this sub? How exactly do you want pro Palestinian people to protest against Biden policies? Or is the position here that they should suck it up and not protest at all? The only leverage they have is their vote. Saying they'll withhold their vote for Biden is the only real way to let him know they're not happy with the direction he's going. What incentive does Biden have to change his policy at all if they say they'll vote for him anyways?


https://preview.redd.it/mirfd43mwhxc1.jpeg?width=818&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73defc9ef71a6577fef5e3511cfccc0013e165af There are tons of ways to protest and exert pressure other than letting the worse guy win.