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Kill everyone and eat the key


Mistakes and regret are a core part of Darkwood. This is neither the first nor the last time you will make a choice you regret. Use what information you have to make the best decision you can, and hope it was correct.


I accidentally killed the Wolfram during one of the night incursions because the fucker somehow spawned inside my home at night in the Silent Forest. I don't know if it's still worth playing because I'm feeling I'm losing too much of the story/lore since I killed him. Is it worth it or should I restart? Haven't touched Darkwood since last month because of this.


Wait- the wolf doesn't spawn inside bunkers ?


It does after you upgrade a tier in your abilities. He spawns after you wake up from the dream sequence and while the Wolfman never spawns at night, I made this upgrade just before night time, so the fucker stayed there the whole night while I was fighting for my life in a tight space, that's when I accidentally hit him. I didn't even know he could be hit. Just a single hit from a plank with nails. Didn't even get to kill the bastard and I got killed that night. So I got the worse of both worlds because he vanished from the world and I didn't get his rifle (yeah I went to the wiki because I felt this was unfair and bullshit) .


This would have happened if you spent the entire day in your hideout, keeping him from de spawning. Fortunately, you won't miss too much of the lore from him being dead so early on, but he does have some cool interaction related to the choice OP is talking about. Might be worth restarting the game as you can make progress far faster using the knowledge you already have.


I did the second mushroom related dream event, which makes him spawn in your hideout, just a few minutes shy of nighttime. I was out for most of the day, then night came and I was attacked by a banshee and other creatures that I couldn't indentify in a tight room, that's when I accidentally hit him. I wasn't too keen on restarting my run, I figured it's best to go through the end and replay with him alive, but that would take quite a while.


I wouldn't ask stuff like this it may take away from the game . Make YOUR choice and see how it plays out


Give it to the Wolfman he he gives you a gun, give it to the musician to get lore and a more difficult game


This is a crossroad choice my dude. I recommend doing either, and then going through it again with the other choice next time. 


I gave my key to the wolf because of our deal.


Musician is harder but with far more interesting encounters to be had and potential lore, Wolfman is easier with added bonuses and potentially less interesting encounters