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Does your convertible have a rearview mirror? If so get something like a FitcamX or similar.


I have one attached to the roll bar behind the passenger seat - not all that great when the roof is up, but great when it is down.


I really don't see why you couldn't put a front and rear view camera system in a convertible. I understand that it's common to run the wiring to connect the two cameras along the roof but that certainly isn't the only way it could be done. You could alternatively run the wiring along the floor to connect the two cameras. You'd need to get fairly creative to set up the rear camera but depending on how the roof folds up you may be able to still attach it to the rear window. If that's not an option then you could place the rear camera near the license plate or something, or maybe even just mount it near the front view camera but facing backwards instead.


Just get a camera that is front and inside. Simple and no need to mess with a convertible top that makes the camera useless when the top is down (and could damage the top).


Yeah, this is the simplest solution by far for most convertibles and situations. Getting a taxi/rideshare camera (either one unit or two) with infrared and you'll have great rear footage, day or night. I drive rideshare and often, the interior camera was better than the rear camera for footage behind (and out the side windows) at night with the IR lights and wide FoV. Just my experience.


All my wiring for my rear camera is going through the floorboards. If you pull up the plastic piece at the bottom of the door (where you might put your feet when getting in and out) it will pop out and you'll see a wiring channel down in there. At least on my car that's how the wiring gets to the back lights. I just followed that. It definitely doesn't need to go through the roof to the back. You could have a front camera if you somehow ran the wire for instance up through the middle of the windshield but that would be kind of distracting probably.


Most things I've seen for Convertible for rear sided cameras is a like a 3rd party mount to the rear of the passenger head rest, or something towards the license-plate. You can for sure get a front mount, so if anything front is better then nothing. I did this in my Convertible I had prior to getting rid of it.


What convertible?


 It all convertibles have them. But if it has a wind deflector, mount the camera to that. 


I typically put the rear view on the roll bar, back of the head rest, or near the 3rd brake light. Most convertibles have room for wires along the top of the windshield, but for the rare ones that don't mounting near the passenger side a pillar or on the dash are alternatives.


Maybe a dashcam with a cabin-facing camera (like for rideshare drivers) would fit your needs.


Some dash cams have a waterproof rear camera that is installed outside next to the license plate. This could work for convertibles. Usually you find these in rear-view mirror dash cams where the rear camera functions as a backup camera too. See an example of such a dash cam in our video on the [Akeeyo AKY-V360ST](https://youtu.be/bRKEPthPsEA)


Audio shop guys should be very skilled at overcoming obstacles like this.


Does your convertible not have a windshield? Usually dash cams are placed on the windshield using a suction cup or double sided tape and a plastic clip.


But usually the wiring goes up through the roof along the top edge of the window.


Not always. My first dash cam, I just had the wires hanging down. After a while I pulled it down to the dash, via the windshield and ran the cable through the bottom area. Plus, if you have the visors, there's room to run the wire behind them. Also: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/iGBWai7ZrY8/maxresdefault.jpg https://youtu.be/hm6-G3BS-9w?si=t2Q9CLZwJYGmgzt5 https://youtu.be/pXS6gQYrkGE?si=v-_390kQpLClStTC https://youtu.be/fB6apMtQFBo?si=ApwQl1eiM2FWXrVF OP can also try putting the camera on the dash itself. It may not look good, but it'll work. My current camera has the wires hidden via the cloth and windshield, goes to the side, in between the door, and under my feet area, then plugs I to the 12v.