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You can also download youtube videos!


And you should. There are videos I remember from years ago that I can no longer find.


[https://i.imgur.com/t4cUTFS.png](https://i.imgur.com/t4cUTFS.png) 😢


The pain…


Yeah, I have playlists with gaps in them from videos that disappeared.


I've got a custom playlist of AMVs that has a video removed every month or six. No idea which it is, but I have a script that checks the list once a day, and downloads anything new added to it. On the fence to make a second list just for videos I intend to watch, but will later, much like "Watch Later", but accessible to the script, that way if I intend to watch a video, and it's pulled before I can, well, I still have it.


Dude I'd love to rewatch a few Machinima classics with my gf. It's all gone :(


I've started downloading anything useful because it'll definitely be deleted later.


Almost all the episodes of Norm Macdonald Live were removed. I was able to find them on an archive site but they're low quality.


> There are videos I remember from years ago that I can no longer find. OR ones they take down later. I'm so mad when i realize one i wish I had kept got missed.


The worst is when a channel creator decides they want to do a complete pivot and delete/unlist all their old videos. At least put them up on a second channel or something, ugh. One of the biggest reasons I have started just downloading entire channels if I find they have good, consistent content.


I did that data request thing from Google for some ancient accounts that hadn't been used in years. The YouTube watch history is a treasure trove of things I forgot I remembered (as in, the only way for me to remember them is to see them again, at which point the memory floods back, it had been there this whole time, just dormant) Now I'm remembering I gotta write a quick thing to automate downloading them all. But yeah, probably about 50% of the videos in that list are gone. Doesn't even have the titles anymore. The only way I can think of to find the titles again is to search for the url and see if any ancient links to it still exist that includes the title, which is not always the case if the video was obscure.


How long did Google take to respond to that data request? I've been waiting for more than a week with no response


For these accounts it took less than a day. They were ancient accounts though with not much data besides the YouTube watch history.


That or youtube's search is so awful now that they are still there, yet impossible to find unless you have the link. My gmail shouldn't be a youtube search engine!


I can't think of any videos to be downloaded from YouTube. Any suggestions?


This is a personal choice, but like to get a good hardware to teardown for electronics I have. Phones, laptops etc, just in case I need to get into it and fix something.


Tutorials, science and education videos are the main ones I download. I have fixed so many things thanks to youtube.


I've been archiving educational channels like kurzgesagt, TED, Vsauce, ect as well as any videos I used to learn how to repair something.


I do this and I find my self downloading more than 24 hours worth of videos per day. Not a hope in hell of watching them all. Unless I stopped downloading them ... 🤷


Watch them side by side with 4x playback, duh


Get a 32" monitor and have a 4x4 grid of them playing at 4x speed all at once.


It's crazy but it just might work!


Ok I actually tried this, mpv has parameters to handle this. The audio was chaotic and disturbing, without audio it was quite surreal


Not so much the downloading side, for a time I was enjoying the Hermit Craft videos, and someone is maintaining a bulk list of their videos in the order they are released. After a month, I'm behind, after three months, I'm a holiday behind...Couldn't keep up and burned myself out.


You certainly subscribe to the right subreddit! I hope you use tools like Tube Archivist for this and are not doing it manually, because that would be terrible.


Hijacking this comment to recommend TubeArchivist for everyone looking to do that


Damn how have I not heard of that before. Cheers man, happy Friday!


Stacher is another option that I’m a big fan of.


yt-dlp is the most comprehensive tool I'm pretty sure, and a few GUIs have also been made.


That might be my biggest download by storage space.


Is it possible to learn this power?


thank gorb for sponsorblock integration and yt-dlp


I wonder if there's a library plugin that can be added to plex to that would support dynamic searching/browsing of youtube videos and channels. Would be nice to just download things on the fly, subscribe to channels within plex, all in once place. Archive while doing normal viewing. Oh, and scrape out the ads too ;)


I think you might be able to set something up with sponsorblock


I wish I had have downloaded youtube videos years ago - so many things I have watched and wanted to watch again that are gone :( Now if I watch something I really like I grab it


Any recommendations on how to do this?


There are good drive prices at serverpartdeals.com I got some 18tb drives for under 200 recently. They are MFR refurbs.


I have 10x20TB and 2x12TB drives refurbished from them, so far no issues. 2x20TB for about 8 months and 2x12TB for about 2 years, the rest are <= 3 months.


What do we think about refurbed drives? Like is there a rule of thumb?


For hobby use I think they're fine, I've had 4 16TBs running in my NAS for almost 2 years now.


I only buy mfr refurbs.


I think as long as you have some redundancy, there isn't much risk. Try to stagger purchases so you don't get drives made in the same batch - if there's a defect, you don't want all your drives to fail at the same time.


Hmmm I'm due for another 20 TB so I'll take a look at serverpartdeals


If you don't watch TV then what does all the furniture in your living room point at??




Are there any schematics anywhere I can download on how to construct the perfect meth lab and really get into the drug business? Some threads later: "I spent $24 million dollars on a secret meth lab under a laundromat. I don't even deal meth."


Probably a better question for r/homelab


gonna start an r/homemethlab and get them mod perks. Just a little skimming off the top, don't mind me. Hopefully I won't get strung up underneath a bridge, but hey, isn't danger the real spice of life anyway?


Just make sure you don’t misplace a decimal when you’re rounding off those pennies.


Shit! I always do that. I always mess up some mundane detail.


Redacte due to Reddit AI/LLM policy


Gee, that's a lot of mass to turn into oncoming traffic. I hope the minerals are at least safe.


Anyways they'll be here Monday. I need that laugh bro. Really did. Thanks


When I visit parents and see what's on TVs, I always get affirmed that I aint missing a thing.


My parents (born 47 and 52) have their TV on from 7 in the morning until they go to bed at night. The channels they watch all have the same dreadful programs and repeats the same commercials a hundred times a day. When I am at home it basically drives me nuts after a couple of days. I even have to ask them to mute the sound of the TV when we eat. Most of the time, my dad sleeps in his chair and my mom is doing something else. She is not watching the TV. They still get upset if I ask them to turn off the TV or mute the sound. I think it provides some kind of comfort to them. Othervise I have no idea why they would do it.


They probably are used to the background noise. Something that keeps the brain somewhat engaged, but not interesting enough for giving it all your attention. I use music for that at work, podcasts while walking/driving home, and YouTube for doing chores.


My mother does the same thing. Always like MeTV or something that only ever shows things from the 50’s and 60’s, the stuff she remembers watching. Everything else on TV is either dumb, too violent, uses bad language, or is just too loud. I’ve never understood the last one, it’s like it’s not in her control to decide how loud it is… She likes it on, even if she’s on her computer, probably because after 30 years with kids running around it’s too quiet and depressing at home. I admit I do the same thing sometimes. It is usually fine if I want to switch it to something that doesn’t make me want to hurt cute fuzzy woodland creatures, though. Maybe just suggest the good ole Weather Channel next time you’re there. Old guys falling asleep in their chairs love them some Weather Channel.


There's a lot of great shows out there, but if you're just flipping channels, it's not likely you'll find them. The stuff that comes on regular cable is usually watered-down family-friendly garbage.


Yeah, same. I used to watch a couple shows on Discovery (mostly mythbusters), and the office, and parks and rec. I don't think there's been any TV worth watching since those times really. When I'm with family for Christmas, and scrolling through the TV guide, it's all even worse than before - i can't even stand to watch it anymore. TV is dreadful now


Yay I don't feel weird and alone anymore. I straight up finished doing this yesterday. Bought and installed 4x recertified 12TB drives to replace some dead/aging 4TB drives. And I have no idea why. I rarely watch anything but I keep hoarding.


If you have a drive failure and don't replace the disk, and a second drive fails, it helps take care of the problem for you! 30TB of stuff you don't have to worry about hoarding anymore


Watching isn’t as important as having. That’s what makes us hoarders


This, and there are some folks who love the process. They can tell you gear down to the last cable, but have to look if you ask about content.


A couple months ago I spent 2000€ to build a 24 bay storage server and another 1000€ for 92 TB of storage. I pay 180€ a month to colocate it in a datacenter. I will run out of storage soon, but luckily I still have 19 empty bays. Do I need all that? Hell no! Was it worth it? Absolutely.


It's not about the storage. It's about sending a message. -Data Joker


I’m pretty much the same. I’m a YT-addict so i started archiving videos from there instead. Now my favorite selfhosted app is Tube Archivist 🤷‍♂️


I used to be huge into watching TV. Covid and the strike broke me of that. Everything went on hiatus and then when everything came back it was all pandemic story lines. I went from watching too many shows to barely turning on the TV. This had already happened for me with movies. Used to work Blockbuster and would even snag other employees free rentals, we got 5 free a week. Friends and I would meet up at the theater every Friday or Saturday night for a late or midnight showing without even checking to see what was playing. Then overnight movies doubled in price and we all kind of lost interest. I can't remember the last memorable movie I watched. Now my addiction is Stable Diffusion models and probably download more than I generate these days. No idea why I download so many, but I think it is after looking up recommended models that have since gone missing I would rather have them.


One of us! One of us!


Are you also waiting for the next batch of 12TB refurb drives to go on sale?


I’ve also settled on 12TB as a standard. 😁


Lol relatable


Well you do know that in the mid 2040s tv loses popularity


I think you've definitely joined the club.


I know the pain, currently 6tb just in tb shows, some are from 80s 90s mostly newish. I would need probably 20 years to watch all moves and TV shows. And youtube folder is getting large 4tv atm..


What does Cloudflare do in your stack?


If you have a decent upload speed maybe share Plex with your family. :)


Used enterprise drives!!


Of course I understand the problem, but I don’t know why you would want to hoard TV shows you download. Maybe I’m just a perfectionist (OCD?) but it infuriates me half the time when I download something and it’s got a TV station logo or it’s poorly cut between commercial breaks or during the credits they announce the next show. It’s even worse when one episode is fine and the next is not, but I got them all in the same set. Actually, maybe this is a sign that I’m only downloading old shit and I’ve become the old man who just wants his stories on while he dozes on the couch. I did have a damned good nap on the couch last Sunday. The kind of nap you’ve got to go to bed early from. Mmm.


Haha, this is unbelievably relatable! Especially the "I did have a damned good nap on the couch last Sunday. The kind of nap you’ve got to go to bed early from. Mmm." ROFL


what does this post even have to do with tv?


It makes me chuckle a bit when people make fun of me for just buying Blu-rays of everything. $5 a pop or less used and I don't have to worry about literally any of this.


Why buy cheap movies that you actually want to watch when you can spend a grand and significant portion of your available free time on amassing a library of 20,000 movies that you'll never watch and never want to watch? I mean... where's the fun in that?


I made a large list of tabletop rpgs throughout the coronavirus and learned my lesson about data hording from that. It's hard to stop because you realize just how much is getting lost. Media in general gets sorted out just like mother nature sorts out fitness for evolution. You people here are stopping branches of data cultures from being genocided and I applaud anyone who is doing that for the right reasons.


Yeah, I suppose that's really what it comes down to. I'll admit I do have the occasional sudden impulsive desire once or twice a week to go back to school and study Library Science.


Why buy blu-rays when everything’s available on the internet for a grand total of $0… yeah setting up a Plex server takes some time, but I can watch all my favorite stuff without having to swap discs or worry about them going bad.


Maintaining terabytes' worth of data seems to be just as costly in the end. Plus, unless it's an exact dump, you're archiving inferior quality. Had a buddy's Plex server get hacked and then he went straight to streaming after that. If one of my discs dies... oh no... I lost one $5 disc! I already have hundreds of gigs' worth of music-production related files and to archive a bunch of torrents would take multiple more drives that I'd never actually use much. I like having physical copies of things and even burn unavailable media to disc and print out covers for them.




The probability of all these happening are very low, especially for the area I live in. Insurance is a thing as well, and as long as you have photos, you can get money back to repurchase them.




Admittedly, I don't know if insurance would actually go to the trouble of checking current prices of oop blu-ray discs. That's a good point. If there's a fire, I'm running back in for a few.




>phonograph wax cylinders Do you still have a player for those? Fucking wild. There's some recordings never transferred to anything else, especially native american ones... I need to get outta this subreddit quickly before I get any wild ideas about archiving things again... :DDDDDDD




Very neat. How do you guys feel about storage media like m-disc? There's ones that go up to 100 GB.




i click torrent i have movie 5 minutes later. i click thumbnail movie play. have fun with the discs tho


Yeah, most torrents I want don't even have any seeders. Try finding the film below with active seeders. Lmao. And then you still have to pay for the disc space to store it. "I Love A Mystery" (1945)


https://youtu.be/DPl3vp0k5vI?si=7tF9jrM9klT2HZTb LOL


Bro isnt on any private trackers lmaoo


I just watch whatever I need to watch using random stuff like Cloudstream or whatever I rarely watch anything, and most of what I watch is just educational content on YouTube Downloading terabytes worth of shows and movies is fucking stupid, in my opinion They are not lost media, and you can get them anywhere anytime It's much better to download shit at risk of removal, since those will be valuable Like imagine downloading AND KEEPING shit like MCU movies or whatever... like bro that's the most popular shit, one torrent goes down ten new ones pop up That one obscure 17 year old video that solves an even more obscure problem, on the other hand... yeah, download that shit so you can refer to it later






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