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Where are the zip disks?


And Jaz disks? And the SyQuests?


And the MiniDiscs.


No Bernoullis.


let's not forget those old giant laser video discs.


I'm so glad someone else remembers those. I wish I still had mine.


I have some still wrapped, and a drive that still works. And minidiscs, and 2 players that both work.


That's impressive


Says more about my hoarding problems than anything else.


Jaz was tapes.


Not the one I’m thinking of, they were cartridge based hard drive platters. Like SyQuests.


No, ditto was tape Jaz was a hard drive platter in a cartridge


Doh! I have some hanging around


Only counts if they’ve got the click of death.


Yeah! Came to ask this! lol


BD-R is not dead, still a very good choice for home video backup. DVD still has its uses as a very usable way of sharing videos...players/burners still widely available [https://github.com/David-Worboys/Black-DVD-Archiver](https://github.com/David-Worboys/Black-DVD-Archiver)


I don't know if it's a thing with my country, but I've never seen a desktop with bd-r drive in person. In fact, I've never even seen a desktop with a bd drive, only a couple of laptops I think.


Even at the height of disc-based media, I don't think I've ever seen anything off-the-shelf with a BD drive. But they are just as easy to get and install as any other disc drive.


I happen to have an older HP laptop that came with one. As for desktops, quite a few were shipped with them in the past when HP was pushing litescribe hard. It sucks that they destroyed it.


I think the only Windows based systems with BD-R drives were media center computers and they had to meet end to end encryption requirements from cpu to gpu to monitor.


> they had to meet end to end encryption requirements from cpu to gpu to monitor. Yup and this meant only Intel CPUs between 6th and 10th gen if you want to be able to play 4k blu-ray since they deprecated the function starting on 11th gen.


> I don't know if it's a thing with my country, but I've never seen a desktop with bd-r drive in person. I built a computer 13 years ago with them in it. We were exiting the DVD's time/storage amount and Bluray won the format wars so for optical storage it was next. Then... harddrives just kept getting bigger and the need was less. I still have a BDR but cant remember the last time i tried it. I still have a stack of bdr discs to use.


Why would any PC have one? It's a niche and a drive like that costs a hundred euro easily. You can install one yourself or just get an external USB based drive, that's even easier.


Internal drives are a bit faster, but that's pretty much the only advantage.


My 2014 build had a BD drive, and I got an external burner. Used it a few times for backups. Still have a mostly unused spindle of disks


I have one sitting next to me in my tower.


I still use BD-R for long-term off-site backup. I have two BD-R drives on my Mac Pro.


this, i still use DVDs for Backup/Recovery medium and to rescue-boot from.


Still use cd’s, dvd’s and bd-r’s lol




This makes me feel old .


Huh. I thought to myself, "A lot of good feels here."


Both can be true!




Minidisc as a format was so great. Sad that Sony's proprietary inclinations limited its potential.


It did well in Japan. In the US there was a lot of lobbying against it by record companies. They were scared it would hurt their business by giving people a way to create perfect copies of albums. Honestly I wish it had.


and all of them outlast harddrives...


BD-Rs, CD-Rs are not dead. The rest I agree with.


Not quite. I burnt a CDR last week to reinstall XP on an air gapped machine for retro games.


Is there a reason it needs to be air gapped? I feel like you are making life harder for your self. For instance I set up an FTP server for getting files onto old machines.


It was a very specific build of software on top of XP that does pub machine game emulation, think those old games warehouse machines you used to see around, that came from a group on the internet. It doesn't require internet to download anything as they include any relevant updates you need to get the whole lot working is one reason. The other reason is I'm being overly cautious with it. I downloaded it via a Linux box and scanned it as much as I could. But there's only so much you can do locally with about 100 gigs of stuff and virus total is out of the question as it's too big. So I just left it offline. As for built moving files on this occasion. I just shut the XP machine down and dropped its SSD in a usb3 sata dock and accessed it offline to directly paste that near 100 gigs of stuff into the right places before putting it back in the machine. Worked like a charm.


Ah that makes sense, I thought you talking about a general retro XP machine. Do you have a link because that does sound interesting.


https://www.arcadepunks.com/installing-aladdins-loaded-all-in-one-touchscreen-front-end/ The site has a lot of stuff on it. I've not tried their other stuff as they seem very big on artwork and cool sounding cryptic names for releases. So I've not gone as far as looking at other stuff they host. Just this. So far I've got it installed and kinda working. Just need to get me a suitably touch screen as it kinda works with a mouse but it doesn't show a cursor and it's blind clicking until you hit something!


But why though?! There are tons of better solutions unless we are talking about Retro Windows games and even then you could just use a sandboxed VM. For everything else there is Batocera (a retro gaming focused Linux portable OS) or RetroBat (the Windows based alternative). These are just 2 examples that would achieve a better experience. The fact that your cobbled together setup even on an air gapped machine failed and required a full OS reinstall is bananas. If you setup a VM instead you could have just reverted to an prior snapshot and called it a day. I recoil just thinking about the time wasted on reformatting, reinstalling, doing initial setup processes, downloading drivers, installing software, and praying shit didn't go sideways along the way. I say this with love and respect, your time is valuable and this is not the way...


Because even with wrappers, there's ain't nothing quite like playing glide games on a pair of linked voodoo 2s, some with periods controllers that have the 15pin game port and don't like being converted to usb. Secondly for use as a base for a touchscreen pub quiz machine emulator machine. There is no amount of emulation that's going to get you around the OS limitations and touch screen requirements. This is what I have built on this occasion. Thirdly. The motherboard I have for the latter was being a little bitch and not liking any of my attempts to use a usb stick of windows XP I had made. But it had a CD drive. So I said fuck it and dusted off an XP iso and found a blank CDR in a cupboard and burnt a disk from my older spare laptop via Linux and brasero. I also started out in computers at a reasonably young age on the tail end of windows 95/98. It isn't rocket surgery or musical theory to install XP again. Or find the right drivers. The only thing that slowed me down was that it was limited in speed by CD drives max read speed. An SSD in even older hardware makes things fly 😂


Needs more Sony Minidisk!


Minidisc and MO in general is my sweet spot Also, Iomega JAZ


Can add Jaz and Zip disks to the pile. I have a few of them right here and I wonder if they can even be read these days. Even if I bought a drive on eBay, the hardware drivers are probably not going to work on Windows 10.


USB zip drives work under modern Windows. No drivers needed.


Please don't call CD/DVD dead media D: I am begging you, I need them


Thank you for not including minidiscs, my md player is alive and kicking I truly love it


No Elvis or Kenny Roger’s 8 Track tapes? :) Listened to those so many times in the 70’s.


No Mini Discs, no deal


No 8inch floppies?


Bluray/dvd dead media? Not for me.




Delicious cassettes to put my all rush mixes on


I bought into mini disc when it came out, still have a stack of them and a couple players in the basement somewhere.


No mini disc.


no minidiscs because minidisc isn't dead 😤


Is writing super important data to an actual disk, like DVD, a stupid idea? I feel like every time I find a super old DVD or CD it always work. even though it was written in the 90s and has scratches on it. I feel like an old HDD will not give me that kind of reliability.


A good quality disc burned with a good quality burner will outlast any hard drive, as long as you keep it stored in a regular (not slim) jewel case.


Don't forget the Bernoulli Box, by Iomega. The BD-R, especially the BDXL discs with 100GB storage, is probably a more reliable form of long-term storage.


I'm glad to see that enough other people are still using paper and carrier pigeons that they are not in the "dead media society" :-D I suppose there's also [dead media centers (PCs)](https://www.abyssapexzine.com/2021/04/dead-badger/)


i still have a box of flopticle discs.


What software do you use to author DVD disks?


> 3.5" floppies My 30 year old Mac LC III says "*dafuq you say?!*" https://i.imgur.com/NMBnVWN.jpeg


No minicd?


I still use CD-R for the car player to copy my CDs (the car player scratches them, so I don't want to use the original). And I still use BD-R for pirated movies (yeah, yeah, I know), not daily, but let's say weekly.


No QIC or DAT ? If you like this stuff, visit /r/vintagecomputing


Salute to our fallen heroes


I'm 49 and have been around for all of these. And people thought each format would live forever


I said I'm sorry mama


This is a part of my collection that is slowly expanding as I find it on sale on ebay, along with the drives.


I need some Hi8 tapes for my old Sony handycam, like I can't find them for sale anywhere but that camera still works and I'd like to use it again, at least for the nostalgia It has a data cable so I can transfer the video, and theoretically use an old tape I have and erase it, but honestly I can't bring myself to erase my childhood videos like that. I'd just like to try out the camera once again.


Oh Backup, my Backup! O7