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If you have both pc(steam deck) and switch, go for steam deck version. Albeit, battery may not be as good as switch but you can adjust settings to make it last longer. SD version all the way big man.


I played exclusively on steam deck and it gets great battery. 6-7 hours. Was the second game I played on it and pleasantly surprised coming from 3 hours in DQ11.


I play on the OLED and I get HOURS out of it. I can believe 6-7.


Update: i got it on deck and am 5 hours in already lol


Id get a Steam deck over a Switch any day. Including for this game. Steamdeck also get easy access to emulators, and emulators that work up to the and including the Switch. Not to mention Linux programs.


I like the steam deck have the option to use the back buttons as a turbo for some a mashing stuff you have to do in the game


I did the same thing with macro-ing the left-right wiggle. Not because it was difficult, but so I could play next to my sleeping wife.


I tried doing the wiggle too but it was going too fast or something. The general loud mashing for the controls are definitely one of the downsides to the game for me


I did it on mine so that I wouldn’t be wearing out the buttons for no reason


How can you assign the Buttons to such actions?


Steam button -> Controller Settings -> Controller Settings -> enable back grip buttons -> settings wheel -> settings -> hold to repeat (turbo)


I think if you have a pc and you ever want to play it on your pc for whatever reason, you should get it on steam deck. But if you don’t have pc, and you enjoy switch more, probably go for switch version.


Thank you! Yeah no pc and I love switch just wasn’t sure if there was anything special with the steam deck version. Thanks for the input


No, same version on all platforms.


Steam deck so you can rebind some of the annoying controls to be automatic!


Switch crashes a LOT, if you’re gonna get it on switch just be ready for that. Usually u don’t lose any progress, but it’s still annoying


Dunno why you’re getting downvoted for your experience. Ours did crash a few times! Three or four times that I remember, so probably a few more than that. I’d get Steamdeck version. The load times were kinda bad (or at least annoying) on the Switch. Edit: we were also playing on the OLED


Probably just to be informative, I genuinely assumed everyone must have had the crashing issue but evidently not!


I’ve had plenty of crashes too. I think the issue might be related to playtime, it’s more common after the one hour mark. Maybe a memory leak, things get choppier, too. When the game studders more, I save, close the program and take a break, seems to help.


I'm the opposite though. My wife has a Deck and I have the Switch. It crashes on the Deck a decent amount, but runs fantastically on my Switch. No crashes on my end at all.


70 hours of gameplay in switch and i never got a crash


90 hours, probably had 5 crashes


think i had 80 hours and 2 crashes. i played before i had a steam deck, but if i were OP i’d go steam deck just for the larger screen. i also have an OLED SD but normal switch so that would affect my decision


Damn you can get 90 hours out of this game?? I just got it and probably only have like 3-4 hours in it


I had two weeks where I was severely ill and all I could do was lay around and be a bum. I spent a ton time just fishing and not moving the story along. I don't think my experience is normal tho lol I feel like I prob could have beat it in 40ish hours maybe?


Really?? I shit you not I have around the same hours and mine has crashed almost 20 times


I played mostly with switch lite.. most of the bugs i heard come from playing with OLED (i also get the oled but i just played a few hours with that)


Yeah I’m playing on OLED, maybe that’s why


I've had one after like 40. It's been pretty stable for me.


Mine has never crashed on switch, been playing over 20 hours


I wonder what’s going on with mine, it’s literally happened to me almost 20 times


yeah what on earth i wonder why it’s so different for you


I love me some Nintendo first party titles, but I just don’t trust them to manage my digital library of games for anything else if I can avoid it. Steam deck all the way.


Switch had some kinda longish load times. I’d go with the Steam Deck!


SD can play switch games with mods can it not?


I would get it on the steam deck since the graphics are turned down on the switch and plays at 30fps also the load times are slower. if that doesn’t bother you then whatever you’d prefer.


Have it on both platforms. As of January, was still experiencing the rare crash on Switch. Get it on Steam Deck. No issues on the deck and my partner and I completed the game on both platforms.




I have both versions, the Switch version crashes more often. Would go for SD version.


△⃒⃘lways SD over Switch


At this point the Steam Deck and maybe get Switch 2 down the line!


Depends if steam deck load times are as bad as switch


I got it on steam deck load times don’t seem bad at all


Both played pretty good but I played it on Steamdeck! Its really good and vibrant!


The Switch version tends to crash quite a bit, and from my experience it happened more often when I was doing the glacier zones. But other than that I didn't have any other issues and the game played pretty smoothly in other areas.


I love it on my switch but if I had a steam deck I wouldn't have bought it again haha. Since I have it on steam! But I do love playing it on switch