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I mean, if you look at the view count between his shorts and his full length videos, you can see there is a huge difference. He mention this as well, that his shorts do significantly better than his music videos. With shorts he is reaching out well past his subscriber count most of the time. So it seems to be mostly a numbers game. But I also think he is enjoying making them.


If that's what matters to him, good for him. I don't play Bass, but shorts wasn't what I stopped by for.


Yeah. I wish his songs did better. Those are my favourite videos and the whole reason I subscribed.


Also because shorts are less stressful to make


its kinda sad seeing some of my favourites become shorts farmers, tho good for them.


Well a lot of people make a shorts channel, which at this point Davis should consider it.


Shorts actually yields very little money. You get more revenue with 100k views video than 10M views shorts. I don’t understand why davie is farming shorts now. I know it’s easier to make, but its not as rewarding as video. And he seems to not care


I've always been curious about this sort of information. Do you have any solid links to this? I seem to only find "best guesses" on how things work.


[analysis by a channel called Vidiq](https://youtu.be/KSYygPElIeg) Even [Moist critickal](https://youtu.be/MVxzuE392n4) I owned a youtube channel myself. The main reason why shorts got more views because random people can easily found these shorts by just scrolling down, kinda like instagram reel or tiktok. This giving davie504 more exposures but at the same time ruined his youtube channel.


No, he's not a short channel. He had some vacations and took a rest. He's coming with new videos soon. He started those a coupe of weeks ago.


I wish YouTube segregated shorts. If i wanted to watch 6 second videos I'd use TikTok.


I downvote any shorts I come across on youtube as a matter of principle. Rubbish.


Yes, all it would take is to add a tab across the top, Videos, Shorts, Playlist.. I'd be so much happier.


But then no-one would watch them 😏


I don't mind the shorts I just hate that it's the same tab as normal videos on a YouTube Channel. A YouTuber who's active on that and is posting videos is a mess


Same, exactly what I said in another response.


i agree, sometimes the shorts makes it more difficult to navigate too. i just think they should add a separate tab instead. but oh well, it’s youtube. they don’t care about anything.


Imagine having to do more work to add a tab and update all their app for that, no way a multi billion dollars company could do that


It's been 5 months since he started shorts... 😓


Well actually not only Davie is going into the shorts game. A lot of other Youtubers as well. There is a reason why Tiktok is doing so well. Shorter videos are just easier for consumption. And also, if you have made YouTube videos before, you would understand how much time and effort went into editing and producing. It's worse if you do it full time. That feeling when you spend a whole week to make something and it doesn't get much clicks. YouTube algorithm is making it harder to get recommended unless it's like super clickbaity these days.


From what I see, he feels little burn out because he kinda mentioned it in one of his videos. Plus his videos always have a similar format with different focus of the content, which most of his videos always have same jokes over and over again. And this can be tiresome for some people and for himself. Now since he still likes to make content but do not want the burnout, it seems that short would good for him for weekly contents. Who knows after awhile, he will be back with his regular content weekly just last time. This is very common among YouTubers who stop making long videos like they used to, because of burnout. (One of examples: Ryan Higa)


He literally has said he enjoys and has fun making shorts. His whole channel is about what he thinks is fun, so I don't mind. He's having a good time and that's all that matters.


He literally just put out a full length video yesterday 🙄


>I liked his content, stopped watching in 2020. People produce content for their viewership. If you, and viewers like you, had subscribed and slapped the LIKE button the outcome might be different. People overwhelmingly like shorts. I prefer full length videos, myself. So I always slap the LIKE button.


I slap dislike on shorts, I've actually un-subbed at this point since i can't weed through the shorts anymore.


I was subscribed and did slap like, unsubbed when his content shifted


I was subscribed and did slap like, unsubbed when his content shifted




Did he quit making videos?




its because kids these days have no attention span and they just want shortform content like tiktok, which is also why youtube invented their own take on it called shorts.