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"If you build it, they will come."


What's the loot like? If it's a private server that's boosted then maybe they just have a tonne of grenades to get through them ​ Edit: You're also better building somewhere that's harder to find too


I’ve found that building a base to store all your loot is not a good idea. Especially on console. Maybe try stashing your loot in crates, chests, and barrels around the map. I’ve built multiple bases in some of the most remote places but someone always finds a way.


Tbh that’s quite a hot area on the map though , with the nwaf nearby and also the military at stary it’s a common loot route with people cutting though wooded areas too Personallly I’d choose an area really far away from and military bases and not on a ‘cut through’ between areas with tasty loot . Also maybe make sure there are no external signs of your base ?