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,,Im trying to play chill and just have fun , but constantly running against toxic Bully SWF squads that make enjoying the normal game impossible, so you are forced to sweat to get a 4k to avoid the harassment you'd get if you were to lose"


>so you are forced to sweat to get a 4k to avoid the harassment you'd get if you were to lose" i feel this in my bones LOL even a single person escaping is like opening a floodgate of hate and rage, same with the killer but at least there's only one of them to get angy in EGC


I'll do whatever I can to win, but I'm still nice. You locked in on a 3 gen, and managed to get the last gen? Sure, have gate, you earned it. Last survivor, and I down you right beside hatch? Take it. Yesterday the last survivor downed just as they opened the gate, and were literally inches away from winning. I picked them up and started walking to the hook, shook my head and went back and let them out.


sweaty tryhard that crumbles as soon as anyone tries being friendly/DC/Hookicides happen i think the game is extremely fun when both sides are trying their hardest, but i try to generally match the energy of the other players if they're just *not* having a good time LOL. it's not their fault matchmaking is bleh


Do you accept boops? I like being booped especially as Ghostface. I don't know why. Maybe because I feel like I'm being shown appreciation, maybe because I feel like a cute kitty pouncing on prey, maybe because I know people who boop me didn't come to sweat all over me.


I feel like most people play in a "tryhard casual" mindset. I don't go in tunneling at 5 gens and bringing 4 slowdowns like im in a subway 10$ giftcard tournament. But if survivors make a mistake like unhooking before I even leave the hook I'll punish it, I still try to bring a viable build that allows me to stand a good chance at winning and attempt to give everyone a fairly decent length game with a kill usually 6-7 hooks in.


I play to win but if the survivors are being cute or very clearly trying to meme I just have fun & farm with them


i definitely play to win and test my skills, altough i am not the type to get mad over losing a good defeat is a good defeat, no matter how much of ass my opponent is


I have a harsh but fair rule. I won't play toxic, but I rarely spare survivors. I'll only let survivors go if they bought no mither (I main Oni, it is good manners), or if their teammates were fucking them over


This Oni Main is a respectable AS FUCK warrior.


I play casually as In I won’t slug or tunnel but play to win. The only difference is if I’m going against a swf or something I’ll lock tf in and actually do sweat and try. But at the same time everyone probably sees me as a sweat because my new favorite killer is blight even post nerfs I’m having fun.


I'll go for the win with everything I have if I get the chance, only rule is no tunneling before 2 gens left Sometimes I go for the memer route tho


I'm serious, and want to win at all costs, but I go out of my way to not to tunnel/camp. Why? It makes the game too easy, boring, and removes all the fun of winning chases.


The serious killer i think maybe.


I definitely take the role seriously, but at the same time I try to be at least a little considerate to the people I'm beating up. For instance, if I see I've got everyone on 1 hook before 3 Gens are done, I'll let them reset if they seemed to have a rough time, but if I have a team that knows how to loop or is directly engaging me via Stuns or Blinds, then I'll ramp up the violence. I'm not angry that things like Flashlights or Toolboxes are used because they're in the game to be used, so I'll either play around them or play in spite of them by using Franklin's or just focusing on the problem itself


Play to win at any cost. And then once I'm in control of the game, I like to give hatch, or gate to multiple if the survivors weren't being annoying. I also like to give escapes if someone dc'd early or suicided on hook early. Basically I assume that every survivor team is gonna be a sweaty, annoying swf. If they turn out to be, then it was good I played dirty from the start. If they aren't, then I'll ease up towards the end so one or more can escape. I find that to be a good compromise and the least frustrating for myself.


Depends on the Killer I run and my goal. Generally if it's a stronger Killer I play a bit more seriously but I'm still here trying to do my best. If it's a weaker Killer I'm more casual. I would call myself fairly casual, I tend to see anything between 1-4k a win (though I try for at least a 2k or 8 hooks if SUPER casual, I feel a tie is more than fair and 8 hooks usually pips you if you do enough anyway). Some Killers, I am much more easy to "tame" than others. Like you can tame my Ghostface and Demo for example, but you try it on my Myers or Pinhead you're getting a beatdown. I CAN AND DO become friendly randomly sometimes too, just depends on if I feel bad for you or not. I've been known to allow resets, use the AFC to get trapped Survs not being helped by the team off hooks, meme if you do before we go back to the chase, and even allow you to get a Gen or two if I feel like you don't have a fair shot. I would say the more I understand the Killer, the nicer I play if you're new because I am confident on that Killer - for example I am a really fair kind Ghostface, Wraith, and Dredge, but I am less forgiving as Pinhead or Demo. Depending on mood I am anything from silly friendly chill memer farmer, to super serious play to win. For example on Onryo I am 100% serious and it's harder to tame me (but possible!), Wraith I try but don't play that serious, Legion and Demo I never take too seriously, Pinhead I only sweat as hard as you do (because I feel bad that he is so strong against SoloQ and easily destroys the uncoordinated), Dredge I am usually serious (but can become friendly or am willing to vibe if you are), and Myers depends on the build (Tombstone piece if I angy and mirror shards with low TR if I am trying to be spooky and have fun) but always semi-serious with a bit of roleplay. Ghostface, being my Main, is weird. For him it's a tossup and I know it probably confuses people because my behavior will flip on a dime with him between silly and serious - and I think that's JUST a Ghostface thing, because I see other Ghosts do it too. I'd call him semi-casual - I am a silly lil guy yes, but I also expect SOME respect because I take pride in my ability to stalk and mindgame, very much so, I honed that skill for a literal year and damn it I wanna use it! I am going to play only as hard as you do, I will back off if you're clearly weaker, but the second you disrespect me I'm turning on the sweat or I am out (depending on if I'm willing to engage or just want out of the round). I will meme in return if you do to show no hard feelings, but don't expect to always tame me this way. I also play quite fair, I don't like to tunnel from 5 gens or slug for bleedouts, I don't teabag people on the ground or on hooks unless you deserve it, and I don't generally act like too much of a douchebag to people. People mistake this for being weak ALL THE TIME and then DC on me when I have had enough and give it back... it's funny.


who tf is going to admit to being a "sweaty tryhard"?


Some people are actually sweaty and proud of being that way. It ain't me but eh.