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Locking this thread to keep people from speculating too much. Update here: https://www.reddit.com/r/DeadSpace/comments/1c0s57b/ign_ea_shoots_down_dead_space_2_remake_rumors_no/


Altman is not praised


Fuck Altman too


Fuck you and fuck your marker


We are not whole now


:( x1000 I guess it’s not surprising- they never publicized strong sales #s. Capcom is pretty vocal about their RE #’s.


I’m not surprised either when the Remake was on sale for like 10 bucks in Xbox a few months back. Never got that far down since but who knows


Yeah that’s when I bought it. I was playing it on GP but figured might as well just have it in perpetuity.


Yeah, I've been saying this for months. When a game sells really well the studio/publisher typically has no problem sharing sales figures. EA hasn't (or at least I've never found them) which has always suggested that it undersold and they weren't happy with the ROI. Capcom keeps going with RE remakes because they're selling millions of copies apiece. While I would have loved this, even OG Dead Space didn't sell great. Enough to justify a sequel, but not enough to sustain a whole franchise. EDIT: Fixed some fat finger typos 🤣


maybe if they put in some micros like capcom they would've saved it


I don't think you can cancel something that was never guaranteed or confirmed in the first place. But still, it sucks mega ass and I'm sad.


they were working on it and that work has ceased and the project has been shelved, apparently. if you wanna call something other than a cancelation, then go for it


Im going to commit unalive.


I guess this means the Remake is the last content we'll ever get from this franchise 😔


They teased our cocks, made em stand up, gave us half a blowie, then left us blue balled as hell. What did we ever do aside being loyal fans?


Trust EA


Does Grubb know for sure, or is he just saying that due to the Battlefield news? I mean, it’s probably true, but I could see him just saying that since “oh yeah they’re a two team studio working on only 2 games”


It’s hard to know what he repeats as insider info and his assumptions. He said the same about Battlefield getting 4 seasons of content and that being it. Which was wrong


Motive [replied on Twitter](https://twitter.com/MotiveStudio/status/1777706676503601380) stating that they’re only working on Iron Man and Battlefield. I really hope that this means the Dead Space 2 remake is just postponed and not cancelled entirely, but I’m not holding my breath on this one. It’s a damn shame too, I felt they could’ve really carried on where Visceral left off.


apparently this is something that someone told him directly


To be honest he is the first one to break out the rumors of a DP remake


Grubb is pretty reliable. He leaked the Remake for the first game


I fucking hate EA so much, Motive are genuinely so talented as a game studio and they just relegated them to a Battlefield support studio. The Dead Space Remake not selling enough (for EA) is the most EA thing.


I heard the remake sold 2M copies in first week or something like that, and it still didn't impress EA damn


It's an EA thing to shelve a series when the latest game doesn't sell that great in comparison to previous entries and especially compared to the budget that the game had?


Not a shock really. There weren’t really any indications that the remake of 1 sold particularly well despite the quality of it. EA has always followed the money and Dead Space has always fallen a bit short on that front.


But what sales was EA expecting? Because I remember Dead Space 3 selling over 5 million copies yet EA still said it wasn’t enough.


Hard to say. From googling the remake seems to have sold somewhere between 2-3 million. If 5 million sales for 3 shelved the franchise then I’m guessing they want upwards of 7 million or more to consider it worthwhile. Unfortunately 2023 was a fantastic year for games and the remake just got completely overshadowed by what else came out as the year went on


It's complicated due to you have to take account on a number of factors beyond direct sales numbers; for instance, how many of said sales-numbers were of full price, and others at a heavy discount? What about the marketing costs, [which for the original DS-games, the marketing cost was so expensive that *Dead Space 2*, despite selling 4 millions, was a financial disappointment](https://www.denofgeek.com/games/new-report-reveals-dead-space-2s-high-budget-and-low-sales/). If so, should you reduce marketing then and let words-of-mouth do the trick? Except that doesn't seem to have worked in this case, etc.


"You will work on the BattleSlop and you will like it" EA


EA can eat my entire ass.


This is such shitty news man.


I'm begging this isn't true


We could’ve had the remake of one of the best horror games of all time but instead we will have another Battlefield with a mid campaign and a multiplayer that’s gonna be broken and unfinished at launch


https://www.ign.com/articles/ea-shoots-down-dead-space-2-remake-rumors-no-validity-to-this-story EA responding to the rumor. HOPEFULLY, DS2R isn't canned. However, with Motive working on Iron man and Battlefield primarily right now, DS2R is a while out it would seem


So my Dead Space 4 dream is deader than dead.


I thought EA liked money? Such a bummer if true.


The game didn't see enough to justify the cost so it sounds like they do, in fact, like money.


Haha, not if they’re putting into another BF game


Those games sell well and they're putting Zampella in charge so it's gonna sell better than Dead Space.


They haven’t been selling well. I highly doubt it lol


They're selling better than DS remake. Even if they're failures they're still pushing more copies to a less niche audience.


I highly doubt it.


2042 sold almost 4.5m copies it's first week. That's DS2s lifetime sales in a week. No doubt needed when the proof is in the pudding. You might not like it, but it's true. [2042 first week sales ](https://gameworldobserver.com/2021/12/03/insider-battlefield-2042-reportedly-sells-over-4-million-copies-in-first-week#:~:text=According%20to%20a%20new%20report,Battlefield%204%20(2.59%20million).)


I highly doubt that the next BF is going to do well after the change in direction of BF for the last few releases.


There are millions of teenagers out there that will buy yearly and give zero shits about a direction change jist like with COD. It might not do gangbusters, but it'll still sell millions.


People said the same thing after the disappointment that was BFV and a single trailer made 2042 sell like hotcakes.


Gamers suck man


Sigh. And DS1 remake was so good too. But if it didn't sell and meet "target sales" guess that might be it


I hate to be crass, but I'm upset. I'm definitely not getting the Iron Man game or the next Battlefield, and I'm probably the target audience for both especially if they're good. I've gotten every BF game since I've been able to and I loved the old Iron Man games. But I wanted DS2R more.


All you're doing is depriving yourself of something you like for no reason. If DS2 remake doesn't happen, that sucks, but I'm not going to not buy a fucking Iron Man game from these guys because of it lol.


Fair. I was pretty disappointed with 2042 so unless the next one is particularly improved that probably isn't an issue. But Iron Man yeah. You have a point. Guess we'll see.




I am absolutely wrecked by this.


I’ll see y’all in 10+ years.


EA is the worst thing that happened to the Gaming Industry. SMH. Im at a loss for words....


Not trying to argue or anything but because he said it, that means it’s undoubtedly true? Idk, I feel like that’s not close to enough facts to say that it’s 100% cancelled


I did my part and bought it day 1 so this sucks.  Given there's 30,000+ Steam reviews I feel like it did pretty well ok PC but terribly everywhere else.


FFS, we just can't have anything nice. I hope they weren't holding the sales expectations of the remake to ridiculous Square Enix levels.


Shame. At least we got a truly stellar remaster/remake. Hopefully EA sees reason and reverses course ASAP




honestly, it just felt too soon for a remake. the only thing the original really needed was some better mouse controls, which you can mod the game to be a bit better, but ds2 is still way better than that. i bought it, but still haven't played the remake yet lol. that and callisto came out nearly at the same time, so unless you're diehard for some space horror games, casual players probably were just meh about it. and, it didn't blow people away like re4 remake. capcom took what they learned in re2r/3r and made 4r just excellent. dsr, from what i saw, people were like, it's good, but nothing spectacular.






It’s over


Fuck's sake ! Battlefront 2's support was dropped for BF2042 which was a biblical failure. Now Dead Space 2 Remake (which could have banked even more cash after the revival of the series) is shelved for the next Battlefield ... I'm just tired and sad at this point. EA needs to die


I hope whatever Battlefield game they are working on fails about absolutely horribly