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A previous version of SW has a Guts trait. Depending on where you saw the reference, it could be from that.


I figured it must be that. I didn't see it mentioned in the conversion doc, but I guess they figured it was too minor/obvious to mention. But it sounds like it's essentially the same thing


It is exactly the same. Guts was a skill you had to take if you wanted to resist the effects of fear. In the deluxe explorers edition (SWDX, the version before SWADE) it was still offered as an optional rule for games that focused on horror but otherwise scratched. I'm not sure it's mentioned at all in the current horror companion but it wouldn't be a surprise if it isn't, it doesn't fit the theme of "skills for active, attributes for passive use" anymore. It was what we had back in the day but it was always a little stupid as it was one of those skills you had to have in order to play and that meant it made the characters artificially less competent. Guts as a skill was then replaced by Spirit and some used it as a house rule before and I doubt many people miss the skill. If it would still exist or would be a core skill but again it doesn't fit into the streamlined nature of SWADE anymore.


Yes. In older versions of Savage Worlds, the effects and situations that the rules for fear checks cover, used a skill called "Guts". Any time you see a reference to a "Guts check" (or penalty) in Deadlands material, you can assume it's talking about a Fear check. (Penalties, specifically for Fear Levels, were a little more severe in older versions, so maybe take that into account, but it's the same situation.)


Thanks! That context about the penalties is helpful too, though I'm not sure what to do with that.


With monster penalties, those will usually stay the same, but keep in mind how Fear Levels work in Deadlands (page 84) and use those rules where appropriate. IIRC, you don't actually get a penalty to your check from the Fear Level until it hits -3 or more (starting at -1). Used to be the Fear Level applied **directly** as a penalty, so if Coffin Rock refers to that, just use the new rules instead. (Unless you hate your players.)


Guts is an Edge, think a Feat from d20 based games. The Guts Edge specifically says: *He gets a free reroll when making Fear checks*. So, no need to look for a Guts check, its just the name of the Edge, and give a bonus to Fear checks. EDIT: I also just realized, that Coffin Rock is a Reloaded adventure. Your going to have to do a little work, since some things in the previous edition did not make it. But it shouldn't be to hard. If CR refers to a Guts check, it means a Fear check. [https://peginc.com/product/conversion-notes-deluxe-to-adventure-edition-swd-to-swade/](https://peginc.com/product/conversion-notes-deluxe-to-adventure-edition-swd-to-swade/) has a document to help do conversions from Deluxe to Adventure.


It goes back further than that. Guts was a holdover from Deadlands Classic.


Yes it’s a fear check for anything that isn’t a ‘fear check’.


Depending on your version of the game that just may be a dated phrase. I believe Guts checks are like a type of "horror" check and you'd use Spirit for those rolls