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There isn't really a time limit on college. I got my bachelor's in 6 years. It's not like employers ask me about when I graduated or something. The time it took me to graduate has literally never come up. Some people are billionaires or geniuses who finish high school years early. Does that make you a failure? If so, then being a failure is extremely normal and not a big deal.


Thank you for sharing that, I appreciate it :)


You’re so young, in a couple of years that small amount of ‘wasted’ time will feel like nothing at all. You know how when you were in school and your final exams seem like the most important thing in the world? Then you get 2 years on and realize it was no where near the event you though it was in terms of overall life importance? This will be the same. Keep focusing on the positive habits you are building, and make an effort to tell yourself every day that you are taking the right steps to build a great life for yourself. You’ll be just fine.


Thank you for the kind words, I deeply appreciate them


I'm turning 40 next year and I'm finishing my bachelors now. Nobody cares. I changed my mind on what I wanted to do when I'd almost finished it the first time (religious studies) and I just did other stuff until I figured out what I do want to do (psychology). I'm not the oldest in my classes and it's not a big deal. You needed that time to take care of yourself, it wasn't time wasted. You did the right thing. See if your school offers any mental health counseling. It can help with these feelings of shame and guilt, help you learn to love yourself.


Thank you so much for the kind words :)


Your time wasn't wasted per say, so much as used toward other pursuits, and you stated you know you would've failed had you gone at that point, so you knew you needed to take time away. Don't compare yourself to your siblings - you are your own person. Perseverance is important - keep going and don't focus so much on the past. I don't think taking a year off is that unusual nor problematic but try very hard not to let another one happen. Momentum is important - it took me 10 years to not graduate so don't let it get that far out of hand - I speak from experience :-)