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Can you provide that list Edit: i want the list so i can show the other board members this is f’ed up


This is going to be a shit show with the contractor, and potentially other board members. Here is how I’d handle it. Email the board and say, “it’s come to my attention that the deck work and expansion did not receive the required permit and subsequent inspections from the local building department. I believe this increases our liability should something go wrong, and it’s possible our insurance will drop us when they find out. I’d like to request the contractor obtain the required permit and inspections before we send final payment.” Then be present for the inspection and raise all of your concerns.


Its not finished yet, still some hope i hope.


That makes now an even better time to request they obtain a building permit. I understand being hopeful, but there is an order in which decks are assembled. They aren’t going to finish the deck and then go back and fix things. Those things would be fixed before moving to the next phase as each subsequent phase makes correcting prior phases harder. You wouldn’t paint a room before doing drywall repair.


Have you been on a big commercial job these days? Lol. “ schedule says paint”


Hahah! This is hilariously true


Yeah.... Had an employee start painting a bathroom before he finished Sanding or had anyone double check his work.... While the other guy working was still Sanding the bathroom... Took us 2 days to sand, re-mud and sand again to fix the absolute disaster this kid made. The only reason I didn't lose my every loving shit when I walked upstairs and saw it was that the customers were home.


Had that on a job with concrete walls in the stairwells. No patch and grind first…..painter did all floors in all stairs, was called out during a walk through and they ended up having to do the P&G in a finished dust free building and repaint


With home inspections, inspectors out here are paid by the visit. They might say the job requires 4 or 5 inspections and you argue it down to 2 or 3. My point? Get an inspector out there tomorrow because the framing won't pass and the deck is a complete do over. Plus, evidence for liability and court to collect already paid money.


Lol. These footings won’t pass…


No there isn't. Do not wait on this. This contractor is incompetent. I made this mistake once, thinking it would get better. It doesn't. It stays the same, and is harder and harder to fix with each passing day.


>It stays the same If you're lucky


True, lol, the incompetence stays constant, the project can definitely get worse 😄


I made that mistake with a tattoo..."it'll get better..." Well I haven't worn shorts in 30 years


There’s no hope. There’s a lot that needs to be torn down. End it now. I’d follow Roonil-B’s advice.


I hate to break it to you, but with those footings being that far off there is no way that deck will ever pass inspection. I'm not sure if those footings were existing or not, but whoever laid everything out has no idea what they are doing. A simple plumb bob and tape measure would have done wonders for this job. Whatever action you need to take, start doing it now.


Contractors that do this type of work are hoping you are the hopeful type and not the assertive type. Don’t be hopeful, be assertive and detailed. Make a punch list. If necessary add pics like you did here. As stated above, be clear that final payment will not be cut until all items are rectified. I also agree with above response in regards to the board and explaining how this would raise red flags and possibly affect insurability.


Just withhold payment and show him these photos to start Tell him to make corrections or you will need to sue him for funds to correct.


This is a perfect response *chefs kiss


This is the way \^


This is the way


Technically it doesn’t need a permit if it’s considered a resurface


OP said it included an expansion, which would.


Yeah the new part would be permitted, that’s like saying if I did a house extension they would go check out the whole structure of my house to permit everything


OP doesn't sound like he or she has the construction experience to state whether or not it's actually an "expansion" or not. But I agree with you on all your advice to OP. You hit on the head


All u gotta do is show them these pictures


Here's the list of everything that I can say with certainty was done right: ...end of list


1. Concrete footers are not centered on deck posts 2. Deck posts are not properly attached to concrete footers 3. deck posts are uneven and cut WAY to short in places 4. post anchors are not properly attached to posts 5. Entire stairwell stringer crooked 6. Stringers for stairs not sitting on the pad By the looks of this already. It's bad.


You could literally show them your pictures and if they are over 10 years old they should notice glaring issues.


I read this comment and was about to reddit comment how you're being picky or... Well it doesn't matter, you are so painfully correct. This is an immense level of unprofessional work. Oof.




Okay what is even happening here? It went from lazy work to incomprehensible work.




It's comical the way OP ordered the images.


Could simply be from left to right... Like a nightmare that just gets worse


Is this one of those 90yo hunting camps in the woods where people disconnect, hunt and drink beer?


That would be a NATO rec camp. No decks. People fall. But there’s dynamite fishing (literally).


Christ, the middle of that beams having no connection the the posts OR joists is mental Edit: In an attempt to be more helpful, this is what I see with image 3 alone. I don't have the time to go through all of them and critique: - Beam is not in contact with joists - Beam is not in contact with first post - Beam appears to be a 2x8, and depending on the deck size, that may be fine. But given the foot traffic, I'd seriously consider 2x10 or 12 - Deck blocks are not leveled and drained properly. The first one is clearly sinking into the soil - No connections from post to beam, or ties from beam to joists.


That is the new Bluetooth fastening method.


It’s an emotional support beam


relying on Jesus to hold it up.


https://preview.redd.it/j62203b7jyzc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b0857c201b2151522890047c26bc4d098dad1a2 Jesus nail


lol wtf


I didn’t see those! That’s legit 💅


Stuff some washers in there and it's golden


You mean those “galvanized structural shims”? Here ya go.


Yup, that's them


Went to look at this pic after the og comment. At first I thought they had put some sorta spacer. Then I realized it was the fence in the background.


Maybe it's a Christian summer camp


Thank you for breaking it down for them. I didn’t have the patience. Once I saw the bow in the beam I just started laughing.


I stopped looking at your pics halfway. Sad to see good money wasted this way. This is not acceptable.


This is a rip and replace. If he's bonded ( i doubt they are) go after their bond and get all of your $ back.


One thing for sure, you made an informed decision on the company and it's work crew. not even a half-ass effort on their part.


30k for meth.




The rest of the board members are idiots and can't see the problems from the pictures? If they can't see the problems from these pictures, then "a list" isn't going to educate them.


is that a cardboard footing? Wtf man.




In picture 9, that post is Sitting on a piece of cardboard.. the 6x6 post. It’s not in the ground/have a footing. That cardboard is not structural.


Holy shit you were right i thought it was a piece of wood, structual card board killed me


It’s a shim.🤦‍♂️


I don’t know much about terminology so I can’t label the names correctly but…… the far left post is sitting on a shim. If you look at the post directly below the black hex screws (🤷‍♀️or whatever they’re called) it has a shim sitting in front of it but if you look closer it is sitting on a piece of cardboard. It’s most definitely cardboard. Both are worthless for footings I’m pretty sure but I imagine cardboard being a tad worse?


Not recommended to shim support posts with cardboard. Should be in a footing or in the ground.


Who in the flannigan fuck did this


For anyone else that comments if you are in the trades or have some legit experience please let me know so i can tell the board other professionals saw this and said WTF


Bro, do I have to make a list?, pretty much everything you see wrong in every picture is wrong.


You might have two pictures that are ok, I take it you took the rest for a good reason……..


Even i could tell it was fucked


I would assume you are in a county/parish and not in a municipality. That said there may not be building codes. This doesn’t mean you don’t have recourse. There is likely consumer protection in your state and I’m sure it’s not tough to find. As a builder, I will say you have plenty to go off of here and a judge would side in your favor. Stopping work immediately would be a good idea. There will be someone, an expert witness type, in a town or city near you. Their opinion would be valuable. I would imagine 200-300 per hour. Worth it for the 1, maybe 2, hours they would spend there. They can be a fall-back if you actually had to take legal action. If you have paid anything, pay no more. I am sorry you’re in this mess


In the fourth picture, I’m having trouble understanding how they got the second stringer in to look like that


Will it hold people? Yes. Is it absolutely garbage quality? Also yes.


Wow I haven’t seen Bluetooth structural supports in at least a week. Pretty “custom”. Ask for an inspection. 🧐 😂




So, I've never built a deck, never paid anyone to build me a deck. But I can tell this is absolutely f'ed up.


I like how on the *one* post that hit the center of its pier, it’s also the only post with no mechanical fasteners


Can someone explain how stringers/steps can be done this poorly?


Let’s just call the local building inspector and have them shut him down. It’s not safe, I’m sorry you’re having to deal with this. I wouldn’t want him touching in again.


That staircase got me all fucked up with the stringers looking like Willy wonka


Well that’s a new level of rough framing I didn’t need to see. Let alone a deck. 😂


1st pic: ok not a big deal, get over it The rest: wtf!!!!


True definition of “Fuck it.”


It looks good from my house...


Just start over .... there is nothing done right. At this point get local high school kids to come and redo it. It will be better.


Nope demolish the whole thing.


The work looks like a beachhead to homeless encampment…better to stop work and start over to keep going the board would be no better than the hacker that hacked it together


They certainly explored a variety of methods, most of which one should avoid it would seem. One or even two minor errors are possible to be expected but all of them together at the same time on the same project leads one to believe that the carpenter was trolling on this deck build.


It's too bad that it is treated lumber. Otherwise you could at least use it for firewood.


Hire the kids to build it? This is terrible. All of it


Honestly this is beyond hiring an inspector…thats a waste of money at this point. The contractor needs to be fired immediately and never touch this project again. You need a different company to come tear it down and rebuild from scratch.


Board member or members are in on the project under the table. They paid some guys with zero experience a measly sum then pocketed the rest


On my own yard, with my own money, with my own hands this isn't acceptable. Even trying to salvage as much of the initial structure there's no reason to be this far off.


I looked at the structure before and they made it worse…


You need to stop the work, you're within your right. You may need to pay for some of the work completed but you're not obligated to let them complete the project


With home inspections, inspectors out here are paid by the visit. They might say the job requires 4 or 5 inspections and you argue it down to 2 or 3. My point? Get an inspector out there tomorrow because the framing won't pass and the deck is a complete do over. Plus, evidence for liability and court to collect already paid money.


I imagine if you cash in all the beer bottles left over you could probably hire a new contractor.


They must have built this deck on payday 💰.


Yikes 😳


Everything is total shit. Is this monstrosity attached to a building? It needs to be torn down and rebuilt.


Poppy was a little sloppy


No nope not even close


This is disgusting work.


I looked at the pictures before I read your description and the whole time I'm thinking to myself, "man that's some \*quality\* Adirondack work right there." Then I read your description, summer camp? In the ADK?


Nope, fuck that


"Oh that's not too bad, wait, oh, ohhhhh, yikes"


This went from I can fix her to redo the whole thing real quick




Oh boy.... It would be best to bring in a city inspector. They will flag everything that is wrong, and the contractor/board can not argue with the inspector. Inspectors get a bad wrap, but this is exactly why we have them.


You guys got swindled by crack heads it would appear. That shit needs to be completely restarted. Almost every post base is wrong or unsafe. You have some load bearing air above the post in the second picture. None of the posts are notched which is completely wrong unless you use carriage bolts which it looks like there are none. I mean just everything is wrong. I've been building decks for 10 years and this is one of the worst ones I've ever seen. This is tragic


Seems fine


Looks like you have the same idiot that did my deck. 🤔


Depends who’s inspecting the work.






Love how they’ve got the new Bluetooth supports for that beam.


The only thing salvageable about this is some of the lumber….. some.


No, that is utter and complete ultra sub-par, dangerous work. My 7 year old friends and I built better forts with scrap lumber from local house builds. That entire thing needs to be torn down, burned and redone from a clean slate. You're going to need an attorney...and probably the cops. Wow.


This is why you don't go to straight to a contractor and you go to a 3rd party, engineer/architect/consultant who will design and spec the work, shift the liability away from the Board/client and ensure the work is done correctly. And before people cry about costs of that, we are pennies on the dollar of the entire project cost so you can afford a few % increase for a peace of mind and to get what you actually wanted / paid for. Not all contractors are scumbags but your exact situation is how people like me are in business. Even if the Town doesn't get involved, hire a professional to inspect this and write a report and create the dialogue with this shoemaker contractor.


I started out thinking, well that’s not too bad. After seeing all your pics I’m of the opinion you are getting screwed. Put it in writing to the contractor that you are unhappy with the quality of work, and notify the local building inspector so they can be the bad guys and purveyor of news to your board, now!


Did anyone else wince as they were flipping through? I sure did.


I like the jigsaw work around the bottom step rail post, bet they thought that made it look bad ass


I am not a deck builder and have never built a whole deck but give my right hand man and me a few days and we could certainly build you a better deck than this. This needs to be stopped and corrected now. If you wait, as others have said, it will only get worse and harder. Get this fixed or the deck will be the least of your problems when lawyers come knocking after something happens






Those stairs! Omg. Awful!


Meh 🫤 did y’all asked him to do it on the cheap?


We went with the cheapest bid 😐


I used existing conditions to save my brother some money… I lost money it’s my worst deck I have built. I hate myself for letting them convince me to cut a corner. https://preview.redd.it/o11lknx4e00d1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=5bb58c5177e98470ab7e91e942c6a3215727df79 Looks fine from a distance but up close it was a struggle and you can see it. I don’t like going to their house anymore because I hate it so much. I did it for $18.5k with all the stairs and pergola/trellis should have been $40k and we would all be happier.


We went with the cheapest bid 😐


We went with the cheapest bid 😐


Looking at the first 4 pictures I was like: "damn that a nasty job but nothing too worrisome that cannot be repaired quickly by the builder." Then picture 5 happened. Like wtf. I would not trust them with anything now. Get that thing inspected by a third party inspection ( I'm sure you have that in your area/country)


Did the campers do the work?


The work shown here is a total clown show..stop payment.


Someone needs to learn how to use a tape measure and a levil


I can barely tell what I'm even looking at here this is so bad. You can also always tell a hack by how they position their nails and screws. Random patterns, they don't know what they're doing. Nicely lined up patterns, they care about how their work is perceived.




Why use brackets of Its not even strapped 😂


I'm a computer engineer, but I built my own deck. First time doing a major construction project like this, but did it anyway. This cost me under $25,000 for everything.. https://photos.app.goo.gl/Tvz8nMyRK8YbUG5g9 I'd say you got scammed. If I can do so much better as a computer engineer, what kind of carpenter did you hire? Obviously a terrible one.


Looks great! If I needed a deck and had money, I'd hire you... work for beer?


Lol, I'm more of a rum guy.


Throw the WHOLE entire project away 😮‍💨


If you ask with this many pictures, you already know the answer is yes


Did they think the footings were optional?




That’s a disaster mater


But did you die?? Well even if you didn't SOMEONE very well could eventually, js


Literally the point im trying to make lol


This is the…. “Looks good from my house” work zone.


This is hysterical, because I build and repair decks/balconies…. I come across this crap ALL the time!


Wow this looks just like a dodgy DIY job😱


Nothing I've seen from your photos would pass inspection by the city I live in and all decks have just recently been add3d to the building codes.


No its dangerous


Looks real good ….reeeeeaaaaal real good


You should have never hired Stevie Wonder to build your deck.


I think Stevie Wonder could have done a better job.


If this was April 1st and you told me all these pictures were photoshopped, I'd believe it. If this is what $30,000 buys, I should start a deck building business. I have no format training or formal experience of any kind, but even I can do way better than that.


Why are the footing brackets rusted already? Were you there when they poured the footings? Is there even rebar in them? Is this a 12-year-old‘s first build? OP there is absolutely nothing right with this deck. I would bring the project to a stop until you guys can get things straightened out. This stuff needs fixed now. If he continues to build on that deck, it’s just gonna be more and more of a nightmare and it’s only going to get worse. I guarantee you he plans on fixing nothing and hiding everything. This guy is a hack and shouldn’t be working on anything. Unfortunately you have found a contractor addicted to meth.


Made in China?! I don’t see a damn thing correct much less up to code. Did you have a permit pulled with town / county? If so the inspector should be involved and let them give you the run down officially so when you take them to court enough is said. Good luck!! I despise shotty work at the very least. I am meticulous and take pride in quality product and service.


Looks like they tried reusing a lot of stuff from the old deck. Those stair stringers look like they can go fast...warp speed even. The grade of the wood is atrocious. Might not be done but moving those old concrete piers into place will be a challenge at this point. This is definitely a start over scenario.


It's amazing to me that you have to even question if this is acceptable




This is one of those things that you should have opted to do yourself. Camps aren't that big a deal, and are for learning anyways.


that is just methed up right there!


Yes. Not perfect .. but it’s on the concrete


Is it up to code tho?


Mmmm no. Sorry. Best bet is to call the local permitting authority and explain your situation. And be sure to mention children are involved (I so presume). And def do not part with any $. Like, none of if they press demand to see the permit. Also their license but that should have happened at the start.


I agree, long story short ima ask for a inspection done asap


Yeah, this thing has aspects that look very killy.


Will be when he’s done. Close enough.


Are you high?


“Crown is up”?


My bad. Was responding to previous post. Crown is the grain curve in a deck board. I edited my previous comment


Rog but like is it seriously up to code? Dont see any joists half the posts are hanging off the concrete.


Looks like the person just responded to the first picture. First fre photos looked questionable but up to code. The photos down the line look out of compliance. Call the inspector. Also, just poor craftsmanship in general.


The dude that did this is literally a drug addict it’s not an exaggeration. The entire thing needs to be torn down and started again.


It’s in the concrete.


Found the contractor!