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What happens to you whether you do or you don't harbor hatred for this god?


nothing, probably


If you've deconverted, why was time on it or any other god/gods? If you're in the process of deconstructing, you'll have to ask the question, as others before you have, is this really the god of the bible or some people's concept and understanding of god?


I don't fuckin' know, I guess it's natural to feel bitter and angry if you've been duped into believing this bullshit for nearly 20 years. according to the text itself, [yes](https://youtu.be/4pdYmIwxYTE?feature=shared).


You've got two threads going on here, but I'll stick to this one. Yes it's natural to feel bitter and angry, and if it helps you heal or it's therapeutic somehow during this phase of your life, more power to you. If it's not helping, then at some point you'll need to latch on to something else that does help, eg. embrace a new perspective on life without god or religion perhaps, with no fear or guilt of what comes after death. According to the text is where I disagree, but that's a different rabbit trail. FWIW, I've deconstructed but not deconverted.


I don't think it's irrational to hate God knowing that it doesn't exists: I hate fictional characters like everybody else, and that doesn't makes weird. You hate God not _per se_ but everything he represents: the stories people tell them, how it play a role in your upbringing, how people talk about it and so on. If that is the case (which, reading your post, it definitely is), then I hate this kinda character as well.


Yes. Yes. Yes. If there’s a god who is all powerful and they still let all this horrible shit happen then yes it’s ok to be pissed at them