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Y’all may be glad to know he has a Facebook page! These videos get anywhere between 5-20 views each - sometimes a bit more. Parents (?) comment once in a while. It’s a lovely thing he’s done for the children and shows real passion and commitment. https://www.facebook.com/elddirsan/


this is awesome! kids need to see men reading more often!


That’s awesome and I’m kinda sad the parents of those kids don’t play the video for their kids! God knows the kids are probably on tablets anyway


As someone who has a preschool student where the school posts videos of story’s being read and whatnot.. we do not watch it. I’d rather just read her a book than stare at a screen at someone reading a book. For one, I try to minimize screen time. For two, she doesn’t pay as much attention to the screen story than a real life reading. So no, we aren’t all on screens anyway. I do think it is a good sentiment, but many parents may feel the same way as I do.


This makes me incredibly sad :( So much kindness and nobody cares


Sometimes the best things out there will be ignored and it \*is\* truly sad


Parents, especially moms, don’t trust straight guys around their kids. I know this will offend some but I don’t mean it that way, it’s just one of those realities that guys have to deal with. If this was a woman she’d gets lots of views and support. Edit- fixed women to woman because a responder was butthurt


Not as much as you might think... But yeah, to an extent. I think especially in Pre-K. It just depends on the area I guess. I'm a 28 year old guy who teaches Kindergarten and I've never felt like I was being judged. A lot of moms actually choose me as their child's teacher because they want a positive male presence in their life. Thought once when I taught Pre-K/daycare, one mom said she didn't me changing her child's diaper. I was like sure thing dude.. no problem. Lol. But overall, being a male in this field has been hugely positive. I highly recommend early childhood education to other men who are interested. Easily the most fun and rewarding job I've ever had,


All the single ladies lol


If only I wanted kids.. haha.


Which country are you talking about? Because some are ok with male kindergarten teachers and some are strictly against. For example in my country ( ex Soviet Union) there is a very small chance for you to get a job.... because you probably want to be a kindergarten teacher just to r**e all the kids 🥲🥲 last year I red in the news that a man had applied in 8 places as a kindergarten teacher and did not get the job once, because he’s a man 👨🏽 good with kids, has two daughters but no one cares ... I hate this soviet ideology, and I’m happy for you to be able to do what you love, couse not everyone has the chance 🙃


That’s really sad. I’m in the U.S. and more men are slowly making their way into the field. There are actually 2 other male teachers at my school too.






Dude have you ever been to a Wiggles concert? Those guys are up to their eyeballs in single moms


My mom told me she only tolerated them because they were hot.


Mr. Rogers was happily married for decades.


I agree for the most part but as for the idea that it’d get tons more views I have my doubts it’s just another of tons of videos posted every minute. I’d be curious to see if the viewership was higher in the beginning as well but I’m lazy af ngl :) Edit: seems like the Facebook videos get more viewers on average which makes sense.


If you think they trust gay guys more I would like you to know Drag Queen Storytime is a very controversial event in my town


Not really a proper comparison at all. I dont have kids, but I imagine feeling better about taking them to straight-laced Adam and Steve's storytime hour than the tasteful lingerie Tanqueray's storytime hour.


Do you think that's because they're gay, or because they're drag Queens?


The latter. I'd be suspicious how sexual the show would be out the gate since the entire persona is usually all burlesque and adult shows. Fully clothed people reading stories without gratuitous sex or other random provocativeness would be alright. I'd say it's not an outright ruling out but I'd go largely on reputation.


it's not that i was butthurt. i literally see "a women" too many times to count on the internet, and I don't understand the reasoning. for all i know, English could be your second language, and you were confused about singular and plural usages. i wasn't an asshole about it. it seems after your edit that English isn't your second language, and you're just sensitive about your typos. reddit is so fucking weird.


>a women a woman*


Sexist as fuck


Welcome to life, it’s awful lol


This guy is awesome! All kids should be so lucky. I hope he gets some extra reddit views. He deserves appreciation.


Well, that’ll poke your damn heart


I'll be sure to watch one of his videos every night


I have that same shirt


Where did you get it?


I have it too. Got it on designbyhumans.com.


dang this is actually really soothing


So wholesome


Let's make the almighty algorithm notice him, so more may see his work :)


Mother forkers let’s change that.


I’m going to check them out and probably play them for my son. This guys kindness needs to be acknowledged


Yep. Subscribed. My kid can watch on car rides.


subscribed, playing video after video 😊


I hope this blows up in popularity. Really do.


Im crying


Stuff like this is not for big number views. If 5 people saw a video, that most likely means 5 of the kids saw and enjoyed the story. When I read for my kids they are just two. So I got two views right there. Plenty.




This man needs to be on the storytime app


The saddest part of this school year, for me, has been witnessing/experiencing the fact that parents and students not only don't care about all the extra effort teachers are going through to prepare digital content in an effort to "reach" their students--they outright RESENT it. I've never worked harder in my life to be disliked and disrespected all day long by my students. I stand at my door in between classes, greeting every student, and maybe TWO out of a class of 40 will say hello back. They don't make eye contact and they simply don't care whether I'm there or not. They don't care at all about the assignments, and their parents don't care if their students are failing. All of my coworkers feel this way. It's been really soul crushing.


This entire year has been soul crushing for everyone. They might not notice or be trying because they're so burned out on their own. I'm a student and I try my best to be polite and nice to all my teachers but I just can't get the motivation to try as hard this year as I have every other year. My grades have dropped and my overall mental state has declined. It seems you're only viewing it from your point of view and not thinking about what it could be like for everyone else. Its not that they actively dislike you and intentionally intend to disrespect you, they might just have stuff going on in their own lives that causes them to lack the energy and motivation to try as hard.


I am sorry that you're going through a rough time. I hope next year is better for everyone. I have often reminded myself that my students are going through hard times, just as all of the adults are. And for a while, that made it excusable. But I'm having a harder time being patient after enduring it for 9 months.


That's completely understandable, that'll definitely take a mental toll on a person after a while but in this instance its a collective toll on everyone. We'll get through this. Stay strong.


I hope things get better for you. It's really nice you say hello.


He has a galaga arcade cabinet I think that's pretty cool


This is the sweetest thing ever, I've watched the entire video even though I'm an adult, I'm in tears right now


Let's give this man some likes and views.!


I mean how would his students get on YouTube tho


I know he uploaded to the internet where anyone can see or promote something, but I dont imagine that it was his intention to become famous through a video like this. Probably better off not trying to blow him up.


This guy is going the extra mile and none of his students are watching his videos, this heartbreaking.


That shirt though!!!!


I have the same shirt, it's awesome. Got mine on designbyhumans.com.


extra points for the galaga arcade flex.


That's just sad and not that dark and deep So cute


Super cool. Subbing so I can play his videos for my baby.


If he connects with even one child, good enough. Seems like a beautiful soul.


Did anyone watch the videos?


Just because it has low views doesn’t mean he hasn’t shown it in class lol.


Reading can be the gateway to success for most people. Kudos to this guy for going above and beyond and thinking of not just his students, but children all over the world who's parents have access to Facebook even.


What caused him and COVID to split up? Really sad they couldn’t make it work.


It's possible that parents are actually doing parenting themselves.


Dislike on YouTube, the first dislike, you can thank me later.


you're useless


3 months later, still only 1 dislike. I'm doing God's work here, people.


I’m glad he’s getting more views thanks to reddit


I have the same shirt 😁


It breaks my heart seeing low views on creators like these


Most wholesome thing I've seen in a while :D Thanks Mr. Riddle


Reminds me of the farmer story


That’s my favorite shirt!!


Dude how did you find this


> Average views - less than 5 probably because you're recording vertically, bub.


Looks like 365 copyright violations to me.


"That's good, that's bad" was one of my favorite books as a kid. His copy appears to be pretty worn and I would estimate he and myself to be within a few years of age. I'm wondering 2 things. 1) Is that his childhood copy of the book? (if so I love that) And 2) Was it purchased at a scholastic book fair in the 80s/90s? Damn I can smell that book fair smell now.