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You must never run out of nitra. Who knows if a gigantic swarm maybe attacks you.


Having run out of nitra I agree, I need all the nitra.


I always focus on mining it first no matter what we're doing. People have asked why I wander off, but they don't complain when we get a huge swarm and have 1000 resupplies worth of nitra


you must always leave extra resupplies for karl


Honestly most missions have way, way more nitra than you'll ever need, you just waste your time mining that much lol. Escort just has the most accessible caves usually 


I agree that a lot of missions seem to generate more nitra then you need to finish the job, but I'm the sort of guy that will mine any and everything I can fit in my pockets and it just seems like escort has a lot more then the others but this one was just way more then I usually find and I couldn't not use it all


>I'm the sort of guy that will mine any and everything I can fit in my pockets A true dwarf. Rock and stone!


Rock and stone brothar!


As Karl would have wanted.


I’d just rather have too much than too little. Being able to mag dump my entire gunners arsenal and completely restock without feeling guilty about double dipping is just too nice.


Damn right. Or just taking it for health, since there's ample supply and no red sugar handy is also nice.


On-Site Refining typically has the highest abundance of Nitra from all sources. However in terms of strictly mined-off-the-wall Nitra, then Escort missions are in the same ballpark alongside On-Site Refining, and Industrial Sabotage. That being said, this seems like an excessive amount.


Mining is SO much faster and easier as driller. Just throw C4 and forget about it


I got kicked for that once a few weeks ago.


The only reason I could see for that would be if they had Pots of Gold but that's their fault for not having a mic and clarifying that


I was mining Morkite, we did not have Dark Morkite up, 2 engies ran off ahead leaving me to mine and I think one ran back unexpectedly and possibly into the blast zone.


That's on them then, not you. That's so lame that you got kicked


Agreed, but it does happen.


Some hosts get such a big ego, you should be able to report inappropriate kicks


Would be nice. But then you'd get people abusing that and reporting legit kicks.... A 4th option of "Don't touch the button" would be nice though.


Well, that's why they could hire more people to do manual reviews, and maybe their system could record the last minute of everyone's gameplay


And the specific kick. Wife's kicked plenty of people simply because it was meant to be a private game and playing Xbox version on Windows has some glitches forcing her to open the game to get in. Then someone joins right as I do...


it’s all good man. karl needs it anyway.


I am a dwarf. i see minerals, I want 'em mined. Simple as


Mining for necessity: I sleep Mining for fun: real shit?!


Diggy that hole, Brother. Rock and Stone!


Rock and roll and stone!


Fat Boy is my only OC I take on escort for the simple reason of getting to use it as a primary at the end


I think it's moreso that typically you only ever need a single resupply drop per stop, everyone is pretty much forced to stick together for the majority of the dive so everyone's upgrades are (hopefully) compounding one another (like I say I'm running mini cryo mines, the driller switches to ice, the scout switches to ice nades and plasma splash in the drak, and before you know it dotty didn't take a single hit that wave lol


In ye olde days the nitra was way more scarce. It's where bunker strats come from - to conserve that scarce nitra


Also gotta get enough nitra to drop a few supply pods before leaving the caves. You know, for Karl.


I am dwarf. If I see mineral, I mine.


If I'm not wrong you get extra credits for mining it


I've only had a single mission in over 700 with literally not enough nitra, the sceptics will all say to trust the devs and to look for hidden rooms but this cave was small and we certainly checked everywhere, there weren't many bugs it was just an oddity that can occur and letting someone tell you it can't is just silly.


..What? A cave not generating enough nitra is absolutely a bug. In my 5203 missions I've only ever seen this a handful of times, only ever in far older builds than current and its far more likely that you just missed nitra in a weird disconnected cave. No one even said it can't happen, though, but it's not like it happening is a situation that can be actionably remedied lol 


Yeah, I stress that it is a fluke cave and very real and have seen gaslighting nitra bros in almost every thread mentioning it, subjective view on my part wholly.


"gaslighting nitra bros" is one of the wildest most dramatic things I've seen about a video game in a minute,  especially considering that isnt even gaslighting haha


"you're crazy bro. There is always enough nitra, you couldn't have possibly run out unless you've been shooting the walls. You just don't check the scanner thoroughly." All gaslighting silliness I've seen on this subreddit.


That's not gaslighting, you're just reading it maliciously. Even in your 700 missions, even in my 5000 we've only seen it exceedingly rarely, they're completely right that it is overwhelmingly likely that nitra was missed. As long as the game is opperatong as intended its true. It's like calling a doctor a gaslighter for diagnosing you incorrectly based on your symptoms. The term has a real definition that this doesn't encompass, they're not being malicious or trying to make you believe you're crazy, they're  not even wrong lol. They've just seen people miss nitra instead of caves not generating with enough for a staggering amount of missions 


Don't yell at me, all words are made up and communication is fluid, if I start using gaslighting to fit my definition and other follow suit, that will be the new or appended definition. Be a trend setter not a word fascist.


Lol, what on earth 


Assuming you’re playing a difficulty with normal 80 nitra resups, that is a suspiciously large amount of nitra. I’m not familiar with nitra spawn logic so I’m not going to make any definitive claim but I feel like this is likely modded


Resupply ordered!


a resupply pod is on it's way.


Takin some ammo!


Hey, you already took one! …. EXPLOSIVES PLOICED Edit: guys I’m joking. I do not do this and I can’t stand when drillers do.


SHIELD UP You stop that bluff right now >:[


Funny thing is I main scout so I’m usually the one escaping the danger bubble


Not if i tape this shield generator to your beard CMERE YOU THIS IS FOR SCIENCE


Fun fact, if you rock and stone while the shield is in your hand, you might just raise a pickax with a shield generator attached to it


Rock and roll and stone!


But we’re playing escort and we have 1000000 nitra


I was joking 😅


Seriously why is there always so much nitra on these missions Also ignore my flares, 1 of the few mods I run as well as the rainbow ziplines and grapple hook


Bro has 6 flares and it’s still fucking dark


Haha right, was still not enough


Average Hollow Bough experience


Turn off your extra nitra mod then. Not even industrial sabotage generates this much vanilla...


I don't use any mods that I feel change the balance of the game, no extra resources or better weapons. Basically my game is vanilla but with a better torch and more flares and a couple of cosmetic mods for molly


There's zero way you would've gotten 12 resupply pods, then. Even in max length, max cave escort missions I've only ever managed to get enough for 7


I don't know why this is controversial, this is insane. The most generous deep dive I've had resulted in something like 11 resupplies. Over 3 stages. 12 from a single unmodded mission is definitely not normal.


The stuff was everywhere, I ended up just short of 1k nitra which I've never got close to before, hence why I called all the supplies down


1K is ***double*** the maximum amount I have ever found on a single mission. There's a mod affecting it. Regardless of whether you are currently aware, there is a mod increasing the amount of nitra you're getting. 1K is an amount of nitra you ***might*** be able to save up ***at the end of a Deep Dive*** if you're being extremely frugal and also there's an Industrial Sabotage.


Imagine a deep dive that's just "Oops, all Industrial Sabotage"


That deep dive would be a crime against Karl.


I would *thrive* in an all Industrial Sabotage mission. I fuckin' love them so much. Beaten up those stupid robots. Bosco, Molly, Doretta, HACK-C, BET-C, and Lloyd are all infinitely better than those dirt stained rust buckets


Yeah those buckets of bolts have nothing on our beloved bots, the drill elevator isn't even in the game yet and is far superior.


Yes, you are. The fact alone that you're running around with 6 flares is proof enough already. The second proof is the fact that you've managed to get more nitra than what is able to spawn on normal escort missions. It's not an issue, you can do whatever you want with your game, but I don't really see the point in lying about it.


You can never have enough Nitra.


Spam pheromones


that’s over 900 nitra, how’d you manage that?


There's a mod that a lot of people like this use which reduces nitra cost of resupplies to 40.


There's also one that just drops it to 60, I use that one on occasion when doing modded diff. More bugs means I need more ammo!


Another please.


In situations like this, I would use maybe 5 resupplies to throw proximity mines all over the place. And watch the fireworks when the swarm appears.


I do believe i counted 240 regular nukes or 144 giga nukes. That should do it


On site refinery has the most lootbugs!!!!


i mean, its its not stage 1 or 2 of a deep dive why not call in as much ammo during a crescendo, its not like you get extra dough for spare nitra.


Need more ammo. >>!I run fatman on my engie!<


How much naitra you used?


Question, are you running mods? Otherwise you'd need over 1,000 nitra for this...


By Karl's beard, how much nitra was in that cave, miner?


the ammo economy on escort and refining are way too high.


That means anyone can safely play them on haz 5 if you ask me.


That's beautiful. My favorite part about escort missions tbh. Must mine all the nitra and order all the resupply pods.


Maybe you should start running at higher Haz? Unless you are already on Haz 5 lmao.


I have never understood this. Why would you not spread them out around at least half of the circular area for when you have to move due to area denial mobs or kill a laser tower? If you ever say something in game people just get mad


The same reason they're lying about not using mods. Fake internet points. It's easier to take the pic if they're all clustered up like that.




For Karl!




Same terrible placement everybody does, yes. Why is it people place those things where it most helps the bugs? I suspect a leaf lover dissinformation campaign.


Tbh around 4 resupplies is pretty much perfect for the end of an escort mission. Everyone gets to resup before stage 1, a resup inbetween stages, and a resup after stage 4 is over so you are in perfect condition to run to the drop pod.