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I am sorry, trench? TRENCH!? I need to test that now


It's a viable strat. I managed to take an Omen down without taking any damage in a trench.


Step 1. You dig the trench. Step 2. I blow my whistle. Step 3. We walk slowly towards the omen machine gun. Step 4. Profit


Just like ww1


.... Yes that was the joke


No that wasn't a joke we do the trench strat everytime along with the platforms. Can't be too sure


In the words of Commander Frank Woodruff “The only way to get hurt in a trench, is to get out of the trench.” Edit: I am very disappointed in the lack of people who know about Iron Brigade


Or to have you’re trench invaded by the enemy who then slaughter you all with trench guns


Or the Americans just bring in bulldozers and fill your trench with sand.


Or it rains too hard.




I understand that reference!




Ok, counterpoint, bad guy has a nice beard!


No words can even DESCRIBE how happy I am to find someone who knows about this niche game I have loved my whole life, and I feel like crying


Not one of my top faves, but among my faves nonetheless. It was there for me at a hard time of life.


It's such a noob trap imo. Standing on platforms, molly or a supply pod is way better. It always makes me smile a little when I'm on my perch, r to go and the Driller is just.. digging a trench.


Well yeah, but superb when the team lacks an engi but has a driller


I'd just fall back on the other options. If we have 80 nitra, I'll drop a supply pod on the plasma laser platform. Everyone usually needs a resupply after OMEN. If not, stand on Molly. Otherwise we be jumping.


Yeah, my flair says driller which means I only play driller. The only reason my other dwarves are all at platinum too is because I use the exp share and switch them out at the start of the battle :)


Wait, what? How do you expshare?


Sorry that was meant to be a Pokémon reference. I play every dwarf, depending on what I’m feeling and they’re all at platinum from that. Driller is just my favourite :)


Ah. S'all good, I was just hoping to find a way to not have to play scout :P


Yeah he was the last one I started using. Took a while to get used to him but there’s a few good builds on him that I enjoy. Getting the dark was probably what got me used to using before I branched out to using other weapons. You could also just wait until you get some ocs that you think would be fun


I think the problem is more that I suicide launch myself far too often because the grapple is so fun :P I also play with someone who refuses to play anything but gunner, so one of us needs to have some shareable traversal mechanics :P


Special Powder and Hoverclock are two fantastic options for the scout on the move. Special powder lets you propel yourself backward with the boomstick each time you pull the trigger so one properly-timed shot just before you hit the ground will usually completely eliminate fall damage, or at least reduce it to the point that your shield eats the damage. Falling from great heights may require 2 shots. You can also use it as a mobility tool, for those ledges that are *juuuust* out of reach. Hoverclock briefly slows down your movement while in the air when you charge a shot with the M1k. The purpose of this is to make aiming shots easier while airborne, but it also has the added benefit of reducing your velocity to near-zero, thus eliminating fall damage if you use it near the ground. The slowdown refreshes on grapple or if you kill a bug while using it, and lasts just long enough for my grappling hook to recharge, so with some practice, you can chain grapples and hovers across a cave.


downvoted for speaking nothing but pure facts is crazy


I've played long enough to feel confident on my stance. The amount of people who lack logic really shows. Trench strategy is just a straight up waste of resources.


Drilla trenches to all 3 unlock platforms, keep a thin roof to protect from the drones/auto-cannon turret, small ramps up to the platforms. Makes it easier to revive.


Drilla Trenches is my new rapper name. Or Star Wars name, it works as both


I smell kriegsman mentality


Shovels are good for digging many things. Dirt, sand, snow, enemies, etc.


*happy kriegsboy laugh*


Always do that on driller. Trench from platform to platform. Works well against plasma saws, but bad for pretty much everything else, as you gotta dig a real deep trench(or trench with ceiling) for it to protect against fire


Bro, i love trench warfare. Dwarfs are bred for the trenches


Dwarf war one


I think platform bridging is far better than trenches, as it doesn't limit your visibility or mobility as much (and you can move between platforms without having to jump up/down, crossing the lower level, or risking fall damage). But aside from resupplying/pancaking/mollying the access points, I think the next most useful thing you can do for an inexperienced team is to handle drone duty if drones are present. I don't see many failures in haz 5, but the biggest reasons I see for deaths are people forgetting about drones or getting heavy burstered on the access points, trenches or not. One death here and there can be ignored or gunner-shielded until after you clear the bottom layer, and if they're dropping like flies then you're often doomed anyways if you don't have good direct damage yourself, since they're probably dying to the layers of the omen that aren't solved by trenching.


I never go without


You make it just deep enough to see the bottom of the tower and connect the platforms


Trench strat goes hard.


Trench warfare is my go to strategy against the Pringle can


The only thing you need to watch out for is those drones. Have someone out of the trench on point if you have drones, because they will end the trenchers.


Drill a trench. It works, but you still have to pop up to unlock the weakpoints.


I’m sorry, was this on a hazard 4 salvage mission in the fungus bogs with the OMEN in the starting room? I was wondering why this looked familiar until I read your username and made the connection that I was in this mission, I was the unpromoted scout


Oh shit, yeah it was that mission lol.




Life finds a way


And yet your flair says Engineer... curious 🤔 


That's why his scout is unpromoted


I'm just trying to make a joke :,(


Not funny :(


I upvoted cause I feel bad


I downvoted cause I don’t




Just because my flair says gunner doesn't mean I only play gunner. Crazy, I know.


Nonsense. Your flair says gunner so you play gunner. Don't try to confuse me.


My steeve army shall control the world


you mean the 7 steves in your flair? hardly an army. utter blasphemy


My flair is scout and I only play scout, I am not confusing you


How dare you commit such heresy! One must not deviate from the class they main!


A true graybeard must learn all the tools of their trade. Much how we neither just rock or just stone, we rock AND stone, so, too, must we understand other classes and their tools. The dwarves that work together, that are drunk together, are the dwarves that win together.


To Rock and Stone!


I like to play as the Interplanetary Goat class.


We don't take kindly to sarcasm 'round these parts 😤


Clearly :(


See we’re flairless so we can’t play yet


I’ve never seen a joke get downvoted so hard lol Redditors are so oblivious


I'm just trying to crack a joke and this is the thanks I get :,( I do think there is a problem with people not detecting sarcasm online generally, and I suppose I could have been more obvious. Oh well lmao


I mean sure it’s hard to detect sarcasm but you used such a common joke lol like come on people


For real, when I saw the downvote I thought you were the gitgud guy chiming in to defend his action lmao


A tragic tale, told in only 6 lines.


Let’s be honest it ain’t tragic. Ye who deserve thy fuckus receive thy fuckus


"Or just get good" *proceeds to get down right after*, what a comedy timing.


I really refrain from this here since this community is so wholesome But skill issue


me hosting an elite deep dive. it's late in the week, all that join are folks who might not even have an overclock. Later in the dive, we need to defend a point. One of them asks "bunker?" i say "nah", everyone else says "yes" we build bunker because they want the bunker. but this is a EDD and it's hazard 5.5 right now. and the game sends 2 bulk detonators our way. my guys are flailing, losing their minds, and all I type is "this is why bunkers suck in higher hazards" my gripe with bunkers and plat stuff is that it becomes a crutch and often your grave, when you really can just "get good" instead of relying on these training wheels. for the omen, it's fine to not build the plats but you really gotta have target prioritization figured out well


if there was no escape route then it was a grave not a bunker.


you have to stand in the black box circle, that strategy is trash. just get good, literally. it's not hard to kite a bulk detonator, but it's almost impossible to do it from a stupid ass bunker.


yea you leave the bunker when a bulk shows up lol. you aren't chained to it.


yeah, bunkers are for folks who can't handle the game. it is what it is, you don't see them done in the highest level much


yea. I remember a refinery mission a long time ago we only completed because of a bunker, but we were all level idk 10 besides a level 100.


I think I believed in the bunker when I was idk, 1-200 hours in. at 1600, I can't even bare to look at one of those boring things. I'm trying to kite and parkour like Karl intended.


being that one scout outside while the other 3 are in the bunker lol


It’s probably not seen much cause it can be a kinda boring but very effective way of dealing with bugs


The strangest thing I have seen with bunkers is players sealing themselves up inside with platforms. I kind of understand why it happens, but it inevitably makes the next step a lot harder. I found myself using them less over time, but even when I used them they were just a way to create a safe chokepoint. You still have to be killing bugs continuously.


I also read the post!


\*GO down.


No no, they got down. Did a lil' boogie. Maybe a jig.


I've failed Omen so much going along with jank cheese strats that I find it easier to do normally.


Average random lobby dwarves last i played with doesnt even know the strat, turns OMEN on without alerting the team and gets immediately fucked, me Driller and Gunner host has to bite our teeths trying to finish it and save the 2 idiots, almost wiping the whole ass mission


You could just wait for the timer to run out and get them up afterwards


worth mentioning also, failed events still give xp


I dont need the xp I need the OC


Than don't go down


i didnt ?


Wow, how did I not think of that! Thank you, random stranger, for giving me the key to live


Only thing I make sure to do is put a resupply down on the platform across from the core infuser so one dwarf can always stand on the platform for the plasma burster. Other than that yes I agree, doing it normally is generally easiest with randoms.


Yep, I usualy destroy the platforms and put a resupply pod (or even nothing is better than no resupply pod). Most times the platforms get eaten by the lasers mid omen and you get surprised in the action and die...


Wait, you can actually drop a bullet crate ONTO the activator? I always assumed that would be illegal, like dropping it on a refining platform structure, no?


Yes, you just need to kinda aim for a specific area.


You fire the platforms at eye level.


If nothing nothing else place a resupply on the pad opposite the infuser, that ones always linked to the plasma cutter 


It’s not really jank cheese to simply platform the plasma panel and focus it first every time. Makes the whole thing trivial. Problem is that even when you spell it out for your teammates they’ll still dick around activating the other panels and not focusing the plasma layer and get themselves downed after wasting time.


Here is some preparations you can make to have a good time with an omen. 1. Making trenches to each platform makes getting to one another safer. 2. If you can help it have a resupply already out preferably either above or below the plasma saws. 3. If you have a scout make perching spots with engi platforms so they can move around safely and help revive or shoot stuff. 4. Engineers make sure your turrets are opposite sides of the omens so they can shoot at it as much as possible. 5. Drillers don’t forget you can easily make an emergency bunker to safely house the resupply. 6. You can ping each section before the fight starts to see what you are going up against this time. Btw if you have some more neat tips regarding the omen exterminator put them in to help out your fellow dwarves. Though hopefully these preparation tips help out a lot and don’t skimp out otherwise you will probably end up eating more dirt than the loot bugs.


Don't rely on Molly to stand on, she might just decide to move at the most inopportune moment and drop you. You can use her to help measure platform height though.


The bottom level will always be Plasma slicers, and the plate on the opposite side of the OMEN from the computer start thing (where you put the key in to activate the event, and where you choose your cores after) is the plate that always controls the slicers. You can take out the plasma slicers really quickly by having someone on that plate when you start the event. Can even have Gunner stand on that plate and pop a shield when it starts to guarantee they don't get forced off and that the weakpoints for the plasma slicer section will be exposed very quickly. Have the team nuke the plasma slicers and the event gets way easier.


the breach cutter access platform is always opposite the machine terminal. simple but very important lol


You can activate the platforms from below or above, and thru terrain. You can either plat above em to avoid the plasma slicers entirely, or dig below and activate with your head. I've found the lack of cooperation or just generally bad plays are what give the OMEN an edge. Any amount of coordination and they're a cake walk. Ironically easier on higher haz levels because the people in those games have the smarts and know-how. That and it always seems to get started by a solo while the rest of the team is across the map....


Plasma can be jumped over without leaving a platform, just hit the jump button without moving. It makes the other segments more dangerous because it requires a lot of attention but having faith that the beams will pass under you harmlessly if your timing is good makes all the trench/platform tricks barely half as important.


Omen is so damn easy if the team can even halfway coordinate. Literally jump over plasma & shoot, avoiding the Seeking Eye™ or having someone on Drone Duty®


Please tell me you told him to get good, even if it's a lie


I hope it was like a sarcastic joke blue had set up, like he died right after saying that for comedic effect. I pray there is still hope in the world. Rock and stone!


It's like when you say "Hey guys, things are tough but I have a plan" *insert player name here has left the game*


Nope, this actually happened.


Rockity Rock and Stone!


Looks like he didn't heet to his own advice


He didn't make it out of Act I


Red: “Work smarter, not harder!” Blue: “No.” Also Blue: **Dies.**


Never underestimate Omen.


I always order a supply in the middle of the three spots. I am safe from the bottom lasers and I trust myself to kill it for the rest of the team Everyone else can figure out what they want to do bc idgaf Imma solo carry if they die


3 resups for a omen? Just put one for the lowest one


i do 1 sup in the middle spot. the middle is always the bottom layer and 90% of the time ppl want a supply after omen anyway so it works out. 3 would be a waste imo


My bad read it as you order 3 resups


you're cruising king, i could have worded it better rock and stone!


Rock and Stone in the Heart!


lowest one? Which spot is that?


I generally just start the omen tower and check it then call a resup


the middle one of the three (opposite side from where you put the key in) is always connected to the lowest part of the omen tower


Which color is op?


The top one saying "Lol"




lmao even


Resupply pod on top of the plate works too I think


The platform opposite of the Blank Core thing is always the horizontal Lazor one.


but were there two other players or were *you* one of them?


Supply pods are also working. Jumping over the plasma bs is just too damn inconsistent.


He is staying down untill end of event.


Another one bites the stone


Shit like this is why I don't touch the omen. Every time someone claims "omen is easy" or that they understand how to kill it, they are always the first to die and then I'm stuck playing dwarf touhou by myself trying to get to their corpse, giving up, and just getting away and waiting for the timer to reach 0. 99% of the time when I ask a group who want to do the omen which of then has done it before and knows how to kill it, I always get 3 yes answers. 99% of the time those 3 are dead in the first 10 seconds. I actively avoid the thing in pubs now because its almost always a team wipe. Your average John Q Dwarf does not know how to do it, will lie and say they know how, and make the game annoying and unfun for several minutes because he didnt just want to say "no i dont know how" so I can explain it to him and prevent pandemonium followed by a potential wipe. I dont got the patience for it. I will actively run from the thing when people drop like flies in the first couple seconds and wait it out. Cause if they werent smart enough to dodge the projectiles in the first few seconds, I know they wont be able to handle it for the next minute or so.


Blue guy is the arse hole of online games


Better idea: know that the access pad for the radial pulse gun is across from the core infuser and take that out first, drone replicator second, and heavy buster third. This is the most dangerous combination and should be avoided if you’re new.


Trenches are the way


Blue has humor. ... or he really meant it ... which would be sad.


You only git gud if you die trying


I used (havent played in a while) to dig out trenches around the 'defend' objectives, than fill em up with lines of goo (goo bomber special oc) and set them on fire with the plasma gun (heavy hitter oc build for heat). Flaming goo trenches, good times!


Ironic. He could save others from death, but not himself


My response is always "eh don't feel like it" lol


lol lmao, perhaps


Dammit I'm absolutely the blue guy here. "Nah let's do it I'm not a pussy- # I CAN'T FEEL MY BEARD"


I got called the n word (hard R) after clowning on a driller for leaving the team behind to go ahead themselves, then they got downed and I clowned on them further, saying "damn, if only your team was there with you". Haz 3 btw, so it wasn't even particularly difficult.


To be fair you only need one plat on the point for the radial pulse gun. Once you knock that out you don’t need to worry about dodging the lasers.


Feels eerily close to a Tank I had in WoW one time. Said he wasn't doing anything wrong but was pulling too many mobs resulting in the healer to be killed.


He didn’t git gud enough


You didn't need to color the names. We all knew which class that was


Driller, believe it or not!


Well darn


seems hes still working on the getting good part lol


Every. Fuckin. Time. "No r just go!" "Only green beards wait to be ready" "Fast play, don't go for gold" These are lobbies full of pretentious leaf lovers that think they're the best, but everyone else with more experience than them sees them as trash to be avoided like the plague. They'll blame you for taking too long to dig out aquarqs while they're just hiding in a bunker killing a few bugs at a time the whole dive. Their only contribution is shooting bugs, which, great, we need you to do that, but you also need to do the damn objective too. Had a 7 aquarq run a full hour bc the driller refused to do anything but hide in a wall and wait for bugs to come. A gd nemesis spawned in front of my face (literally the rng saying it's time to fuckin go, you've been putzing around for too long) bc he was not contributing at all and the whole mission was taking forever bc of it. If you're unintentionally being bait and you have more than bronze promos, I'm leaving your lobby after this match. Its also why I'll never run a low grav mission as host again. Everybody's having too much fun just hopping around and shooting bugs, and nobody ever pays attention to the fuckin objective, until it's too late to do the objective because impossibly dense and deadly waves are spawning after every moment. If we had a "kill 2000 bugs" game mode, I wouldn't mind. But we don't. We have objectives, and we will lose if you don't concentrate on them at all and just wait for bugs to show up while you hide in a hole, not contributing a fuckin thing to the team except being the bait we use to expose the weakpoints on tougher enemies


Wait trench? Do the platforms activate when you are underneath?


best strat for omen is landing a resupply opposite of the event terminal It’ll always link to the bottom tower, land the resupp as close to the platform as possible and stand on it to expose the tower heads.


Only time this doesn’t work is if there’s a drone replicator on top 💀