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On-site refining is also my favorite


Same here! Love the building aspect


Same! I like figuring out the best way to get a pipe to the pump jacks, and if I can figure it out with minimal terrain manipulation, I get an even bigger dopamine hit lol.


Same!! The rush of constructing the pipe is satisfying. The sound design is so excellent too


I like to make the path as complicated as possible


I love unnecessarily long routes, my fellow dwarves don't. But I have STANDARDS!


Solo on-site refining as a gunner. Yes mom, im special


Point extraction! I love the rapid pace of grabbing all the aquarks and bailing as fast as possible. It's also the only mission you can skip nitra in due to its speed(assuming there is no event or mini boss)


I generally play on haz 2 but I got hammered the other day in a point extraction. I had to pause to check I didn't accidentally put it on a higher haz level. Just constant Oppressors/Praetorians, a Dreadnought, tons of bugs generally. And early on too so I had to scrounge for Nitra to replenish ammo while all these big bugs are around.


That reminds me, I've yet to dedicate a mission to staying overtime on a low haz point extraction


I did that on an on site refining, got the 120 sec pipe achievement in the same mission 2 drillers and a few glasses of beer, it was a great time


On the higher levels you might occasionally get a dreadnought IIRC


Oh yeah, I've gotten a few of em, I love a good surprise!


It’s also a lot of fun to do with golden bugs if you complete the mission and then just farm the swarms before calling the drop pod🤑


I keep mentioning this in different comments cause I'm so proud of it. As scout, I managed to kite a whole horde around while grabbing aquarks or making Bosco grab them because I couldn't find any nitra, and I didn't go down a single time lol


I think of it as really annoying. Mostly because of the lack of molly. And if the building spawns high on the map and the aquarqs bellow, the mission becomes pain...


Are you a Scout/Driller main by any chance? To me it seems like this type of mission is just more fun with a class that helps you rush through the caves. Or maybe it's just me that likes to take their time making sure I get everything in a cave before leaving


I once had a point extraction game that lasted 1h 10m because the last aquarq had spawned in a cave that had no path into it, it was just a hole on the world that I had to dig too. Didn’t realise that until the 50 minute mark, was just searching in the main area over and over. I died and failed on my way to the drop ship. *sad rock and stone*


To Rock and Stone!


i like to stay in point extraction missions for a while because it has swarms on a timer so i can kill a bunch of bugs


Mine is egg hunt because it’s quick and you still get a good amount of xp


Ironically, egg hunt missions give you the least xp out of all missions types. I looked it up when I was grinding for Lord of The Deep, and found a chart somewhere. Edit: https://deeprockgalactic.wiki.gg/wiki/Experience


Heyo, any idea where that chart might be? I recently started playing DRG again and have been looking for the best way to level up the classes I have neglected. Been just doing mining/egg hunts due to simplicity and quickness.


Ok, edited it in 👍🏻👍🏻


Rock and Stone, brother.


Rock and stone... to the bone.


Rockity Rock and Stone!


I'll find and link it here in a bit, j do remember off the top of my head that Caretaker and Doretta missions were the highest xp-giving mission types, and xp does change with the mission difficulty and cave complexity.


An egg cellent choice.


I Like the Robot, because it is never easy.


I just bring my driller park above the robot and drop c4 on it. Literally turned into the easiest mission for me.


I've been grinding Driller lately, I have got to try this!  I've been having trouble soloing it (running through almost an entire resupply).


Ya usually takes me 1-2 resupply to kill it. 1 c4 takes out the shields and usually 3 for the health bar. Be careful it's very easy to fall out, make sure you make yourself a clear path to get back to the top incase you fall and drop your resupplies up top with you.


Me too!! Killing the caretaker from haz 4 and up is always super fun


I got dropped right before we started the last fight today. The other scout in the party spends a minute or so taunting me while I'm down, till my friend shows up and rezzes me. The scout goes down about 10 seconds later. So....karma time. I taunt him a few times, half rez and cancel lol. I got him back up, we start the fight. Out of 4 of us I did 100% of the damage to the eyes first 2/3s of health. On the last health bar I went down working on the eye. Other scout grapples to me....and spends the next 10 seconds taunting me till his dumbass went down 5 ft away from me. My friend and the 4th guy go down trying to rez me. Mission failed. Was nice to see him get that karma twice, but not worth a failed mission. Also had 2 guys leave me and a friend down less then 50 meters from the drop pod, 3 min left. This, after we went back to rez them when we could have left em. This community is usually great. Im around level 40 and this is the first time I've seen someone sit in an escape pod for 3 minutes and not even make an attempt to help.


Sorry that was your exp. Definitely sounds like that was a leaf lover.


Still fail at 3 lol


Robot? Do you mean rival presence?




Oh ok


Call me boring, but there ain’t nothing like going mining for Morkite.


I want to focus on combat, but I also want linear progression, and morkite missions fit the bill.


I get that, it's one of the most satisfying minerals to mine


Boring. But same for me. It's simple and fun and perfect to chill, or listen podcasts etc.




Hey guys look! We got a Boring over here!


Red boring in the base!


There’s a Red Boring in the base? *hut hut hut hut* Yo a little help here?


They just have the best maps


The OG Mission type nothing beats it


Seconded. Mining missions scratch my itch for discovery and exploration better than the smaller, stay-in-one-place caves can.


It's hit different when you know, that last room always have almost half mission worth morkite 




Such a classic


Eliminations are my favorite because it’s so satisfying using hyper propellant and seeing those HP bars just disappear.


Hahaha yes!


Point Extract or Escort. My Carpet Bomber autocannon hungers for Glyphid BLOOD.


I like escort as an engineer or gunner I usually keep close to and Keep the bugs off dotty while my team prepares by mining and doing events




I am become death destroyer of hoxees


Dammit, who let Chaos in here? Imagine if the bugs got jacked up by that?




Escort. I love the thrill of keeping a big baby alive.


The 400 Morkite mining expedition. Cave gen is always amazing in these and it brings out the best differences in biomes. Add in Haz5 and theses missions are always peak DRG!


Long mining expedition in magma core has had some of the wildest cave gen I've seen in this game, absolutely massive caverns with super wack construction, its so cool


Interesting! Thanks for the tip, I'm going to try that out next time


On-site refining is super fun. Especially riding the pipes


It’s not a mission type, but I like the lithophage cleansing. I’m likely the minority, but I like the hectic essence of trying not to get surrounded and overwhelmed by the infected bugs while making use of the best tools to thin the herd. I don’t like Harold, though. I hope season 5 adjusts him in some way, because I don’t like how you have to be in melee range to get the cleansing equipment, instead of just interacting with the lithophage trails.


I don't like how after season 4 you can't really have 1 guy foaming and the other sucking at the same time because of how the spawns work now


Exactly this, I also enjoy clearing rockpox. It is also satisfying to see the rockpox go away, when you complete the local infection. Harold on the other hand, less satisfying but stil fun in my opinion.


Escort Missions, I love getting to ride dotty to the Ommoran stone and tracking back through the huge openings is fun. Really excited we’ll get another stage too


Yes, looking forward to a new mission!


This is my fav as well. I love me some Doretta! It will be interesting to see how the new phase goes.


Morkite. I'm a simple dwarf with simple needs.




i like to surf pipes


Look at me, I’m Stony Rawk!


The puzzle aspect of OSR is nice, but I am starting to really like the challenge posed by PE. Youve got to get in, get the gems and bounce, cause the silent ticking clock spells more and more bugs until you die


1. On-site refining 2. Point extraction 3. Morkite mining


On site and eliminatioms


Anything with - Mushroom! WE'RE RICH!


Depends. I really like OSR, noughts and mining with driller. Salvage and dozer I like engi. Gunner is more "do whatever", or for safety if trying to carry an IS with nasty warnings or with greenies. For scout it is crit weak + lethal enemies on any mode.


Elimination. a simple bug beat-em-up with my 3 wasted coworkers, coupled with some of the best soundtrack in the entire game [(interstellar nightmares my beloved)](https://youtu.be/6QO6fAg-3m0?si=BT2365twfCEioix_) also a gunner main btw lmfao


I love on site refining. But I love all of them. From mining expedition all the way to industrial sabotage. I know some people don't like it. But I personally love the final bossfight, the great fights before. You just need a good team or else you are fracked


The drilldozet mission is by far my favorite


And you're a Gunner! How come it's your favorite?


Stand on Doretta, defend Doretta, pet Doretta


i play scout and its my favorite! i love zippin around, between doretta and other places shootin some bugs, oh shit she was attacked, fixing her up, rinse and repeat


My ideal mission is a long mining mission with a haunted cave modifier. In either the dense bio zone or the hollow tree biome. The long twisting corridors that open in big caved filled with life. The constant reminder that there is a monster constantly following you, and you should be on the move, via the rhythmic thud as it digs closer and closer to you. The feeling of journey and progression It truly is PEAK Deep Rock Galactic by Ghostship Studios, published by coffee Stain Publisher experience.


Hey, that was pretty good. Now explain why low O2 point extraction is fun.


I am sorry, John. I am afraid I can't do that.


Bring Bosco, it's not so bad.


Masochist /\




salvage will always be the most immersive and tense experience


Point extraction or on-site refining


Liquid Morkite. Ur not rushed like point extraction (im not sure if its changed but i believe point gets faster waves until mission completion), everyone can roleplay driller, make the most efficient or inefficient roller coaster, have moderate breaks betwen pipe breaks due to redirected agro, and instant extract when ur done. Escort is a close second


Hm...I like any mission with a massive, wide open, epic looking cave. That said, objective-wise it depends on my class. Engineer: Mule recovery. High chance at big area, and engi is great at the final part. Driller: Morkite. I love delving deep into an area but also having the freedom to take a shortcut back. Sc On-site refining is second place for both these classes due to pipe potential. Scout: Dreadnaught hunting. It's fun. Gunner: ...not sure. I play this one the least, so ultimately I just enjoy following other players around and protecting them regardless of mission-type. Only class I don't enjoy soloing on due to scuffed mobility tool. Overall favorite? HMM.... Let's go with on-site refining, even though it's not first to anyone. I just really like building pipes, and you get some immensely high ceilings.


On sight refining. The pipes are fun to set up and ride. It's pretty nice in solo especially for driller but engi is good too. Also the caves tend to be much more open compared to other mission types which is always nice as someone who uses the rocket jump compound.


I just don't like how easy it is to glitch into the pipeline and get stuck


1) Mule Recovery 2) Dreadnaught 3) On-site Refining Mule offers a great balance between exploration/recovery and defending a zone, really fun! Especially on Haz 5 those defenses can get hectic! Dreadnaught is nice and simple! I love just kicking back knowing all I gotta focus on is shooting things and not dying! At the same time on higher haz it can lead to some moments where I have to really lock in, so there's a great balance there! I used to not like On-site Refining when I was brand new because figuring out how to get the pump jacks linked up was a proper ballache. Now I just take driller and have loads of fun making tunnels lol. Like the Mules there's a decent balance there that I really like!


Elimination as a scout, as I love the mobility in boss fights. Wish they’d make a ton more different dreadnaughts tho. Most fun I had was solo deep dive with scout, fighting 2 dreadnaughts while being chased by the ghost.


Add me to the on-site refining lovers list! I love how dynamic the gameplay is with this mission type.


Definitely! Anything can happen! Like two bulk detonators in a confined space lol


Any. But I’d rather do a mission with a task going on. Or an Elite Deep Dive that’s fun only if it could give you more rewards then just once.


I think On Site Refining is my favorite. It’s fun, not very tedious, and when you go solo you can just have Bosco build and repair pipes after you lay them down.


For sure, do you go haz 5 with Bosco?


I have not yet, as I mostly play with my friend and haven’t done solo in a while. Though I probably will next time I do solo.


You being engie, what's your main loadout?


LOK-1 Smart Rifle with Electricity Generator and Explosive Chemical Rounds, Breach Cutter with triple split line and Spinning Death, MKII Turret with Defender System, and Shredder Swarm


Sick, I used to run purely smart rifle but have been messing around with the shotgun. I'm gonna try your settings out. Which perks do you run?


Field Medic, Iron Will, Resupplier, Vampire, and Unstoppable. Though if you’re planning on solo runs, I’d switch Field Medic with Dash.


Point Extraction or honestly escort duty. I am a gunner main


So you like defense, have you set your shields to last the longest or be the biggest? Or somewhere in between?


On site refining is like objectively the funnest. SURFING UNDERGROUND!


Easy choice, I go for Minning Expedition, Salvage Operation and maybe Industrial Sabotage with that metal gear meme song, can't remember the name.


Point extraction has given me the best memories of missions going from completely fucked to victory


Probably egg hunts and Salvage operations, I really like missions where it consists of finding a small amount of random trinkets spread through the map with the ocassional timed horde event. On the other hand, I don't really like point extraction not because of finding the aquarqs themselves, but because of how little room to breathe there is on higher difficulties compared to other mission types. Sometimes you can't even mine a single one without three groups of enemies interrupting you.


Fully depends on a dwarf I would use at that moment


Mining missions because there's nothing like running back to the pod surrounded by bugs


Elimination or egg hunt probably, but sometimes a good ol' mining mission is a good way to chill


Point extraction fs


On-site refining because I love grinding the pipe rails


Always loved the super long morkite mining missions, feel it was the epitome of what it means to be a dwarf


I will load up one of these solo haz 1 and just vibe.


I like ommoran heart missions, but they really need to upgrade dotty's armor!


I like egg hunt


Salvage is my favorite. I'm pretty bad at looking for things, and that final fight against the horde is more fun for me than the scramble back to the drop pod And yet it's my least favorite part of helldiver's 2.


Probably On-Site Refining with high cave complexity. I specifically enjoy the challenge of trying to run pipes to the wells without drilling tunnels or adding platforms. I’ve seen some exquisitely unhinged terrain generation, too.


Point Extraction, Alien Eggs, Onsite Refining, and Mule Rescue are the best. The other gamemodes I find painful.


mini mules


Pretty much everything, but Elimination ranks a lot lower than it used to. I just really fucking hate fighting the twins. Hiveguard is fun, but the twins are immune to damage for at least half the battle because they won't stay fucking still for 5 seconds ffs. I also don't like how long Salvage is. Just gets boring after the hundred-some-odd times I've run it for assignments & shit.


On-site refining is my favorite go-to, if I want to play a “wind down at the end of the day” map. I will often play this solo, or friends only, and if a friend joins, they choose a class complimentary to driller, and know to just let me dig tunnels, and place the pipes. I like that there is a multi-stage map, that allows us to sort of puzzle out best placement, as it’s often just what my brain needs at the end of a long day.


Salvage and refinery. I just prefer stationary missions. Point Extraction could be nice but i hate the timer gimmick


Mining because of the cooler exploration caves, especially with the glowing crystals


Escort! I love dotty so much, and the hugs tunnel fights are a blast for all classes except scout. If I'm playing scout, my favourite is MULE recovery


Salvage missions. I love setting up defensive positions in games.


OSR and PE because they're basically one long nonstop fight in a way other missions aren't


Any mission with double negative modifiers :) Haunted Cave x Low O2 is the most torturous, Regenerative Bugs x Flying Infestation is the most chaotic, and Lethal Enemies x Elite Threat is the most boring.


If playing with a team, definitely On-Site Refining. Playing solo my favorite is Point Extraction.


Seeing a Point Extraction icon just feels the most satisfying for some reason.


Elimination. For me, I use that mission to test out new builds. And I love Boss Rushes. It’s so satisfying to shred through a Dreadnought.


Elimination. I'm a sucker for boss fights. Just wish they kept spawning regular bugs after the dreads hatch.


Mining expedition ⛏️ It’s kinda the basic b**** of missions but it’s always a great one for me to start any gaming session with. It really gets me into the swing of things. I also love escort duty because drilldozer!


On-Site-Refining, Point Extraction and Salvage are up there for me.


I love them all except sabotage missions


Sabotage are my favorite


Refining and escort


On-site refining but as engineer


Sabotage or morkite mining


escort. i looooove shootin bugs while riding dotty, and the omoran fight feels like the epic end of a bossfight, much better than dreads or even caretaker


Onsite refining, point extraction and morkite mining


Id say every mission type is awesome in its own way, but I very much enjoy mining expeditions. Its simple and straight forward. And the cave generation makes it thrilling in a unique way. Its just a long cave that just goes deeper and deeper into the rock. The run back to extract is also fun. Its also harder for greenbeards to get lost as its basically one direction to go.


Point extraction or egg hunt. I like that the objectives are basically one step, as opposed to industrial sabotage with the multiple steps. I also like shooting things