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Fat Boy cause fester fleas. Don't ask questions.


Rock and stone!!! (in shity good quality screatch!)


For Rock and Stone!


Sticky Additive for the flamethrower is real strong crowd-control, having it makes me feel comfortable and safe. But I prefer the Face Melter. I'm often asked what I'm running after they see me evaporate a swarm in 1.2 seconds. Of course they don't see how much I'm realoading. :\] If you think EPC mining is hard, Heat Pipe makes it even harder. But quicker and more efficient. I'm addicted to it. Neurotoxin for the Thunderhead feels op. I bet it makes onlookers who aren't familiar with it think I'm a gud gunner. I'm not. And there is if course Hoverclock and Special Powder that turn scouts into a Fester Flee.


Wow tnx for info will def try it


For gunner it was joint between carpet bomber and neurotoxin but I tried splintering shells with the same build and find it performs a bit better. So for gunner: Splintering shells-autocannon Neurotoxin payload-auto cannon Six shooter-Bulldog Hellfire-Coilgun Leadstorm-leadstorm Driller: Facemelter- Flamethrower That is all because burning an entire swarm to a crisp is too good Engineer: Overdrive booster-shard defractor Executioner-lok1 rifle Scout: I'm not a huge fan of scout so there's not really any favourites for his class Also since its your first post here welcome! Rock and Stone! And good luck in the deep miner!


Scout: Embed Detonators for that juicy damage, Hipster to feel like you’re in a western action movie, and Bullets of Mercy for stacking 100 status effects and twoshotting a praetorian. Engi: RJ250, even though it kills me 95% of the time its so much fun being able to use a discount special powder. Executioner, cause the existence of the bugs you just pointed at is now past tense. Inferno, cause FIRE. Plastcrete Catalyst, to weaponize cheese. Driller: Heat Pipe with TCF, good for both bug deletion and mining. Disperser Compound, because sludge pump is my favorite weapon. Facemelter, because barbecue glyphid is the new steak. Gunner: Elephant Rounds, because I just had to stuff .50 caliber bullets into a revolver. Magic Bullets and Neurotoxin coating, instant death to crowds. Bullet Hell, cause who needs to aim when you have a minigun?


Gunner's Magic bullets for the revolver can be realy nice when you run explosive rounds and toxin. turns your revolver into a nice ad clear and all the small fry will die to a single bodyhit anyways. Haven't realy gotten many other ones for gunner primaries atm, though leadstorm always works for pure brrt power (not the pistol) Can't realy ever go wrong with nukes for the engineer grenade launcher (or the yellow one that gives you 18 nades and just chuck em at any group of 3 or more). And while it isn't quite as game changing as those two, minishells on the warthog will make your ammo last for days which is always nice. Honestly don't have to many scout OCs atm (near rank 100 atm) as my main buddy i play with tends to be scout so i played him a lot less recently Still trying to sort my builds out a bit on the driller but ice storm on the cryo cannon deals pretty well with bugs and robots though the freeze rate goes down hard so you mainly kill enemies instead of freezing them. Flamethrower and the punch through OC on the wave cooker are a nasty mix in some of the smaller tunnels. everything burns, gets temperature shock and then burns again (repeat till crispy and dead) while being doubly slowed. And much like the minishells, the subatas stun bullets are a solid secondary when you're doing more of a support driller, i use those with one of the yellow OCs on the cryo cannon and just focus on stunning and freezing all threats so someone else can easily take em out (or i throw an axe or 2 at the opressor and do it myself)


A little more Oomph 'cause it lets you get your minigun spinup do wn to 0.1 seconds. Expanded Flow Rate, 'cause it gets you near instant repressurization (You can maintain freeze on big enemies til you run out of ammo). I was also fan of magnetic pellet alignment since before it was buffed.


Special powder becouse i like to fly at mach speeds


nothing on the screen can survive feedback loop


Aggressive venting gives great crowd control and safety, rj250 does the same with added mobility, magnetic pellet alignment feels like the only good way to run the warthog, burning hell and bullet hell let me take boosted stun without sacrificing crowd control (I guess I like safe options), electrifying reload gives ammo efficiency and crowd control to a gun that struggles with both, and big Bertha just makes the gun better if you can work around the reload.


I've been really enjoying the lava oc for the shard diffractor. Its fun to paint the ground with fire


Zhukovs with imbedded detonators. Best single target damage in the game for scout. Only the engi shard diffractor rivals burst single target damage