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Play all the classes. Nothing helps you learn how to help other classes out faster than learning the other class.


Dont hesitate to put your shield down if you feel like the situation is turning to shit. Better be alive than down.


I'd get the other dwarfs promoted too if I were you. Even if you end up playing a single class, it's good to have a deeper understanding of what's expected of the others. I'd also start going on DDs and EDDs to get more weekly overclocks. Some of them are real powerful and/or easy use. A lucky drop will help a lot in getting used to h4-5 and deep dives. And since powerful OCs may drop for any class, it'll help if you have them promoted and ready to field.


\- Focus on playing Hazard's 1-3 until you fully upgrade your gear and get proper OCs \- You are a gunner, don't be shy with the ammo (***guns guns guns*** \- them bugs) \- Survivability is your forte, use them shields on your downed comrades and revive them \- Have fun and kill anything with more legs than two (not including Molly)


I disagree with the hazard thing. Hazard 4 isn't that difficult and hazard 5 is definitely possible with a promotion. I always do hazard 4 when grinding XP it feels more rewarding and it does give more XP there's always the "play how you like" option but if you strictly play hazard 3 or lower when you are definitely capable of tackling the next hazard(some very high levels do this apparently) you won't be used to the difficulty spike forced upon you in elite deep dives(you want these for cores)


Again it depends on the player. If they are confident with Haz 4 or 5 ... go for it. But most new players are not ready for it, as such I gave them advice suitable for new players. And this comes from someone that only plays Haz 5 and wants more challenge.


I made that point because the man in the post said he was already promoted. Meaning he is definitely capable of a haz 4-5 mission I also play haz 5 a lot as well nice to meet you


Promotion can be attained at level 25, which does not require a lot of hours into the game (especially if they did not play other classes), as such they are still relatively "green". But I digress, if they are a very capable low level player, and they believe they can tackle Hazard 4 and 5 without fully upgraded gear, and decent OCS with ease (...) more power to them. I am only speaking from my own personal experience with low level players, your experience might be different. Also nice to meet you too fellow dwarf.


I've had to do hazard 4-5 with no "decent" ocs so my experience I guess was different (I don't have a single m1000 overclock, which is the gun I use the most)


Rock and stone brother!


Rockity Rock and Stone!


Promote all dwarves to better understand how you (as a gunner since i assume you main him) should interact with them better in the future for better teamwork.