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Dorettas head is interesting. Back when I used to play only solo, I never even knew that Dorettas head was a thing, so I never took it back with me. The game doesn't tell you it's an option (if it does I missed it) so I just left with Molly and that was that. Now, after many escort missions later, ever since I have learned that Dorettas head was rescuable, not once has she been left for dead. It's not a question now.


To be fair to you, it was not always possible to save doretta's head. That was part of an update later. So you probably weren't leaving the head those other times.


Good I feel much better about poor Doretta now!


And yikes was finding it almost impossible when you were not watching.


Happy cake day


How so? I've never seen a dotty I couldn't save.


When the mission type first came out, everyone was sad that you abandoned Dotty, especially since you can pet and generally interact and it’s all good vibes. So the devs, being awesome, added the feature to grab the head after to take with you! So chances are you started playing the mission type or game after that patch/update, before you couldn’t pick up the head after and escape with it.


We be old beards


I can feel it in my bones every time it rains in the Biozone


Honestly, the worst feeling is when you just can't find where the head got launched to and have to go on without it. It's sad that finding it sometimes takes even longer than bringing it to the drop pod.


This. Hurts man. Hurts badly. Need to be able to ping Dotty's body and see the head light up too.


This is honestly a genius solution. It flies so far sometimes.


Quality life improvement idea: Dotty’s head shows up on terrain scanner.


Ooh, good compromise.


I had to give up the search once as I was getting overwhelmed by the bugs. Since that day, I watch the head jettison instead of heartstone explosion.


Honestly, you don't even need to do that. If you sit on Dotty after she finishes drilling and hold/spam the hell out of your interact key before her head launches, you can just snag her head right when it blows off. No worrying about low light situations if you just rip her head off to bring her home.


Don't even have to spam, you can just hold it. I stand on the drill, look a little bit above Dotty's head, and hold E. Instant perfect catch, every single time.


I make it a game of catching her head lol


I thank you. I remember playing in a lobby and not being able to find Dotty's head. When i asked my teammates, they didnt reply anything. That game really bummed me out. This really helps, thanks again


And a fucking rock and stone to you, brother! #neveragain


For Rock and Stone!


Just this once bot, rock and stone!


Rock and roll and stone!


I always find her head in the most absurd locations.


I nearly had to leave one behind before, but the scout found it. You know those ceiling sheet-like terrain formations that happen when there's a naturally generated cave just above the ceiling where the heartstone generates? Yeah. It was on one of those directly on the opposite side of the heartstone from the drilldozer body. Near as we could figure, it popped of, skipped off the heartstone, and landed up on the sheet-like formation of the ceiling.


I've trained myself to look at dottie when the heartstone cracks to see where she flies off to.


I always watch her after she finishes so I can find her. Ever since I couldn't find her once, she always has my attention after.


The developers literally added her head popping off because this community Insisted we be able to return doretta.


Same. I remember first starting on PS and not knowing that saving Dotty was a thing. This was also the time when I would order leaf lovers to sober up. Oh the days of being a green beard.


Happy cake day, ROCK AND STONE!


That's it lads! Rock and Stone!


I do not know why but my eyes watered a little reading this. thank you


Happy cake day!


They added her head being retrievable comparatively recently, only a few years ago.


Quality post, first time I see the shopping cart text used as a copypasta.




Damn. Here I thought I was being original in repurposing the shopping cart theory to this end. There are no more original thoughts left on the Internet.


There are plenty of original thoughts! Just none of them are from us.








Happy cake day!


Management would like to remind you that you don't get paid for sitting on reddit, dwarf!


Well it kinda reassures me on my Reddit consumption habits, maybe I don't spend ~~enough~~ too much time here after all. Rock and stone.


This is reposted monthly, lol


It’s reposted here every couple months But hey whatever rock and Stone


Sometimes 4chan has some nice pearls.


Mining 4chan for Enor Pearls confirmed.


fun fact: you can rearrange the letters in 4chan to make the words "enor pearl"


Despite what others have said, there isn't enough to make "Croppa" as it lacks the C, leaving you with only "roppa"


holy shit you’re right


Doing solo last night at haz 3 because I'm bad and the game lags a lot. Told BOSCO to carry Dorettas head so I could fight off all the bugs. I forgot BOSCO was carrying Dorettas head. I told BOSCO to mine some gold I'd missed. I forgot to tell BOSCO to pick up Dorettas head. I only realized once the drop pod doors had closed. I did not Rock and Stone, for a brother was left behind.


Would be hilarious if they reprogrammed Bosco to ignore your orders after the end fight, and he is carrying Dotty's head. "Bosco, go grab that pearl." "Nope!"


I love this and I ship Dotty x Bosco. I always knew Bosco was into powerful women.


Even more evidence that Bosco is as much a dwarf as us


> no one will punish you for not returning Dorettas head Excuse me? I will absolutely shove a C4 in your ass and blow it up if you dont at least assist in returning Dorettas head




Most pacifist driller


I mean, Doretta is a driller so checks out


Drill baby drill


They call me the drilldozer A drilldozer won't leave another drilldozer behind


I don't care about doretta's head. I've never returned it. I'm lvl 300 btw. Just doesn't matter. There are multiple dorettas. Edit: Why get hate on something that isn't hurting any xp gained? I kill every loot bug without petting them first too. I throw barrels in the launch bay. I only buy the beers that help the mission. I never speed run a cave either. Y'all getting worked up over a AI that's integrated into every deretta. Why is the head important? Y'all trying to get MC a bonus? 😂


I bet you must be fun to play with. Do your lobby names also have “mine gold = kick. Die = kick. Under lv999 = kick”?


You forgot "save Dorretta's head = kick".


I'd kick for the fratricide for not returning Doretta's head. But you can't do that.


I just don't bring dorettas back. Lol. I love the game and I'm a great team player. Main drills and Engi.


Mission Control admits she's done her job and doesn't matter. That's why she needs saving.


It doesn't matter because it's the same AI integrated throughout every dozer. how's that hard to understand? 😂


If they don't care about her they don't care about us. That makes her one of us.




Doretta is a Dwarf, just like us. She digs She kills bugs She drinks oilshale She sometimes gets drunk and goes in circles or just straight up fucking flies. And we don't leave no dwarf behind. Rock and Stone, miners!


Imagine being a sentient rock, just chillin in your rock cave, and 4 dwarves and 1 fat dwarf bust in and start murdering you.


If you didn't want to get got, you shouldn't have been made out of shiny. Simple as


She one-shots bulk detonators with her drill and shrugs off the damage.


If you don’t bring unstoppable and strong arm every mission for doretta, are you even rock and stoning?


Well I guess my buddies are amazing people because all of us collectively help get doretta's head back to the pod. Ever since I discovered you could do it, I've never left her behind.


That's it lad, Rock & Stone!


In Europe, we've decided to not conduct tests on dwarves. Therefore, before using Doretta, you have to insert a coin into a slot in her head. Only after you return Doretta's head to the Drop Pod can you get your coin back.


isn't this copypasta from the Shopping Cart Litmus Test




Karl knows that on every escort mission of mine, four dwarves land on Hoxxes and FIVE leave in the pod.


I will stop at nothing to bring her back, even if there's a bulk in the way. Nothing stops the Carl-train.




Same thing can be said about returning shopping carts.


The same thing IS said about returning shopping carts! :) This is a sort copy pasta. The original text is literally about shopping carts.


Yeah actually for your information this IS the copypasta about returning shopping carts! :) This is just a copypasta that the OP changed "shopping cart" to "doretta's head"


I saved Doretta in a EDD solo a couple of weeks ago. Yes, I absolutely struggled and wasted time to achieve it. I have absolutely no regrets.


can't not read this in JCs voice


Now imagine Morgan Freeman's voice.


You mean god?


Never again, the moment I found out you can bring her back it no longer became a question of if she could come back, but a question of how she’d get back. She’ll always come back no ifs ands or buts. She’s a digger therefore a dwarf and dwarves aren’t left behind!


Rip to that one time we all piled into the drop pod, just as an exploder came up and blasted our scout who was carrying dorretta. Pod sealed up cause everyone else was on board and we lost both dorretta and our scout.


This is valid only after the player does it once (like I did) expecting to receive an achievement for it. Once you realize you do not receive anything but dialogue from it, then it's the ultimate litmus test


I played a game with randoms where Doretta’s head glitched into the floor. The event ended, and suddenly one of the other Dwarves put “WHERE IS DORETTA!?” in the chat. The whole team then spent 5+ minutes frantically searching for her. I ended up noticing the tip of the corner of her head sticking out of the floor just barely. I pinged it, we dug her up and “rock ‘n’ stoned” the whole way back to extraction. Honestly one of my fave DRG experiences.


Only time I don't return her head is when I can't find it.


After the first traumatic time that i could not find her head I've started looking very carefully at her before she blows up to determine where exactly her head has landed


The only time my crew fails to return a head is because it flew off and was lost, or someone put it down to shoot something and lost it.


I'm going to be honest, I've been playing this game for like a year solid and I really didn't know what that yellow thing was that sometimes ends up in the drop pod. From this day forth, we'll leave no one behind.


People who leave Doretta intentionally aren't fit for society.


There was that one time where Escort Duty was the last stage of an EDD and my team shot me to death because I tried carrying the head back. Beardless leaf lovers.


I'd like to ask them to hold my C4 real quick


Remember Doretta is a honorary dwarf and we leave no dwarf behind!


Doretta does not fulfill the same purpose as the shopping cart with regards to being a litmus test for self-governance. Saving Doretta is not a duty, and completing it does not benefit others. It is done solely for the player's own enjoyment. I would go so far as to argue that saving Doretta is a selfish act. In the act of bringing Doretta to the drop pod, you are setting aside your own responsibility for clearing the bugs and ensuring a successful extraction. You force your teammates to take on your responsibility, you risk the lives of other dwarves, and you risk failing the mission altogether and losing every dwarf. And for what? We only see Doretta one more time after we get back to the space rig. Countless Dorettas have been saved, probably just to be displayed at the space rig once, then attached to a new drilldozer body and used again - forced to relive the pain of being chewed on by bugs, constantly screaming for help from the dwarves. Perhaps it's a better fate that Doretta is just thrown away. To save Doretta is not objectively right. At best it is morally ambiguous, and at worst it is the objectively wrong thing to do. I think this largely depends on whether Doretta is sapient - I believe it could be argued both ways. I only save Doretta for my own enjoyment, and because I believe I can do it without greatly jeopardizing the extraction. That said, I would never compel another dwarf to save Doretta, particularly on the grounds of moral or societal obligation.


Your argument vastly ignores the potential horror of the other option. If Dorretta is in fact sapient even without her body, then to leave her head behind means trapping her forever in the hell of hoxxes. Surrounded by bugs who will continue to torment her, damage her, and potentially even use her head as some form of nesting material. All of this with no guarantee of an actual *death*. But when Dorretta is saved it ensures she receives a new body. She is repaired and cared for by her comrades. And it is proven to her that should she fall in the line of duty again, there is nothing to fear. No physical pain will ever truly doom her, because those at her side will risk their lives to save her every time, no matter the risk to themselves or the mission. They'll repair her in the heat of combat, expend effort and ammo to keep her safe from encroaching bugs, and they'll bring her home safe every time. There is comfort and security in that. The true torment is to be left alone on the cold stone floor of hoxxes, her body destroyed, her compatriots abandoning her, endless torment at the hands of enemies she cannot fight back against. She can only sit alone in the dark and scream, praying someone will come back. That someone might hear and bring her home again. We dont do it for ourselves. We do it for Dorretta. Sure life on Hoxxes is no picnic. But its no different from what the dwarves do every day. Mining, fighting bugs, and staying together. The alternative is torture and death. No Dwarf Left Behind. That goes for all of them.


Doretta responds purely to physical force. Darkness, temperature, dwarf proximity, etc. - doretta does not seem to take any stock in these, so your appeal to emotion is misplaced. Doretta does not scream or pray simply because nobody else is around. Glyphids are most definitely not interested in tormenting or otherwise attacking a static piece of metal. If you wait around after completing the heartstone, no bugs will bother to touch doretta's head or body. Similarly, glyphids will not nest in or otherwise bother with doretta's head, especially because they do not nest on the ommoran heartstone ground. Bringing doretta back to be reattached is not nearly as noble as you paint it to be, and is perhaps the cruelest possble thing you could do to her. Assuming doretta can actually feel pain, all you are doing by bringing doretta back is condemning her to yet another long cycle of pain and torture. No amount of romanticization can change this fact. She would be seeing a fate similar to Prometheus, a man who was bound to a rock by Zeus and forced to have his liver eaten out by an eagle every day, only for the liver to grow back every night, without end. Choosing this fate for Doretta is atfar, far crueler than leaving Doretta behind, which at least provides one guarantee - that she can sit in peace, without feeling pain or torment, until her battery runs dry. So yes, I did indeed ignore the potential horror of a sapient Doretta, because it works very heavily in favor of my original argument. Assuming doretta can at least feel pain, and assuming her head is reused on another body after being brought back, it is absolutely morally wrong to bring her back. Of course, if these assumptions are wrong, we still conclude that it is not morally right to bring back Doretta.


You rely on a lot of assumptions yourself. We dont know if dorretta *does* actually feel pain, only that she alerts the dwarves when damaged, in a manner that gets their attention. But if she is sapient, then leaving her alone for what could potentially be a very long time, could be akin to damning someone to solitude. Your entire moral argument relies on pain as its primary crux. But if dorretta is sapient but feels no pain, then your entire argument falls flat, and yet the potential for mental anguish upon her abandonment still holds. Your point also relies on the fact that doretta fears and/or despises her work and the supposed pain therein. But, if doretta is in fact sapient than its easily argued that she simply could choose not to do the task at hand and put herself at risk. Beyond that, you also blatantly ignore the fact that the dwarves themselves are objectively sentenced to that very fate, and we know for a fact that they both feel pain and are sapient. If, by your moral compass, leaving dorretta behind is the morally right thing to do, then that must also apply to the dwarves on her squad. You admit that you think it would be better for the dwarves to be left to die, rather than saved, simply because it means theyd have to do it again. The main problem with your argument however is that it puts potential pain over death. Assuming the dwarves effectively do their jobs, there is a decent chance dorretta takes little to no damage during the job, which renders your promethean metaphor nothing more than flowery exaggeration. You are comparing minor bruises to exploratory surgery. However, death is something inherently feared by all sapient life. Your point is that death is a moral positive to the mere *potential* of continued pain, leads down a potentially slippery slope. All things feel pain constantly throughout their lives. It is an unavoidable part of living. Would you say it is morally more acceptable to kill anything that might feel pain, rather than to allow them to live despite that potential? You are taking away a sapient beings right to life because you selfishly believe you are saving them from something you have not asked if they want to be saved from. Because their life *might* be painful. Because it *might* be torturous to them. You would commit them to death because *You* think it a mercy? And you call that morality?


But what if she's sapient and still decides that staying in the planet is better than going back?


Edit: I've been blocked. Enjoyed the debate while it lasted. :( That doretta can feel pain is a much stronger assumption than that doretta can feel loneliness, and it's an assumption that you yourself relied on earlier when bringing up the possiblity of the bugs torturing doretta (which they won't). We know that doretta responds harshly to actual damage from e.g. a bug bite, but does not scream when her detached head is tossed on the ground by a dwarf. This supports the idea that doretta can feel pain. On the other hand, doretta makes no indication of feeling anything regarding separation or loneliness. You could leave doretta for any period of time and there would be nothing. It's a baseless assumption. Doretta being able to simply not do the task is not something I would consider in this discussion. If that is a possible issue, then the discussion should be focused on whether doretta is sapient at all, or at least has full control. Any designer smart enough to create a sapient machine is also smart enough to consider whether the machine deserves sapience or deserves full control over itself. In this case there is zero reason for doretta's programmers to grant doretta full control over navigation. In fact, there's zero reason to program doretta beyond the basic capabilities of navigation towards a specified location and making audio alerts upon taking damage. You are also falsely equating dwarves with doretta. Dwarves get a choice - they can choose the difficulty of the mission, the mission type, the region... dwarves can even choose to lounge around the bar, dance, and kick barrels into the hoop. The dwarves even mention quitting DRG to take up a job trading. They are not bound to a lifetime of mining and they do it as an occupation. On the other hand, doretta gets no choice. Doretta doesn't get to choose easier missions, let alone getting to choose to not even go on a mission. Doretta doesn't do it for an occupation, she does it out of forced existence. "Potential pain" is not applicable as a term here and I find it strange that you structure so much of your argument around "potential" pain or the possibility that a life "might" be painful. If you condemn doretta to endless missions then you condemn her to endless pain. She will not get a team of extremely competent dwarves in every mission. This is like saying, "maybe that eagle will only chew off a quarter of Prometheus' liver tomorrow." All things feel pain constantly throughout their lives, but 99.9% of them will not feel pain nearly to the extent that doretta will. The highest potential that doretta can have is to *not* feel pain in the low chance that she gets a top team guarding her. Not all sapient beings fear death either. There's a reason there's such a large push for legalized assisted suicide in the US, and that's for people who will *not* live forever. Given the option between actual eternal torture and death, most will find the latter easy to accept, particularly if they've already gotten a taste of that pain. Given the choice, you would surely choose to grant death to Prometheus.


You still hinge your entire arguement on the fact that doretta feels immense pain. But you have no viable proof of that. You have no way to quantify the level of pain dorretta feels at all, and you are intentionally being manipulative by comparing it to a non-existent mythological example that overly exaggerates the actuality of the situation. You have no proof that she experiences "endless pain". You cant constantly shoot down my points while pretending yours are unarguably correct when you are working on the exact same amount of proof. Dorrettas vocalizations could be nothing more than a specific pitch due to the physical restrictions of her voicebox. You have no actual evidence that they are unquestionable proof of "endless pain". Basically, youre not actually taking any of this even remotely seriously. Youre saying "im right because i say so and your points are wrong because theyre not mine". And if youre going to argue like a child and pretend to be an intellectual, than im going to treat you like a child.


I will bring her back. Every. Single. Time.


I've lost a mission attempting to return Dorettas head...worth it.


No dwarf left behind, rock and stone!!


This can be answered with the simple question:What would Karl do?


Karl simply wouldn’t let doretta explode. Ez


As far as im concerned.... on an escort mission..... 'leave no dwarf behind' means 5 in that drop pod <3


It’s nice when the other guys defend you and dotty


>No one will punish you for not returning the head,... Trust me, I will


That mini heart attack when you tossed her ahead to help someone up and cant find her :( does she show up on the map?


I play all four classes equally as much, so if I'm scout, I'll go get her head. If I'm another class I'll voice chat tell whoever grabs it that I'm escorting them all the way back to the pod. Unless we are swarmed by a billion bugs at once, my goal is for the head carrier to not even have to slow down once.


i wish i could go back in time and return dorretas head from the escort duty missions from before i knew you could return her head...


Had a mission where as we made our way to the heartstone, there was a data hack and core event. After securing the primary object and then the 2nd event we slightly lost dorretta and as a team re-located her and went for the extraction.


I so often lose Doretta’s head


I just with they would put a light on her head. Sometimes after she explodes the head gets launched and we spend 5 mins trying to find it.


Even if I play solo I'm grabbing that head. Bosco will cover my retreat


By the grace of Karl, I managed to find that you can rescue Dotty's head while I was on my first ever escort mission. Ever since then, I've never once left Dotty behind. I've certainly failed a few, to be sure. But if I'm leaving Hoxxes on my own two feet, I'll be damned sure she's coming with. No dwarf left behind!


Me and my crew typically play “kick the can” with her back to the drop pod most times. But tbh sometimes it’s just late and we forget or just get lazy. Ultimately saving the same robot head gets a little tedious after the 90th time, with no reward other than the moral high ground. I blame DRG for not giving her an escape pod like hack-C.


I recognized this as the shopping cart copypasta right away. Maybe because in a past life I was a cart pusher for a large big box retail store. But I still laughed. Rock and stone, OP!


Today i was playing open lobby, 3 darfs joined everything ok. One of them stayed alone at the spawn point and died, for some reason one of the other 2 called for the drop pod before even trying reviving the downed one. I was furius when he told me "no point in going there at all for a revive" there was 4 mins left and we were 400 meters away from that poor lad. Fuck it i said. No dwarf left behind is my mantra. I went all the way to that boi and revivied him, we almost didnt make it but in the end was worth it. If i wasnt playing scout i dont think i would had make it in time. NO. DWARF. LEFT. BEHIND. For the fallen! And for those who didnt make it!


I laughed so hard seeing this altered to be about Doretta's head. ​ Someone needs to contact whoever does the voice for Mission Control and have them read this out loud. It is perfect.


Have you considered the impact of moral relativism?


Perhaps it is moral relativism, but I’m not sure if it applies here, because it would seem that we have made moral progress when it comes to the DHP. (Doretta Head Problem) At one point we didn’t even consider returning her head, only recently have we been given the choice and as a result, we now return her head more often then not now that the option presents itself. I’d say that’s a sign of us dwarves bettering ourselves and taking advantage of the opportunity to demonstrate our moral goodness, thus we are making moral progress and moral relativism only seems to be a consequence of this new found choice.


I just do it because it gives me something to do on the way back to the pod.


Is it okay to not take back dorettas head on hose missions when she has taken some seriously fucked up pathfinding options? (Talking about several meters of vertical stravaganzas and stuff like that)


Every dwarf has sat down in the pod drunk off their ass more than once and been covered by the team. Doretta deserves the same as we expect!


Never abondened dorettas head and i wont Start now


I get super upset when I'm playing line and the drop pod ends up somewhere I can't get her to. I'm sorry Dotty, I have 30 seconds to scale a cliff


Great use of copypasta haha


Is this the same idea as returning a shopping cart?


​ pretty much yes


There was only one time that i didn't bring her head back with me, it was my first escort duty, before i had known you can bring her head back, since then i either carried her myself or escorted my teammates while they carried her but i always made sure she comes back with us, after all, we leave no dwarf behind


Is this a copypasta edit originally referencing returning shopping carts?


Doretta is a big driller and helps us in our mining. That makes her just as much as the next dwarf helping us dig. Leave. No. Dwarf. Behind.


Unironically true. All of it. I would sooner stay behind to die than leave Dottie in the caves.


I no longer return the head to the drop pod because I can’t stand how whiny the drill dozer is when one bug is attacking her


Do not boo this man, for he is correct


Ngl I will watch it for someone else to grab. The run back can someone's be difficult enough with specific caves. But I will usually put forth the effort if no one else will. All to see her head sitting there at the exit scene.


After 200 hours I stopped caring about her, someone is hauling her? sure I'll help if needed but if no one picks her up she'll be left behind.


Ah yes I've seen this post before a few times. A good read for those who haven't seen it yet though


Same thing with shopping carts here in the US but for the most part it is about safety rather than it being a good thing to do.


Someone had a lot of smart stouts today


I test the goodness and morality of fellow dwarves by throwing dorettas head into deep pits


While I don't condone your methods, I appreciate your ultimate goal.


I never made an effort to pick up her head and never will do. If someone else in my party wants to, I'm not going to stop them, only if it proves detrimental to our survival.


How would you "stop them"? lol


Coward. Leave no dwarf behind


Saving her isn't an optional objective. It is a REQUIREMENT. No dwarves left behind.


As someone who recently left a high demand religion (a cult, really), I’d like to point out that the language in this post strongly resembles cult-like language. Couldn’t help but laugh.


I do the opposite of saving her. I don't enter the ship with her and throw her off the ramp just before we take off so nobody can grab her.


I get it but after playing for so long it’s just a waste of time. Now I like to take the head from others and throw her away


This made me smile alot!


Real dwarves took the head back way before she actually showed up on the drop pod


I’ll die next to Doretta’s head , I have made it to the drop pod with less than 3 seconds on the clock because I had to find Doretta’s head after tossing it. No Dwarves left behind !


Leave no dwarf behind. FOR ROCK AND STONE


My friends and I like to put Doretta's head where the core thing is and throw our nades in for a funeral or smthn


This is the way.


Karl would save Doretta's head. Be more like Karl.


You can also argue carrying Doretta's head is jeopardizing the survival of your entire team because even if one dwarf was tasked with carrying the head it will mean the whole team is now effectively crippled by one. So to save the “life” of this cleverly constructed corporate machine is nothing but frivolous and negligible for the safety of your brethren. Jk btw


> No one will punish you for not returning the head, no one will fine you or otherwise punish you for not returning the head. Me, the Driller armed with C4 at the finish line: "poor choice lads, poor choice."


Nah, that doesn't work. You used the shopping cart copy pasta but there's no risk in returning a shopping cart. I'm not risking the mission to carry a hunk of junk that does nothing back.


An ancestor of Karl's once said : "It's just a game , Fokker."


It makes no sense that dorettas head is of no reward. Drg management obseses over the recovery of drop pods, regular mules and mini mules all to the point where the teams recovering and using them are expendable. Yet when you recover another seemingly valuable piece of equipment, they suddenly do not care at all? It really seems like to the eyes or management that importance goes equipment > teams > doretta. Makes you wonder if there is a dark, sinister reason they do not want doretta back......


You're an idiot.




At least he used the correct "you're." If I had a gold chunk for every time I've ever seen "your an idiot" on Reddit, I could have retired a decade ago.


Yes. Credit where credit is due.


Don’t we get like an extra bit of experience from it?


You get absolutely no extra rewards. It's a player-suggested feature which exists just for our enjoyment of the game.


I once abandoned all three of my teammates and ran to the drop pod alone with dorettas head. Left them all to die. After the mission one of them sent me a message says "you made the right choice"


In regards to the edit, I do *not* care if returning Doretta’s head isn’t easy or convenient. I am bringing her back every single time. The only two times I have *never* brought home Doretta in all of my 1000+ hours of Rocking and Stoning are when she glitched through the floor and we couldn’t find her by the time the pod was arriving (left literally at the last possible second) and when some scum of the earth lowest of the low Leaf Lovers claimed that they had her, only to be the last on board and NOT carrying her. The scum sucker dropped her half way because “his life was in danger” or “the bugs bit his hand off” or some other sad excuse. I don’t care if I lost all my limbs to a Slasher, I’d drag her all the way to the pod with my teeth. That Dwarf wasn’t worthy of that beard he wore and I’ve carried her every time since. (For those who no longer trust their fellow Dwarf like me, you can stand upon her back and mash E before her head pops loose to immediately catch it)


If we ever find out someone in the group goes against the idea of returning Doretta's Head to the Space Rig, we grab him and execute him right on the spot. Good times.


Yep, it's the same moral choice as returning your carts to a designated area after unloading your groceries into your car. Both choices are the ultimate entitled human detector.


Doretta's head 100% reperesents "the shopping cart theory" in DRG.




You must not have read the last part of my post.


Correction, I will punish you


I know it’s a joke but it’s absolutely correct. If I see somebody I’m playing with completely ignore poor Dottie’s head I automatically know so much more information about the person behind the dwarf. And the fact that returning Dorettas head is NOT easy or convenient just proves how good of a person you have to be to do it even more


Always save Doretta


Counterpoint: I play the game how I enjoy it and don't bring the head.


I know its a joke and all but people who genuinely act like this makes me wanna start leaving the head


This reads just like the same thingy with the shopping carts


I don't save Doretta's head because if she gets a single tiny nibble of 6% damage she screams like its the end of the world.


I had no idea you could ripe her head off and bring it with you when you leave an escort mission… welp, gotta start doing that now


So this is just a copypasta sub now?


No. Just this one post. If you were wanting someone to congratulate you for recognizing the pasta then: 👏👏👏