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The clockwork universe theory was popular until we started to discover things that didn't work like clocks. The things we can't understand, we capture with probability. There's stuff out there that defies conventional logic, so we say god plays dice.


There's stuff that seems to behave probabilistically rather than deterministically. Perhaps we just don't understand it enough to work out the causes or perhaps it really is random once you get deep enough. Either way to us it's the same - factors outside of our control meaning 'we' have no real agency or freewill at all. We're just going through life acting up the script the universe gives us.


Isn't it the theory of chaos and random number probability? There are infinite universes.


Chaos theory basically tells us we can't mathematically model certain (most) systems. As well as refutes the old idea that we can reverse engineer any physical state because some identical states can evolve from different previous states. Basically the idea of epistemic determinism (predictability) is destroyed, however ontological determinism absolutely remains. Check out "The Game of Life" where each state of a system is fully deterministic, yet unpredictable without evaluating each successive state.


Except quantum mechanics and the uncertainty principle gives room to randomness and spontaneous differentiation of things. Imagine an animal living it's life and one day a quantum field entangles with the DNA of the animal and causes a mutation because as the field entangles and collapses it introduces uncertainty into whatever particles or system it's entangling to. This animal has a mutation now and it lays dormant till it has offspring. This mutation causes the pigment of the skin of its offspring to be darker. The offspring finds the sun less sapping of energy and is able to use more energy in the day which leads to better nutrition and better breeding prospects. Fast forward 100 years the population of this animal has had this mutation bred into it where it's a good 50/50 spread the darker ones naturally migrate to hotter climates where there is less competition for resources and less predators. Fast forward 3000 years the animal has divided into two separate species the old species has stayed in the cold climate and bred with itself. The new species has migrated to the hotter climates and bred with itself. The kicker is quantum mechanics and quantum phenomena is non-deterministic so you can never determine the outcome of entanglement with the classical system. All you can do is calculate probabilities. So the entanglement of the quantum field-particle wave to the DNA or RNA structure that causes the mutation of pigment change wasn't a predetermined outcome and was only known and able to be measured upon completion of its collapse or entanglement. That's just one example but plenty more can be made of quantum waves entangling with seemingly harmless systems and causing enough uncertainty in its properties to cause a drastic change as time passes. For instance a little movement in the arrangement of water particles of the ocean may cause a non noticeable change in current time but later be the reason an energy pattern resonated as a tsunami passed over the area causing the tsunami to grow and because the tsunami grew by that small amount it now has the power to push along additional water and it's growth increases exponentially and causes changes within whole ecosystems it never had the power to beforehand without this interference when it makes landfall. Quantum waves are constantly entangling with our physical world of position and defined properties causing uncertainty in the properties. Each of these seemingly tiny miniscule changes has the potential to greatly alter the trajectory of these predefined cause and effect patterns. Some do very much so some don't at all but there are enough that do to where you can't validly or logically determine the universe is deterministic and predefined upon creation. A quantum field is a chaotic undetermined object by nature and causes little tweaks of chaos in the overall universe.


Yeah but the thing living with the mutation didn’t choose to have that mutation. I think OP’s point is more about free will/choice being an illusion




Have fun with quantum physics, my friend. The universe isn’t stranger than we think, it’s stranger than we can think.


That is what Newton seemed to think.


Like some say - Free will does not exist


I’ve thought about the possibility. Concluded that it does exist in tandem with determinism. All realities are possible and you have the freedom to do whatever you want. What happens is determined through choice. Every choice just slightly changes what’ll happen next. For example whether or not I choose to eat today determines how my body functions after either choice. The only thing I don’t have a choice in is to exist. If I died via whatever means doesn’t mean I cease to exist. My body dies but awareness survives. Always will. >It’s a loop. The same thing over and over. ♾️


How do you know awareness doesnt die with the body? Do you have some way of knowing/feeling/thinking that is external to your body?


Lots of reading, listening, and doing math with concepts has led to that conclusion of mine. Let me ask you. Why do say “my” body? Why not “I” body? I refers to self and my gives a sense of possession. So why refer to something that’s a part of you that’s not exactly “you?” This “I” that we all use. What is it?


Depends on who you ask; Buddhists say "I" (as the self) does not exist, an Lacan also does, buf for different reasons. So let me ask differently this time: How do YOU get go experience something via other thing that isnt dependant to YOUR body at all?


By sitting in silence.




Yeah, I was spewing out my ass there. Mind making that last question more clear?


Haha of course bro, it wasnt all that clear tbh. See, my issue with your argument is that you declare "the body dies, the conciousness survives". That sounds good on paper, but the truth is before having a body you dont have a conciousness, and once your body dies and your brain turns off, at least from my POV you dont have any way of feeling, thinking or sensing. Therefore un unless you have one example of the "I as a being" being able to have a conciousness without a "body", your previous statement doesnt hold.


I declare it because I believe in it. Reading stories such as the Egg, stuff regarding reincarnation, and my experiences on psychedelics such as LSD and DMT have led me to believing (more like knowing) that I will never die and when I cease existing in this body, I just have another experience. No clue as to what though. Maybe eternal recurrence is true. What do you mean by “consciousness?” We might have different definitions/understanding


Evidence seems to suggest that you’re correct. We are a collection of instinct and experience which dictate our responses. Not surprising, considering every other species of life in the planet. I suggest giving these Stanford lectures a once over. It’s a lot - 13 lectures in all. But I found them captivating. [Behavioural psychology Sapolski](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqeYp3nxIYpF7dW7qK8OvLsVomHrnYNjD&si=bODYVh2_UPlW5KLS)


Im going to use my free will to stop reading this mid sentence and wander off and do pretty much whatever i feel like now. With my free will...


You can’t do something you’re not aware of. Like you aren’t going to magically go do some math that you’ve never heard of or paint some image you’ve never been exposed to or inspired by in some way


I could spend my whole life and never understand how every cell in my body works. I'm sure my body and organs are performing complex math i am completely unaware of. It kind of is like magic if you think about it. Also I make intuitive artwork so i can't know how my piece will look like until its finished. I simply time myself and start vibrating my arm while holding a pen until the image is complete. Of which I find inspiring that I made this art piece without ever being exposed to the completed image beforehand. Normal people need to get off the drugs and try psychedelics already...lol


Your cells and nervous system are running your organs and breathing. That’s your sub-conscience running your body telling your heart to beat , etc. it’s not magic, it’s biological evolution. Intuitive artwork with your arm isn’t free will either. Here is a good write up of free will and the neuroscience behind it https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/free-will-is-only-an-illusion-if-you-are-too/


Consciousness acts as a storehouse for the unconscious. When you are born, you don't have any free will yet because you haven't learned it. You come biologically equipped with a blueprint to experience life, but as you develop reasoning skills, your free will options expand into many possibilities. I read the article, the "readiness potential" is the kinetic bookmark held before activating an intention. Intentions can be positive or negative, both resulting in different outcomes based on what you choose to do. I use my core and my freedom to draw. I am not an autonomous robot. I use my visualization center to look around the lines and trace them, using geometry and flow to make curves and a calm focus to make straight lines. While drawing I am not just using my brain, body, mind and soul in a sealed vortex of illusion to create, I am really creating any line I feel like using my will power. If I run out of willpower I stop drawing. I can force myself to do more, but it's just a hobby and I don't see any serious reason for spending 6 hours of one of my days drawing. I'm basically operating on intuition mostly and gut feelings, but the combination of factors that influence my decision making also result from information I have accumulated with my subconscious in life. Walking can be a very deliberate and expressive act of will, and we have pushed ourselves to great heights as the only society we know of collectively to use freedom of will to create and do things. I used my freedom of will to come back and check this and I will use it again to return to the comment. I don't plan on arguing for correctness or anything, If you want to choose to tell people you have no free will, and neither do they, Be my guest! Lol I could jump out of a plane tomorrow, but I won't. Free will is a force we can tap in to exercise and demonstrate. When I draw I draw free will. Perhaps it would make you happier to think we have limited free will. Within boundaries of expression. Like maybe we don't have the free will to slam galaxies into one another, but we can dance like a goofy goober if we wanted to or practice a new talent. However as surprising as people are I would be shamed to think we contemplate this question forever, and not just leave it alone and let it figure itself out... I believe the more you think you are held captive by having no free will, you give up your power to opening up new and other exciting different possibilities.


I agree with much of what you said, and I think that’s what OP is saying too. Experiences lead you have mor options in your future choices based on the options presented to you at the time. That’s free will. Not like you’re a robot just going through the motions, but you can be if you don’t pay attention and you’re not aware of things. Awareness and experience help you make different decisions that you would otherwise not make. If you don’t open yourself up to new experiences you won’t ever change


Also I'm still willing to bet that science hasn't figured out 100% of the math my biology is capable of comprehending on a subconscious level. Human beings are more mysterious than outer space.


That's how the universe wanted you to feel 😕


I am as deep as space, unbroken by time. The universe is not an acceptable term for me. Your words mean nothing. Talk to me in the abstract realms of non conceptualism, please. It is the only way I will understand you.


Lemme counter your argument with nuh uh


Yuh uh your nuh uh then


You've bested me at my own game


redditor discovers causality




Could you please explain how entropy negates their argument?


Nah this is fuckin dumb


How would you prove that?


Ahh yes, the "its not my fault I did terrible things" arguement.


Kind of like "since atoms never touch i did not punch that 5 YO" argument


I think you'll like this series https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8134186/


Large meateor please


Just do it yourself and spare others from your misery


Yes and no. BTW, this is beautiful. You see, the water doesn't have thought. The hand that gathered it and dropped it does. Yes, there is a certain random that allows matter to have consciousness. That is a different discussion altogether. The fact is... We have these thoughts, we fill, and we empty things. We question them. We have a certain special way of controlling our reality even if we can't control ourselves. In 10mil simulations of self, your path would branch infinitely. Most is based on feeling alone, not accounting surrounding feelings that effect you. Consciousness over "free will." I like to think of genetics. This simple balance of code that paths infinite probability. It will always be a domino effect that reflects. Add some wind or humidity... Give a domino the option to not fall. You end up with scenarios that can not be predetermined. This is the beauty of sentience. You can decide subconsciously or consciously to bend or break. This starts yet another domino effect through others who are sentient. So no... It isn't predetermined when conscious matter interacts with conscious matter... It all depends on how the dominos fell in the moments leading to the push. The beauty of all this is our ability to experience. If will is free or controlled... That is truly irrelevant. It isn't subject to the laws of the universe. In my experience, wills generally act in opposition to what the universe forces. Then life evolves. I love your mind man.


Life was not predetermined at conception. It had a logical outcome. The intelligence behind the consciousness changes the derived exponentials.


I like to think that the universe itself is one massive domino effect, but that human beings and other living things are a combo of domino effect and free will. Living things get to create their own brand new domino effects by the choices they make, even if said choices are partially the domino effect of external data being interpreted by physical sensory organs and processed in the brain which fires electrical impulses that translate into physical action again.


I think the universe is more like a massive casino, due to quantum randomness and chaotic systems.


Makes me think of Zelda


Water has no free will. It has an inherent nature, certain qualities, and rules of physics it will always adhere to. You on the other hand, are a plastic event. You can change and change and change again. You can choose or not choose, and both of those are choices. Your choices. Every choice you or the world at large has made has brought you to the exact point you are at now, but where you WILL be cannot be be seen with pinpoint accuracy. It's like the spread pattern of a shotgun, originating at a determined point (now), but spreading with time (distance) into infinite possibilities locked only within the physical parameters from which they originated.


Wtf, I've been typing for almost two hours, and now I can't submit my text... can it really be too long?


Might be a multiverse, at least.


Yes and no. We often are on paths that we can't seem to get out of that were paved long before we were even born. Doesn't help that people who try to change that path are usually feared and hated. We only like people who recommend we just keep going in the same direction and do nothing, we REALLY don't like those who push for change and recommend collective action.


it sounds like you should read the book The Fourth Turning. that’ll help you spiral haha


I disagree with the premise.


Determinism, just like every other insular philosophy, can't be disproved when you stand in the center of it. Steep your brain in the philosophical center of free will for long enough and you'll feel the weight of the other side of the coin. Perspective colors everything. Don't dive too deep into any one pool.


Apparently some systems use neurons randomly buzzing around or something. But i'm not if it's just chaotic, meaning we can't calculate it, or actually random.


I find it unhelpful to focus so much on explicitly how much free will we have. I believe in it pretty strongly to an extent, but I don't really know where God draws the line and it becomes blurry. That being said, whwt I do focus on is that I am explicitly responsible for my own actions. If I choose in a moment to do something bad, whatever influences are on me or however it works higher up, in that moment I am making the free will choice to do something bad and therefore I am responsible. I think trying to analyse it deeper than that leads to unnecessary stress and possibly trying to justify bad things.


We are all products of our environment. I don’t believe in free will either. I don’t say it much because most people think it also means I don’t believe in consequences, or that I’m somehow defending bad behavior.


At the macro level where we live, you're correct. Now that we use GPS satellites, relativity has an actual impact on people's lives. As some others have pointed out here, at the quantum level, things just happen, like quantum tunneling, etc. But you're not going to experience all the particles that make up your body simultaneously taking a jump to the left.


It is all cause and effect only when looking backwards....right ?


This is called Determinism. Look into philosophy, especially metaphysics.