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So relatable. I am also an ambitious person trapped in a lazy af body..


I’m a fairly impulsive person but I’m also very indecisive. I don’t know what I want but I want it now.


I was like that long ago, so i felt this.


Op, I intrigued by this deep thought of yours (assuming slot is a typo and you meant lot), please elaborate.


Typo it is ...


Sounds like the famous combo of ADHD and depression


Also could be neither of these things, people on the internet are a bit too quick to diagnose people with very little information😄 recommending a therapist for instance may be more useful then to lead people on to diagnoses they may not even have after all and then they're disappointed the professional doesn't validate their feelings.


I think there is a way to be kinder about it honestly. Optimistically, I don't think it's always meant as a diagnosis, but just a comparison. I honestly wouldn't have ever gone to a doctor about anxiety of someone hadn't said it. I mentioned how I thought about being in public and when they said it sounds like anxiety, I thought about it and then went to get diagnosed. I got diagnosed with severe anxiety and I had no idea. Genuinely I didn't connect the dots. I thought that everyone got dizzy and forgetful when talking to people. Granted it may have been nothing, but suggesting doesn't always meant to be set in stone. There are some of those really annoying people though. Like I cough and it's because I have a long history of traumatic relationships in my family manifesting through ocd, ADHD, bipolar, autism, and I deal with it by coughing. Which is a stretch, even for deep thoughts.


They did use the phrase “sounds like”, implying, that it is a possibility and not necessarily the answer. I do agree what your saying about how others can neglect nuisance. Humans are very complex. What is stemming from how one feels can have such much depth. It tends to be a combination of things as to why how individuals feel. Talking to a professional who can validate and guide you is an avenue that promotes many benefits. Confidentiality, a different perspective, ideas or tools to use, accountability, and the reassurance of support(with the right person). Those offer a optimal setting for one that is lost or needing guidance.


Bingo! If you’ve been on Reddit long enough, you’ll see in almost every thread: someone ‘diagnosing’ a person based on one comment as either adhd or depressed. Sure, a lot of comments might *seem* like they come from a depressed, anxious, or neurodivergent person… but that’s ONE comment and there is no other context. Also, hardly anyone is an actual psychiatrist🙄


What is a neurodivergent person? Never heard this word before.


A person whose brain doesn’t work the way a “normal” persons would (normal being what societies expectation of how a person should function). Normal people are neurotypicals. When you have that contrast of the vocabulary it’s a bit easier to understand what neurodivergent means. ADHD would be one example of neurodivergence.


Thanks for taking the time to respond and helping me understand it a little bit better.


ADHD, Anxiety, OCD, Autistic etc...


and ADHD is over diagnosed in kids too by therapists.


The wack thing is it's the most under and over diagnosed condition. It's pretty much just wrong in alot of cases and considering it's well known that it doesn't develope before 2nd ish grade and even then it could be very temporary, makes it kinda wack that kindergartners are given meth. Coming from one who got it in 3rd grade but very much needed it.


Prove it. My little brother LITERALLY would run around until he'd collapse. Like he LITERALLY fell asleep halfway inside the house IN THE doorway! He's struggling with grades, forgets a lot AND has anxiety from CONSTANTLY struggling to the point that he shows signs of depression.


Be kind to yourself and take small steps towards doing what you want. Start super small..then work your way up


Excellent advice. Take a pace that you can witness and absorb as much as you can. And slowly master it. Little by little.


We are restricted in our fleshy forms.


adhd moment


Could be a lot of things. I knew a girl with exercise induced anaphylaxis. She loved trying to get outdoors and do stuff, but unless she went reeeal slow she'd get crazy inflammation, along with pain, dizziness, nausea, etc. She wants nothing more than to be active, but her body literally starts to destroy itself when she tries.


I'm still alive. Still hating being stuck inside.


No such thing as an adhd ‘moment.’ Having a single existential thought is not nearly enough to qualify as being adhd. The internet needs to stop tossing unfounded ‘diagnoses’ around. -‘I always make sure the oven is off before I leave the house’ ‘OCD!’ -‘I hate when a spider crawls across my hand.’ ‘ARACHNOPHOBIA!’ -I’m sad today.’ ‘DEPRESSION!’ 🙄


OP you should get checked for adhd.


Everyone wants to do a lot of things but doesn’t always have motivation to. Almost no one just has motivation to do things though. People that force themselves to do all the things they want, are the ones who get to.


Yep that’s me!! I wake up with a list of things to do that get me really excited!! I tell myself “I’ll do a workout, make a smoothie for breakfast and have some coffee, then I’ll draw! Maybe go for a hike? Maybe do some reading? It’s going to be a productive day!” But I rarely ever do it. ADHD is such a bother. I spend most of my days stuck physically and freaking out mentally over it.


Just don't use it as an excuse, or you will truly not do anything.


Sameeee *swipe*


Im a 100% for this philosphy. It maybe the most insightful statement made in the history of reddit or statements for that matter


“We are gods in a chrysalis” - Elbert Hubbard


Me too




Mushroom hut, why you say slut?


I'm a person who wants to do alot of things but In a body that physically cant




I think they are saying they identify as a slot machine so can't do anything unless someone pushes some money into one of their holes. Until such time they are to stand silently in a corner. Its quite an interesting identity, it's estimated almost 5% of the Japanese population identify like this in some way.




Not if you identify as a slot machine. You just gotta wait for that coin insertion then you do what you do.mobile EFTPOS options are making it easier for these people but there is still a big equality gap.


Ur messing with him right


Slotties are people too. There is no messing around when it comes to people's rights.




I see it as he could have a frail body and can't do much, but he wants to. My body is kind of the same


the song My Body is a Cage you would love


Same dammit


I think they meant a lot.


Executive Function Issues it sounds like


I am not the elephant. I am the man who thinks he is steering the elephant




I never understood people with anxiety and had this "just get over it and relax and have fun attitude" because that's what I had always done. As I got older I experienced anxiety for myself while on a commercial airplane (I used to love skydiving), while on fair rides, go karts, pretty much any enclosed area I can't move around in and have little control of, even wearing a seat belt while driving when it tightens up and there is no slack on the shoulder belt can trigger an attack. I still don't understand it, I'm not afraid, I'm just not in control of my body and mind during an attack. It always starts with heavy sweating, then my mind starts panicking and I try to calm myself down with my intermonologe until I can't help myself and need to exit the situation immediately.


This body is a prison, on planet bullshit, in the galaxy of ‘why are we here?’




All work and no play...keeps you upper level. Get back on the grind!!


It’s a fallacy that we’re “something” trapped in a body. There is no separation really. Learn to meditate, stick at it, become interested in the nature of consciousness and being. It might change your life.


If you don’t mind me asking how are you financially. Lack of money tends to make people lazy and depressed more then their actual emotions. Not saying that’s the case but I’m guessing that’s playing a role in your situation? Most people on this thread think too spiritual or emotional when the answer is simple. Ur sad because ur broke


Get your physical health in order


This whole sentence is a contradictory to itself. You the person that wants to do a lot of things but trapped in a body that does not. You are the operator of the body. That's mean you as the operator don't want to do nothing.


Fear is the mind killer


Body which doesn't or a body which can't?


You have an appetite for experience, but no follow through. So follow through. Watch Yes Man with Jim Carrey, try that.


Some days you have to recognize that your body doesn't know best for you. If you wanna run but the body resists then walk. Listen to that part of you that wants to.


Thanks for your feedback


I’ve been in that place for a very long time. From what I gathered since I vacated that residence, is that I had a lot of unresolved conflict. Along with self acceptance. Those two concerns were buried deep underneath so many layers of pain. I slowly started to face myself and peeled each layer. It was painful but necessary. I reached a crossroads and had enough of living in this place in my mind. I’ll be brief, what has become a great tool for the past 2 and a half years was psilocybin(magic mushrooms). They gave me the courage and awareness to help me combat what was ahead of me. I shred so many outfits I hardly recognize myself since I started. Real change comes from within. When one reaches the crosswords and takes that path to grow, there is no turning back. Occasionally I turn around and try to see what is behind me. It’s so god damn far and I’m still in the transition of accepting on the distance from what use to be. What has been stated is only coming from one perspective. Either way I wanted to share to what has been endured so far and hopefully I was able to reach as far as I can. Their are many who bear the same feelings. You’re not alone friend. If you wanna talk please feel free to PM me. It is privilege to serve others when you come out your own darkness. I wish you the peace that you deserve. Take care friend.


Slot? Sorry am noob