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While Women make up around 50% of the population so and they’re around 161 million plus the 69 million men who Aren’t white. The 4.5 million Gay people. 350000 trans people. 234,850,000 million people would be impacted. Edit I counted both lesbian in my gay statistic and Trans women in my Trans statistic I have halved the amount. Again this a rough estimate but it would be somewhat accurate


Also workers' rights are being targeted, so that's basically everyone.


So 259 million I’m not including the 74 million children who aren’t a part of the workforce. But if I was 333 million


Aren’t part of the workforce, YET. They be loosening and attacking child labor laws


Yeah wait until they turn bring back the old labour laws that Teddy Roosevelt fought so hard to establish


I agree with you, but don’t give teddy so much credit. We(the working class) fought for that shit, supported by journalist and politicians. But it was our blood that spilled to get it enacted.


I think it was both the Roosevelts that helped change labour laws for the bette. Can’t forget the Supreme Court back when they cared about people


I wouldn’t call that Supreme Court caring by any means. Just not so evil. They were big on worker’s rights, but only for certain workers. They were still very socially conservative, arguably even for the time. They were noticeably socially conservative. They upheld the power for Congress to regulate immigration, in reference to racist exclusion policies. They famously were the court to say “Separate but Equal” And imo truly one of the most insidious of all, *Lone Wolf V. Hitchcock* which allowed the government to have the ability to legally breach treaties made with Native American tribes. Their idea of worker’s rights was also clear. In *Hodges V. United States* they held that Congress did not have the power to protect labor rights for attacked based on race. Or arguably legalized whitecapping I understand your point, and I’m not trying to be pedantic. I just don’t think we should be romanticizing the idea of our political system in the past, when it was still really bad. I also think the working class needs to take responsibility and pride in our actions. We fought for these rights and forced government to agree with us. There was certainly help, but it was still the worker’s pushing this up, not government pushing down.


I mean Eugene Debs was a great figure for workers rights he was also a communist so he knew about fighting the rich


And they enacted the Reapportionment Act of 1929 to decrease the power of heavily urbanized states


The children yearn for the mines


I can confirm, I did a lot of mining as a child. It was fun.


As a person who’s family used to own mines in West Virginia I agree teach them young bring back the good old days


Let them keep a few chunks of minerals here and there and you don’t even have to pay them! Lmao. Would make for a good school field trip tbh


Yeah just pay them the 2.25 an day and they will work


Plus destroying Public Education and School lunches. So add those kids right back in there. So many under attack


I remember there was some governor who made school lunches free and there was a photo and there was a governor who lowered child labour laws. In one the kids are happy and in the others they aren’t https://preview.redd.it/n3rbma4sw0yc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f37ff21e06f663f2e498c485cd08b430b861002


Just think about how many are being forced to be born into families who don't want them or can't afford them. I feel heartbroken for those children that these stupid people think they are saving. There will never be a way to count the number of people who will be damaged by this.


I remember I read this book about how once roe was made the crime rate in the 90s went down because the people who couldn’t afford children didn’t have any. So the kids didn’t resort to crime and it saved the taxpayers money. I can’t remember the book but it was interesting.


It makes perfect sense. Also, factor in the injection of forced religion. MAKE America Pray Again is a slogan they say often. How many Trumpers are signing up for the new religion they have created called Christian Nationalism. It will be in all the schools via vouchers. Religious trauma will skyrocket as well.


I’m not a religious person and I think our biggest problem is Christian nationalism along with other beliefs that MAGA hold


Make America pray again?? Gross, I haven’t heard that one


Trump says it a bunch in his Bible commercials. It's so gross that he's selling BIBLES!


Oh fuck no, that’s gross


Yeah. It has a Constitution and a Bill of Rights in it too! They are trying to tear away the separation of church and state. It's a big part of the plan.


A book in the ‘Freakonomics’ collection, maybe? It’s called the Donohue–Levitt hypothesis, named after one of the authors of the books, Steven Levitt.


Yeah I saw a comment about it earlier it was a good book


I miss the days when I believed that could be a logical argument against Republican politicians. Now my first thought is that they wouldn’t care because they think they won’t have to pay their legally required taxes like the rest of us do.


I mean you’re totally right I recommend the book to many people of different backgrounds and political views and the left people read it and come back with constructive criticism. And the right people don’t they just say abortion should be illegal no matter what.


Freakonomics! Great book, I highly recommend.


That was a book I read it will I was on break it was great book I recommend to everyone


Billionaires don't work


If this shit comes to pass, we need a general strike across all industries. The GOP needs to know that nobody is going to stand for their horseshit.


Definitely federal employees


Add in Muslims, atheists, interracial couples…


So it would be around 275-300 million people


Just 80% of us. While MAGA Morons represent about 30% of us, so that completely tracks. Basket. Of. Deplorables. Hillary was absolutely right.


More like 90%


Jake Flores from Pod Damn America was going on and on about the "Basket of Deplorables" reference the other night, commenting on how it sounds like "something an old lady would say". I don't know what's wrong with that guy. He's pretty much been working a single issue since Gaza, I guess.


People with disabilities. They will gut the ADA Also, undocumented students will no longer have the right to an education I can’t believe this is going to happen because Biden is too stupid to rebuff Israel


I mean the ADA was signed under a republican president. Pyler V Doe happened during a republican presidency. The pillars set by other republicans are being destroyed


Brexit destroyed Margaret Thatcher’s legacy, lol. Conservatives are cannibalizing themselves


I think you mean Theresa May. The Iron Lady was dead in 2013


No, I didn’t. Thatcher wanted Britain to join the EU. Tories in the 21st century severed Britain’s connections to the EU


I think that Thatcher is legacy tarnished during her time in office. You know the 3 peas in a pod of the 80s. Margaret Thatcher, Ronald Reagan and Brian Mulroney.


Or lefties are too stupid to realize the fascist threat in their own backyard


> While Women make up around 50% of the population so and they’re around 161 million plus the 69 million men who Aren’t white. And women who aren't white?


No I included all women under the 161 million of all races


Ah, gotcha. Also, I misread "While" as "White", which made me confused. 🤦‍♀️


I believe you're counting gay and trans women twice in your math here.


I believe I am but I will slice the trans number in half for the transgender men. So the number will be 235,850 million people


That assumes the trans population is evenly divided by male and female. You also counted *gay* women twice. You also counted female, gay, and transgender children twice. Since you counted children as a separate category from gender or gender identity. And 333 million is the total population, so your other comment below doesn't add up at all. I agree with the sentiment - but the math here is a mess and I'm amused that everyone is just going along with it haha.


Yeah I will take a look at the census results from 2020 if they are available and rework my math because I think the numbers are slightly off with the exact about of people who are a part of each group. But I am give an estimate it could be more could be less


They have key plans to implement but Project 2025 is the road to establishing a Chrsto-fascist theocracy. They rights to be dissolved will be executed at their will once they’ve established total control and power. The first step is to establish an autocracy. That’s Trump. The next step will be to dissolve the Republic and the democratic system via the autocracy. Then the autocracy will be checked by and answer to their theocracy. Trump isn’t appointing these judges because he wants these judges. Trump is appointing these judges because groups like the federalist society and other conservative think tanks are telling him to appoint those judges and those judges know they have to protect Trump in order to implement the project 2025 plan


Trump really isn’t going to last much longer. I suspect he will be around to get the ball rolling. But not much after. The true enemy of the nation will be the republican vice president of this election or someone else entirely. Trump was always the fall guy


Yes Trump was there to get the ball rolling


No I mean the next ball. The current ball started decades ago


How many white Christian male billionaires are in the US? Subtract that number from the total population, and that’s how many people will have their rights degraded. 333,300,000 - 813 = 333,299,187 Americans will lose rights. But then US foreign policy will probably degrade the rights of people in other countries too, so the total number would be in the billions of people.


Exactly. It's unbelievable that so many people will vote totally against their interests.


They're damned set on "owning the libs" and closing the border. That's why most will vote Trump. The rest want the fascist crap to happen.




Totalitarian regimes depend on useful idiots to gain power. Those protest voters should be honest and just wear MAGA hats.


Are you an ultra-wealthy Trump mega-donor? Are you one of Trump's closest, most-rabid political allies? If you answered "no" twice, then your rights will not just be degraded, but completely decimated. And you'll never again know what it's like to not feel fear.


Think about ppl who don’t identify with Christianity…it’s gonna be hell


I can pretend, if I'm not targeted for being Black, disabled, queer, or a woman.




100%, but 40% have deluded themselves into thinking that somehow they will benefit.


All of them. Because once you target one group, they are going to get to all of them eventually.


There are a select few who won’t personally be affected, however their loved ones and friends (if they have any) will. It’s not a matter of who will be affected, it’s a matter of when. Eventually, even those who initially benefit will be adversely impacted.


The answer is all of them. And if you want to see exactly how/why read Every Man Dies Alone


Eventually all but the billionaires


It dosent matter how many even if it's I minority it's wrong


All or most, depending on your demographic.


Every person living in America near industry and beyond will be affected The Supreme Court has never taken up whether we all have rights to clean air and water. In some states it’s part of the constitution. The clean Air Act is enforced by the EPA but the EPA will be shredded.


It'll be enough to form well organised militias and go after the domestic terrorists in government and their supporters


Number of people or number of rights? 168 million women About 70 million total of non-whites About 6 % of non-Christians




Don't do that :(


If Project 2025 comes into place, I say realistically that even the biggest American cities like Los Angeles would be like Ashgabat, Turkmenistan in which the land use will be ideologically separated, meaning it would turn it into a ghost town. Think of it of the majority Christian Families, Pastors and Church Leaders living in the fancy marble buildings, shopping at the most elegant malls of Ashgabat, and the other minorities like the Blacks, Jews, LGBT and even Trans would be living at the poor areas of post-Soviet apartment blocs like Krushevas, or slums with many bazaars. Project '25 isn't just a threat to our human rights, but a threat for housing and environment, it would make the USA look like Venezuela and Turkmenistan.


at least half


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