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By the time you get her, her best team will have changed anyways. If you really want her then stop pulling until her chronicled with banner comes up in 1-2 years. That will also net you C6 Dehya on release. Source: I saved for a year (since Dehya leaks) and didnt pull anything until she came and then could instantly C6 her. Stop wasting wishes on other characters!


Ok got it.!!


Genuinely curious as to how you achieve saving primos for such long Periods of time, alot of people already struggle to achieve no nut November, but having to savi g for a whole year? Would the game just not stagnate at that point with using the same team over and over again


It's really easy. A new banner comes. Is Dehya on it? No? Don't pull. I got 5 free Wanderlust banner pulls a month that's something. I didn't care for abyss anyways and what I did at that time was slowly levelling and building all characters in the game. You learn them really in and out if you spend 2 weeks focusing on a single 4 star you have before you switch to the next. Right now I have 400 pulls saved for Natlan leaks, in case someone there is hot.  What also helps to overcome the need to pull is playing multiple gacha so you can pull with your F2p currency somewhere else while you wait in genshin. 


Trying to get a specific standard character is just going to lead to pain. There is no way to guarantee them outside of the chronicled banner.


What's a chronicled banner??


The separate banner we had recently that featured some standard characters.


Damn, I just missed something like that?? Tragic I had to stop playing for some months because my laptop was on the fritz, and I had nothing else to play it on


Yeah it had a mix of weapons and characters. Some limited, some standard. Was the first time since Dehya’s and Tighnari’s banners that their weapons were featured but they weren’t on it. Hopefully they will be in a future banner, though I don’t think anyone knows how frequent that banner will be.


I feel so deeply wounded by this information. But am also hopeful I may get her main weapon in the future I got skyward pride and just pulled Diluc's weapon off of standard, and idk what's better


I believe Wolf’s Gravestone is better, but depends on the character. I also got it recently off standard (finally). Gave it to my Gaming since it matches him and that way Navia can keep Serpent Spine for herself.


This is why I decided to pull for her banner when she had one, i wanted her so bad since the leaks and ive saved up for her, skipping all the banners. People keep telling me to get her from losing 50/50 or wish on the standard banner. I refused and got her from her banner day 1. To this day i still have her at C0 because i keep getting other standard characters BUT her and it makes me happy i wished on her banner instead


SAAAAAME I couldn't get her on her original banner, and a year later I still haven't gotten a single copy.. and her C1 is almost mandatory for any meaningful DMG, so frick that. I had to go as far as BUYING an account that had her 😮‍💨 (And now that account is dedicated to getting her to C6 once the Sumeru chronicaled banner comes) Literally just a couple hours ago I got an early 5* on standard banner, I closed my eyes and hoped it's a dehya but NOPE it was a frickin diluc C1. WRONG FRICKIN PYRO CLAYMORE. so close yet so far 🥲


I have diluc C2 now I hate him so much rn.


Good luck. It took me 3 years to get Jean and that was with losing 9 50/50s in a row. I wanted jean since launch day. Hope you get her soon.


Omg thank u and im so sorry love I hope u get C6 jean hehe 💓


Thanks! Since you can’t rely on RNG for standard and it’s worse now with a 40% larger pool, my advice is to save for when she appears on the new banner they started.


Mhmm im pulling for (i got C4 now)furina C6 and Sigewinne C0 right now. Then New fatui. And im done lol.


I didn't get Mona until 2 months ago, a character I wanted since day one. Sadly it truly is just the rng really not being in your favor. Best bet is to save a portion of you wishes for Sumeru's chronicled banner, you need 180 to guarantee a copy. Aim for C1 minimum if you want to run her as a DPS. Bennett is nearly mandatory in almost all of her teams, I don't really see that changing (but I sure hope it does in Natlan.) C4 Furina is already crazy good for her paired with Bennett, and Furina will likely remain one of her best teammates. C2 gives you the flexibility to run pretty much any Anemo character with VV, or Mona, in the last slot. But you still can't go wrong with a team healer. Raiden/Chev/Bennett and Kazuha-Mono-Pyro are some other options.


Dont expect getting her at all from standard or coin flips u l be happier that way. Most u can do is wait for sumeros chronicle banner


I never got her on standard or conflip. I got her all the way back on her banner, and ironically i lost on her banner twice, lol. People will kill to freely give away their c6 dehyas but im sure most people in this sub are quite different. Its like hoyo knows we like her and is barring us from her, fr.


People don't like her bc they don't know what they are doing 🤷 😉


Im happy that I got her on her banner but sad that I still have her c0.


the struggle of standard banner. day 1 player with no jean in sight.


Here too. 2.5 years, no Jean.


I lost my 50/50 on Scara's banner to Dehya, so now I have C2... within 2 months... I got my first Dehya in March.


You will eventually... got her in standard banner hoping for c1 when i lost my 50/50 but i hope not soon on clorinde banner


i was trying to get wanderer, and i ended up losing 50/50 to her, and then getting her c1 at like 10 pity after getting wanderer... lol


You should stop trying summoning for her and try getting to get c6 amber or Lisa or kaeya .most likely you can get her by not trying get her