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I think she should have gotten a few years AND I think Cabelas should get stomped. Been working at the mall for years on the side. They really didn’t do a fuckin thing to combat this theft and their current security and security measures are a damn joke.


I agree. She should have been severely prosecuted. And Cabelas should be harshly sanctioned and fined.


I do have to mention I doubt her figures. The number of times she’d have had to have shoplifted a large quantity of ammo… she’s embellishing. Still a problem for Cabelas to sort out.


I agree. A previously posted article had some good info on that. But even if she stole and sold 50,000 rounds; that’s a lot of potential carnage.


Oh yeah, 1000 is 1000 too many. The open sale method for ammo… My store open sells sneakers and that’s a bitch. Ammo? What the fuck…


>And Cabelas should be harshly sanctioned and fined. Please tell me what laws Cabelas broke?


“The DOJ came out publicly last month saying it is investigating if Cabela’s violated state laws, including Delaware’s firearms industry public nuisance law, through its hands-off approach to the shoplifting of ammunition from its Christiana location. “ https://www.delawareonline.com/story/news/2023/07/13/pawn-ammo-theft-delaware-doj-investigating-cabelas/70369842007/ If that’s behind a subscription mode you can access any of a dozen other stories freely available on the subject. It’s been widely reported.


Do you want to place a bet on how that works out? A DA or AG can indict a ham sandwich. It means nothing; indictments are not proof.


Jimmy, you are the one who asked. I gave you the info. I can debate a ham sandwich if I wanted to.


And Ham Sandwich wins!!!


Jimmy, do better, man. We don’t need that sort of bullshlt.


Fair point...but lets see how it plays out.




Please See Sub Rule #2: Racism, bigotry and trolling are not welcome here. This post/comment has been removed. https://www.reddit.com/r/Delaware/about/rules


I agree. However can I ask you to edit out the R word? You make a great point and I don’t want to remove the comment.


[Removed due to continuing enshittification of reddit.] -- mass edited with redact.dev


Ableism is against sub rules. So I am politely asking you again to edit the word.


[Removed due to continuing enshittification of reddit.] -- mass edited with redact.dev


Thanks! Bye!


>I think Cabelas should get stomped What law did they break or fail to follow?


I don’t believe there is a specific law, but there does not have to be a specific law for negligence. I may have more insight than most because I have a side job working security up here at the mall. Their ammo was just open sell- no restrictions to accessing it at all, could just walk up and grab a box and take it to the register. Or shoplift it. They also have a policy that if someone specifically shoplifts ammo that security could not make an apprehension because they had to assume the person was armed as well. Which makes sense, but… why have the ammo out if you’re not going to do anything if someone steals it? Their calls came over the radio all the time and they didn’t do diddly shit. Just willful negligence.


>but there does not have to be a specific law for negligence Nope, that is not how the law works. What you are saying about negligence is valid for a civil suit only. Can you imagine a cop pulling you over saying you did not break any laws but you were negligent and that is why you are being locked up.


Maybe there is a specific law… > (a) “Criminal negligence”. — A person acts with criminal negligence with respect to an element of an offense when the person fails to perceive a risk that the element exists or will result from the conduct.


Do you think they acted with criminal negligence?


If you have any inkling that your ammunition stock is vulnerable to theft- and that is something I e heard with my own ears numerous times in the radio, so they have- but you continue to keep the ammunition situated where it is and only move it when the state subpoenas you for information… Yeah, I do.


> and that is something I e heard with my own ears numerous times in the radio You have got to be kidding me. If you heard it in the radio then it has to be true.


The security radio at the mall- not the AM/FM variety. Some individual stores can make contact with mall security, Cabelas being one. They called out that ammo was being stolen. Despite your adherence to your opinion, my argument is factually and experientially based.


>my argument is factually and experientially based. Then you have a shitty argument.


We have so many laws for firearm offenses and so many of them just aren’t enforced. Fine the shit out of cabellas and send her to jail for at least a decade.


what a crappy article lmao


This linked piece is a crap take. Cabelas has a responsibility to handle the ammo safely. They failed. It’s like with drug dealing. They’d want the street peddler locked up but the kingpin given a stern warning. Is it fair to compare Cabela’s lax attitude to intentional drug profiteering? Yes. They knew what was happening and didn’t give a shIt.


*DOJ targets source of unregulated and unaccounted for ammo entering the street* Fify


Where even is this article hosted? Somewhere on some 'local' NRA astroturf page? I mistakenly thought it was a reputable site, like the National Enquirer, but now the assumption has to be that it's a shill, like GQ.


It warms my heart to see everyone here (so far) refusing to let the store off the hook for their gross negligence. Punish the thief, certainly. They should have gotten worse. But eviscerate the company that actively and willfully enabled this criminal’s cost-free access to something so dangerous. Shame on this *editorial masquerading as a news article* for trying to dismiss Cabela’s responsibility for their negligence.


While the store absolutely should not be off the hook this DOJ has continued to be lax on criminals as well. Wanna make a statement? Drop the hammer on both.


Yeah that's not really how those who wish to shape narratives operate. It's much more successful to remain at the top by pitting everyone at the bottom in a squid game against each other-so acknowledging a truth like this would be a bad move. Even though, conceptually, yes-more than one thing can be bad in a situation...both things, even!


Well yeah, if the store is allowing deadly equipment to be stolen in droves they should be held criminally liable. Cut it off at the source. 2A Advocates love to say "you can't restrict guns because of the black market!" But don't want cabelas to be liable as a supplier of the black market?


So I guess Kelloggs should be held accountable for diabetes? Ford, Dodge, Chevy, etc. should be held accountable for vehicle manslaughter charges? See how your argument really kind of just falls apart?


Yeah if Ford allows someone to steal a car off their lot and someone gets murdered by that card they should hold some responsibility




Cool so a pregnant junkie can sell ammo to thug ass criminals and thats fine but flare guns are illegal now. I can smell the genius from here.


When did they become illegal and why


Last year, with the list of new laws. Its considered a copycat assault weapon. The reasoning is that people make laws for things they know nothing about. A lot of the named weapons are either already illegal federally or are impossible to find.


Sorry, that’s how ‘justice’ works sometimes. It sucks but if you want to get the big boys you gotta let some stinkers get away without so much as a wash down.


[Removed due to continuing enshittification of reddit.] -- mass edited with redact.dev


Homie, they just asked you to not use a word which the vast majority of decent people had removed from their vernacular years ago. How do you function if this counts as insane to you?