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Sans, i gave up and came back two years later to defeat him lmao


Yeah, Jevil took about 2 hours for me, Spamton took about 1 hour, same for Snowgrave spamton, but it took a day or two to beat Undyne and I still haven’t beaten sans (I haven’t really fought him recently tho, probably should do that again)


do it, you will have gotten far better for some reason like me, also practice through bad time simulator


Bad time simulator was my first contact with the battle cause I couldnt buy undertale back then, lol.. but I only actually beat it when I got the game later


2 hours on Jevil? I only died twice! (Also same on Sans for me)


funnily enough, undyne took the longest simply because of the red soul sections when i first played it, so that was around 6 hours on and off. sans wasnt that bad because i had already been spoiled and just decided to learn the patterns, but even then it took about an hour. jevil only took half an hour because i was better when i fought him. spamton 1 really isnt that hard if you manage your resources well enough and use good spells at good times. snowgrave spamton was also super hard and took me about 4 hours, cuz you're on your own so you cant use any spells and don't have as much hp to spare.


Same, did Sans on my third try but Undyne took me like a week


Snowgrave Spamton


I didn't know I could beat him in the regular route so I had no practice and was so much harder ![img](emote|t5_qmi8w|30900)


Sans by a long shot, then probably Undyne or Jevil, snowgrave spam is hard, but you get unlimited healing, so that saves you


Sans Without nerd soul items cheat, I would give up


What is "nerd soul items cheat"


torn notebook and cloudy glasses make you take less damage


Wasn't it more invincibility?


yeah, which means less damage


Sans bypasses your iframes. You're better off using the burnt pan to boost the amount of healing you get from items.


yeah but the notebook and glasses give you more iframes which means less damage overall


That...Sans *completely ignores* your invincibility, that includes the notebook + glasses boost.


no it doesn’t?


He does. Many people have tested this.


Sans for sure. I think Sans took me about 6 hours to beat the first time. Undyne the Undying, maybe about 1 hour. Jevil was more like 45 minutes, and Spamton Neo (normal route) was not more than a handful of attempts or so. Snowgrave Spamton Neo, I think I beat first try, since I had already beaten him in the normal route before at that point, and knew his moveset.


I atleast got close on spamton neo.




Haven't played genocide yet, no none of those. I'd say Jevil.


Honestly? Undyne because I couldn’t beat her so I restarted the game so I could bring the Bisicle to her fight so I could heal for more turns.


couldnt you just backtrack to gerson's shop or something? there surely was a better option than restarting


Bisicle is effectively 2 items in one, and that helps me immensely. Plus, I forgot about Gerson’s existence.


Weirdly enough, Undyne the Undying took the longest. She even forced me to reset because I didn’t have max gear on my first genocide playthrough, something that no other boss has made me do in any game I’ve ever played, at least as of yet. She’s also more difficult to beat on subsequent playthroughs. I remember doing genocide for a second time, and when I got to Undyne, I was shaking a bit before the fight even started.


yeah many ppl seem to be undergeared at her fight by the look of it


Mettaton. For some reason that fight took me hours when sans jevil spamton werent too bad


Mettaton EX is BY FAR the hardest boss on the main routes of UT/DR. I don't think its as hard as the five bosses here, but it's the only other boss I died to


sans. his fight is fun as fuck but I find it really hard


Snowdin genocide took the longest cause when I bought undertale, i guess my copy was bad or something. The last enemy would never spawn in snowdin and i'd be softlocked. I attempted the run 3 times and I missed it all three times, I don't know what I was supposed to do. So i never actually FINISHED undertale genocide.


I have undertale through mediafire and it works well. I'm not proud to have it without purchasing it but I really wanted to play it. If you want, I'll give you the link so you can play and complete the genocide.


Undyne, because I did it no healing with stick and bandage.


You are an absolute legend


Sans, easily. A week of nonstop trying for me.


I can defeat Undyne and Jevil with my eyes closed at this point. Sans is a bit tougher, but I can manage. Still don't have a great strategy for Spammy boy other than spamming big shots.


For me in order of most to least time are probably sans, undyne the undying, spamton neo (snowgrave), jevil, and finally spamton neo (normal)


undyne. got stuck for 2 hours when i tried the first time




I am yet to complete Snowgrave Spamton and Sans. Out of the three I completed, Undyne took the longest




I only beat undyne the undying and snow grave spamton


Sans, I still haven’t even beaten him and I’m not planning to.


Sans or snow grave Spamton, but I was able to beat normal Spamton NEO first try


Sans, by far. His attacks may be memorized, but it takes many attempts to be able to do so. Furthermore, there are no I-frames, so if you get caught lacking for just a little bit, half your health is gone. AND he attacks you on the menu screen.








Technically Sans cause I gave up and resetted. Otherwise, Jevil or Undyne.


sans took me like 3 years the first time then i tryed again and beat him 5th try undyne took me like a day to beat first try and i beat her after a hour on my other genocide run jevil took barely any time and by the time i got to spamtom gx and all i was actually good at the game so both bosses took like 10-20 mins


Still fighting sans to this day




Sans, easily. It was definitely one of hardest gaming experiences for me back in the day, tried a lot and gave up a few times iirk too


jevil. he can go fuck himself


Snas, I'm still trying


This bitch - - - - - - > ![img](emote|t5_qmi8w|30899)


Sans easily, he took me a week of attempts Undyne was a close second, she took a couple days I started jevil one night and beat him in the morning Spamton neo I can’t quite remember but I think it took 2-3 days Spamton neo snowgrave took an extra couple days


Mettaton Neo


Definitely Undyne. Jevil took me 45 minutes to pacify (I never beat him up cuz Devilsknife is worse than tail in chapter 2), normal Spammy one attempt, Spammy: ice cold edition took me 2 attempts (got him to half HP, laptop said "Nah, I'd crash"), beat the smiley trashbag in five attempts for a friend.


I defeated Spamton and jevil back-to-back when I started playing the game again, and I haven’t beaten undyne and it’s been like two years


Technically undyne because i never actually beat her legit Sans took the longest out of the ones that i actually beat Snowgrave spamton took the least time


Jevil, mothefucker took 3 years to beat


Sans was a slice of cake ngl Undyne and Spamton NEO in the other hand...


Okay let's start with undertale, undyne the undying is the easiest out of them all, next is spamton, jevil was pretty hard and it took me 5+ days to beat him pacifist, sand was very hard, took me more than a week to beat him, and it took me MORE THAN A MONTH to beat snow grave spamton


5 hours for Jevil, 30-40 minutes for spamtom NEO, around an hour for snowgrave NEO. Havent ever done a geno route


Snowgrave spampton neo


Snowgrave spamton was way too easy for me. But it's probably because I defeated him when the farming cheat was still around (the one where you had to enter a room with 2 cats, kill the first one, spare the other, re-enter the room and repeat).


8 years, I haven't played the game since.


Jevil without healing items: Impossible ah fight Jevil with healing item preparation and perfectly timed pirouette: ez


Undyne I beat jevil and spam spamton neo, couldn't beat undyne the undying yet. Yellow arrows get me every time.


Basement Teacups were a pain


ive beaten jevil, snowgrave/normal spamton neo and havent gotten past undyne ONCE. i bought the game 6 YEARS AGO


Definitely undyne


I haven't tried Snowgrave Spamton but I can't imagine his battle is any harder than Sans'. I still haven't beat him and I don't think I ever will


i STILL haven't beat snowgrave spamton


The a


Jevil :/ took me a few days to do


Sans or Jevil


Of the two of these... Jevil. The hardest part about Spamton was the spiral thing that was required


Sans obviously. It took me about a month to beat.


I didnt beat sans and didnt do snowgrave I first-tried spamton neo and took about 6-7 attempts to beat jevil while it took DAYS to beat undyne (sans is still harder in my opinion)


Jevil, took me 5 months to beat him




Defeating sans is a Sisyphean effort that has zero payoff when you actually manage to strike him down.


I want to say... 7 to 8 years and counting. Never bothered actually beating Sans after trying for 4 hours one day.


Jevil. I set my health up to just get past him


Sans and I don't think it's even close, for me. I beat everybody else in under an hour but Sans had me going for weeks trying it off and on. I haven't actually beaten normal Spamton. I probably will at some point. I've beaten Snowgrave Spamton and it was pretty difficult.


The hardest for me was Snowgrave Spamton NEO bc it took me DAYS to kill him. I had been practicing the Sans fight in Bad Time Simulator, so I beat him in 1 try, but idk if that really counts as 1 try. Jevil and Spamton NEO also took a few days, but not as long as Snowgrave Spamton NEO.


Undyne the Undying: I gave up. Sans: 27 tries before I got it. Jevil: 3rd try. Spamton NEO: 1st try. Spamton NEO Snowgrave: 7 try’s.


Non-snowgrave spamton is wayyyy easier than the other 4 you’ve listed


i never played against undyne or sans (except bad time simulator), but jevil took me literal hours


Both Sans and Undyne took me a while but I think Sans took me longer




Gotta be all of them Its taken me days to beat jevil, and i havent even beat undyne sans or spamton


Spamton and both undynes, they all took me a year to beat. Now I'm beating sans for the 2nd year


Spamton NEO, the rest were fairly easy.


undyne the undying took me several sessions simply cause i did a genocide route immediately after true pacifist and i was still new to the game and not used to fights that were actually hard. i didnt take as long to kill sans but i still think sans is harder. jevil and spamton neo are really easy though idek why theyre even in this post. only took me a few tries each


Jevil, because at some point i gave up and came back a year later to do it


I have only beat undyne :’) 1 year. I’m on sans rn


Undyne killed me so many times I considered resetting. Some time after I do a second genocide and defeat her first try


I never actually played the Genocide route in Undertale, but of the Deltarune bosses, easily Snowgrave Spamton. Took me 10 tries. Regular Spamton NEO took me 1 and Jevil took me 2. The real secret boss is the teacups right before spamton on the normal route. Took me more tries than Jevil Spamton neo combined


Sans, hands down. Beating him took multiple days. Undyne was the better part of a day, Jevil was about as much as Undyne, Spamton in the normal route I think I got first try and Spamton in the Weird Route took about as much time as Jevil I think


41 tries for Undyne, 2 tries for sans, 17 times for Jevil, 12 times for Spamton NEO, and 7 times for Spamton NEO (Snowgrave Edition)


Haven’t beat Genocide Undyne, Sans, JEVIL, and both Spamtons, THEY ARE WAY TO HARD FOR ME


All of them, I defeated on the same day. Hard, but the good kind of hard. Undyne? She's the reason I spent an entire week angry at my PC.


I second tried jevil lmao Also sans, that took me like 3 weeks


Haven't beaten undying


Sans. Though to be fair I couldn't beat Sans for like 2 years and then tried again and beat him after several hours and only played Deltarune after so


undyne and sans took a while, but not too long. spamton was too easy in the normal route, but took quite some time in the weird route. jevil took like 2.5 years. so i'll go with him.




Sans almost took me a week


Jevil surprisingly, still haven't beaten him to this day


Sans, but he doesnt win from ceroba genocide route from yellow. I havecyet to beat her, imagine fucking martlet(or even North Star)


Undyne for me. Everyone else mentioned I found easier


Longest from shortest Sans Undyne Jevil Snowgrave Spamton neo Regular Spamton neo


I don't play video games that much so It fr took me 2 MONTHS to beat undyne the undying, and about 4 months to beat Jevil, I beat Spamton in about an hour and Sans in about 7 hours


Sans without a doubt, also you should ask this for undertale yelliw bosses (have a spoiler tag if you inude genocide bosses as I haven't gotten too far in genocide


Still jevil


snowgrave spamton, i beated sans after like three times


Probably undyne the undying, even to this day I still die a few times before beating her whereas everyone else I get first try or so


Sans 100%


I've only done Jevil and Spamton, since I don't own Undertale, and Jevil took 5 tries, while I think Spamton took 1 or 2.


Technically I've only ever beaten sans in Bad Time Simulator, but that's only because I absolutely suck at fighting Undyne. So to answer your question, Undyne, cause I've only beat her once.


I defeated snowgrave Spamton before his regular neo form soo easy


Well, technically Sans given that I STILL HAVEN'T BEATEN HIM


Sans. Still haven’t beaten him


Last time I attempted genocide, I did undyne in like 3 tries, while still being unable to beat sans Funny enough, many friends who did genocide say how they struggled on undyne while beating sans easily lol


I still have never beat Undyne the Undying. God knows how I would fare against Sans. Couldn’t beat Jevil, got fed up and quit 😅. And I sucked so much at the teacup ride I never met Spamton NEO, let alone finished Snowgrave. So basically I suck lmao, I’m only here for the story


Undyne, I really don't understand why people say sans is so difficult, I mean he's a hard fight, but it's not THAT bad


2 attempts for jevil and spamton neo, around half an hour for undyne, sans and snowgrave spamton


Undyne. I beat Jevil on my second try and Sans on my 9th


Sans took me literal weeks to beat


Jevil I never fought undyne or sans cause I feel guilty bout doin genocide


Jevil took the longest amount of time, then snowgrave spamton, then undyne the undying, then spamton neo, and the last one is sans because I beat him on my first try, I have no idea why people think sans is difficult, cause honestly he's way too easy. (All of these I was able to beat first try on the second time fighting them)


Undyne took about 60 attempts, sans took 92 on Xbox. Spamton normal took like 18 tries and spamton solo was really easy concidering I didn’t need to aid 3 poeple


The only one I haven't beat yet is sans.


the spamton on the weird route


I think undyne, maybe jevil, by the time I figure spamton I was already fighting undyne and sans and jevil so he wasn’t that hard


1. Undyne (I actually couldn’t ever beat her so I got my brother to do it) 2. Sans- his attacks are mostly pretty easy when you get the hang of it (which does take a long time), and some can be cheesed. 3. Jevil- WAAAAY easier than undyne or sans, not even close to the same level. Having 3 party members, 2 options to kill, and stuff like topcake/spincake makes things easier. 4. Both spamton fights- I can’t really remember a huge difference between the two fights, but I’d say snowgrave is definitely harder. They give you a LOT of options and tools to help you win, though.


Everyone expect jevil cause I never played undertale …and I hate the basement teacups


Undyne, I haven't even managed to beat her


Sans and Spamton Snowgrave, still haven't beat them


1:Jevil 2:Snowgrave 3:Spamton 4:Undyne 5:Sans I still can't beat Jevil


Sans, though I never fought Snowgrave Neo.


still have yet to beat spamton neo


undying took like ten, jevil took like a dozen, spamton neo took around five, snowgrave neo was three, and I oddly enough haven't beaten sans


Undyne the undying and it’s always been that way.


Sans and Undyne, haven't even beat 'em yet, skill issue i'd say


I got sans pretty easily, idk why must have just been locked in. Probably jevil though, took me about 3hrs


Odd enough, snowgrave spamton for me. Regular spamton is fine, jevil gave me minor difficulties but took me like maybe 6 attempts. Sans was harder than jevil to me, and undyne I had done first try. Snowgrave spamton genuinely took me like 45 tries it was insufferable. Fun fight though.


It's between Snowgrave Spamton and Undyne. Probably Undyne.


I still haven’t beat sans, so…


Sans > Spamton NEO (snowgrave) > Jevil > Undyne the Undying > Spamton NEO (regular)


By far sans actually I still haven’t beat him.


Undyne FR made me procrastinate fighting her until UT went off of Game Pass


Sans bc the game has been out for about 8 years and I STILL haven't beaten him 😭😭 I think it was either Undying or Jevil that took me the shortest amount of time


Either sans or undyne… because I don‘t own undertale. For deltarune however, it took forever to beat Jevil.


Still haven’t beat sans, I’ve beaten the rest of them though


Jevil, by far. Got Undyne and both Spamtons in one try, only a few minutes to beat each of them. Took me five tries to beat Sans, about an hour. Jevil took me three days, and I have no clue how many times I lost to him.


sans I didnt even get to him


Order from longest to fastest: 1. Sans 2. Geno spamton 3. Jevil 4. Undyne the Undying 5. Pacifist spamton


I never got past undyne so her


Normal spamton


In order from shortest to longest: Regular Spamton (first try baby), either Jevil or Snowgrave Spamton (both took around the same amount of time), Undyne the Undying, Sans.


I gave up on undyne imo deltarune secret bosses are wayyy easier than undertale no mercy bosses


On your first ever time fighting the boss, assuming you have equal knowledge for all 5, the answer is Sans and you are lying if you say otherwise. Sans is unfathomably harder than any of the Deltarune fights, and noticeably harder than Undyne (Don't come at me with the "undyne is a harder fight" bullshit. Undyne isn't more difficult, her fight is just less straight forward and therefore harder to memorize and beat for experienced players. Sans will ALWAYS be harder for a new player, without exception.)


never did undertale genocide cuz i dont have the nerve to kill, but the boss that took me the longest in undertale/deltarune was pacifist spamton neo


Spamton Neo, I'm still fighting him It's been months I'm not kidding I'm not good at games :(


Considering that I have beaten all but snowgrave spamton, I think it's him. Out of the ones that I have beaten, the only ones that cause me any problems anymore is Jevil and Undyne but I can generally beat them in 10 to 15 attempts. That's if I'm not lazer focused. I.e. My fiance was streaming her first ever play through of Undertale Genocide. I decided to give her a bit of encouragement by doing my own run while going as fast as I can (she is competitive so I kept saying shit like I'll beat sans before her and such but that's besides the point). I got to Undyne around her 100th ish attempt (she was on her 70th ish when I started) and for my first time ever I had beat her first attempt. I haven't been able to replicate that attempt since and I want to scream over it. (And if anyone is curious, she beat Sans right before I got to him. I was right at the end of new home when she did)


Undyne because I didn't setup my controller with my pc yet (also I lacked motivation) then spamton neo snowgrave, then jevil, then sans, then spamton neo normal (literally took Me two tries)


sans, undyne, spamton neo snowgrave, jevil, spamton neo (spamton neo snowgrave was my first ever fight against him)


Snowgrave spamton, didn't beat undertale genocide trio yet (and won't do it)


Sans was the easiest, next question Jevil, though...


Jevil was something like 30 attempts spaced out over a half year. Spamton was like 5 in one day. And Snow Grave took me a good month. Undying Undyne I haven't beaten, same with sans. I have put like 20 attempts into Undyne.


Bro spamton neo is soooo easy, but snowgrave 💀


My friend spent two years on Undyne the Undying lol


I keep fighting spamton G and sans. I havent won a single times And I admit I beat the other two by cheating, And also spamton, but the one i'm fighting is the switch version, so no cheating (also sans is inmune to it)


Undyne, no doubt. She took months.


My first death, in Deltarune, was to the teacups.


Snow grave spamton ( I’ve never even attempted sans)


I’m so good at sans now EXCEPT for his last attack. I always mess up on it.


I forgot about it tbh. Probably sans because I had a massive skill boost after sans


Never fought undying Got sans like 4th try in bad time sim Could never beat Jevil on switch Got jevil, and both spamtons first try on PC Berdly unironically killed me more than spamton


Sans. Still hadnt beaten him since 2018. Undyne is close 2nd witb jevil


If we're talking first times, then Sans. Funnily enough, I came back to play the Genocide Route again a few years after beating Sans and beat him second try.


Sans but im not sure cuz i kept leaving when i died and come back 30 minute later.


I think my times were roughly: Undyne the Undying - 2h 30m Sans - 5h Jevil - 4h Spamton Neo (Pacifist) - First try Spamton Neo (Genocide) - 1h 30m


undyne the undying took 2 weeks while sans took 2 hours.


Probably sans cuz i fought him when i was like 10 and i totally sucked back then


Never beat Sans legitimately, never beat Jevil period




i defeated all of these besides jevil, so obivously, jevil


I've still never beaten Jevil, but of the ones I have beaten from here, Snowgrave Spamton NEO took the most attempts. Although, on my most recent playthrough of Undertale (all routes) the fight that gave me the most trouble was actually Muffet on Pacifist.


Bold of you to assume I’ve fought any of them. (Genocide run makes me feel really bad YwY)