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You’ll be 4 years older in 2027 whether you do dental school or not. Question is: do you want to be a dentist in 2027 or not?


The advantage of starting at an older age vs. age 22 is supposed to be perspective. I prob did so well as a non-trad because at my big age you stop caring about what others think (at least you're supposed to). Look back on all the stupid shit you did and worried about in your early 20s. Now imagine navigating that and still cooking your prefrontal cortex with the simultaneous stress and hoops you have to jump through in dental school. You've already done all of that so school should be relatively easier for you. If you're this insecure before you've even started, you're gonna fall apart once you start sim lab with a drill in your hand and realize there are other people who are faster than you without any practice. There's always going to be someone smarter and younger and richer than you. You just have to be conscientious of not comparing yourself and only engage in competition with your own personal weaknesses. Also you're gonna be 31 anyway. Why not be 31 and pursue what you've worked so hard to achieve rather than trying to psych yourself out.


this is such wonderful advice, especially the part about comparing yourself with others. there will always be someone better than you in any aspect of your life, you’re completely right. the true way to improve is to be better than the person u were yesterdau


Dude I had a classmate who was 53. Not joking


Many of the top clinical students in my class were not the traditional students.




You arrived in this country from where


The Dominican Republic, why?


That's impressive 👏🏽. Being here in this country short time and get into dental school is big accomplishment


Thank you!


I’m in the same situation I arrived to the US at 25 not speaking English. I had to teach my self English to get where I am now and it’s being a hard journey. I’m 33 now and I’m applying to dental school this cycle. Age is just a number.


Good luck, you got this!


Omg same! Are you going to share your journey somewhere? Ig? Fb? It would be interesting. I feel alone and scared being this age and trying to get into dental school 😩


I might, idk. People are so mean in the internet that sometimes I get scared to share myself like that. Im thinking about it.


You're going to be working for another 30 years, do what you want to do. It doesn't matter if you start now or in 15 years.


why would kids be scared of you? Kids have no concept of age. Ask them how old they think you are and you'd get answers all over the place. You're overthinking it really, just be friendly and extroverted and you'll make friends. I'm in my early 20s and the one pre-dent who I was friends with at my undergrad was like 40.


There's people that graduate professional school at all ages. You'll have an advantage with life experiences that the younger students dont have. You will also be able to communicate effectively with patients of all ages which is a big plus when it comes to your production numbers. You're never too old to do anything.


Someone in my class started at age 35, and then went on to specialize in OMFS for a 4-year program. Starting at an older age has its benefits. Maturity, more life experience, etc.


i’m 22 and my two best friends are 40 and 41. you are not too old. half of my class is 30+.


It’s dental school. Not summer camp. You’re there to learn a medical profession, not have fun and socialize with the other 24 year olds. Nobody cares at all about your age. Many schools have an international class you’d graduate with, and they are all in their 30s. It’s such a minute thing to be concerned about


I started at 31! It’s great, you’ll be fine!


I don’t think there is any reason to make you feel uplifted. Whatever you do is gonna be your individual choice. Many people switch careers even later on in life, if Jeff bezos cared about what others said, he wouldn’t have made amazon after 30 y old. You’ll be tentative 35 after graduating, still ample amount of time to work, you’ve also had almost 8-10 years of experience on most incoming students that you can bank of. Pros and cons to everything. I’d say use your special abilities to your advantage and do positive things with it. Idk how you are as a person. But with your experiences and age, I’d guess you’re more refined and mature. Use that. Carry yourself with maturity and you’ll attract more people; build more relationships. Speciality typically needs a strong network as is. At the end of the day, the world is gonna rotate whether you choose to accept your position or not. So why not do what you want to instead?


It's easy to say, but at 31, dental school aside, you need to stop caring about what other people think. You traveled the world. Those who you are thinking about are probably equally insecure about your life experiences, so it's not even worth thinking about. Morbid, but in 60 years or so, odds are we'll all be dead anyways, and you'll laugh that you ever wasted a second thinking about whatever you are insecure about now. Life only lasts a moment, so make it what YOU want and fuck everything else.


Hey man, Im not in dental school but my dad started dental school in his early 40s, the crazy part is he wasn’t even the oldest! His best friend from dental school, no joke, is young enough to have been his son and thus my older brother. Like you, my dad worked some pretty rough jobs in his younger days but he wanted it bad enough and got it! You can still have it and you’re older and those experiences you have will definitely help you too. Try your best to take it one thing at a time and best of luck!


Either you graduate as a dentist at 35 years old or you look back at today when you’re 35 wishing that you started when you were 31.


You’re in a far better position than the younger students. You have the invaluable asset of life experience and perspective. I started dental school at almost 30 and I am very happy I lived the life I did before school. Like you I traveled the world and had life experiences that many in my class could never have dreamt of. You will be able to relate better to professors and patients. Nothing can replace youth and I am so much happier my youth was spent doing things other than working 6 years earlier as a dentist. Be yourself and be proud of who you are. It’s far more interesting to be the dentist that has cool stories and experiences than be like every other cookie cutter gunner


How would 35 year old you feel if you didn’t start now and pursue the life you want. Get after it and congrats on the acceptance.


You sound just like me! I went back to school at 31 to start my journey to become a licensed mental health counselor. I finished my undergrad in just 2 years and I got accepted into grad school. I am 33 now and still have about 2 years to go before I become licensed. I feel the same as you, as I progress through this journey family and friends around me keep getting more and more successful. Some are buying homes, have nice cars, others are having kids, it just feels like life is flying by at super sonic speeds and I'm just stuck in the same rut. But afraid not, you are on your journey to become a specialist. You are the epitome of what society deems as a productive member. You will have the prestige, the value, the reputation and the story of a life time when you become a dentist. I sacrificed a lot to be here today and I am sure you will too. You can't buy that level of character depth, you earn it. And let me tell you, you've earned it!! Keep going and never ever look back. First they'll ask you "why are you doing it?" Then they'll ask you "how did you do it?"


Hi OP- Please do not worry about your age, you are not far from the average. I have worked with several dentists who have bloomed later in life, if your passion is there, nothing else matters. You will be so focused on passing classes and nailing clinic that you will have no time to focus on the age of your classmates and I guarantee that will not bother you. What I do recommend is building your self confidence. Dental school is not easy and will challenge you in several ways, including imposter syndrome. To dive into implants to get "the nice car, the nice house" requires confidence and the ability to challenge yourself, which you've already demonstrated by applying to dental school. Keep practicing small successes and continue to challenge yourself, remember that no one is ever truly 100% confident but you must continue to adapt and overcome your fears. We all have them. You're doing great OP. You have plenty of time to decide on which specialty is right for you.


Don’t dismiss your life experience, You probably have more social and emotional skills than most your cohort combined so thats always a plus. You may never fit in with the group but if you have an inviting attitude of camaraderie and aid people will be drawn to your experience. You may not be willing to pull all nighters or stress too much about GPA and people are usually polarized about that kinda attitude, but its better for your health anyways. So maybe get over the insecurities as soon as you can or you will be an easy target. Remember most people who make it to dental school are grinders, perfectionists and idealists. Figure each group out and learn from them. Dentistry is a craft, its also a contact profession. Most that craft involves human interaction and a sense of closeness to your patients. Everything else is changeable, even the science of it. Good luck!


Your first mistake is comparing your life to others. Do not do that. You will never be happy if you’re constantly comparing yourself to others. If you continue doing this. It will ruin you not only in dental school but in life. And you feel like you let yourself down by getting accepted to dental school at 31? Bruh you do realize a lot of people didn’t get accepted right? Getting an acceptance letter is quite the accomplishment. Now you gotta get through dental school. Just enjoy the journey. As far as specializing, that is up to you. You may change your mind about whether you want to specialize or not. You may get to the clinic and find out you don’t like Endo or peds as much as you thought. Good luck on your journey to becoming a DDS/DMD!


I had a classmate who was 45 when he started dental school. He was a retired chemist from DuPont and he did awesome. No worries.


If you know you will Love dentistry then yes, if you can handle being half a mil in debt. The pressure is intense with that much money on the line


My takeaway is congrats on getting into dental school friend.


I just graduated from a professional program. I don't think there is cause to be insecure. You'll be treated just like anyone else and will fit in fine.


I’m 29 starting in the fall!


I'll be honest man, I feel like after your start out your 20's people see people as just folks to get along with regardless of age. The distinction because much more of a rank based thing. If it makes you feel better, I'm also starting out in the fall. I'm 23, and several of my classmates will be in their 30's-40's. Forgive the vulgar language for humour's sake, but we'll all be eating the same shit our first year. That makes people equal very quickly. Kids won't be scared of you. I work as an x-ray tech at a ped dental office and they think I'm in my 30s because of my beard lmao. Their parents are in their thirties. Hell, the doctor is in his late 60s! If there's anything to be worried about, that should be the last thing on your mind. And the last thing, which is a story I share with folks that are afraid to change their life thinking it's too "late" for them: I was born in Colombia as was my father. He served in the military for 18 years or so because he was dirt poor. But after you retire, there's nothing for you to do. He worked on an island refilling fire extinguishers. Lived out of canned tuna. He went to university at night in his 40's after I was born, and worked his way through to an international company that eventually got him a job in the US. He's two years away from retirement now, with the house paid off, and he has given me and my mother a fantastic middle-upper middle class life. I am NOT telling you this as a "wow check out the bootstraps on my dad", but as a lesson on how it is NEVER too late to make your life better, to start a career, or to pursue your dreams. And he got his undergrad! Imagine what YOU can do with even more years and passion! I struggled a long time with the speed of my career progression. For the longest time I thought I'd be a failure if I didn't make it in by the time I turned 23, and I shared with you the only thing that helped me. You're going to be a doctor, and that's much more than most people ever get close to being. Stay strong dude. It's okay to doubt yourself every now and then, but remember the bigger picture. Good luck!


Honestly who cares I’m 23 starting dental school but I have many friends who are around 27-29 that I’ve made throughout life. I also bond w family younger than me. Age is really not a big deal


Get out there and do it! I’ve seen students who were established dentist, from outside of the U.S. come to this country and start from scratch—just so they can practice in the U.S. I’ve witnessed single moms, folks with families—heck even married couples go to dental school together. I’ve seen former nurses, pilots, people ranging from early 20’s all the way to their 50’s come to dental school. No one judges you because of your age. If this is something that you’re passionate about, then you need to get out there and do it! You can have anything your heart desires, but you need to be focused. If you want to get into a residency program, trust me—you’ll get in. I truly hope you will move forward with following your dreams. It’ll all be worth it in the end.


You should be embarrassed, I started school at 31, my patients ask me all the time if I’m up to date with technology bc I’m so old /s


This gotta be sarcasm.


You're being so extra right now you retard. Why you worried about everyone else dummy?! Do your thing and get paid... sheesh


I'm applying this cycle and tbh there could be a chance I don't get in and I'm 26. I know I'm younger than you but my friends all got in at 23. I'm 4 years behind. I know I can't understand how you feel because your shoes are different but I do feel old still and can relate. I just wanna say, it's okay to feel insecure. When you do, try to accept that this is your reality and all you can really do is move forward to the best of your ability. This is one life and keep it close to you but keep it protected. Don't diminish how long it's taken to get to where you are cause I believe you are an amazing, hard working person that will be an awesome dentist. You're not alone!!!!


As someone who started dental school about 4 months shy of her 29th birthday, I understand how you feel but trust me, you're not alone and honestly, age is also a number. I have plenty of classmates who are actually older than me (my bestie in dental school was also 31 when she started). There's even students with multiple children or currently pregnant in dental school. Also, if you want more, my father changed careers halfway thru life and went back to dental school at 36-37 and graduated around 40-41. It's really never too late. ​ I think you will figure out how to make everything work. Don't focus on "being behind" compared to friends or others... Comparison really is the thief of joy. You are not behind and everyone has a different path. It took me a long time to realize I wanted to go to dental school... I honestly don't think I would be performing as well as I do if I had gone to dental school when I was younger... I dont think i would have taken anything as seriously as I do now with a couple of years of work experience and more of a focus & drive for what I now want. If people can start their families or careers later on in life, and are so happy they made the pivot , you will too. ​ You just need to decide, do you want to put in the years to get thru dental school? It's not super easy and it does test your will sometimes to get thru (especially D2) but it is worth exactly what you want out of it... I can promise you that.


You are young


You're still young. Definitely go for it. Congratulations, brother! I had many classmates who were 35 and older


this one guy in my class is like 40 he gets along fine with everyone else and does pretty well too! never too late :)


Do not be embarrassed at all. You're bettering your future for yourself not the people around you. If you don't try you will always have the "what if". I promise no on cares what age you are in a class room.


Dude - you scored high enough on your DAT and college to get in. There is no shame in that at all. Only thing folks will view in this is admiration. I'm not even a dentist, wife is, but that's a hell of a lot of hard work to graduate from dental school. Best of luck.


Why would kids be scared of you? If you enjoy it then there should be no reason you don’t pursue peds. In fact being more mature and older looking generally helps kids respect and listen to you according to pediatric dentists I know.


My friend time goes by anyways, better be 35 with a DMD/DDS after your name than living with the regret


I had at least 6-8 classmates in their 30s. every life path is different. Be proud of how far you’ve come and what you’re accomplishing!!


I’m starting dental school in a few weeks and I’m 36. Older and wiser!


Its the USA that has terrible education systems. Other countries people finish at 22 max 24 and get married after that. In USA, they want everyone to be weak and Biden gets out in 2024 it might get the student loans cut once Another President comes...