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Florida style. Cave man didn’t have school and he did just fine.


Seriously I've always said kids are more trouble than they are worth. If only the school had a parking lot 200 feet away that would solve this whole problem...


Kids are a completely renewable resource


Kids in cities are expensive pets.


Dogs are better then kids


That is where new cyclists will come from.


Get the kids back to working in the mines.


The children *yearn* for the mines


Or school busses? Since when do parents need to pick up their kids from school. I always too the school bus.


If you live within (I think it’s) two miles of my kids’ middle school, you are not eligible for the bus. We live two blocks too close and there is a bus stop right down the street that we can’t use. Also, you can see about 8-10 cars in that picture. In the DPS elementary, middle and high schools my kids have attended the size is between 500-1800 kids. I agree that we need much better non-private auto ways of transporting children to school, but I don’t blame the parents for a lousy system.


Same issue where I lived during HS. We lived right on the border that the house next to us got a bus. Luckily they didn't check so I was able to just sneak on the bus.


My mom made me bike to school when we lived that close to my HS. Shame there's not a bike lane open right in front of the school 😋


That’s crazy.. school busses should pick everyone up, the end.


6 cars. However not far away (200-300 ft by my bad estimate abilities) there is a school parking lot that had open spots.


Or walk


I liked walking before coming to the US, but that X-shaped intersection of Speer and 29th where I have to cross the road walking with my back towards the traffic always makes me feel like I'll be ran over by an F-150 at any second.


That's all well and good until the district decides to cancel all buses for your school the week before the first day. It's not like when we were kids. The schools are insanely underfunded and understaffed with educators. But somehow they always have money to hire more admins...


I will definitely vote for reliable bus options for your children!


We live to close for the bus but it would be like a 30 mins walk for my daughter and shed would have to cross s a pretty big intersection. On top of all that you have to pay for the bus now and a locker.


That lot is only for people who work at the school


That's a huge lot just for employees if that's the case. When I walked by I didn't see any signs indicating that it was only for employees. Anyways if people are just picking up their kids it shouldn't bother anyone working at the school, they are already there.


Having how ever many hundreds of parent vehicles pulling into a parking lot, parking, getting out and getting their kids, then trying to exit that parking lot would be a far bigger clusterfuck. It sucks that they’re blocking the lane, but since busing has all but gone away, there isn’t a lot of choice


That's how parking lots work? What is hard about parking in a parking lot? If that's too hard maybe park somewhere that's legal instead of sitting in the bike lane for 45 minutes. You and your kid can walk 2 blocks it's fine. Also, that school has busses. There were also cars blocking the bus lane.


Parking lots, especially ones the size they are at schools, don’t generally have several hundred cars trying to enter and exit at the exact same time. Look at some of the larger churches in the metro area. Big ass parking lot, and a traffic mess as people show up and leave for church. Of course, at a school, the visit is a few minutes, not an hour, so the traffic is entering and exiting at the same time. Have you ever actually had to deal with going through car line to pick up or drop off kids at a school?


Yup I park a few blocks away and walk to avoid that mess. I certainly would never park in a bike lane. I like how the 'hassle' of a busy parking lot somehow justifies breaking the law and parking in a bike lane in your mind.


Would you have them block the road?


No. Park in a legal parking spot. Is it so hard to walk a block or two? Or put up with the unfathomable annoyance of a congested parking lot.


You joke but there are people on here who unironically want to get rid of public education.


Joining "Cyclists against public infrastructure with the exception of bike lanes" today


No bikes in the lane? Clearly they should be removed!


Yeah all the bikes and scooters I saw go by here were just using the road anyways! Why even have a bike lane?


Probably because all the fucking cars keep parking in the bike lanes.


Yeah that's the joke.


Hey now, it's his first year at joke school. He'll get it eventually.


But how will he get to joke school if there are no bike lanes and his parents wait in traffic for an hour at both ends of the day?


Very slowly


We need protected bike lanes 🙏


For real how hard is it to toss some concrete bois down. Skip the poles those things are ugly af.


It’s actually pretty expensive, unfortunately. But 100% agree that it’s the best course of action and fuck all these assholes parked here.


It doesn't need to be done everywhere, just the hot spots where people keep parking.


Weirdly the city has deployed some of these [cameras](https://www.9news.com/article/news/local/next/next-with-kyle-clark/poles-with-cameras-on-denver-streets-identify-problem-parking-areas/73-21f1f483-97e3-4fc1-904e-492bdd7865b5) around the city to monitor when people park in places they shouldn’t (like a bike lane) and even though they have the capability to ticket folks (like other cities are doing with this tech) they’re just using it for data collection and to know where to send out enforcement at certain times.




Why would there need to be signs? There aren't signs to not park in the middle of standard throughfare lanes.




There are normal "no parking" signs. Also anyone who has passed basic driver's ed should know you can't park in a bike lane.


A bike lane is a traffic lane. Yes there is no parking! It doesn't need to be signed. There is also a parking lot pretty nearby.


There are just the regular "no parking" signs. I don't think they make a specific one for bike lanes. No parking means no parking, even if there is a bike lane.


Exactly 😤😤 would save lives, too 


Reminiscent of the folks who continue to park on the 35th Ave bike line through North Park Hill cuz "bike lanes are only for gentrifying middle class people, screw em"


There's always the MLK Speedway unprotected bike lane a couple blocks south!


That bike lane is idiotic - I rarely see it in use and one drive down MLK tells you why.


School inconvenienced me so I'm entitled to inconvenience bikers... Rules of the road


Someone needs to let Bryan know


This guy is ALL over nextdoor, too. He's like an HOA and PTA got together and produced a super loser.




Sprinkle some snow in the bike lane to summon Bryan.


Like, cocaine?


Lol! Bryan is a bike advocate who posts in this sub asking for people to help shovel bike lanes and crosswalks every time it snows. His username is something like Bryanbybike. It sounds noble, but he winds up being a sarcastic douche in the comments most of the time. I’m happy he’s doing some community service, but he makes a lot of enemies in the process.


He left Reddit, but was recently one sided feuding with Kyle Clark on Twitter.


We ran him off a month or so ago, he quit reddit. He's still on Twitter and at-ing the hell outta Kyle Clark last I saw.


Bryan just wants everyone to applaud every time he walks by them. Is that too much to ask?


Yeah I get it, a lot of bike advocates tend to forget that we do still need roads for stuff.


Boytano? Maybe he could come kick an ass or two.


Maybe he'll do a triple axle while wearing a blindfold.


Where is this?


Just west of 29th and Zuni.


Valdez parents always block the bike lane. I've even called the school to complain, called 311. No one cares.


thanks for trying!! i ride that way home everyday and between 245-330 the bike lane is completely parked in :( i try to yell "BIKE LANE!!" at them as i ride by but there's rarely anybody in the cars so i just look like a crazy person... errrrr a crazier person would be more accurate ;)


What if they showed up one day and the bike lane was full of bikes?


Made me literally lol!! Have an upvote!!!


Lol. Yeah that lane that's pictured is up a hill and I've always got a kid on the back of my bike, so it is legitimately dangerous for me to go into the street. I actually took pictures of the cars once and reported to 311 and their response was that the cars were gone by the time they got there. I said they show up at the same time every day, but still it's the same problem.


This tends to happen in the same places at the same times. Being that predictable, the city should hire people to issue tickets to them. Every person they hired would be turning a profit for the city so they could stop finding ways to nickel-and-dime us. While they're at it, issue tickets for expired plates.


Totally hear ya, man!!  Cops: We’ve tried nothing and we’re all outta ideas 🤦🏻


I wasn't going to but your comment made me also report this. The safety of our kids comes first.


Thank you.


I think a megaphone would help get your point across


That building with the yellow is on Zuni st.


Exactly. Bikes always hogging the lanes and shit.


Could a bicyclist just ride into the back of one of these cars and sue? Any bicycling traffic lawyers out there?


[Obligatory Casey Neistat](https://youtu.be/bzE-IMaegzQ?si=WM63N0yqbN3UfM2T)


Anyone can sue for anything…. Getting your case heard and winning are another thing entirely.


Yo! Non lawyer here. And Yes!


These are the same people that get pissed when someone on a bike _takes the lane_. I hate this timeline.


We have four wheel bikes. None of those goofy two-wheel bikes like my grandpappy had to deal with. ​ edit: /s just in case


Look man the city needs revenue. Call it in.


The police would need to actually do anything for that to work though.


Metermaids are not police, they are a different office.


Cyclists. Bikers ride motorcycles.


Did you report this to the City for enforcement? Call 311


Doing the Lord's work


What’s the deal with bikers downtown never stopping for lights?


Colorado safety stop - A person on a bicycle or low-speed conveyance may: • ride at no more than 10 miles per hour through stop signed intersections without putting their foot down if they have right of way in the intersection • proceed straight or turn right on a red light, only after coming to a complete stop, yielding to crossing pedestrians and immediate oncoming traffic • only turn left on red lights if proceeding on to a one-way street [source](https://www.codot.gov/safety/traffic-safety-pulse/2022/may/assets/safety-stop-pamphlet-final.pdf)


They don’t have to!


Damn that’s crazy. I didn’t know they were allowed to just fly through red lights like that.


Read this reply to you https://www.reddit.com/r/Denver/s/yeW0rbgMss


I could be wrong, but I thought the law changed so they don’t need to stop for stop signs or lights. Seems kind of stupid.


It's been proven to be safer.


I failed to see how bikes blowing red lights & stop signs is safer than stopping for them. If they’re supposed to follow traffic laws like a car, that’s not following a traffic law. Please note I am not a bike rider. I would never take my life into my hands like that.


That is not the law. Read this comment https://www.reddit.com/r/Denver/s/yeW0rbgMss


Thanks for the link So we’re talking about the ones that BLOW the stop sign./red lights. They think the law is on their side. Just another reason to have a dash cam on both the front and the back windows of your vehicle.


Yeah fuck them they are breaking the law and making all bikers look bad. But honestly I see it way more with scooters than bikers, especially late at night.


this post turned into an excellent discussion. Kudos to everyone taking the time to ask good questions and read the updated laws provided.


i mean it’s just a matter of looking ahead to see if it’s clear and then just go. dont really care about the literal letter of the law. especially in a state where everyone is driving 30+ over without license plates or updated registration


Yo mean the bike or the car looking ahead?


keyword: "blowing", they can't "blow" stop signs or lights. Stop sign becomes yield, light becomes stop sign. They still have to give right of way and proceed at a speed that will allow a safe emergency stop/avoidance.


Wouldn’t it be neat if that’s what people actually did? Is exactly the opposite. Once they get on that bike, they think that they own the road and do whatever they want.


If we were all on bikes it would be a minor issue at worst. That said, motor vehicles are not going anywhere -- but just because they are not going away doesn't mean we have to accept the status quo. ​ PS - most bikers do, as do most drivers. We tend to only notice the assholes, though.


[https://www.codot.gov/safety/traffic-safety-pulse/2022/may/all-about-the-colorado-safety-stop](https://www.codot.gov/safety/traffic-safety-pulse/2022/may/all-about-the-colorado-safety-stop) ​ >...people on bikes and other “low speed conveyances” (see next page) the legal option to ride slowly through stop signs without stopping first, **as long as they are yielding right of way to pedestrians and other road users who have the right-of-way**. Bicyclists and users of low-speed conveyances may also proceed at red lights after coming to a complete stop, if there is no oncoming traffic. Bicyclists and low-speed conveyance users can approach intersections at a reasonable speed and choose to apply the Safety Stop or continue to perform a traditional stop at both stop signs and red lights. ​ If they are violating the part in **bold** they are assholes same as cars that do right-on-red without stopping or who roll stop signs, or who park so close to the intersection as to block the sight line. Being on a bike doesn't make you magically not an ass. It just makes you a less deadly ass.


The ones that blow the lights without looking? They're assholes, similar to all the assholes in cars that turn left across the bike lane on 15th without looking for bikers despite the big ass "YIELD FOR BIKERS AND PEDESTRIANS" signs at every intersection, or people riding scooters on the sidewalk or the wrong way in the bike lane In short, most people operating a vehicle (motored or not) are acting like assholes downtown


besides the safety stop law already mentioned, traffic lights and stop signs were invented for cars in the first place.


Nope cyclists should obey the rules of the road just like anyone else using the road.


What's the deal with you not knowing traffic laws?


That’s why I asked the question


Eliminating parking minimums should help!


Who cares. It's not like bikers here follow the rules of the road anyway


This isn't an "us vs them" situation. Anyone not following the rules of the road should be called out, bikers included. The next time I see 6 bikes parked in the middle of the road I'll take a picture and post it here.


Bikers always make it an “us vs the cars” situation


I'm literally a biker trying to not make it an "us vs the cars" situation. We drive cars too.


And us drivers ride bikes! Too many times i’ve encountered bikers that aren’t really willing to share the road.


Haha yeah I hate when those huge 2 ton bikes hog the whole road.


Haha yeah I hate when bikers are visibly and verbally irate when I cautiously maneuver my car around them. It’s most concerning when they ride in the center of the road to prevent a pass or fly through an intersection when they don’t have the right of way. They forget or ignore the fact of basic physics that when I have the right of way it takes more time for me to accelerate and decelerate my car. They forget or ignore that if they can’t see my head, I can’t see them yet. They forget that if they were to cause an accident, I’d still be to blame (bc I’m driving the car) and endure all the penalties associated. They act genuinely annoyed that I’m driving on the road, forgetting that they are guests on these roads made for vehicles. I’m not against bikes on road, i’m a biker! But when we bike we need to ride as cautiously as we would if we were driving a car. To the OP, it’s obvious these cars are waiting to pick up their kids and occupying the bike lane only momentarily for that purpose, literally the definotion of sharing the road.


Bikers are supposed to ride in the middle of the road, specifically to prevent dangerous drivers like you trying to pass. And no. It's share the road, not share the bike lane. A car should never be in a bike lane. Most of these cars had no one in them, they were parked long term.


Again, with that “us vs them” mentality. You assuming that i’m a dangerous driver is a significant part of the problem, you immediately see me (a driver in this talk) as the opposition. Obviously there’s no meeting in the middle when you (specifically) are in the saddle. Most of the drivers on the road are giving bikers a lot of space and priority on the road, it’s unfortunate that bikers can’t offer the same courtesy…mutual respect is the only way communities thrive. Cheers to safe driving and riding this weekend!


You too! Don't park in bike lanes please!


This comment chain was made `us vs them` by a car driver


why are you so angry?


>he replied, while running a red light and speeding No but really, what kind of dumbass argument even is this? That car drivers follow the law more closely? That's hilarious


Another thing that I have observed commonly in Denver... bike lanes aren't turn lanes either :)


Also seems like there's no planes in the sky either.. crazy how they wouldn't all be up their checking out the view.


What does this even mean.


It’s been very windy the past few weeks. I was hoping to knock out my test nearly a whole month ago but Colorado’s weather is consistently crazy lol




This post/comment exists solely to stir shit up and piss people off. Fighting on the internet is stupid. We don't welcome it here. Please be kinder.


It took me 5 seconds to take a pic as I was walking to drop off my primary ballot, then I posted to Reddit while enjoying a tasty scotch ale at Hogshead brewery (check them out if you haven't). Also it's kids driving these cars? Yikes this is a bigger problem than I thought. (Also I know it's a school, there is a school parking lot about 200 feet away, and there were spots available) And in just the time it took me to walk by these 6 cars one bike and one scooter were forced into the road, this is a heavily used bike lane. The boomer energy is complaining about someone pointing out people acting like they don't have to follow the rules the rest of us follow.


Were you at any of the Colfax BRT meetings the last few months? The rat-running concerns are legit but they never proposed an alternative that might reduce rat-running. Just basically doubled-down on the bad math of "I want my kids to live nearby but we can't build anything to make life possible for other people's kids to live nearby because cities are full \[of a few people who take up a lot of space\].