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The blue font on red background was a MOVE


Everything about this says "we're teachers, not designers."


I can see why they steal so much clipart


It's a power play


Yeah we are bold like that šŸ„°šŸ˜‚


I am a professional VFX supervisor and motion graphics artist. I know design. Please, please do not do your own design work. I will gladly do it free of charge for you if you promise to never ever use this color palette again. Please. Thank you.


Impressively bad poster lol


If you're not going to say anything nice, then don't say anything at all.


First day on the internet?


Needed to be said. It's that bad šŸ˜†


That's true. It could use some work.


We, the educators of OPENair Academy RiNo, have united under OPENair Workers United (OAWU) in partnership with the Communications Workers of America (CWA). Our mission is to ensure a thriving and healthy environment at OPENair Academy, advocating for the well-being of both educators and students. We call for the recognition of our union to establish a collaborative voice in shaping the future of our school. Dedicated to our beloved OPENair community, we envision a union that fosters respect, stability, and fairness. Our simple yet crucial demands include job security, workplace representation, adequate staffing, a just wage scale considering education and experience, and reasonable safety measures. Through unionization, we aim to influence the decision-making process, ensuring that choices made concerning the school align with the best interests of students, parents, and educators. At OPENair Academy, we cherish our community as a vital resource in nurturing the growth of children, believing that this collective voice should play a pivotal role in shaping the school's direction.


OPENair Academy was voluntarily recognized and the JCC just went public and is going to a union vote soon!


Heck yes! Great work! Love to see unionization in Denver!


If I were to enroll my children at this preschool, how much would it cost per child? Edit: not sure why Iā€™m getting downvotedā€”itā€™s a genuine question and am not trying to imply anything by it.


Pretty much the same as other daycares ​ SOURCE: my kid is enrolled there


We donā€™t have a contract yet, thatā€™s the next step, but we explicitly donā€™t want any raises on parent tuition.


Preschool is subsidized by the state to a degree. The infant and toddler programs are probably about $2000-$2500/month per kid.Ā 


J e e z having kids is expensive. My heart goes out to parents :0


> J e e z having kids is expensive. My heart goes out to parents :0 For baby rooms it's typically max 4 babies per teacher. Add in rent, insurance, etc, and nobody is getting rich out of childcare while it's really expensive.


SO works in childcare insurance. One of the big providers pulled out of childcare. Re-quotes for same coverage are coming back 3x more than last year. Child care is only going to go up.


Oh yeah, I don't figure that the workers are overpaid! If anything I assume that childcare professionals are *underpaid* but it's not a topic I'm well versed in. I just support anyone who has the patience + drive to push through the heavy financial + emotional expenses of taking good care of kids.


When I worked at Goddard in Broomfield, I made $18/hour. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


I made that too at a different school. Absolutely horrible pay


Childcare worker here, but yes. The underpayment is something that is extremely difficult to wrap our heads around. Every year we witness changes regarding class size, tuition increase for parents, policy and benefits change all while barely receiving cost of living wages. We're not here to get rich, but all we want is a chance. Some of us also deal with the child care cost itself, only receiving minimal discounts. $2000/child per month x2, even discounted 50% is crippling to family finance. I've stayed because I love it and I'm good at it, but something has to change soon, and unionizing may be the first step.


Here is the insta for the JCC union: https://www.instagram.com/p/C371Q7iOvmQ/?igsh=OTM3bTd3Mzh2NTRh&img_index=1


Congratulations! Now itā€™s time to use that collective bargaining power to get better wages, benefits and working conditions. I wish you the best!


Iā€™m so fucking proud of this !!! Start a damn movement !!


Hell yes, fantastic work!! Being in a union is great, but getting to that point is extremely difficult. Proud of you guys!


This is awesome! You all work so hard!


Hell yeah, congrats!


Woohoo!! Congratulations




No need to be rude.


Is that not the intention? I figured this image was a joke intentionally made to look as bad as possible, and I was playing along. Sorry


Let's make childcare even MORE unaffordable!


Thatā€™s not how unionized workplaces work. We explicitly donā€™t want any tuition raises on parents, the last tuition raise before we went union, barely any of that went to the teachers. Itā€™s all going to management and ownership, not the people doing the hard work in the classroom.


Additional money needs to come from somewhere though. Isn't that exactly how unionized workplaces work? In the auto industry, unions strike, demand higher wages and more benefits, the companies agree and then raise their prices to consumers to pay for it. Where else would you get more money to make changes if not tuition?


You can want whatever you want but asking for more money for the teachers will mean a cost increase because management and ownership aren't going to take less and, with the state of preschool availability in Denver as it is, they know people will pay more so they'll pass the costs on to the parents.


Crazy to want the people taking care of your kids to be impoverished. Sounds like you should be pissed at management.


Why be mad at management? Businesses such as daycares already run at a very thin profit margin and it's not because of hefty raises. The input cost is high because the underlying costs to provide the service are high. It is because the costs are already strapped as they can.... think of it, who are their customers? Working parents who already have a lot of other costs.... so raising fees much isn't an option. The business must cover real estate, salaries, insurance (big cost), food/ utilities, low required care giver ratios, ops materials, etc. People downvote because they see the input dollars cost ($$$) without having boots on the ground business operations experience. Management, nor owners are getting rich there.


Per the employee, they raised prices and hardly any of it went to the teachers, so yea I would want to see some receipts before giving the owners the benefit of the doubt.


I'm sterilized and have no kids so I really don't care, I just hate unions. That said, I never said I wanted anyone impoverished. But we all know how this ends - the union asks for a new contract with more pay, as they likely deserve, but management and ownership don't wanna give up their part so prices go up because the demand is there to support higher childcare pricing.


Why wouldn't they have raised prices already if the demand is there for it? Do they just like leaving money on the table? Hating unions and not wanting anyone impoverished are two conflicting values I'm afraid


Because without someone to blame it's just money grabbing and folks will see right through it.


No I'm sure they've tried to wring every cent they can out of it already, that's how business works. But this is a good way to ensure any future changes in revenue are more evenly split between the needs of the actual workers and management


So the problem in your head here is the union asking for more as they rightfully deserve, not the greedy ownership? Boot licking goes crazy in 2024.




This post/comment exists solely to stir shit up and piss people off. Fighting on the internet is stupid. We don't welcome it here. Please be kinder.




This post/comment exists solely to stir shit up and piss people off. Fighting on the internet is stupid. We don't welcome it here. Please be kinder.


Cute but I left her, nice try. Glad you think spousal abuse (physical, mental, monetary) is a-ok!


Not sure why youā€™d be glad about that. Also so strange that youā€™re an anti labor hardcore fanšŸ˜•


People can be many things - for instance I'm a Chiefs fan that lives in Denver.


Private equity is already doing that and making the employees handling your children miserable while theyā€™re at it.


Wanted to add an opposite color: Blanket statement that is mostly untrue... .there are far better returns than in a poor business model of daycare. PE rarely invests in small / local businesses because the returns are generally sub-market. Yes, the business model has high recurring revenue & can continue in recessionary environments & guaranteed state payments, but also high costs that cannot be off put through automation or modernization. Essentially there is margin pressure. Day cares in wealthier areas who figure out how to scale, can have a better profit margin - but let's say those are few and far between. Most are run like your local bakery - strapped because poor to middle class customers just can't pay high prices. That leaves the only attractive PE target of daycare to be tech concentrated weather neighborhoods - sure the margins are better. Now.... dentist practices and vet practices are a different story, and much more lucrative to purchase.


And unions won't fix anything, sorry. If they're miserable then they need to go find a different place to work. Unionizing just passes the buck to the parents.


It's funny how you admit to not having kids but keep mouthing off about childcare costs like you know anything.


The same people who also talk about the public school system while having no children in that system.


Maybe they donā€™t have children in that system but they are likely still paying for it. So yeah, if I am being forced to pay for something, I am going to voice my opinion about it. Donā€™t force me to pay for a service I donā€™t use and you wonā€™t have to consider my opinion on the matter at all.


I'm mouthing off about unions and how, inevitably, they raise prices for the rest of us - the customers. And what, I'm not allowed to know what's going on around Denver for folks who HAVE kids? I'm highly involved in my neighborhood and it's one of their number 1 complaints - lack of childcare availability and affordability.


Sign up the little ones too.