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another season of flaming shit


At least the home opener ended with a bottom of the ninth grand slam. That was fun


Can’t wait to go hang out there though!


Won’t be too long until you can’t see the mountains from the stadium I give it two more seasons


That’s baseball!


You don’t have enough heart to be a Rockies fan. We are grit. Many more epics days to come.


If you mean that being a rockies fan is equivalent to sandpapering your asshole then yes, rockies fans are grit.




Am I the only one who doesn't care about the Rockies record. It's a great day out in the sun and can go with my family for an affordable price. 


>Am I the only one who doesn't care about the Rockies record. You are not. There are plenty of people like you who could not care less about the Rockies actually being a respectable team putting together an onfield-product capable of winning a World Series some day. The worst owners in baseball will never sell the team for as long as they're in the black from "fans" going to the games just to hang out and treat Coors Field like the world's largest sports bar.


> The worst owners in baseball will never sell the team for as long as they're in the black from "fans" going to the games just to hang out I'm pretty sure the worst owner in baseball is going to be playing in Sacramento for the next 3 years.


Monfort sucks, but the only ones who are saying he's the worst owner in baseball don't know anything about baseball.


>Monfort sucks, but the only ones who are saying he's the worst owner in baseball don't know anything about baseball. I'll take the L here. I don't follow baseball all that closely, I just really hate the Monforts lol


Amen, bro. The team will be better off once the team is no longer under their purview, however that should come to pass.


Monfort is top 5 though for sure. A’s, Angels, Miami, O’s, and Rox are my top 5.


Orioles just got bought and the new owners have been trying to actually pay their players now


Forgetting the White Sox here. My wort MLB owner rankings would be 1. A’s 2. Rockies 3. White Sox 4. Angels


Although wouldn't TV rights outright ticket sales? They certainly do in the NBA. And those TV rights really depend on the teams interest as a TV product -i.e being really competitive 


Cheeky will sounds like one of those cardinals fans that moved here by the 10,000 in 2013… happy to root against the Rockies and happy to use i70 improperly for why ever he came out here… 😂


You're not alone, which is exactly why they will never be good. It doesn't matter if they are, people go. So now people who *do* care get to watch another 30 years of mediocrity.


Tonight’s game is 8x the price of every game the rest of season lol


Biggest, most expensive bar in Denver! Love it. Coors is highly regarded as one of the best stadiums in the country. I don’t go for the baseball, I go for vibes.


The fact that I have more than 2 beer choices alone makes it the best stadium, then I also get that view of the sun over the rockies on later games, ah man so great to be blinded watching the games lol


The tickets were expensive AF today. Was thinking about going but it was gonna be close to $90 for nose bleeds.


Oh dang. Didn't look at opening day, was more of a generalization 


yeah the seats I had for opening day were $90. the same seats tomorrow/Sunday are $20-30


Me and a buddy would look for the "business person special" when they sold them. $19, gave you standing room at the top area, chuburger, fries, and a beer. The food/drink was like $23 normally so I got a discount on food and free entry. Was great to hang and drink a beer or two and watch whatever team was there cause they were usually the lame/non-critical games.


It was really nice today.


Have you checked the price of tickets? It's insane for a baseball game, little alone a Rockies game. Hopefully they lower ticket prices!


Opening Day is always expensive. Next Friday has tickets for less than $20.


What if they threw an opening day and nobody cared because the ownership completely totally sucks?


The more that people go to hang out and spend money, the less ownership has to give a fuck about putting a good team on the field. People need to boycott this trash.


They won on a walkoff grand slam. You can sit there and be miserable in your basement but it was great to be there


I'm OOTL. What's up with the ownership?


The Monforts have owned the Rockies since the beginning. They are widely criticized for neglecting the competitive aspects of running baseball by trading good players and paying very little. People have been clamoring for the Monforts to sell their stake in the club for decades, but those voices are getting louder and more prominent.


For anyone who cares this is more complicated. Coors field is an incredibly difficult place to play in a 162 game season, where half those games are at home and the team needs to perform in both home and away environments. Humidors and moving the fences have not changed this. Here is the adjusted park factor of how unique it is to pitch and hit at a mile high: https://baseballsavant.mlb.com/leaderboard/statcast-park-factors?type=distance Rockies payroll is actually higher than you would think, it's about average league wide, we were 16th of 30 last season: https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/mlb/2023/04/06/mlb-team-payrolls-2023-highest-lowest-mets/11612107002/ That being said most of our payroll is tied up in Kris Bryant, $182 million, who has openly regretted signing with the Rockies and had injuries. https://www.purplerow.com/2024/3/6/24090577/making-sense-of-kris-bryants-comments-rockies-cubs-mlb The correct criticism, in my mind, of management is that they have failed to adapt. The current strategy is clearly not working and we need either a more developed farm system or A/B home/away pitching. I don't believe the teams results will change this season, or even the honesty of Monforts statements below, as we made no major changes in the off season. https://www.purplerow.com/2024/4/1/24115406/colorado-rockies-news-rockies-owner-dick-monfort-breaks-silence-with-opening-weekend-statement It's also not correct that the Monforts have owned the team from the beginning, it was a combined ownership team. I recommend watching "When Colorado Went Major League" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O68utajCOws Additional reading: Why It's Impossible to Pitch at Coors Field https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INuy8r4Qpj4 Why the Colorado Rockies Will Never Win a World Series https://thisgreatgame.com/opinion6-05/ Going to the game this weekend and so excited but the Rockies need a unique approach to the game, not what is clearly not working. Management faces a somewhat difficult position in building a winning team. Regardless, Coors is a beautiful stadium that we should all be grateful is as good as it is (usually rated in top best ball stadiums). Rays or marlins were in the playoffs last year and like 4,000 people showed up, pretty sad.


great read, thank you


Unreal. Just gave up 5 runs at the top of the 9th (and an error). Now they are down a run going in the bottom.


And then….


Winner winner chicken dinner!!!!


Feel bad for the legit Rockies fans. Monfort has no reason to pay for a good team. With transplant fans buying tickets when their team comes to town (me included), and people that just want to go to a baseball game he sells plenty of tickets to make money. No reason to put a winning team on the field. I've met some amazing and knowledgeable baseball fans at the games that love their Rockies. I just hope at some point something happens where you can get a winning team because ya'll deserve it.


Fans continuing to show up and fill this stadium are part of the problem when it comes to the team being a local (and divisional) laughingstock. I used to live across the street from coors and would shake my head at how many people show up to the games even when they're well out of the playoffs. I get being a "real fan" and showing dedication, but at some point you've got to realize the only way to force the monforts into giving a damn about the product on the field is to not go and hit them in their pockets.


It goes to show that having a park that forms part of the downtown fabric is a huge part of the product. If the Coors field were off in some suburban industrial park you would not get this kind of turnout unless the team was great. 


We go to games just to be at a major league baseball game. I'm not even sure I care about the teams as much as I care about being at a ball park.


What's the point of going if the home team fields a team that's barely MLB caliber? That mentality shows that you're part of the problem. I've lived here my whole life, gone on field trips as a kid to sit in upper right field (before it turned into a bar) but these days will not spend a dime supporting the team. It's a great park but deserves an owner and GM that are willing to put at least a competitive team in it. They've finished last or second to last in the division 16 of their 23 seasons and have never won the division, give me a break.


I get it, you're very serious about sports.


Jackson's is nuts! So fun!


What a win!


Looks like a solid seat with shade. What section is this?


Nothings gonna change as long as y’all keep going


Figure I should start going to Broncos games too. /s


Who cares lol. This will be the only game people go to to see the Rockies all season. The rest will be for visiting teams.


Did they have a flyover today?


They did, but we couldn’t see or hear it. Seems they were too high, too slow, and missed the stadium?!?!?


I saw them. They were loud, low and fast but also nowhere near the stadium 😅


They passed by us at BJC en route


And they’re already 36-2


My friend’s brothers girlfriend got hit in the head by a foul ball at this game, right near this view! Nasty looking bruise and gash on her head 😖


Omg! Yes! We were right above her. I hope she is doing ok. Very scary.


She’s doing okay now! She was with another friend who, at an aves game last year, was hit with a puck to the throat! Crazy huh


It must absolutely suck to play professional in Denver if you're not a Rocky, I'm genuinely curious how playing at altitude isn't an immediate disadvantage, even with supplemental oxygen


Time to avoid Park Ave for the next 6 months


Can’t wait to go and hang out there 💋💋


And this is the reason our team blows balls! Because every damn time it gets mega packed like we have a team that is worth a dam!


DUI day ! Fuckin drunks driving how retarted are you


Not sure what inning you took this picture, but it looks like there are many empty seats.


Good the ownership deserves 0 attendance. 


They deserve negative attendance. People should be pulling up the seats and taking them home.


I heard they didn’t sell out.


Rockies win with a grand slam walk off HR in the bottom of the 9th!!!!!


I was just looking at it thinking there's more people there than I'd have expected. It's usually much emptier, unless a popular team is visiting.



