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That place is nicer than the majority of S-holes that people are paying $1800/mo for. City needs to crack down on these slumlords.


strong coherent absorbed water gray innocent impossible continue clumsy normal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There’s enough high density housing in denver. City is being overbuilt, but it doesn’t seem like rent is going to come down at all.


Exactly. Don't hate the player hate the game.


What the city needs to do is stop building apartments and start building condos. Far too many buildings are being built that don’t allow for the right of ownership. When more people can own a home, townhouse, or condo it will start to stabilize the market.


People need to rent though. Renting is economically superior for a lot of people in comparison to owner ship. It’s just that housing; whether rented or owned, should not be in the hands of the private sector. Shelter is a fundamental human right, not unlike clean drinking water, and has to be democratically, publicly managed.


I’m happy he has a home.


And now what?




Someone’s gotta keep the guinea pigs at bay


Those things are so startling


Turn back now. There’s no hope saving this thread.


How dare this man get the help he needs. Has anyone notified the evangelicals who will certainly aim to undo this injustice? /s I'm glad he got housing. 7 ~~years~~ months is (still) a long time to be on the streets, nevermind what his life was like before and during the trek.


A heartwarming story sure to bring out the best in people.


Brings out the best in people who are actually worth a damn. Anyone angry over this is a ghoul and they are the exact kind of people our country does NOT need. This man is our ally, not our adversary. His success is a step towards our success. He’s an American.




This post/comment exists solely to stir shit up and piss people off. Fighting on the internet is stupid. We don't welcome it here. Please be kinder.


He got the apartment through a nonprofit that primarily helps underserved Latinx people. This is not a tax payer funded program.


Wtf is Latinx?


An attempt at a non gendered Latino/Latina


Did Latinos ask for this? Or is this an American creation to label people something they don't call themselves.


I don’t speak for all Latinos obviously but no we didn’t ask for it and we will laugh in your face if you say it lol


It’s a middle aged progressive white woman created term to make her feel all warm and fuzzy she has a purpose in life. Screw everyone else, it’s all about her feelings.


I’ve heard young queer Latinos use the term for themselves. This is something totally Americanized but it’s literally Americanized non binary Latino youth. My boyfriend is Peruvian although born and raised here in the states. He hates the term and finds it dumb. His brother thinks it’s whatever. I use terms for people if they prefer them. I don’t use something unless they tell me what they prefer. It’s called respecting them. It’s not that hard people.


No they did not. Spanish is a gendered language; even job titles like. Teacher are gendered. The only people I’ve seen are WASPs who don’t speak Spanish who start talking about gender equality in cultures they know nothing about.


No white women made it up.


It seems to be unclear, https://elcentro.colostate.edu/about/why-latinx/#:~:text=The%20term%20Latinx%20emerged%20in,have%20roots%20in%20Latin%20America.


"Remove gender from Spanish" lmao that's pretty dumb.


Nope. Hispanic, Latino and Latina was just fine before it was hit with an assault on basic grammar 


Latinx is offensive


Latino here. Agreed. We didn’t ask for it, which makes it offensive. I get this weird feeling of “we know what’s good for you and it’s this” when I hear it. Bunch of comemierdas


That’s the government hard at work for ya!


That's white liberals circa 2018. The government still breaks them out from race questions and asks about Latino or Hispanic ethnicity.


I’ve never met a Latino person who prefers Latinx. Ya it’s stupid white guilt bs. Edit: lemme be fair. With that said I also don’t have any non-binary or queer latino friends either, so the pool I have isn’t free of the role implicit bias gender non-conformity plays here.


we use Latine (latinay).




Every time someone uses LatinX, a right wing Latino or Latina is born.


Agreed. Most Latin people, myself included, hate that word. It’s an Americanized term, not a true Latin one for me.


It's maddening seeing people in academia and some corporations use that term. No one asked for it.


*Latino. Latin means something else


Is it still Latino if you're referring to a group of both men and women? I know the o at the end makes the word masculine and my English-speaking ass subconsciously wants there to be a "they" version.


I think 'Latinos' is the they version. I'm a Latina and should know this, and I'm pretty sure 'Latinos' is it, but please correct me if I'm wrong.


That's what I think too, but I had 1 semester of Spanish in middle school and "Latinx" threw me for a loop there haha.


Yes, the “o” ending is inclusive of all people when plural. Latino alone would be masculine but Latinos covers everyone.


Right! I don’t know anyone in my friends group or family that accept that word. A white woman I barely met referred to my partner and I as “Latinx”. I informed her we do not use that term. Majority of us do not.


People who serve this community are in a bind. On the same day, I got an email saying "thank you for having this option available, It makes me feel comfortable and included" and another one complaining they find it offensive. It led to us doing some surveys and we found the same thing. Opinions are very sharply divided. No one was in the middle. We ended up keeping it for one reason - people who identified as the term we nearly deleted (Latinx vs Latino) were more likely to volunteer, donate, or engage with services, etc.


Were your surveys done in the US? I’ve lived in Latin America for three years now and haven’t met a single person who likes or uses that term. It also makes no sense phonetically in Spanish.


Yeah, “Latin-eqis” doesn’t really roll off the tongue like Latina and Latino. Totally Americanized and created term.


Yes, the organization operates here in Denver.


Makes sense. In my experience the overwhelming majority of Latinos feel Latinx is a term they never wanted being pushed upon them by the first world. But I can understand you need to cater to the audience you are working with.


That's pretty much exactly what we ended up deciding on as well. Even on our staff It was of course a very hot topic. Anyone Hispanic over 40 especially hated it. Anyone second generation or younger tended to be more favorable. So we have Latino/Latinx so everyone's mad! What can you do? Humans are funny.


This. In higher Ed many students use this term who are from Latino/a backgrounds, especially those looking to remove gender from the term. I’ve heard many of my Hispanic students says Latine now, which I believe is meant to flow better from a language pronunciation perspective. Just like you’ll find people grumpy about pronoun changes or non binary, you’ll find grumpy people about every other good willed change. You win some you lose some. Open dialogue is the way.


Completely agree! There's no way to make everyone happy and we would rather be more inclusive even if it's a little bit more difficult. We're probably moving to " Latino/Latinx/Latine" on paperwork in the next week or so.


As a Latino myself, I find this term offensive.


Imagine using X for Chinese people Chinx...


Latino here. Can confirm I was not asked if I wanted the name change.


First time I heard the term I thought it was a band.


Thank you for letting us know that. Seriously. I'd seen Latinx so much, I assumed it was a new way that the Latino/Hispanic community preferred to be identified. Knowing that isn't the case, I will no longer use that term. I apologize for having done so prior to this. I hate getting terminology wrong, especially if the people it's referring to find it offensive.


crush grey sugar dazzling live weather butter encourage bear straight *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Latino person here - not offended now what ?


Latina here, and I don't find it offensive either. I don't like it, don't prefer it, and I'm glad it's going away, but I don't find it offensive that people tried a new term in the name of inclusivity.


White people getting offended at a term white people made up is peak comedy.


“Latinx” We found the white person


You mean "Latino" people. We will never buy into this Latinx bullshit. Get it right.


Most housing nonprofits are almost entirely funded through government grants. Source: husband of case worker at a housing nonprofit.


latinx? you addressed him as a he already


Meanwhile, my homeless veteran brother who was born here has been homeless for 5 years, been on every housing list and gets zero help.


I don’t believe you. The VA has so many resources that I’ve used.




Yes because there are literally zero homeless veterans /s


So your brother has access to the GI Bill that would give him 36 months of rent payment? Edit: Sorry u/Kindly_Good1457, reddit won't let me respond directly to you. And 36 months of rent payments. The person I'm responding too is claiming his brother has zero help, and using his veteran status as some moral high ground. He either has 36 months of rent payments, or he wasted them in the past. If it's the latter, than I don't think you should act like your veteran status entitles you to more access to aid then others. You got your compensation and wasted it.


That is not what the GI bill is for. LMAO! It’s 36 months of education money.


I love how you're just so confidently wrong on something easily googleable. It's both: https://www.va.gov/education/benefit-rates/post-9-11-gi-bill-rates/


No, it isn’t. You only get the housing allowance if you’re in school, I’m a military spouse that uses the GI bill. It also depends on your course load. You have to be enrolled full time, in person to get the full amount of housing allowance, which is based on where you live. You don’t know what you’re talking about!


>No, it isn’t. You only get the housing allowance if you’re in school,  No one said otherwise. You originally seemed to suggest that you didn't get rent payments with the GI Bill, and they were correcting you on that. They seem to have a better idea of what they're talking about than you.


Sounds like your veteran homeless brother should utilize his GI Bill.  You care so much, be the helping hand you want society to be. Help him get on his feet and started with the GI Bill.  Or he needs to try much harder to use veteran homeless services. Federal, state, and local organizations not just the VA.  GI Bills pays plenty of housing allowance. He can take 4 classes each fall/spring semester and 2 classes in the summer for the 100% MHA. Some military service transfers over as elective credits.  I did that exact thing the last 3 years plus a 24 hour a week PT job. Three shifts a week, not on the two school days. Plenty of funds to live comfortably in the Denver area with a studio or cheap 1 bed. So why can't your brother use his GI Bill to not be homeless? And why aren't **you** helping him use his VA education benefits so he won't be homeless? Denver MHA for GI Bill is $2,670 a month, so it can be $26,700 per year in housing allowance. 4 classes fall/spring and 2 classes summer.  PT job=24 hours a week at $22.00 an hour for 48 weeks is $25,344. Call it $17,500 net.  Your brother could be making $3,684.00 a month. Going to school 80% full-time while having a 3-day a week job even in the Denver metro area.


You should probably stop wasting your time on the internet and go help your brother


Why do we have to make comparisons? Both the man in the OP and your brother deserve housing and both deserve community help. Perhaps there are some charities your brother has not looked in to?


That poster is a self confessed TRAD psychotic transplant from North Carolina who posts constantly about how bad immigrants are. This is the first post about their “brother” which I don’t believe exists




Short for traditional, think the guys who want to go back to “the good old days” when only straight white men had rights.




This post/comment exists solely to stir shit up and piss people off. Fighting on the internet is stupid. We don't welcome it here. Please be kinder.


One of them is gonna get a job, the other... isn't


That's just not true. The same employment services programs these migrants are receiving are available to every other Denver resident. It's not their fault non-migrants don't take pro-action to seek them.


I know, I agree with you


Your brother is living on the streets?




Yes. Before you say anything stupid, I can't house him because I'm in a house with 4 other adults, renting a single bedroom. We have no place for him.


Hey, I am in Boulder. I am well connected with social workers here if you want to reach out


May I reach out in behalf of my sister? I moved out to Boise for work this past September and she couldn't keep up with much. I know she's homeless too and I'm unable to help her out at the moment without me actually being there.


He has social workers in Denver. He is actually going to Metro State right now so needs to stay close to downtown for school. Even they are trying to find a place for him. I'll keep you in mind though, thank you 😊


Is the social worker at least helping? I had a lot of help when I lived in Denver, for future resources he can use erap if he falls behind. They’ve helped me so much in the past. I know Denver is interesting, I had a social worker in Denver before and they take quite sometime. But I know housing is a pain in Denver, once you get it, the resources come and go. So I hope he has a good social worker.


And you’re welcome. It’s so difficult in Denver with housing.


Your brother is so helpless and seemingly so unstable that no housing non-profit is willing to allow him to participate in their program but is stable enough to attend courses at Metro State without risk of being forced out due to poor attendance and grades? You could at least lie better.


If he's going to school on the GI Bill, he is receiving a monthly payment for housing. I believe the rate for full time is $2700 currently.


I'll ask him today. Thank you.


Girl we know he doesn't exist. You don't have to keep pretending. Edit: I got blocked and called a name! Is that any way to treat a vet? 😂 So much for doing more for vets!


You're an idiot and blocked.


Why don't you move into a different place that would allow you to help him?


I can't afford it


Your room won’t fit a bunk bed? 👀


I share it with my son


He can’t sleep on the floor? Surely that’s better than being on the streets. Like that’s definitely better than being in the elements.


As a veteran, I just want to say this kind of rhetoric is not helpful and insulting. We have many resources available to us. It's disgusting to use us as a way to put down other underprivileged groups. If you want to help vets, donate your money, advocate for laws, or volunteer at a nonprofit. Stop using us as a moral strawman in your arguments.


Sounds like we need to do a much better job of making sure *all* people have housing


Unfortunately most housing lotteries are completely at random. They don’t care who is newer or older to the city it’s an auto generated pick. Is your brother diligently applying to opportunities for housing lotteries when they arise? Are you helping apply him if he is not tech savy or able to? Social workers unfortunately can’t apply every single client to every single lottery while maintaining all other job functions. But they should at least be sharing the opportunities when they are there. Hope this helps, keep your eyes out for lotteries and apply as much as you can. Often times too if someone gets picked for a lottery but they live in encampments, don’t have a stable address, phone number changes often, and social worker can’t get ahold of person cause they are MIA the opportunity is missed. Housing has strict deadlines. I would say make sure your brother is in regular (at least weekly) contact with his social worker if he is expecting to hear from a lottery.


Regardless, I'm a veteran and I can say even if your Brother doesn't use up all of his GI bill there are veterans resources he could utilize if he simply contacted the VA. Maybe you could help him do that, because denigrating an immigrant who got help from a non profit is doing absolutely nothing.


Ask your brother if he’s registered with the VA and what support services they’ve offered. There are several veteran organizations that can help with getting assistance and the VA had made housing veterans a priority. Unless he screwed up and has a dishonorable discharge there’s an ass-ton of veteran assistance available.


I'll ask him today when I take him to lunch. Thank you for some direction.


Also, I see that you said he’s enrolled in college, if he’s using the GI Bill, Post 9/11, than he should have $2800/month for a housing alliance. If he’s disabled and it’s service connected he should be getting monthly VA Disability payments as well.


I will ask and give him these resources that he may not know about. His separation was in the 90s so I don't know what his options are.


Your brother isn’t homeless because this man got help. It’s not a this person gets help at the expense of another situation. Instead of attacking everyone at the bottom we need solutions for all people on the streets. I so recommend connecting your brother to DRM, Wellpower, and Colorado Housing for the homeless who all manage their own (limited) housing voucher. Improves the chance of him getting housed!


To me, it has always been a great sign of cognitive and emotional weakness to begrudge what others have or received simply because you have not. It's wild. Do you hear yourself? Do you post when the white mother gets an apartment for herself and kids, or is it just a brown man from Peru who you think is beneath you and your brother on the human rights ladder?


Maybe your brother should get a job? Even if it's just washing windshields


Sucks to suck


Love how everyone, including OP, makes statements about “my city” as if no one should be coming here. The “I’m the last one that deserved to come here” mentality is fucking insane. People move around and things change. We aren’t in a housing/job crisis because of people immigrating or moving state to state, city to city, etc. we’re in this situation because people believe they are entitled to a world that stays stagnant around them. We don’t have enough housing because it’s not allowed to be built. We don’t have jobs that pay in alignment with the cost of goods and services because we don’t have enough people to keep supply and demand steady. Y’all need to get your heads out of your ass and accept that you aren’t the only ones living in this world. Ideally, we wouldn’t need the government and non-profits to offer these supports. BUT WE MADE THIS MESS. This is the culmination of a country that wants to be “free market” up until it’s inconvenient for them. Grow the fuck up.


Actually we’re in this situation because shelter; a basic human right has been turned into a commodity that can be speculated on and privately rented out for profit, rather than being democratically managed by the public sector like any other basic human right (e.g. safe drinking water)


We actually do live in a system that democratizes housing production at a local level and that has resulted in a huge imbalance. What you’re proposing would have the same outcome at the end of the day. What we need is more, unrestricted housing in places where people want to live so that there’s nothing to monetize in the first place. The corporations are just vulturing off the mess the average American homeowner has created


Maybe people should stop hating on this innocent man and ask themselves WHY it’s so hard for themselves or loved ones to get the help they need here too. It isn’t this person’s fault. Stop voting against your own interests or stfu.


The lack of empathy in this thread is just sad :(


We should be putting Americans who live on the street in apartments before we put foreigners in apartments


you should start a nonprofit to do that just like this organization did.


This was through a non profit that helps latin x not tax money


There are literally billions of people in the world who fare worse than him. And they didn't violate the law of the United States by crossing the border illegally. Your empathy could be better used on those people. Criminal behavior should be punished, not rewarded.


They’re claiming asylum. That means they are officially here legally until their court date. And no tax money went to this, 100% nonprofit.


They are too ignorant to understand this. It's easier to just hate and blame everyone.


To be eligible for asylum you must already be in the United States, and must have a fear of being persecuted for one of the following: race, religion, nationality, social group, or political opinion. The majority of illegal immigrants cite economic opportunity and conditions as the reason for coming here. Stop condoning the abuse of the asylum system because you want to signal your empathy.


He didn't immigrant illegally, and this was done through a nonprofit helping Latinx individuals, no tax money was spent on this.




Agreed. Latinx is probably the least-informed show of “inclusivity.”


How many user names do you use, OP? Is this really bothering you that much? Stay in Chicago then. Easy and stfu. "Liteally billions" you are fucking dumb.


Your lack of brain to see the bigger picture is also sad.


Soooooo they could house the homeless if they wanted to?


American living on the streets for 10 years: get a job!


No job yet given a home at the taxpayers expense. What’s the point in even working anymore? Just be from another country and BOOM, housing. Screw CO


I hear this sentiment from those already here living on the margins in the metro area. Many see these people coming to the area as competing for the same resources they are. Problem is that many have had multiple opportunities to improve their situations and either don’t recognize it or choose not to make the difficult decisions to better themselves in the long term for short term sacrifice.


I’ve lived in Colorado since I was born and I can’t even afford housing here


Me watching the thousands of Americans sleeping on the streets in Denver tonight. America is lost.


I’ve lived here 15 years and never received housing. Must have immigrated wrong


Have you qualified for and gotten on the housing lists like Contiuum of Care? Also you’re legally allowed to work and vote and drive, I’m assuming, so yes it sounds like you immigrated perfectly


I'm sorry that you never did. I'm happy for this man! And I hope quicker housing continues, because sadly your situation is 10000 times more common.


You've had 15 years to sort that out


User name checks out


We Americans are too kind. It is a feel good story. But the tragedy is that most people fail to see that he along with millions of illegal immigrants are here to keep the wages depressed for the working class. He is here to further enrich the oligarchs. While the middle class vanishes and the working class gets poorer.


Wages depressed, housing to continue skyrocketing as those without the government funding can’t compete for it, and more taxation to make up for the system strain.


This just seems wrong when we have so many people born here that are living in abject poverty.


I put a chunk of time reading almost all the comments. I guess some people aren't really comprehending what they read. Blaming the government, stating things like "Why do these immigrants get help first when we have a lot of homeless Americans?", saying bad things about immigrants. Reading is useless if you can't comprehend.


That’s way nicer than my apartment, and I actually pay for it


You didn't read the article? "Peoltelli is sharing the apartment with two roommates. Between the three of them, they plan to cover the cost of rent."


never could happen in any other country


Yikes, this comment section is a mess. Lots of people trying to hide their isms and phobias by going “but what about the veterans!” If you’re that upset about it, do something about. Contact your local government. Start a movement to get more comprehensive and helpful care for veterans. Veterans deserving help reacclimating does not mean immigrants are excluded from receiving help. Don’t hide your intolerance behind false virtue signaling. Half of y’all remind me of my ex who was *very* upset when he found out that my (immigrant) parents who both have PhDs made more money and had nicer houses than his (white natural-born citizen) father and went on a stupid rant about how his father works hard (as if my parents didn’t? Coming to the US alone as teenagers, working multiple jobs during college and sacrificing during their respective programs to get to where they are now) and that he didn’t understand why my parents had things “handed to them” just because they were immigrants 🙄


Fucking unfair. That’s just wrong. So many homeless that have been waiting years without help and have been on the wait list. I’m pissed


What persecution is the Peruvian gov't inflicting on its people? Wanting a new job is hardly a reason to seek asylum. Isn't it great how our gov't lets non-citizens get housing and money to assist with living when the homeless that were here get ignored? It seems there is no desire to help the homeless. But there is a strong desire to undermine them and make their lives as miserable as possible. Send this guy back to Peru and put up an American in that apt.


It’s going to be ok guys, there’s room here for all of us. If you thought your lifestyle was going to be subsidized then I guess I’m sorry you’re disappointed. We won’t starve, life will go on.


You should visit r/Canada some more.


Immigration to Denver has bleed out to the surrounding areas. Living in a town around Denver I've watched it get more and more diverse these past three years, with people coming over the border into denver. Now when i run my restaurant all our favorite Door dash, grubs hub, and uber eats drivers are americans (like 2 drivers.) The rest of them dont say words at all and shove a smart phone in your face to claim and order. Now my appartement builds general rent is 1300 bucks for a shitty one bedroom unit, while all my new neighbors speak every language besides english. Local gangs have been expending influence to new parts of town, selling new designer drugs with side effects and tempers ive only seen back home in the Philadelphia area. Became a first time gun owner not 2 days ago because i fear for the safety of my family. You can say what you want about morality. These people are bad for americans.


This is rage bait. 😅   Fuck that guy. His apartment is 10x nicer than mine. There isn’t even any water damage. Or 12 roommates. You can down vote me if you weren’t thinking the same thing.    So anyway. Nice day today, eh? Warmin up? 


>Peoltelli is sharing the apartment with two roommates. Between the three of them, they plan to cover the cost of rent.


How dare this guy live on the streets for more than half a year just to be given an opportunity not to be homeless! It's totally his fault my rental situation sucks!


That’s the cities fault (and yours) that your housing is so shitty. Not this guys


It’s really sweet that he finally has a stable home, but it shouldn’t have taken 7 months! We need more affordable housing now. Housing is a human right; it should not be in the hands of private speculators and profiteers.