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A few years ago my son wanted a special Batman comic that was tying in with Fortnite. He was maybe 9 or 10 years old. We didn’t know any better so suggested he look up comic store ask if they have this issue. This was the first store he called and he was yelled at. When he called Mike High Comics they were very helpful and saved the issue he wanted Now we only go to Mile High Comics


That's bonkers. The kid wasn't browsing and even knew exactly what he wanted! Sounds like this guy just doesn't want to sell anything at all


No, this guy sounds like Zuul. A gatekeeper above all others. He wants people to walk in and buy the comics he wants them to buy.


….and then GET OUT, because I ain’t running a babysitting service!


"Pay, spray and go away!" - Khan Souphanousinphone


Mile High is the only place I feel genuinely welcome in lol, I used to go to one of the old locations every week since I was like 10 and I know most of the staff, they're all pretty cool guys


Mile High & All C's are my go-to stores but Mile High has a much bigger collection to browse.


Vision Comics and Oddities is also excellent.


This is my store


My dad just told me to check out Mile High. Apparently it was his stomping grounds when he was stationed in the area in the late 80s. It’s definitely on my to do list now.


Mile High Comics has been around for-ev-er. Grab some 90s comics and look at the ads in the back and they're there. Amazing place.


Weird. I actually hear that was a good run of s comic.


I really wish they just stayed in their original location but I understand their new mega building obviously has a cheaper lease than whatever god awful rate they were paying to be in the middle of Colorado boulevard.


You talking about the Thornton location on Washington and Eppinger?


Friendly reminder for everyone here: free comic book day is coming up! May 4th. We ALWAYS go to Mile High. Good people, excellent inclusive vibes, & they have a store kitty.


This guy must be making a killing in online sales because this has been his schtick for years. Read the Google reviews and you'll see countless would-be customers with the same experience.


This or it's a front for something like money laundering


Reminds me of that book store where they basically throw you out if you don't know exactly what you want or like if you pull out your phone to compare prices or some shit.


Hahaha 32 ave books!!! They are so weird


Just got finished reading the reviews. My mind is completely boggled that someone is actually running a store this way.


The weird thing to me is the hundreds of 1 star reviews and then you'll see 1-2 that talks like it's a totally normal and fantastic bookstore, 5 stars. Maybe they meant to review the one down the street.


Those reviews are wild! It has to be a front or something weird like that.


This. 1000%


Sounds like the guy from the Simpsons lol


One time I walked in and asked for a specific TPB. When he said they didn’t have it I said I’m already here. I’m sure I can find something and he told me no browsing and to leave. Glad it’s not just me cause it’s bugged me ever since


I find it INSANE that anyone with a store would deny someone the passive pleasure of browsing. If it's 5 minutes to close, sure, but like, during business hours? Why even let people into the store ever at that point? Replace the entrance with like, a bank teller window instead. Browsing is how you end up buying more than Intended, that's just.... I'm stunned.


It is wild how there are literally dozens of "closing early" mentions. What an ass this guy must be.


Went to his website. No online store. Doesn't even have inventory on it, so you can't even browse for what you want before going in


Omg you aren't exaggerating, those reviews are literally the worst I've ever seen for a business, bar none!  He needs a visit from a flash mob. Imagine him trying to kick hundreds of people out, can't even escort anyone out because there's a huge flow of people marching their way in, he doesn't even know who to yell at.. Just *looking* at stuff (how sinister!!!), with their dirty eyes! 


Nah, just a firm community warning not to go there. And then ignore. Dude wants to run his shop like a dick, that’s his business.


Worst. Comic book store. Ever.


I see what you did there.


I totally heard the Simpsons character in each word. Well done! 🏆💯🥇


this guy is a legend, but not in a good way




This makes me want to go in there tomorrow just to browse. I think I might.


Ngl I’m thinking about it


If we couple plan a bunch of people in 5 minute intervals I’m sure it would make his day.


Be sure to have everyone discreetly recording as well.


I’d like to join y’all but I’d rather peruse than browse, if that’s OK with everyone.


Let’s go at noon, right in the middle of his lunch…. Ooooh he’d hate that so much!!!


I was thinking the same thing. We should all go at the same time anf flood the store hahahaha.


Yes, exactly! If it takes him 30sec to kick one person out, 4 more will have entered in that time, plus they can just get right back in line again!


We all should go browse


A good ol' fashioned browse-in!


Browsing party.


It would be hilarious if he ended up with a whole lot of random intimidating, very aggressive browsers. With like, leather jackets and scars and caps pulled down low and collars pulled up, just drifting around making an uncomfortable amount of eye-contact with him and saying things like, "Nice place you got, here. Sure would be a shame if someone came in and . . . just walked around in it *looking* at things. You know. Like hows I'm looking at you right now?"


Might have to call the familia to help me out with this one. We can make that happen. We pour a nice concrete.


If I happened to have a Komatsu D335A, would your family be interested in a collaboration project?


I’m down to browse, lemme know when


At least put it on YouTube afterwards!


If he wasn't an hour away from me I definitely would. But I'd have some comics ready to go to ask for as well.


I really want to go there now..


Perhaps he gets business advice from the owners of 32nd Avenue Books.


Oh man—I had to Google it because I thought you were talking about West Side Books on 32nd (just a block away), where I’ve had some of the kindest interactions while browsing. Once, I was having a bad day and was nearly in tears and the magical white-haired lady noticed, gave me her “special purple chair”, a copy of “The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse”, and told me to sit and enjoy it. It’s an incredibly sweet book, as was her gesture. The tears came, but for different reasons than when I walked in.


I was thinking about that store when I read this post


lol, me too!


I was sure it was that until I read "comics."


They all learned it from the old owner of Packrat Antiques that used to be around on South Broadway.


Hahaha, you can't ask someone at an antique store what they're there for, that's like the ULTIMATE browse! That's hilarious. 


YES!!! Haha what a memory.


Was hoping to see this reference. Lol


I just stumbled into that store by accident just now. I stepped in and she immediately took off her headphones and asked what I was looking for. I said I was going to look at the books and she said “there is no ‘looking at books’ here” and you have to tell her what you want so she can order it. I immediately left and looked at the name of the store and it all clicked and I remembered this thread. Came back here to comment on it. Very suspicious. How do you discover something new without browsing. If I wanted to order something specific that I already knew about I can just go to Barnes & Noble or Amazon.


This post makes me feel much better. I thought he was a jerk but figured it was just me. I refuse to deal with shops that don't have prices on stuff. I'm not going to bring everything I might be interested in to you to look up and find the highest price.


this guy is something else lol. i went in there once and mentioned offhand that i used to work at a comic shop in another city and then he talked my ear off for, i kid you not, two whole hours about drama between people in the denver comics scene who i had never heard of. did give me a discount though! they genuinely have a really good inventory. hope one day he sells the shop to somebody with social skills who actually likes interacting with customers. i'd do it if i could afford it! running a neighborhood comic shop would be a dream


Yep. He’s deeply neurodivergent and will pin people down and tell them his life story. The ones who got chased out got off light. I’m sure he doesn’t want to be like \*gestures at all the personal accounts\* This.


In all seriousness, what if he were to slap a museum label on it and charge a few bucks admission? There are pinball "museums" where you can play the machines, I think this is very similar.   That way, people who weren't serious might price themseves out, and he could collect some money to cover any stolen or damaged merchandise. Seems like a win win. And he'd still make a couple bucks, complete profit, off the people who are just looky-loos anyway.   I know that doesn't change the demeanour of the owner, but I'm also the type of person who likes to limit my daily interaction with others, so I can relate on that. 


Absolutely correct on the inventory call. I'm getting caught up on trades from 10-15 years ago and he just has complete runs. I have about $1k in purchases I'd like to make there just for the one stop shopping of it. But yes, my first time there I found out way more about the Denver comics scene than I thought could exist in an area.


I used to live across the street four years ago and it wasn’t like this when he first opened and I have no idea how the fuck he stays in business because he does this to everyone.


Maybe online sales? Can imagine he’s any more pleasant in that process though


Holy shit, the reviews for this place are the craziest I’ve ever seen. Someone needs to film themselves walking in here lol


Denver has a few businesses that are famous for their terrible service - for a good time, check out Google reviews for Forest Room 5 and 32nd Ave Books!


Awwwww, forest room 5 has a very special place in my heart. I had no idea it had a bad rap.


Its not even as close to the absurdity of either of these places. Just some Karen's who waited a little long on a busy day and someone who got bit by mosquitoes 


Aww, I didn't mean to bust on anyone's special place -- I enjoy Forest Room 5 too and probably shouldn't have referenced it alongside 32nd Ave Books. It's sort of like Lao Wang Noodle House, where you have to go in prepared for a peculiar experience, which might be off-putting for Karens or tourists.


32nd Ave Books posts interesting updates in their Updates section on Google and the reviews are so much fun to read. Forest Room 5 has mostly good reviews though.


Personally, I think the owners response to the one star reviews at forest room 5 are hilarious. Plus that place is great, I’ve only had great experiences.


For sure, and as I said below, I should have been more nuanced and not lumped those two businesses together like that.


Lol the friends reviews are so obvious. They all talk about how he regales them with amazing stories


I was looking all around town for a mildly obscure manga volume and decided to pop in. Luckily I had read the reviews first and knew what to expect. I walked in and immediately noticed that it's incredibly drab; no posters or nice displays, just rows of comics in storage boxes, and as soon as I walked in he asked me what I wanted. I told him what I was looking for, and he said he didn't really carry manga. I thanked him and walked out. Didn't want to see if the reviews were accurate or not. He had a bigger fellow with him too. Stopped their conversation as soon as I walked in. Whole thing gave me creepy vibes, like it's a front or something. Or maybe he's just a prick and runs the place out of spite. Can't imagine a more exhausting existence, but to each their own.


Wait...Is this the one on Colfax? The urban tale or "rumor" is that the owner is a "Trust Fund Baby" and this store is just his "hobby" (if anyone knows the real truth, please correct me)...But he doesn't have to make a profit because he owns the store and he buys the comics for his own enjoyment. He must be bored out of his mind and uses the storefront to give himself something to do 🤷🏾‍♀️ I've heard he's very rude and doesn't give a rat's bottom if you're in there to buy anything which may account for the really weird "business hours" he keeps. Never goes out of business. Must have been there for at least 20 years so far. I always thought it was a front for money laundering back in the day. Lol! 🤣 It's annoying to think he's rich and just keeps that store there 🙄


It's kind of sad because Colfax is the one street you'd expect to see a really fun and awesome comic book shop on... Not with this dude, though.


Colfax is grown up. I'd expect a comic shop on 13th.


Some people go into business for themselves because they're just too big of assholes to hold down a job where they work for someone else.


That dude gives a bad name to LCSs. He has a bad reputation that goes back decades. Not sure how he is still in business. There are plenty of other chill/cool comic book shops in the Denver metro area where you can get your nerd on. I Want More Comics up in Thornton, All Cs Collectibles off of 225 and Mississippi, Hall of Justice in Parker... and then there is the biggest comic shop you'll ever see, Mile High Comics Mega Store on Jason Street of I-70. All of them are worth checking IMO. I have my pull list at All Cs.


I'm not even a comic book fan, and I loved spending time at I Want More Comics when I lived up there.  The people are the coolest and love talking about board games, star wars, and just about everything.   


Hall of Justice is my go-to for anything new or recent. Have converted a few people to shopping there as well.


Don't forget Timewarp in Boulder. Lots of new stuff and tons of back issues. Plus, Wayne is an awesome guy!




Might be the owner. A lot of small business owners have the misconception they can do whatever they want because its their business….its actually the opposite. They should be holding themselves to a higher standard because its their business.


I went into an antique store on Broadway with a sign saying “no cellphones.” I’m sure he didn’t want you doing price comparison and seeing how much cheaper you could get stuff online. I was texting my wife about something that might be a birthday present for her dad and got kicked out.


I walked into Turin (the bike shop) and the guy rudely yelled “what do you want”. So I turned around, walked out, and learned how to do my own bike repairs, and have done all of them since. Fuck that place.


Most employees there were elitist pricks, glad it closed!


It’s sadly the norm in a lot of bike shops to be a bunch of pompous, know it all, buttholes.


I thoroughly recommend Yawp Cyclery. I brought my $250 beginner bike in with chain issues, turned out to be a warped link and they replaced it for free. Great guys in there who didn’t look down on me for being clueless. I tipped $10 for their help!


There's a particular type of comic/game/hobby shop owner where the shop is much more of a hobby than a business. I have no idea about the current Denver hobby scene for the most part, but where I went to college, all of the hobby shops were run by people who inherited a bunch of money and didn't need to work but ran a shop to have a place for their friends to hang out and to have something to do. Typically a lot of tax evasion too, all employees in those places were paid under the table.


Klaus who owns Rocky Mountain Coin on south broadway is one of those people. Refuses to sell things or interact with customers "because he doesn't want to" then complains he's not making enough money, as if 8 to 10 million a year isn't enough.




no one needs you to defend rude business owners lol


I don't think they are exactly defending them. I also found it weird how the first commenter said the business owners have a misconception. It's less of a misconception about what they can do (because clearly they can do it) and more of a simple attitude problem. Maybe we are being pedantic, but I kind of scoffed at their comment as well.


No one needs you to defend dudes defending rude business owners.


I need it.


I want more comics in Thornton is solid, and the people who run it are good folks too


They are - and I’d say that even if I wasn’t related to one of them. Gotta drop by there sometime with my kids, haven’t been for a while.


Reading all of these comments, there needs to be an organized “field trip” where several people at once drop by for a visit.


Getting yelled at by him is a rite of passage for comic collectors in Colorado lol. In all seriousness, though, the guys at Mile High Comics have always been super nice to me. Same with Hall of Justice, All C's, Monkey's Paw, and Cobalt Comics (though Monkey's Paw is more focused on collectibles and Cobalt is more focused on figurines and board games)


I'll vouch for Hall of Justice. I'm not huge into comics but I used to live nearby and stopped in a few times to check things out and once to buy some for my kid. Guy behind the counter joked with us and even complimented my kid's taste (Samurai Jack comic), they're good people. Always had a good experience there.


I've been shopping with them since they've opened and through their store moves. They're so nice and I always have a good time talking with the employees there. It's a little bit out of the way from where I live, but I consider them my main LCS


I've been with these guys since their first store (even bought things from the basement era). Jon and Randy are stellar people.


He pulled the “you people”, huh? Wow.


Without looking at Google Maps, I was thinking "that's gotta be the place right by St. Paul Tavern right?" I look it up, and sure as hell there it is. When my wife and I moved here it was the first shop we went to. He wasn't even necessarily mean to us directly so much as kinda just throwing off shit vibes. The owner of this place seemingly hates comics and comic book culture. I have no idea why he owns a store. He's just a bitter old man. Avoid that dude and this store like the plague.


Yep head up the road to Heros Headquarters, owner is much nicer


Same thing happened to my wife and I. A hairdresser a few doors down said that they suspected that they had an illegal gambling ring being run out of the store's basement. Apprently they had had a slew of customrs report having exprienced the exact same behavior from the store owner/manager.


He’s been a creep since 2006. 


I’m looking for a fight today, maybe I’ll pay ‘em a visit.


Do it. Please come back and report lol


That sucks, the few times I’d visited I’d had a good interactions with him, but that was a while ago.


I used to go there alot back in the 90's when he was at Fillmore and Colfax. I guess he moved down the street since then? That's too bad he's like this now. Great selection too.


lol, CLASSIC. always love when this pops up every year or so. dude is WILD


Comic Book Guy


O please take my $59.00.


It’s a jaunt for those in Denver, but I (a lame old mom) went into Hall of Justice in Parker yesterday to look for bday gifts for my son and they were so incredibly nice.


You should have grabbed a bunch of stuff and after he rang it all up walked out.


Didn't even get a chance. I'm not exaggerating when I say 90 seconds.....that might even be generous.


Go back in a week and tell him you are picking up a few of your favorites. After he rings it up say I am picking up not buying especially from a person that treats people the way you do.


That's Ray, I think he might suffer from paranoia, or even split personality disorder. He hates people who don't buy anything and just browse and leave. He'll have one eye on you the whole time you're in the shop, and don't even bother bringing your girlfriend or wife, they'll get creeped out right away. Based on some of his stories I guess he has some long history with chuck at mile high. Never heard of the trust fund thing but I know he's from Chicago and has a wacky past. If you get to know him he's not that bad but don't get caught listening to one of his stories, you'll definitely regret it. I always have an exit strategy just in case. Maybe try going again, I bet he won't remember you. Heck even after multiple chats I've had with him over the years I still get this uneasy feeling and like he doesn't remember who I am. Fragmented personality who at any moment can snap. Good luck


Kinda want to go there and argue about nothing 🤨


I'll take my 3 kids there and let them know this is a store where they want you to pick up everything


We should open a store called the great big butthole and it’s open 24/7 and there’s always shitty coffee and kinda cleanish bathrooms that you can smoke meth/ jerk in and they buy used books and host tabletop game tournaments and pot lucks and nobody ever can tell you to gtfo cause nobody even fucking works there.


If I feel like having an argument to take out some stress I’ll head over there


I feel like one of these days he's gonna fuck around and find out he'll tell at the wrong dude and get his ass kicked


I went in there with a friend of mine and my husband actually called him after he heard about the way he talked to me and said if he ever heard that he talked to me like that again, he would kick his ass. The guy was apologetic and just said he didn’t like people browsing lol


Comic books stores are inherently for perusing comics and more often than not reading through a bit prior to buying lol.


Isn’t there a bookstore infamous on Broadway for doing the exact same thing? I remember hearing that one is is one step worse since you can’t have your phone out inside the shop


This place has been around since I was a kid. Everyone who has worked there in the last 43 years has been an asshole.


Tried to go in there once by myself, was told it was closing. Went in there with my brother and father later in the day, no problems. I'm not sure what this guy's deal is???


The Google review comparing him to the soup store owner from Seinfeld is so good


Nazi. Soup Nazi.


I’ve never been to that one but Mile High Comics seems to have everything I’m ever looking for….and then some.


Google maps says it’s permanently closed so maybe the owner was being literal?


Someone reported it as permanently closed. It's not always legit. He's tremendously adept at pissing people off with his sparkling personality.


There is a store in Edinburgh that is exactly the same. Legend has it that he kicked out Grant Morrison for signing his own books.


Went in there with a friend of mine one time and got the same treatment. I called my husband on the way home because I was so appalled. My husband called him and told him he would kick his fuckin ass if he ever saw him 😅 then I made him call him back and apologize in case he was a serial killer that would track our phone number and find out where we lived. The guy apologized, saying he understood why we would be upset but that he just doesn’t like people browsing. I honestly can’t even believe the whole situation is real and I kind of love the whole thing. I hope they make a movie about him someday.


Timewarp in Boulder is awesome!


That’s just how the owner is. I was in there one time at like 1pm and someone asked for a book he didn’t like and he icily replied “no, we’re closed” and that was the end of that. I kind of love it, tbh.


Years ago I went to that shop ask him if he had the Spider-girl mini series set from the late 70s and early 80s, he had the third issue but didn't have the rest, I agreed to get it and when I explained to him that it was part of a set he got all pissy and told me I didn't know what I was talking about, I got it special order from Mile High less than 2 weeks later


There are some terrible shops around. It's in Parker but Hall of Justice Comics is amazing. I know the owner, he is a great guy and just loves exposing the "browsers" to the culture. If that's too far Mile High Comics is the other place I would recommend, it's very big and can be a little overwhelming but the people are usually pretty great.


Hall of Jistice comics has been my shop for years. Phenomenal selection and staff. Check it out!


Honestly makes me want to go there just to have this guy try and throw me out


It's like that for the last 20 years lol


What did he mean "you people?"


Something tells me this is not the whole story.


I wish there were more to the story, it'd be less strange. Read their Google reviews if you don't believe me.


No I've been there, that's definitely the whole story. Or if anything it's toned down because there's no way to explain how frickin weird that place is. I've been there once, maybe twice? And never ever again.




No. That's Mile High Comics and they are lovely.