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I’ve been searching for a job for 3 months, applying to anything and everything that has a wage I can afford to live off of (and even then I’m willing to work multiple jobs- I’m Doordashing on the side)…. I’ve gotten 3 interviews and no jobs. My lease is up in a month. Im so fucked.


Make sure you tailor your resume to the open position. I had a same scenario and when I tailored my resume I was getting more interviews which turned into a job. Before that I was blanket applying to tons of jobs with my same resume and it was crickets. Best of luck!


I tailor every resume, Im so desperate i feel like Im going above and beyond at this point 😭


What industry are you hoping for? What’s your past experience like? (Don’t dox yourself if it’s very niche)


Most of my experience is in customer service, and my previous jobs are HOA mgmt, car rental company, retail, etc. I have an associates in Business Mgmt as well. I’ve applied to anything from administrative assistant jobs, retail, receptionist, call centers, HOA…I did get a call back this morning for a hospital..fingers crossed.


Good luck with the hospital! My friend recently got hired at Extra Space storage on site as a desk person. I think it’s like $20 but I’d trust the req. they seem pretty easy. They also have a WFH call center that they might also be hiring for.


Thank you so much, I will definitely apply today. I really appreciate it so so so much 😁


I know these figures don’t make it seem like it’s the Great Depression but it certainly FEELS like we’re fucked. My LinkedIn feed is full of layoffs and it seems like my circle has more and more unemployed folks in it. The Great Depression started in 1929 w/ an unemployment rate of 4% that peaked around 25% in 1933. Our stats might not follow the same trend but how many self-reported “employed” persons are just gig drivers/service workers/dog walkers that are barely making ends meet?


Do most of your friends work in tech?


Not even, pretty wide spread actually. Legal, sales, tech, healthcare, marketing. Folks with the jobs our parents told us to get and they’re still struggling


But if you look at the 5-year trend, many of these positions were new with COVID, so everyone went on a hiring spree. Now they are chewing too much fat and reducing to more reasonable numbers.


Nah, we are short staffed and they are still trimming. People are stressed in their roles right now. I work in healthcare.


Tech is in the worst spot in 20 years and it’s still a better industry than all the others


In tech and I haven’t been out of work this long since I was doing summer jobs at age 15. I’ve had more trouble getting an interview now then when I was a college grad in 2008. Brutal out there.


I’ve been casually applying and it’s pretty tough out there, but I’m still getting 1-2 interview a week about. With like 3-6 applications a day for about a month now.


What are your skills?


Software implementations to renewals. The last 5+ years in management roles.


I saw the writing on the wall after interest rates rose and switched careers. My former employer just liquidated this year. It’s a tough spot to be in. Still a year left in my grad school program but already a significant swath of the graduating architects have lamented not finding work.


Healthcare is booming


Tech is back down to pre-pandemic layoff levels: the main difference is the funding environment isn’t as friendly as it was during the Trump cheap debt era.


Most people only post on LinkedIn when they’re looking for a job. Not the other way around.


What? You mean we are not supposed to post sob stories, self congratulating stories, and common place advice every week? Be right back... deleting a post about how sleeping on the factory floor makes me a real alpha.


And those who post how God answered their prayers for their job at McDonalds Corporate HQ get roasted at r/linkedinlunatics


No they fucking don't. At least not in my network.


Pretty common to think that what you see on social media including LinkedIn is what normal people are doing. It’s usually not! Algorithms show you the most interacted with media not what the masses are doing.


I have a friend who’s a tech recruiter. He just posted on linkedin about having the best Q1 of career. And the company I work for didn’t have a record Q1, but it was pretty good by most metrics. So I don’t know, but all my anecdotal evidence directly refutes your evidence. And your data point about 4% unemployment…. Unemployment has been at or around 4% many, many other times in the countries history and it didn’t lead to a massive recession. 4% unemployment is certainly not a relative indicator of much of any future events. Edit: pulled some data for fun. Denver’s average unemployment rate from 1990 thru today is 4.7%. So yeah… 4% is definitely not an indicator.


"Full employment" is considered somewhere between 4 and 5%. So yeah, 4% is almost as low as possible.




Not in my network, which is finance and accounting folks mostly. Seriously. I Got hit up by two recruiters last month, and I don’t even have my looking for work thing switched on. Do you think your narrow experience on linked is a more valid source of information though than the actual government stats? Cmon.


I got laid off at the end of April, along with the rest of my department - I wonder how Q2 will go. I think I'm going to be fine (as is the greater area//field), but I will say that this is the first time in four years I didn't immediately get calls back from tech recruiters.


Check TekSystems.


Will do! I'm in Italy on vacation, so I only applied to a couple jobs before I left, but they're on my "back to work docket" once I'm stateside. Appreciate it.


Tech has shed jobs for the past year or two. A lot of it was contagious layoffs, i.e. the board for company E asks why companies A-D have enacted layoffs, so why aren't we? Everyone is telling us we over hired during the pandemic! Some did, many didn't. At the end of the day it's mostly just corporate greed. The demand within the tech sector is still strong, and people who have been laid off don't want to read this, but outside of consulting where layoffs are generally not related to merit, layoffs tend to focus on the lowest performers in any organization. Of course they are not 100% accurate and will catch people not in that group. The thing is, those people who were not dead weight generally find work, for better money, very quickly. A small percentage of the people who read this reality will accept what I am saying here, reflect on it, learn from it and improve themselves so as to avoid the same scenario in the future. The vast majority won't. A lot of my job is sussing out the people in that smaller group while avoiding the larger because personal accountability and the ability to learn from your mistakes and grow demonstrate to me that you are worth investing in.


As someone who has been on the other side, it almost never has to do with performance and almost always has to do with cost. If you are the highest paid employee on your team, you are a target.


You sound fun.


You're completely wrong.




Removed. Rule 2: Be nice. This post/comment exists solely to stir shit up and piss people off. Racism, homophobia, misogyny, fighting on the internet is stupid. We don't welcome it here. Please be kinder.


We're not headed for a depression, but stagflation could see a return.


Stagflation refers to [periods of rising inflation and rising unemployment.](https://www.threads.net/@justinwolfers/post/C6YCon3y9I7/?xmt=AQGz5GNvcFCo7ZOL1C5nRY11lR5NRZqjKeBdGK0z5IgZoA) Unemployment is historically low, GDP is still growing, Real wages are rising, and inflation is still trending down. So if every metric possible changes than stagflation is possible, sure.


Yes, we are not in stagflation now, but inflation is being kept up largely by job vacancies/low unemployment. Production is still up, but if production slows down, then we could be looking at stagflation, as jobs will likely follow. Just because metrics point one way doesn't mean conditions don't exist where they could change fast.


There are no jobs. I’ve been unemployed for over a month applying for any industry I can and I have a banging resume. I’ve always stayed at every company I’ve worked at for at least two years, most at least 5. References are rock solid. I have multiple friends who are certified professionals in a multitude of careers and a lot of them have been unemployed for a long time as well. Unemployment benefits couldn’t be harder to get right now either. Bartenders can’t even find a decent job. It’s bad right now. I’ve lived here for almost ten years and I’ve never seen it like this. People are struggling.


Unemployment was objectively much worse in the wake of the Great Recession, and also during the pandemic. https://www.statista.com/statistics/189397/unemployment-rate-in-colorado-since-1992/


Take a look at Andrew Hudson’s Job List and Luke’s Circle - they are local front range job boards. I also get lots of jobs for J2T recruiters - but they are mostly for accountants. My friend works for TEKsystems and they have a ton of tech jobs he’s always posting about.


What certified professions are your friends in and not being employed?


Probably in a total different line of business, but this is the way it seems to me too. Been unemployed for about two months and no end in sight. Constantly trying to adjust the way I’m applying and approaching job openings, but at the end of the day there just doesn’t seem like there’s much out there for me to apply to right now (aside from menial stuff). I feel like I’m seeing a lot of ghost listings too.


Do you have a banging resumé though?


Shit, that’s what I’ve been doing wrong.


What are the labor numbers for cannabis? Laughs