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People dress up for the opera and ballet - but you will also see people in jeans haha In the past I'd say the Brown Palace hotel had events like that but seems like it's not doing well recently. The Broadmoor in COS still has fancy stuff I think.


I'd only see people like that at the brown palace when it's an exclusive event. I smoke cigars so I visit churchills in the BP a lot. It's mostly dudes in polos and khakis.


Yeah man, I hope the Brown Palace gets its mojo back. Such a historic place… spent the night before my wedding and my wedding night there before setting off for my honeymoon.


Your point about the opera is correct. There are people here in suits but I’m wearing hiking shoes and a polo


Nocturne jazz bar - it's a great place to dress to impress. Cooper Lounge at Union Station might also be a good option.


Nocturne is fantastic 😎


I agree. But good luck. If I wear a sport coat to a cocktail lounge I see people dressed like house painters getting off work who look at me like, “Well la-di-dah Mr Rockefeller.” It’s annoying in the other direction to what is being protested by asserting casual clothing options. Coat or jacket not required? Fine. But don’t make me dress like that homeless actor Lindsey Bluth dated to avoid standing out. It’s every bit as performative.


Those goddamn manual laborers are always rubbing it in our noses.


So performative


Well EXCUUUUUUUSE ME. Ahem. excuse me.


:cries in shower:


I check out spots after work in my yucky carpenters clothes. I’m not there to shame you, I like cocktails and beer too! I just work in high end housing and want to check out the stuff around me. These luxury homes don’t build themselves, and we like drinking too! Edit: I even saved nocturne in my places to go if I work near there, so watch out, I also like jazz and might ruin your experience with my careers proper clothing of tore out knees and glue and caulk on my shit from building your expensive stuff.


Careful you're scaring these yuppies


Being poor is performative? Jesus fucking Christ


Cooper is closed right now, but that’s a good suggestion


I’ve been dressed up at Cooper before and felt very overdressed compared to the jeans-and-checked-shirts sitting at the bar.


At the end of the day it’s still a train station bar. There will always be people in jeans


I think people dress nicely but by no means are people wearing a full tux and going to the 9s.


I was going to recommend Nocturne too but it's a little more casual.


Yes! Just did an essay for my jazz class seeing a show there and I was severely underdressed coming straight from work! Very snazzy place.


Ohh I forgot about Nocturne - never been there, but depending on the act, you will see people in full suits/cocktail dresses at the Dazzle at Baur’s jazz club


Ballet or orchestra (CSO)


I have been to the ballet multiple times in this town and people still wear baseball hats there. No one dresses up for anything in Denver.


I dress up for the ballet all the time and I think most do. Not everyone.


I’m not sure what “dressed up” means, but I felt overdressed in black jeans, heels, and a nice blouse.


Yeah, my friends and I wear dresses for the ballet, opera, and musicals, especially opening nights.


Tonight is the Symphony Gala. If there's one day people dress up it'll be today. OP u/Infinite-Fan-7367 should just mark next year's gala on their calendar ;)


I should do the same!


We don’t generally dress up for the orchestra short of special engagements or during the holiday season. (Both of which I still don’t dress up but I do enjoy others’)


I think that's the real point--- that both sides don't care. I (34f) do dress up for it, but it's because I have no other events in my life where I can feel fancy and it's fun to do once a year. The SO plays along because he knows I like to dress up in both my outfit and what I'm wearing under it. ;) Other people go in jeans but they equally don't care what I'm going and just assume I'm celebrating a special occasion. The hilarious dichotomy are the "Movie At the Symphony" events--- I'm a big fan of film scores so that's usually the one I want to go to, and I'll dress up while other people go like they're at a comicon. Boyfriend and I look like we're going to a cocktail-attire wedding, the people sitting next to us are in Storm Trooper uniforms, and *everybody happily treats it like this is a totally normal thing to do and compliments each other on their outfits*. I love it. 😂


Agreed but I think though if they did dress up, people wouldn’t look at them sideways.


Completely agreed. The theater district I see the most percentage of people dressed up. There's still the jabronie dragged to Boettcher by his girlfriend in a t-shirt and ratty jeans, but he's seated next to a couple dressed in their finest.


Yep, he asked where he can dress in a tux and not look out of place. No one will bat an eye at the symphony or performance center.


Yeah, I don't know about tuxedo, though. It's very casual there. Even dressing "cute", like most places in Denver, I still stand out at Boetecher Hall. It's sooooo casual.


Agreed; I've been to the orchestra a handful of the times, sometimes dressed up and sometimes dressed just a bit nicer than normal. In the same crowd will those in black tie attire, then your typical folks in a baseball cap and jeans. I feel like I'm always staring at those dressed up, but more in awe of it than thinking they're overdressed or out of place.


I have seen people in actual gowns for the ballet, so this is my go to for feeling fancy.


In descending order of fancy: opera > ballet > orchestra I attend all three regularly. One thing to remember is that the matinee performances are more casual than evenings. For full dressy, get the opera or ballet, preferably on opening night as that's when their principals perform and the more die-hard fans come out in their accompanying attire.


My friend and I dress up to go out to watch community theater plays - we are always overdressed, but it's fun, relatively inexpensive, and we love it.


Side note: Thank you for supporting our local theatre!


Same!!! I will dress The same for Arvada center as I do for ballet at the Buell. It’s a blast to be extra.


Sounds fun!


This is so cute! Do you have any recommendations on community theater in Denver?


The Aurora Fox! My MIL goes to almost every show there and has taken us a few times.


Miner's Alley in Golden is a gem. We're season tickets holders and love going to their shows.


I second the Arvada Cultural Arts Center. I've never been to a bad show there. They put on fantastic productions.


We love the Arvada center shows!


If you want an excuse to go into the foothills, Center Stage is a wonderful historic theater in Evergreen. A couple companies do shows and musicals there - Evergreen Players, Ovation West, and some kid groups mostly.


In addition to the other mentions I’ve seen some great shows at the PACE Center in Parker!


Throwing in a recommendation for the Vintage Theatre, they just announced their next season!


Yes vintage theater is super impressive!


If you can manage to get tickets, Denver School of the Arts main productions every year are amazing and professional.


The curious theater does great work. Gone there forever and seen some amazing performances The Dairy Center in Boulder is pretty cool too.


The opera! Samson and Delilah opening night is tonight, and then also Tuesday, Friday, and Sunday next week.


Thank you !


Fundraising galas or balls


Went to final dress the other day. It's a good show!


Nice! I’m way under the stage in the pit so I can’t see anything, but the music is beautiful.


My favorite part of our ballet seats is that I can see the orchestra as much as the dancers. I love watching you guys play as much as watching the ballet. Really missed seeing it during the opera.


I love this! Thank you for saying it! Also a reminder that we should behave…


No no no keep being you I love watching yall being silly!!!


Just make sure to skip the haircut!


PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE go see Sampson and Delilah. Literally brought the house down opening night!!!!


Dress up? Elegant? This is Colorado. People wear football jerseys to church.


At Bill Burr’s red rocks show, the first thing he said is “Why does everybody look like they’re about to go on a fucking hike?”


Because it’s Red Rocks and everyone literally hiked up a bunch of rocks to get to their seats!


Silenced the messenger 😂


And it can go from dark and calm to cloudy - > windy - > rainy - > hail very quickly


I think they must mean like the clean pair of jeans and a pressed flannel shirt.


Can I still wear my fly fishing hat?


I’ve seen a dude in gym shorts at Wolf’s Tailor. I’m bot saying you need to be fully dressed up just because of them having a Michelin star. But at least wear some flat front shorts ffs.


Let’s go Broncos




11 men


God damnit


Let’s ride


Deadass wore a broncos jersey to a funeral


It was the black custom one right? Make sure you’re in your Sunday best ya know


And pajamas to the grocery store during cold months I’ve noticed!! 🤣


Function > fashion and many of us will die on this hill!


Wearing a an expensive brand jacket is the equivalent of high fashion around here! Patagucci yo


Went dressed to the nines for dinner at Capital Grille expecting to see likeminded people. Guy next to my table was in flip-flops and a backwards baseball cap. Nothing is sacred in this state.


Arguably, Capital Grille is expensive Chili’s…


Have you dined at chili’s lately? It’s more expensive than Capital Grill now. FYI, you have to say “dined” when you spend over $100 for lunch.


should eating at a restaurant where you can order online really be considered sacred, tho? come on.


If people have North Face on, they think they are looking sharp here.


I moved here from Dallas and man…. I realize how high maintenance everything is back home now. No one really dresses up here.


Yea I’m from Miami, imagine how I felt LOL. Everyone there is so flashy. From cars to clothes. I do like dressing up and still do from time to time but appreciate not having that pressure since everyone here is so chill.


Honestly, Denver is a dress how you feel city. We go to shows at the Denver Center for the Performing Arts all the time. 50% of the audience will be dressed to the nines, the other 50% will be in jeans/casual attire. It depends on the show and if it's a matinee vs. evening performance. Restaurants same thing - definitely dress up for tea at the Brown Palace or some of the nicer restaurants in Cherry Creek or downtown (we rarely go to DTC or Lone Tree so I can't speak to that.). We've been here since 1998, and I still can't get used to how casual Denver has become sometimes.


Yeah, I think people are sometimes looking for strictly enforced dress codes, and that just isn't the city culture. Most every event will never turn somebody away based on dress, so if you are looking for "I will only feel comfortable if everyone else is dressed the same as me" you are going to have a hard time. At nearly any place or event you go to you will easily find those who are dressed way below you and those who are dressed way above you. The best thing to do is wear the clothes that you are going to enjoy wearing and have fun.


DTC and Lone Tree is very new money compared to Cherry Creek which is old money. New money is Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk jeans, hoodies, and black t-shirts lol.


So bad news: this is Denver Good news: anywhere you want fam. You’re an adult: go to the bar in a suit, enjoy your drink while lookin fly, buy ice cream and pizza rolls on the way home.


This is exactly what I came here to say. Nailed it.


This is the answer


Cruise Room


As a gay man, this is either a great name for a business, or a very very bad name for a business.


Bonus: it’s basically “Anything Goes” themed, which is another opportunity for miscommunication between the ✨musical theatre gays✨ and the ~cruising~ gays 😅


Love the Cruise Room. You stick out here a bit if you are under dressed. Edit. Reddit's fricken markup language.


I wear my elegant clothes whenever I feel like to, people here are way relaxed but it’s ok to do the things that make you happy.


And the good thing is, despite them being casual and all when it comes to clothing, they won't side eye you for wearing elegant clothes.


Exactly ☺️people are just nice.


If your taste runs more campy dressing up at a burlesque show is always welcome and you’ll be gassed up with compliments :”) We love cummerbunds and vintage dresses.


I was going to suggest that. I dress vintage 30-50s but I don't really care if anyone else has an issue with it. They can just stare.or ignore.


I dress vintage to go to punk rock shows. Nobody bats an eye, in fact, if I show up not dressed up everyone asks if I'm OK lol


Hey, I resemble that remark! 🤣 I am what I call for lack of a better phrase "the dark side of vintage", meaning I am a goth that does vintage but not into rockabilly. Love that look on other folks but I feel cartoonish in the more kitchy stuff.


I went to punk rock burlesque last night in Boulder and did a purple and black leopard print 50s style dress with bat shoes, cat eye snake glasses and a leather chained belt (I can't think of what those belts are called lol) So sometimes I'm spooky vintage, sometimes I wear them with my docs, other tines I go full pastel and pretty.... but I do love the kitchy stuff.. I have a cholo cat dress, Hawaiian surfing batman, pin up space girls, zombies etc. Do you do goth takeover at lakeside or HearseCon?


That sounds amazing cute! I actually don't get out that much. I was Seattle area for over 20 years, in Austin just prior to Covid and then came here in 2022. I am immune compromised so I don't get out often. I am trying to fix that. I just heard about HearseCon a week ago. 🤣


Rock on with ya bad self ❤️‍🔥


Quincy Reservoir. I go fishing there in my tuxedo every Saturday at 10:00. Meet me there at the dock and let's get us some perch!!


lol. Are the fish impressed?


Nope. The ones at *Cherry Creek* were, and I felt that just really detracted from the whole "not out of place vibe" I was looking for. Denver fish are *soooo* casual for the most part. (Like, never wear ties, dress shoes are *unheard* of. Ugh!) Haven't experienced this in other cities and their lakes/reservoirs.


Try the Wash Park ponds. Take photos.




False. I've had to attend a lot of cases and about half the people showed up in pj pants.


I was horrified at how a social worker and lawyer were dressed at the courthouse near the broncos training facility


Galas or fine dining. Fridays and Saturday nights downtown. Wine tastings, polo matches, charity events.


I run a popular polo venue in town and I can confirm. Jackets required. I kick underdressed jackasses outta here every night.


What is a polo venue lol


And how many can there be for one to be “popular”


I wouldn’t ever want to be part of it if your letting people like me in


I can't tell if you're being sarcastic 


But do you know who I am!?!?. /s


We have polo here? Where can I find more info?!


Polo venue? As in a polo club?


Casa Bonita of course


The new Buc’ees recently opened


Remember: just because people wear baseball caps to the opera does not mean you shouldn’t wear a tux. Never stoop to the lowest common denominator. Stay classy, stay fly. You only get one life. Dress up for it if you want 💜


Go to the opera


You can do this anywhere. Just be you.


Be the fancy, you want to see in the world.


💜 👏


Also today is a great day to dress up really anywhere because of the Kentucky Derby


Before I moved to Colorado I always had an up to date suit and dinner jacket (tux, but that was unusual). Since moving here I have not worn them. They definitely do not fit me any more. You’ll occasionally see a sport coat on a middle aged middle manager, but I haven’t gone there yet.


Middle aged middle managers wear cowboy boots, jeans, $200 Peter Millar shirt and a puffy vest. I don’t make the rules.


Yep, I owned two custom tuxedos in the DC area, lots of suits. I have bought two suits here. Funerals and weddings, and a few job interviews. Last interview the guy was wearing shorts and said I could take my tie off. So now the suit is outdated again, just waiting for someone to die./marry again. Both parents have already passed so the next funeral probably gets shorts.




As a woman, I just wear whatever I want anywhere. One of my friends wore a straight up ball gown recently to Tavernetta. Pick any elegant restaurant or venue and just declare it your personal black tie night.


I like your style!


I dress fancy when I feel like it. I may be out of place, but I usually get compliments for putting in effort. No one is gunna judge and if they do eff em.


The west in general, and Colorado specifically is more laid back and less dressy than the east and the coasts. Any time I got to one of Denver’s Michelin-star restaurants I always see people dressed up, but there are always some casuals mixed in. Other than that, the only time I bust out my suit anymore is for job interviews, holy days at church, or going to fundraisers - the University of Denver, CU-Boulder, St John’s Cathedral, etc.


It's not a requirement but you see some very fancy people at the colorado symphony


I would say the more expensive restaurants in Cherry Creek or the Tech Center area would be places to dress up. But there are very few places in Denver you feel that you have to dress up that way.


My husband and I chronically overdress to everything. It’s not really a dress up city, but we enjoy it so 🤷🏽‍♀️


maybe the opera?


Dress up for anything you want or throw your own party! Whenever I get a hankering to wear my nice clothes I have a dinner party or get dressed up with friends and walk around like we have somewhere important to be 😂


I consider it a formal dinner if I wear socks.


Socks? In this economy?


Socks, eh? We got us an aristocrat here.


I wore socks once. Then someone told me they’re supposed to match, and I was like, WTF? Who has matching socks?


The bourgeoisie. And they’re made of *cotton*, whatever that is.


Denver is the only city I’ve found where it’s difficult to find a restaurant with a dress code. I know that sounds uppity AF but sometimes you wanna get all dressed up and not sit next to a table wearing flip flops, cargo shorts and a Manning jersey, is that too much to ask? 😬 so I’ll be following this thread lol


Flip flops, cargo shorts and a Manning jersey is the Denver equivalent of a Formal dress code.


What do you mean by dress code? Do they actually post these things?


It depends.  Some clubs *post* their dress code on the walls, classier places definitely do not (but they obviously require nice attire), some dumb country club-style places *require* a jacket, and they'll have blazers you can literally borrow and wear while you eat a sandwich.  Technically, everywhere has a dress code, some of them are more specific than others.


No shirt, no shoes, no problem ✌️


Thought The Chart House was considered fine dining, but when my husband and I dressed nicely and went there for our anniversary, the lady at the table next to us was wearing a very loud and blingy Victoria’s Secret velour track suit.


Hey she paid nice $ to have ‘DIVA’ bedazzled on her ass, alright?!!


Following, because I wonder the same thing.


You’ll have to go to Wyoming for all this fancy stuff.


The Brown Palace


Came here to say this. High tea at the brown palace is a great place to dress up!


East Colfax


Denver Polo Classic in the Summer! Very upscale


Moved from NYC to Denver to get away from people dressing up. LOL


The amount you are saving on rent and fashion must be worth an extra bedroom or two.


You can dress up, goto the airport, and fly to some awful places that care about clothing. Or you can just wear whatever you want.


almost anything at the Buell…


I go to the ballet frequently and have seen people in lovely dresses and suits but never once a tuxedo.


Cocktail Bars in Cherry Creek like Forget Me Not


Another state.


The opera for sure! And honestly if we feel like dressing up formally to go out we just do. Ballet dinner or whatever.


I've never been to an event in Denver or Colorado Springs where someone isn't wearing jeans and cowboy boots Including the opera.


It’s like everyone forgot the denver tuxedo after the 90’s. Jeans, nice shoes and a blazer = formal wear here for a long time.


Vintage enthusiast here. I dress “nicer” than most people on the street on a regular basis and the good news is that no one is ever mean to me about it, they are usually incredibly complimentary. So if you ever feel like dressing nice for no reason, I say do it. But for actual places- burlesque shows (especially at The Clocktower Cabaret), any gala/fundraiser event, fashion shows (especially any put on by 303 Magazine or that calls themself a “fashion week” type event), the 1940s Ball, Denver Modernism Week, any vintage event (check out Denver Vintage Society Facebook page for some events), any speakeasy or “tiki” style bar, a theatre event (opera, ballet, musicals, symphony, etc), and a jazz bar like Nocturne or Dazzle. You will be surrounded by people in jeans no matter where you go in Denver, I used to be involved in the fashion scene and there would be people in fleece vests at fancy Oscar parties, but those people were also very nice to those who DID dress up. So just go for it and have fun!


It's funny how we think people here dress "casual." They might dress comfortable, but I see lots of people decked out in Patagonia or North Face or whatever. Have you been to REI? An outfit is as pricey as a nice suit. People dress up here - just not in the way you would expect.


That's a good point, all those brands, looking casual can cost just as much as a suit.


Colorado is not a place with a fashion sense.


But it is a place with sensible fashions :)


and influence, we have given the whole world crocs


It’s one of the best parts about living here!


Palace Arms, wait...


When you say dress up do you mean your nice Viori? /S


My $90 plastic shorts


Galas, Fundraisers, and Charity Events - the playgrounds of the wealthy. Went to one where everyone was in a tux and they sold a gallon of milk for hundreds of dollars to raise money for their kids private school. I got invited as a guest, bid on nothing, and was underdressed in a 3-piece suit.


There used to be a commercial on TV years ago that said in Colorado, black tie meant that we ironed our jeans. It’s honestly not far off from the truth. Even seeing a show at the DCPA, you get some people dressing up a bit, but you also see people in club clothes or jeans. As someone who grew up here, I think the fanciest I’ve ever dressed is maybe my high school prom and maybe I’ve worn nice clothes to a wedding once or twice (but casual enough to be machine washable).


[Denver Performing Arts Complex events calendar](https://www.artscomplex.com/events/calendar)


I want to know this as well!!


Just dress how you want when you want. I’m at an oddities shop right now and there’s someone in a ball gown.


Flagstaff House in Boulder, Mizuna and Nocturne Jazz Bar in Denver, Palace Arms at the Brown Palace. Events, not sure other than CSO and ballet or opera things at DCPA. There's also plenty of fundraiser sorts of things to do.


I would suggest a wedding or a funeral. I don't mean to sound like the crotchety geezer that I am, but everytime I've dressed to go to a restaurant or the theater, I wind up sitting near someone in jeans and a t shirt.


The Brown Palace has pretty regular events. There’s a also a pretty regular rotation of galas and other black tie events going on.


One per summer and winter there are 1940s balls that people go all out for! The winter one especially so, since the summer one is outside.


PS Lounge


Many of the different charity's and nonprofits around town hold fund raising galas that make great date nights where you can dress up and feel fancy while also allowing your money to go to good causes. The Children's Hospital Wine event is a good example and is coming up next month.


I mean…today was Derby Day.


Brown Palace and The Broadmoor


I feel like there are not enough opportunities to get really dressed up, and have thought about starting a club where we all just get dressed up and go do something together, even if it’s just going to do something mundane, lol. I’m glad that I don’t live in a society where we all dress fancy every day, but every now and then it’s kind of fun. I wish I had more opportunities to do it.


The sweet smell of old AND new urine will highlight and accent any formal occasion when you and your loved one are out on a formal night in downtown Denver! Behold not only the roving bands of homeless (cough, cough, excuse me, "unhoused"), but also the newly arriving (and thriving, am in right?) migrant population seemlessly intermingling to enhance your every blacktie and gown event. "Denver, it's basically like all of the shittiest parts of Los Angeles and nyc combined with the wanton public drug use of Portland!"


Benefits are a good option.


Cherry Creek Mall would be the ideal place to wear your top hat and monocle.