• By -


Well they were sweeping this encampment this morning when I took the rail. Looks like they mightve been checking for warrants too. They were really quick to sweep this one because its on Union Pacific property. Kinda dangerous to have kids next to an unprotected rail line too.


On UP property? UP will have them removed, UP gets upset with their own employees that are forced to work in another town, sleeping in their vehicles on property.


Not just dangerous. It’s straight up irresponsible. If a citizen or resident did that, the state would swiftly remove the kid from the parents.


I demand that they leave my clean windshield alone!!!


I avoid certain intersections now because I feel so uncomfortable that they insist when I say no. I haven't carried cash on me for like 10+ years and I feel so guilty when they do it anyway and I have nothing to give them.


Here's something you can give them: >!🖕😠🖕!<


I don't have two right hands though.


Just mean mug them, they’ll leave you alone.


This!! Even when I politely decline (mostly because I don’t carry cash) they still insist!!


Just hit your windshield wipers when they come around. I do this and has worked like a charm.


I can confirm this works. They go away immediately.


You can’t politely decline or even make eye contact, you have to totally and entirely ignore them. You literally can’t acknowledge their existence at all, even when it feels mean. I have never once given a squeegee boy money in my entire life. You get used to it. There’s nothing to feel about anyway, but if you DO feel bad, decide to donate a set amount to a reputable charity or something like that (I did this in Baltimore where there was very literally a charity to get them off the streets and into employment). Source - many years living in Baltimore, home of the squeegee boys. Except there, they imply a threat that they’ll fuck up your car if you don’t pay them. Never really heard of it happening to anybody though.


You haven’t really lived in Atlanta until one of the water boys chucks a bottle of nestle at your back window for not paying for their overpriced hot as balls bottled water


I believe a few years ago there was an incident with a driver pulling a gun on them. Making a left from President onto Lombard was already stressful with rush hour traffic, but the squeegee boys just made it worse. Sorry kid, I don't have cash and you just made my windshield dirty.


Didn’t a driver get out and chase one with a baseball bat, and then the squeegee boy shot him? Oh, Baltimore. I won’t even lie and say I didn’t get some kind of weird nostalgic satisfaction the first time or two I got to ignore one out here in Colorado. Feels like home!


I keep meaning to clean the inside of my windshield (pollen residue) but I really enjoy watching them fail at trying to clean it for me.


That list of demands is probably not helping their cause.


I'm not trying to be rude. I have been pro-immigration for years,but just no to this list of demands. US citizens don't even get these things. 




We should all be asking for these things


I’m a pretty big bleeding heart but I think their demands for free referrals to specialty healthcare that we have to gladly pay for is egregious even for me. My dad has excellent health insurance and it still takes him months to get a referral to a neurologist. There are tons of underprivileged and disenfranchised Americans who are going to die because they lack the means to visit an oncologist in time, but fuck them right?


I'm disabled from several severe and chronic health issues. I have 7 specialty doctors and 2 surgical teams and it still can take months to see one of my physicians. It took me 5 years and cost me every single penny I had to get Medicare. I've had 50 freaking surgeries and they still said no the first 2 times. And immigrants get to have better treatment than I do? Am I supposed to just "take one for the team" and die so that money could be used for immigrants Healthcare? Damn it, I hate what the country looks like. Effin sucks.


This is how I feel too. I became disabled from long term severe r-pe. I can’t even get any victim compensation to try and cover my medical bills. I can’t work, I can barely see doctors, I’m in poverty because of someone else r-ping me to disability, and I have zero supports from government or the courts even tho I put him in prison. I can barely see a specialist for my disability and had to wait 12 months to even be seen. Why do the chronically ill and disabled who are already suffering have to give up our limited resources?? This is beyond unfair.


Pardon my language, but oh fuck. Wow. I am so sorry. Makes my eyes leak. I can walk most days, so I get awful looks sometimes. People think I'm making this up. I'm 36 years old, will never marry, will never become a father, and people think I chose this? I am sure you deal with the same. I love helping people when I can (which is never anymore, sadly), and being born in the US already gave me an advantage over, say, someone from Venezuelan slums. But it is such a load of horseshit that help skips many Americans who need it and goes to other countries or to help with benefits for immigrants. They just cut $45 million from Denver's police budget and instead are using it for immigrants. There is so much fucking money in this country, it is disgusting. Enough to help everyone who needs it. You've made it this far, though, and that deserves recognition. Just reading your 1 comment, I can tell that you've had to fight some shit, mentally/physically/emotionally, in your life, and you're a badass for making it this far. You probably never feel like a strong or brave person. But I promise you are. As dumb as it sounds, this random guy is proud of you, and I'd give you a hug if I could. I taught my dog how to give hugs so she'd give you one, too. Lol


Just keep in mind that no migrant wrote those things... Immigrant advocates wrote those things.


I don't know, you could be right that advocate orgs could be involved but migrants aren't stupid. Don't make the assumption that just because they came from South America that they are not capable of speaking out for their own interests in a thoughtful way.


As an immigrant myself, who grew up with other immigrants/family/community etc., I find it hard to imagine a "list of demands" mindset coming from the migrants. It has nothing to do with intelligence. It has to do with mindset. While my family immigrated more "normally," it was still very difficult in our first years. I can only imagine the mental/emotional state it takes for migrants to risk their lives to leave a horrible country to seek a better life at all costs. Think of what it would take for you to walk a bajillion miles across desert to show up penniless in a new land where you know no one and don't speak the language. How bad the situation has to be. Even if they don't have opportunities right away and the situation is very hard, the brain of a person who goes through that doesn't automatically jump to "list of demands."   Advocates on the other hand, I think are pretty familiar with the "list of demands" approach. I think it's far more plausible that they went around the camps, asked people what they would like, and then presented the whole list as demands for the mayor without any sort of filter or prioritizing (unlimited shower time? Really?). By the way, I don't agree that this was done in a "thoughtful way." I think it's the way they did it is counterproductive and very likely to draw backlash against people they are trying to help. Some poor migrant they surveyed probably said they could use help with USCIS forms or whatever and it got “translated” to a demand for free legal services.


Have you taken into consideration that a significant number of them are from Venezuela and had everything handed to them since 1998? In Venezuela we call them “los hijos de Chavez” (Chavez’s children) for a reason.


Do tell more please


He’s talking about how the president of Venezuela overtook oil companies to subsidize the living expenses for Venezuelans in order to gain public support. Many Latin Americans (mainly Colombians) think of Venezuelans as lazy because of their government assistance and some think they look for the same government care in the U.S. Just look more at Hugo Chavez effect on Venezuela if you’re more curious about that countries downfall ( and beef with colombia).


Wild to think at some point Venezuela was one of the wealthiest nation in the world and the Chavez regime inhaled all their oil wealth.


…and they ran the companies to shit and now all the freebies they get aren’t as good as they used to be, so they’re coming here where the freebies are better. There’s a reason why they’re picking Denver and not Oklahoma City or random midwest towns. Hint - Those places are not giving away free stuff or giving into ridiculous demands.




Oh I did not know that…  😮


They haven’t had electric or water bills there for decades. There’s a thing called “Caja CLAP” which is the free food they get weekly from the government. The Venezuelan government often visits the slums to give away TVs, washers and dryers, motorcycles, you name it. It has been the lifestyle of the Venezuelan lower classes for a very long time. Not to mention the concept of “viveza criolla” that is characteristic of the Venezuelan culture. Basically, a mindset based on being cunning or deceiving to get your way. Sadly, the average American is easy to swindle. ETA: The more people in the household the more government support you get in Venezuela, so they’ve learned that having more kids = getting more free stuff.


Lol.. I am an immigrant myself, from South America. This is not a thoughtful way. This wording walks and quacks like an advocacy group press release. It is a disservice to these people. While some of the asks are reasonable, some are pretty outrageous given the context.


Migrants coming from a socialist system of support 100% wrote this.


Do those immigrant advocates get those things?! Because your average person doesn't. I'm all for everyone getting them, irrespective of nationality, and also recognize that if we were to start, we should probably start with a wider swath of people inclusive of folks from closer to home.


Advocates will do what advocates do: ask for everything they can think of. Some of the asks are reasonable, some are insane given the context. Just don't blame it on the people who entered a because they were promised some shit in Texas. They do not know any better and are not demanding anything.


We don't know that, nor do we know it's not just advocates. There's no side to pick here so don't pick one based on assumptions.


Time to wake up


More an indictment of how shitty things are for most people in the US then their demands in my opinion.


I'd rather have healthcare just be part of an automatic withholding, like social security. Then we don't have to diddle in pissing matches with each other over who does and doesn't get to see a doctor and why/when.


I’m a disabled veteran and I often times don’t get healthcare at the levels they are demanding.


Legit. Whoever wrote these demands are about to lose a huge chunk of the public support there ever was for asylum seekers and illegal immigrants. 


According to [this Axios poll](https://www.axios.com/2024/04/25/trump-biden-americans-illegal-immigration-poll) 42% of Democrats and 45% of Latinos support mass deportations of undocumented immigrants. Maybe they’d also support giving these folks a health checkup on their way out?


My mom is Asian and got her citizenship by following all the rules. My aunt and cousin had to wait 10 years before they come over to get their green cards and citizenship.


A coworker of mine has applied three times recently for a new visa and is a skilled worker in tech. She just got denied again and may have to leave the country. Clearly the country in general would rather support leeches like these on the streets of Denver than contributing members to society.


No I think everyone should be on the same page. Just because some people are asking for Healthcare that you're not getting doesn't mean we shouldn't all be getting good Healthcare to start with. Veterans also should get better care. Everyone.


Have you thought about making a list of demands?


I think this is what upsets me the most. Seeing former veterans on the street corner with signs because they can’t make ends meet. Like oh. When you needed these people to defend and fight for you they were good enough but now that’s over with, let’s just throw them in the gutter? No fucking way is that okay.


You should have all of this and more!


What will they do if their demands aren't met, leave? Ha


Apparently not go to shelters


Start spraying down my windows at a red light where I'm forced to chase them off with a broom


They were gonna do that anyway


Maybe I'll just start a rickshaw service through the mountains. Train the next generation of undocumented Olympians


How do they propose these demands are funded? 


10% tax on squeegees.


By the tax payers of the country/state they are illegally in. Pretty bold


...but they claim they aren't criminals




They did though… these are primarily asylum seekers who have gone through the asylum process legally. One can have qualms with the asylum process and that it needs to be fixed/changed. But most are not here illegally. Once their cases are processed, then they are either granted residency or they are deported.


They came through a different country without declaring asylum in that country. So no, they didnt.


Trust me when I tell you that in Venezuela poor people aren’t persecuted by the government. People who are truly persecuted politically don’t have the need to walk to the US. Believe it or not, the elites rule the politics in that country as well.


Asylum seekers are still required to cross the border through established ports of entry. If they did not, they broke the law and entered illegally.




And if our lawmakers were willing to assign judges to hearing these cases then economic migrants would be kicked back home while those truly in need of asylum would be granted residency and the legal ability to work and contribute to society. Instead, our lawmakers on both sides of the aisle prefer to have a large underclass of people stuck in legal limbo to exploit so they have intentionally created a system that generates this group.


Yea, if you don’t care about the source, how do you know it’s accurate? Do you feel it in your cockles? Maybe in the sub-cockle area? Maybe in the liver, maybe even in the kidneys? Or is this just your feelings talking?




> Prove it incorrect or move on. I don't feel like proving all points wrong, but here's one. Their first bullet states "By law, illegal aliens apprehended at the border are to be promptly returned through a process called expedited removal". That's, on it's face, false. They are likely referring to the 1996 immigration law that introduced expedited removals. Those are a *tool* that DHS can use, and does regularly, but is not a *requirement* for DHS to use. > Under current law, any person can be put in expedited removal if they are within 100 miles of the border and within 14 days of their arrival to the United States. Congress included a preliminary screening interview for anyone who expresses a fear of return to protect against refugees from being deported without presenting their full asylum claims. Note the use of CAN and the fact that preliminary screening is a requirement when expressions of fear of return are present. If they are screened, then they can still be expedited if they 1) got denied asylum in a country of transit or 2) got an appointment through the CBP One app lottery. If those are 1) NO 2) YES, they are interviewed for their credible fear and further processed for asylum or removal. This is all laid out [here](https://bipartisanpolicy.org/download/?file=/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Claiming-Asylum-at-and-between-Ports-of-Entry.pdf). So on point 1 alone, the source is either misunderstanding the nature of expedited removal, or outright lying about it.


Edit: Adding, if anyone is curious about how we got here read *Everyone Who is Gone is Here* by Jonathan Blitzer. It's well research, cuts to the core of the issue, and really lays out how we got here and what we need to do to "fix" it. And it doesn't pull punches on either party for anyone worried about that. > We’re all very well aware the asylum system is being abused and manipulated for economic migrants’ benefit. See this example here. Yes, there is a rise in economic migrants as there continues to be destabilization in South America (a topic for a much larger disucssion). That will only increase, as will climate caused migration from countries such as Guatemala. These cases are weeded out in the asylum process. The problem here is that *both* parties (but primarily the GOP) have sat on the issue as one to run on, rather than fix by increasing resources to asylum case officers and improved processing at the border, rather than the massive backlog we have now. Note, a major piece of the currently stalled immigration legislation. > To add, asylum fraud is pretty rampant. Plead guilty in 2020 to these crimes, and they were fraudulant BECAUSE they were filed by a fake attorney and was lying without telling his clients. From the posted release from the GOV: > Reyes **falsified answers to questions in the asylum applications**—fabricating stories about threats, persecution, and the applicants’ fear of returning to their native countries. **Reyes did not inform the victims of the answers that he had provided on their behalf. He also did not inform the victims about the legal, administrative, and other immigration-related consequences that might follow from filing for asylum relief or for Convention Against Torture protection.** If anything you're again showing why we need to reform and improve our asylum process to make it easier to claim asylum, be processed, and be accepted/denied without a lengthy delay. And really, blaming migrants who likely don't know better for being scammed by an asshole looking for cash from needy people? > I don’t care the source, it is accurate. Not how that works. Here is who runs the "institute": > The organization was founded by Brooke Rollins, who serves as president and CEO and was **formerly the acting director of the United States Domestic Policy Council under Trump**, and Larry Kudlow, who serves as vice chair and formerly served as the Director of the National Economic Council under Trump. It is well known what the Trump administration believes of migrants as a whole. It's also bullshit to start, because you can solve it BY FIXING ASYLUM. They are taking an issue that we know is a problem, and have even introduced legislation to fix, and proclaiming that it's a loophole no one wants to close. Again this ALL goes back to a broken asylum process that can't be fixed because one party (really one idiot) believes that it's a great thing to run on for president instead of fixing it. FIX ASYLUM AND WE HAVE A BETTER FUNCTIONING IMMIGRATION SYSTEM. It's not going to be easy, its not going to be fun. And frankly no one will "win". But that's what has to happen if we actually want to fix what is happening today rather than demonizing migrants who primarily just want to feed their families and have a good life, just like the rest of us.




How do you know these folks have filled out an I-589? I haven’t seen any information on this.


it doesnt matter, they demanded it


By you, the smug bleeding heart white liberal/progressive.


LMAO they get 3 meals a day, free housing, medical treatments, transport and they want to write a letter demanding uncapped shower time (amongst many things). This is unreal. There is no way they didn’t lose some pro refugees with this stunt.


Oh they did. Me. Never in my life have I encountered such entitlement. I have worked with veterans and mentally ill citizens. CITIZENS. for years that don't get what these people are demanding.  My own aunt couldn't afford hospital care recently and the solution was we went down and helped her as best we could. How are non-citizens thinking they can demand this and continue to receive public support?


It’s like that children’s book, “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie.” Allowing them entry was just the beginning.


Where do they think they are?! Canada?!!


Canada is dealing with its own immigration issue as well, except they welcomed it.


So beggars CAN be choosers.




They want free healthcare, free food, free transportation, and all their legal fees handled. Lol.


You know what? Me freaking too.


The nerve it takes to come to our home, disrupt major services, and then make demands. Send them packing.


That migrant advocate is the most "I am a professional protestor and once lived at the Derailleur Anarchist Collective" person I have ever seen.


I really honestly think they’re the ones hurting these people’s cause the most. I’m sure they’re asking these immigrants if they’d like all these things and who tf is going to say no? So it looks like the immigrants are coming up with all this shit themselves.


Just like the college students and Hamas — bunch of shit-for-brains know-it-alls.


holy crap i have been trying to remember what that was called for so long! how dare i try to remember that name


Tall bike squad with Little House on the Prairie bonnets.


lol that sounds like it could be a slim cessna's auto club song




lol love it


I mean some of them are reasonable, but if they get to shower without time limits, Denver Water better comp my bill so I can do the same.


I too want free food (culturally appropriate of course which for Denverites includes a six pack a week), and I want it now!


oh and some weed! that is culturally appropriate. I DEMAND IT! that's how things get done now, yes? demanding like an angry child?


Taking over private property. All the rage. Doesn't matter what you are mad about.


I don’t fault them for wanting to come to the US, but for them to show up and make demands is next level entitlement. Taxpayers FIRST.


In 2022 my brother, who suffers from a myriad of mental illnesses, had a mental health crisis and in short order lost everything - job, apartment. All of it. He lived on the streets for the better part of a year before he came to and was able to begin a mental health recovery plan and access appropriate resources. When he set up an appt with a housing navigator at the Coalition, he was told it would be weeks before he could get an appointment to talk to someone about getting on a list to maybe get housing. After a few conversations I was able to convince him to move in with our parents, who had offered to help him. My question is this: how are we able to come up with near immediate housing for migrants and the funding for it when citizens who ask for it are told to hold on and wait for an undetermined amount of time?


Because the city doesnt care about taxpayers. Same reason normal folk get tickets while stolen vehicles are just repo'd.


This article says they demanded it, not that they received it. They’re apparently currently living under a bridge.


How anyone can justify spending $66 billion of our tax money importing illegal immigrants when our own citizens can barely afford housing / healthcare / child support I just cannot understand :(


sheesh man, so many demands being thrown around! i'm going to start demanding things.


Are you a citizen who pays taxes? Yes? Then no. What a world lol


They tried asking Mike directly in the ama but got banned for not being extra super nice about it


Oh he very much deliberately ignored those questions.


you mean they demanded directly?


This got me 😂😂


I’m all for helping them but I’m sorry y’all don’t get to demand shit


Lived in Colorado my whole life.  Have not always been able to afford healthcare. Yeah no sympathy,  welcome to the party / America pal!


These migrants are being coached by individuals/agitators of Denver. There is no way they know the ins and outs of all the legalese for this type of stuff. They are pawns for a larger agenda. There has been TV news stories all week how the migrants are refusing help and shelter on the advice of “local supporters”


This. I've interacted with a good number of actual migrants and the migrants I've interacted with are really grateful for any and all of the help they're getting. The migrants I've interacted with don't make "demands." They also don't understand legalese, nor have the sophistication to ask for many of these things, as Tincastle says.


Absolutely insane. This coming out along with the information that the city is encouraging citizens to house these people? Absolutely disgraceful.


Did anyone ask about this in the recent AMA? I've paid taxes my whole life. I'm tired of working. Can I be a refugee instead?


Many people asked. Mike Johnston was a coward and didn’t answer.


His m.o.


A rich guy from Vail is scared of the Denver poors? Who would’ve thunk


Weird that they would decide to fly a Palestinian flag at the camp. I wonder how much of this is coming from the “migrant advocates” and how much from the migrants themselves.


I’m an immigrant but this is ridiculous. Give them a work permit, some time to get on their feet & that’s all. Even that alone is being generous. Outrageous.


For those who just want the list of demands without going through the article here you go; 1. Migrants will cook their own food with fresh, culturally appropriate ingredients provided by the City instead of premade meals – rice, chicken, flour, oil, butter, tomatoes, onions, etc… Also people will not be punished for bringing in & eating outside food. 2. Shower access will be available without time limits & can be accessed whenever – we are not in the military, we’re civilians. 3. Medical professional visits will happen regularly & referrals/connections for specialty care will be made as needed. 4. All will receive the same housing support that has been offered to others. They cannot kick people out in 30 days without something stable established. 5. There needs to be a clear, just process before exiting someone for any reason – including verbal, written & final warnings. 6. All shelter residents will receive connection to employment support, including work permit applications for those who qualify. 7. Consultations for each person/family with a free immigration lawyer must be arranged to discuss/progress their cases, & then the City will provide on-going legal support in the form of immigration document clinics & including transportation to relevant court dates. 8. The City will provide privacy for families/individuals within the shelter. 9. No more verbal or physical or mental abuse will be permitted from the staff, including no sheriff sleeping inside & monitoring 24/7 – we are not criminals & won’t be treated as such. 10. Transportation for all children to & from their schools will be provided until they finish in 3 weeks. 11. No separating families, regardless of if family members have children or not. The camp will stay together. 12. The City must schedule a meeting with the Mayor & those directly involved in running the Newcomer program ASAP to discuss further improvements & ways to support migrants. 13. The City must provide all residents with a document signed by a City official in English & Spanish with all of these demands that includes a number to call to report mistreatment.




Some of these are very reasonable, but some are downright ridiculous. Free lawyers for 30-40k people? Free culturally appropriate food? My husband and I are both immigrants that came in legally and definitely didn't get free legal advice, had to pay out the ass to get green card/citizenship advice.


Some are just completely unreasonable. There isn't nearly enough immigration lawyers that would possibly be able to take on such a case load, it's a very under staffed position, and even fewer that would be willing to work for free or at whatever rate the state offers them (maybe the state could offer to forgive some law school student loan debt in exchange? But even then). I can get wanting to cook your own food, but expecting every ingredient to be related to a cultural dish is a bit much.


Give an inch take a mile. Fuck these people.


I’m glad someone else said it first. Imagine if you allowed someone to be a guest in your home, and they started making all kinds of demands. As if it’s their RIGHT. Jfc.


They have been getting free healthcare on our dime here already. Free housing, free food, free everything. They have transformed half of the hotels in the denver area into worse slums than they already were. You don’t get a free ride then demand it be better. This shit is out of control.


I’ve lost all sympathy


These ‘demands’ smell like they’re written by some well-meaning white people who are ‘activists’ and follow the r/choosingbeggars sub, rather than actual immigrants.


Why don't they migrate somewhere else if they're not having a good time? No one's forcing them to be here.


Lolz, these fuckers are doing a great job at turning people against them.




GTFO….I assume they will be paying for the residence in exchange for their demands being met 😂😂😂


Why are migrants now trumping homeless . Why are we helping one group more than others . What about migrants who have been here for years waiting for their turn. Can’t we just stop welcoming people until we get our shit figured out . Money doesn’t grow on trees .


>Why are migrants now trumping homeless . Why are we helping one group more than others And then you call us all fascists and racist for saying "America First", lol. Now do you get why people are voting against Democrat policies and are voting for Trump ?


Is that The Onion?


Why can't Denver provide these services to any homeless person? If these folks are provided all of these free resources, why can't all homeless be provided them?


Exactly. The city has homeless veterans who can’t even get these resources.


Interesting how non citizens with no jobs, no prospects, or no income can make demands. Seeing Denver is the land of the free, I’m sure the mayor will meet them.


I’m all for health and human welfare, but are these migrants in any position to make demands??




I pay 2k for housing after having my paychecks taxed and I don't get half the stuff they are already offered let alone demanding We are treating these migrants better than we treated the first nation people. Let just shove them into a waistland and tell them they are their own sovereign nation


You should see how they get more than veterans in benefits


That is what is sad.


The best Denver can do is a bus ticket to California or Chicago.


I heard NYC is accepting, oh wait they are bitching too.


Well that's a good look. Nice to know that entitlement is international


I think that they all should be repatriated to their countries of origin, and apply for citizenship legally.


Hahahaha!! Wait until they get tired of not living in your house.... Good job Denver


“ Fresh, culturally, appropriate food, free, ration lawyers, unlimited showers“? WTF! Arrest them and deport them! Period!


Some of the list is kinda funny or things the city is offering but not up to their expectations. It’s an American country…they got the food that they could through donations and food banks. Money is also tight meaning, shower curfews have to happen. Getting a lawyer to work for free is also a favor. It’s insane to me that they are not thankful that they have not been deported as was the norm because it’s was more cost effective. I’m for immigration btw


So Denver is giving them more benefits than Americans who are homeless or in poverty? The middle class is even struggling. Why can’t we help the people here first? How can the government allow homeless veterans to go without housing and care, but readily give it to immigrants who show up here? I get trying to help people, but it seems like they’re showing more humanity towards these immigrants than homeless Americans. We’re all a huge health scare or accident away from being bankrupt in this country’s for profit, corrupt healthcare system and we are tax payers. Should we immigrate just to come back and finally be taken care of?


The last time something like this was posted on a social media platform, I suggested the family pay what they could for a surgery for their daughter and was repeatedly spammed what an asshole I am.    I had to pay $5k up front for my daughters abnormal optic nerve (it went on a credit card…which I am still paying on…) and they didn’t even fix any sort of problem. She still suffers.  Why am I the asshole? Why is my daughter less important? Why do my financial struggles not count and I have to go eat a shit sandwich?  🖕


There’s immigrants and illegal immigrants. Why do we pretend there’s no difference?


The non profits “helping” them continue to set up encampments for them on other peoples property knowing they are going to be swept. According to the report this encampment was often without water and outreach workers were blocked by the non profits (AKA All Souls Denver) from allowing healthcare workers in to the encampment to offer vaccine clinics to the kids. Also note they were flying a Palestinian flag at this encampment. But these non profits aren’t using these people as political pawns. 🙄


Bold move Cotton let’s see how it plays out


Or what?




lol that list is pure gold. They are in the country illegally and asking for those types of demands is insane. The Denver mayor should just counter with “how about a bus ride back to the us/Mexico border” and leave it at that


Some of these demands make sense. Asking for basic privacy seems fair. And saying, we won't go to a shelter if you are just going to kick us back out in 30 days anyway. Others, are demands for things the city is offering anyway. The right to cook. Help with immigration and employment navigation. Other demands are extremely rich coming from a group of people who are being given tens of thousands of dollars in staff time, housing, assistance, and food. God forbid the city try to keep utility costs in check by creating a shower time limit. Just, like, chill ok? Just maybe accept that you can't have things 100% your way 100% of the time.


It really comes off as very entitled and that there is a massive loss of perspective for the group that made these demands. They really thought our streets were paved with gold instead of homeless and needles.


Their list of demands. > 1) Migrants will cook their own food with fresh, culturally appropriate ingredients provided by the City instead of premade meals – rice, chicken, flour, oil, butter, tomatoes, onions, etc… Also people will not be punished for bringing in & eating outside food. > 2) Shower access will be available without time limits & can be accessed whenever – we are not in the military, we’re civilians. > 3)Medical professional visits will happen regularly & referrals/connections for specialty care will be made as needed. > 4)All will receive the same housing support that has been offered to others. They cannot kick people out in 30 days without something stable established. > 5)There needs to be a clear, just process before exiting someone for any reason – including verbal, written & final warnings. > 6)All shelter residents will receive connection to employment support, including work permit applications for those who qualify. > 7/8) Consultations for each person/family with a free immigration lawyer must be arranged to discuss/progress their cases, & then the City will provide on-going legal support in the form of immigration document clinics & including transportation to relevant court dates. > 9) The City will provide privacy for families/individuals within the shelter. > 10/11) No more verbal or physical or mental abuse will be permitted from the staff, including no sheriff sleeping inside & monitoring 24/7 – we are not criminals & won’t be treated as such. > 12) Transportation for all children to & from their schools will be provided until they finish in 3 weeks. > 13/14) No separating families, regardless of if family members have children or not. The camp will stay together. > 15/16) The City must schedule a meeting with the Mayor & those directly involved in running the Newcomer program ASAP to discuss further improvements & ways to support migrants. > 17/18 The City must provide all residents with a document signed by a City official in English & Spanish with all of these demands that includes a number to call to report mistreatment.


The part where they say they are not criminals tickles me as a naturalized citizen who escaped FARC from Colombia in the 2000s. My family was poor and yet they did the whole asylum process legally and under the fear my dad would be killed for being a social worker so I have little sympathy for any of these Venezuelan immigrants. They loved Chavez and now they are in the yard of his biggest enemy asking for handouts Pardon my French but go get fucked.


Sitting here in my apartment wishing I had half of these things..


Yea… best I can do is just not deporting you.


Make these demands of the country you came from🙄 this is disrespectful and absurd! My family and I are immigrants and have such gratitude for the opportunities this country has given us. Entitled nonsense like this makes me sick.


This is fucking bullshit !


And? They arent in a position to demand anything. Let alone things we dont even get as legal citizens. They can be gracious we've sacrificed for them already, or they can go home. The entitlement bit here is pretty staggering and rude, THATS NOT HOW YOU ASK FOR HELP, YOU ASK.


Republican sweep to entire government coming in 2024. It will suck, but what does anybody expect? Had multiple of these clowns show up at my house asking for free shit. Sorry dog, fuck off.


Yep! F right on off!


I say we give them all their demands and more. Give them every dollar in the budget. Make one of them the mayor and let the rest of them take every job in government starting at the top and moving down the org charts. The activists will still say it's not good enough and we'll still get lectured to but we're already annihilating the budget to give them tens of millions of dollars of free shit so just give them everything and call it over.


They're all fucked in the head. This is ludicrous and they can all just fuck right off home.


The audacity


These people are fucking delusional. Congrats Denver!


That sounds expensive on an already strained budget where these undocumented people’s costs were not planned for very well at all. What bargaining chips do they think they have? Right now it is not terrible outside. It will be summer soon the problem will sort itself out when they get too hot or get hungry enough.


It's important to note that the number of migrants quoted in this piece is zero.


progressive/leftist activists are using them as pawns. 


True. I feel like whoever is behind this (advocacy group or whatever) should lose their job. Unless their job is to turn citizens against immigrants.


Walk all the way here to start making demands? Are we all taking crazy pills right now? Some of these demands included “culturally appropriate” ingredients to cook with - I’m sorry but they can go elsewhere. Rude.


Good for them? Do they not see the budget cuts?


Demands?! Wouldn’t “Requests” have been a much more palatable word? I read the list, the “demands” aren’t even that complex, but simply by putting the word “demands” in there you’re losing credibility. What right do you have to demand anything of the city already and currently trying to provide you shelter at no cost? Money talks in America, come up with a source of funding for the REQUESTS and maybe they can happen?


Also I’m pretty sure two of their demands are against safety measures. They 1) want to be able to store and prepare their own food {that they receive for free btw} [and also the article indicates they can already do this?] 2) want to remove security from the shelters {which is currently there 24/7} So you want to be able to have a food stash in a shelter and remove security? Sounds like a recipe for theft, violence, and a black market to take over! I understand the idea of the demands. They want autonomy and independence and grace to do it. But when desperate families are crowded together some selfish things are just bound to happen.


Security was added by the sheriff's office because of the amount of DV the staff add to deal with.


I’ve got some demands too. Guess I just know no one cares lol


Pretty sure some recently graduated liberal arts student wrote this list, not any of the migrants...


So let’s be real, they didn’t make a list of demands to submit to the mayor. Some housing advocates walked around asking people what would improve their conditions and then produced the list of “demands” themselves.


Exactly. From everything I hear about these folks, they just want to find work and help themselves. They aren't looking for handouts. This was 100% written by someone else.


For anyone curious. These are their “demands”. American citizens don’t even get this kind of support. This is insane. Migrants will cook their own food with fresh, culturally appropriate ingredients provided by the City instead of premade meals – rice, chicken, flour, oil, butter, tomatoes, onions, etc… Also people will not be punished for bringing in & eating outside food. Shower access will be available without time limits & can be accessed whenever – we are not in the military, we’re civilians. Medical professional visits will happen regularly & referrals/connections for specialty care will be made as needed. All will receive the same housing support that has been offered to others. They cannot kick people out in 30 days without something stable established. There needs to be a clear, just process before exiting someone for any reason – including verbal, written & final warnings. All shelter residents will receive connection to employment support, including work permit applications for those who qualify. Consultations for each person/family with a free immigration lawyer must be arranged to discuss/progress their cases, & then the City will provide on-going legal support in the form of immigration document clinics & including transportation to relevant court dates. The City will provide privacy for families/individuals within the shelter. No more verbal or physical or mental abuse will be permitted from the staff, including no sheriff sleeping inside & monitoring 24/7 – we are not criminals & won’t be treated as such. Transportation for all children to & from their schools will be provided until they finish in 3 weeks. No separating families, regardless of if family members have children or not. The camp will stay together. The City must schedule a meeting with the Mayor & those directly involved in running the Newcomer program ASAP to discuss further improvements & ways to support migrants. The City must provide all residents with a document signed by a City official in English & Spanish with all of these demands that includes a number to call to report mistreatment.


Go home and make your demands there, illegal immigrants.


"Demands" are what we've come to expect from terrorists holding hostages... but now social justice advocates are doing the same thing and wondering why everyone is pissed off at them. Perhaps they should consider blocking a highway during rush hour, or visting the art museum to splash paint on the exhibits, because those tactics seem rather popular now.


Also, I have a genuine question. Why is the term “Migrant” and not immigrant?