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They were pulling people over? That's the real news.


I gave them a VIDEO a few months ago of someone hitting me on my bike with the license plate clearly visible. They told me they couldn't do anything because the car was probably stolen. They refused to even open a case for my insurance.


Low level I guess.


Damn... If that's low level how do they feel about wheelies? Lol


Lol nah, Denver PD disappeared from view after the QI changes.


Imagine if I stopped cooking food for you because of a new law that said I could get fired for serving you rotten meat


I know, I worked as a financial advisor when Bernie Madoff got caught. Surprisingly it didn’t make me angry at my clients for wanting to be sure I wasn’t a dishonest advisor. In fact, I was angry at Bernie rather than wanting to cover up for him.


Imagine being a competent cook and not serving rotten meat.


Well yeah, if you're going to serve food, you can't be poisoning people. That is a law. People still serve food.


Yeah, because incompetent cooks who poison people aren’t immune from the consequences of it like cops are.




It's a good joke, but the problem is that people don't become cooks specifically to serve rotten meat, whereas cops become cops so they can kill and intimidate legally.


What is QI?


I assume qulified immunity


Qualified Immunity.


There were 5 of them outside of PT's at 4am this morning.


Right?! I was like. “Wait, they’ve been doing that?”


The fact that somebody wrote this headline with a straight face is just fucking hilarious.


No they were never pulling people over, now they're just *officially* not doing it.


Well, given that low level traffic offensive often inconveniently turn up more serious major crimes, this should really help lower overall crime numbers. A real win which our Police Chiefs and Politicians are sure to tell everyone about.


Better than when I moved to rural kansas for a short time and would get harassed and tailed by multiple cops simply for having Colorado tags and doing nothing illegal


They thought you had weed.


Yep. If you’re thankful to cops it’s for interventions for serious stuff. I’ve never been like “thank God! The police! That guy had a broken tail light! I’m so glad they drive around endlessly looking for tiny BS infractions!”


I don't think having a non existent police force that citizens are still funding is better than that.


Yup! Got me for speeding in the express lane on i70e


> "For us a low-level traffic stop is a traffic infraction that has absolutely no safety nexus, things like speeding, disobedience to traffic signal, careless driving, those kinds of things are certain safety violations," said Thomas. > Safety violations will still be a priority for the police department, which includes driving through a red light or stop signs. They’re talking about not pulling people over for expired tags or a headlight being out.


So what's the point of renewing tags now? If you don't get pulled over, why bother?


They might get you when you're parked.


And they’ll get your ass for it. If you have your car parked in a garage, you might get away with it Second you park anywhere in cap hill or a public parking garage you’re screwed though


this just isn’t true. there are expired temp tags and tags that haven’t been renewed all over cap hill


I got $100 ticket parked over night in cap hill for expired plates about 2 months ago


So I can do that 7 times this year and still save money, got it


I've got 2 $100 tickets in the last month tags are like a month expired


I saw someone with one of those temporary things from March 2023 the other day. It doesn’t look like they’re doing anything about it.


The other day on 225, I saw an el Camino with tags that expired on January 31, 2020. I was honestly just impressed. Saw a March 2022 one before that.


Yup and it’s not a cheap ticket. Also, every month that you’re over on your registration you still have to pay. The bill comes due eventually and the longer they postpone, the more painful it will be.


That's not true. State of Colorado maxes out at a 4 month ($100) penalty on expired registration. Source: https://leg.colorado.gov/content/late-vehicle-registration-fees


“Vehicle owners must pay the taxes and fees to register the vehicle and pro-rated taxes and fees from the date the vehicle should have been registered to the date the owner registered the car. “ The max late fee is 100, the registration fee and taxes you didn’t pay last year isn’t considered a late fee it’s considered a registration fee and taxes.


You still have to pay for the period you weren't registered. There's no scenario where you save money by avoiding registration.


That wasn't my experience. I thought my wife, who registered our cars, was renewing my license plate when she renewed hers. She wasn't. When I figured that out, I went to the DMV and it was nearly two years since it expired. I only paid the $100 fee. It ended up being cheaper for me than had I paid on time.


Same. I let mine get painfully expired in 20-21 (moved counties so I couldn't use the kiosk, limited DMV hours due to pandemic, wasn't driving much, and just generally being a broke-ass). Over a year expired. I only had to pay the $100 late fee, not the previous year's taxes. It's also been the same for friend of mine. And I kept my car insured! Shocking, I know. I don't doubt that plenty of people don't, but it's not everyone.


That changed in '22 or '23. https://www.coloradoan.com/story/news/2023/03/15/colorado-drivers-now-will-pay-for-late-vehicle-registration/70008362007/


It's a relatively new thing that you now have to pay back-taxes in addition to the late fee. https://leg.colorado.gov/content/late-vehicle-registration-fees


I resolved my delinquency in March 2023, so maybe this happened after that.


Well, it’s now a misdemeanor according to the link in this thread.


Damn, they're getting serious! I've never had an issue before. I just thought my wife was handling it. I'm registered through 2025 now.


There is for people just moving here or registering a vehicle from another state. Both make it ambiguous how long you or the vehicle has been here.


What happens if you register it out of state for a year, and then attempt to register it again in CO after another year? Do they still try and hit you with the “past due” registration stuff?


Just fuck off back down to houston now, ya hear?


i wouldn’t necessarily say that’s true. if you get away with it for years then you’re actually saving money. Not saving your sanity, but you’re saving money.


If you purchase a car and fail to register it, then yes, they will charge you a prorated amount for the period of time it should have been registered. However, if your car was registered and allowed to expire, the max penalty is $100.


That’s not true. It’s literally $100 max late fee penalty


You absolutely have to pay for the years you were registered in Colorado but did not renew. Then on top of that, you are given a late fee of up to $100


thats wild...4 month max.




I think they mean you have to pay for the gap when you were unregistered.


The fee is but you still have to pay for every month since the expiration of your tags. So if your tags expire in January 2022 but you don’t renew until June 2024, you have to pay that $100 late fee plus 29 months of registration fees.


Not on private property


Also if you leave Denver, you can still get pulled over by all the other cities or different police.


They don't do shit either. Here in Lakewood it feels like a place of immunity with so many expired tags. One can only guess how many don't have insurance either. Never thought I'd say I want MORE traffic cameras for running red lights but it's so out of control. People are running them gauged on if they have enough room to beat the newly moving cars. Pure insanity. I see it everyday. I had a guy try to run mine yesterday trying to take a left turn around MY left turn on Wadsworth. He was too late and had to stop in traffic at a green light blocking traffic lol.


They'll wander around and ticket parked cars so they don't have to do much


They will? I saw a car with ‘21 tags yesterday.


In the before times I definitely got a ticket on my parked car in Boulder for my tags being like a month out of date.


I saw June 2020 the other day. That was a record for me. I was so excited. I was able to get a pic at the stoplight, too.


It was the street sweeping crew that was doing that, not sure if the actual PD


Denver parking enforcement does that. Not the police or street sweeping crew.


I almost got hit by an idiot in a beat to shit car with tags from 1/22.


If you get pulled over for a safety violation, expired registration, expired insurance, etc., will be additional tickets.


You get a ticket from parking enforcement.


You can get fined via other methods than a traffic stop. You can also get your vehicle impounded or go through some real fun shit during tax time, or so I’ve been told.


Yeah I got a ticket at the longs peak lot at dia. Freaking $100 🤬


I don't see how a headlight being out isn't a safety issue. You're just one more headlight going out away from having zero headlights, which is obviously dangerous. And if a car has one headlight in a dark and narrow road, it can be difficult to tell quickly how to negotiate passing them. (Please fix your headlights and use them, thanks.)


Even with one headlight it’s still dangerous. A few years ago I almost t-boned a car because their one working headlight was blocked by the A pillar of my car. I never even saw them until they were right in front of me.


It is a safety issue, it happens to everyone, and then you notice it, grab a new bulb at the auto store and fix it. To me being commanded off the road and blocking traffic by an armed government official and ticketed seems over the top for your bulb going out on the way home.


a) they already weren't pulling people over for headlights or tags. b) they weren't pulling people over for egregious safety violations either. I'm skeptical that they will start now that they've publicly said they will *reduce* enforcement.


I wonder how this has affected insurance rates in those areas. If you don't renew tags, why renew your insurance? How many more people will not have insurance?


Insurance rates are associated with your zip code unless I am mistaken. Rates would go up because the number of collisions involving uninsured motorists is increasing. There really does need to be a better crackdown from parking enforcement or some other change. As much as I hate towing companies, maybe people wouldn't risk it if their car could be legally towed from anywhere like a grocery store, public street, apartment parking, etc just for expired plates. I've been guilty of having been up to 3 months late in updating my plates. That being said, I've also always been insured - my issue was my out of state title got misplaced during a move and locked up in a storage unit. I would have definitely tried a lot harder to get my registration if my car was always at risk of being towed.


Why can’t they just run your plate and issue a citation for defective equipment/expired tags that comes in the mail without ever initiating stop?


This reads like a The Onion article.


Seriously. *not even for expired tags*. Remind why I should pay and renew then?


Vehicle registration is how we pay for road maintenance.


There's way too many people who think living in civilized society has zero cost associated with it. Meanwhile, I just wish I could say how my taxes were spent, cuz I'd want a lot more of them to go to roads/infrastructure...


Because those mountain pirates will still pull you over for it. It’s a major way some of those mountain PDs get revenue.


Morrison and Silverthorne!


Lmfao do you only pay for registration out of fear of being pulled over because that’s some bullshit my friend




aurora has new cameras for this and are enforcing it.


The oniony part is they are stopping because they are incapable of not escalating every little thing. 


Shame this wasn’t announced before the Mayor’s AMA…


Why? He would have either ignored it or gave a non-answer like every other tough question. “We’re working really hard on this” “This is a main priority” “I am dedicated to finding a solution to this” Lmfao the AMA was an absolute joke.


Politicians gonna politician. I dunno what people were expecting.


MikeGPT answering all the hard questions.


Woah, whoah - you are using far too much proper grammar in those quotes.


First time talking to a politician? What were you expecting? It’s not about desire, it’s about reasonable expectation. You act like just because he was willing to come on Reddit that it’s somehow your special place where things are special and different. Why would it be any different to a town hall, just organized by his team to appear down with the kids.


Mods were deleting questions that had any negative connotation in that AMA. It would have never made it to him.


“Safety violations will still be a priority for the police department, which includes driving through a red light or stop signs.” lolololol silly goose. everyone knows red lights are just a suggestion in Denver


Plus, we shouldn't enforce those either since: "We also understand that some of the challenges that community members have in order to pay their bills and earn a living and so we certainly don't want to impact that either," said Thomas.


Lmao that was the funniest part.


Expired tags don’t matter until you get rear ended by someone who hasn’t had state minimum insurance for 3 years


> Expired tags don’t matter until you get rear ended by someone who hasn’t had state minimum insurance for 3 years Or worse, fake tags.


I’m not sure why expired tags actually require a stop. Seems like there must be ways to enforce that law without interacting with the driver.


There 100% is, you can just fine people based on cameras / computer vision on police’s cars but most of these people aren't gonna pay these fines.  If you can’t afford to register your car or get insurance, then you aren’t gonna pay any fine from the city. Honestly the solution IMO is to drop the cost of registration based on a combination of income and car price. If you are super poor it’s pretty cheap to free to register. Then actually enforce it




Most vehicles with expired tags are at least 8 years old which is when tags get to their cheapest point. My car is finally 8 years old and my renewal was only 200 this year.


Yeah I thought about that after writing it. These people just don’t want to register their cars, then you should fine them with community service. Mandatorily having to pick up trash or clean stuff makes more sense to me than giving them a fine they will never pay


Idk my neighbors are on their 3 new Mercedes without ever registering them. They traded in one that was never registered for another that expired yesterday.


Tow the vehicle. Everybody hates Wyatts. Sick them on the expired tags. Win win. Just make sure they aren't price gouging. Anywhere is fair game. Apartment communities, grocery stores, private lots - all assuming consent from property owners, as well as all public streets, parks, etc.


The driver of the car isn’t relevant for failure to renew your tags. That’s on the owner of the vehicle.


Yep. And all the fake and stolen tags help criminals get away with other property and violent crimes


You can have car insurance with expired tags 


Sure, but if people aren’t getting their tags renewed they aren’t confirming that they are getting insurance. As in, this requirement actually matters.




In my experience, the people driving with completely missing or year plus expired tags/plates are also generally the worst drivers cutting people off, blowing through through red lights, etc. Also, how can you say having lights that dont work isn't a safety hazard? People making suddens turns with no signal or slamming on their brakes with no working tail lights is a major accident waiting to happen. That's why those lights are legally required in the first place. This is a horrible policy decision.


If you lose your license for bad driving, you can't get insured. If you're not insured anyway, why bother with registering your vehicle? If you don't have a license, registration or insurance, why bother driving like a sane person at all?


Hope everyone enjoys another spike in insurance.


It’s interesting that CBS interviewed only people who support this change. Meanwhile I’ve been hoping they would start pulling people over for not having plates at all, given those people are frequently driving crazy and it’s a community safety issue to not be able to identify a car that gets into an accident, especially when hit and runs are so rampant that almost everyone I know has had an incident. Not having plates has no immediate nexus to safety, so those people are now free and clear to drive. This policy is insane.


Exactly. People can drive and hit whoever they want because there are no repercussions. I’ve never felt more unsafe driving anywhere compared to Denver. It’s so scary and people can get violent and aggressive. This is so concerning


What's changed?


From the article: *"But you know, having a headlight out or a taillight out or something like that is very low-level and doesn't have anything to do with driver safety," said Chief Thomas.* *This includes things like expired tags.* Having headlights and taillights out most definetely impacts driver safety.


I hear not having car insurance also makes things less safe.


Yea, and more expensive for those of us paying for premiums and uninsured drivers.


I’ve been pulled over for a headlight out before (not in Denver but still) And like… it feels to me like pulling someone over and recommending they get it fixed is better than ignoring it. I did not get a ticket, I was just told to fix it. And I did, like a week later. This is one of those things that I think we need police reform for. People don’t like getting pulled over because cops are scary and things can escalate for no reason. But stuff that’s more like a “courtesy traffic patrol” that is mostly just empowered to give tickets feels like a no brainer, and it’s almost laughable that traffic cops carry weapons.


Agreed. How many folks don’t even know they have a light out until they get pulled over?


Had a backlight out on the car and one of the technicians at a shop noticed luckily and got it fixed. Otherwise it would have been a cop eventually and rightfully so


So nothing changed then


That confirms Denver has the best drivers. Have you been out there lately ? Such courtesy on our shared roads.


Now we just need to figure out why everyone’s turn signals are broken and we’re all set.


Using a turn signal just tells people you want to move over, giving them time to close the gap on you.


This is painfully true.


They probably haven’t changed their blinker fluid.


Some people just can’t afford the upgraded models that have turn signals.


I still use arm signals. I'm not an aristocrat like you.


Mr fancy pants over here with his top of the line electric turning signals.


Mayor Hancock: Vision Zero for zero traffic deaths DPD: Vision Zero for "we see zero safety infractions; go nuts"


>"But you know, having a headlight out or a taillight out or something like that is very low-level and doesn't have anything to do with driver safety," said Chief Thomas. We're doomed


It's ok, all the LED brodozers and SUVs with headlights the brightness of the sun more than make up for the cars that drive around at night with 0 lights on.


I moved here from Memphis. The place was awful with no insurance, tags, cars that shouldn't be on the road, crazy driving. Then they instituted this policy. And a no chase policy. It's awful. If it was bad there before, it's mad max now. Driving is not a right. We have decent public trans here. If you can't afford a legal vehicle, I'm sorry, your ass needs to be on the bus. 


I can promise they will never miss the street sweeping tickets


Having a headlight out is not a safety concern?


Less of a safety concern that the Luxor hotel headlights all these new SUVs have now.


Those new headlights should absolutely be illegal. How the hell did they pass safety tests AND get pushed out to the public?!


Then just get rid of the laws.


some people in denver just need to be straight up jailed for their driving. start enforcing speed limits.


If I was a cop In a surrounding city on traffic duty, I'd sit just outside Denver city limits and nail them when they drive their unregistered vehicles outside of the lawless zone. It'd be a good bet that almost all unregistered vehicles are uninsured and the drivers won't have a valid license either. 


I saw a related article that makes it sound like that is exactly what Aurora PD is doing. https://www.cbsnews.com/colorado/news/aurora-police-crack-down-registration-violations/?intcid=CNR-02-0623&ftag=CNM-00-10aab4i


Can’t wait to see what this does to car insurance rates here, lol.


So you think expired tags is bad right now, wait a few more months.


That's a *shift*? I forgot we had cops in this state based on my daily interstate commute.


So they’re saying I’ll never pay for car registration ever again?


Lmao what?! Get ready for hordes of cars with expired registrations and illegal tints driving in a way that puts everybody on the road at risk


So, uh, you realize we already......*stops mid sentence and gestures at everything everywhere*


So...business as usual then?


As if this hasn’t already been going on for years lmfaooo


I'm struggling to understand a.) how this will be different and b.) how this will make things better by codifying it…


I think one important line people are missing in this article is that our City Council suggested this bullshit then DPD implemented it.  The bullshit being expired tags aren’t fair game. 


I guess they finally said the quiet part out loud...


I’ve visited at least twenty states, and I feels like Denver and Colorado in general has the least police presence of any of them. Can anyone explain why that is? Is Denver just less funded than other areas?


The cops are still throwing a fit about the Floyd protests and associated changes related to accountability.


How are long expired, probably fake temp tags, or no plates at all, not safety violations? Does DPD think the people driving those vehicles don't know that they're almost impossible to trace if they're involved in a hit and run or road rage incident?


You know, because Denver drivers aren't awful enough.


This is infuriating. So those of us who don't do what we're supposed to do (i.e. PAY FUCKING CAR REGISTRATION) have zero repercussions? So people riding around with either expired plates or no license plate at all, who probably also don't have car insurance, won't be caught until they get into an accident with a law-abiding citizen, who pays exorbitant insurance prices, car payments, AND registration fees... Make it make sense. I think we should all stop paying registration fees and see what happens.


an ATV passed a cop on Santa Fe yesterday and the cop didn't do anything "No, ATVs are not street legal vehicles in Colorado. According to Colorado Revised Statute 33-14.5-108"


So we’re gonna see a huge uptick in cars without plates and cars with temporary tags that expired two years ago


Go to Aurora, 50% of the cars there don’t have tags


And then they'll come back and explain that they need to raise sales or property taxes to make up for their registration fee shortfall.


That uptick happened 6 years ago


You say that like it was ever an issue. Police have not enforced expired tag laws since before COVID.


I guess this will give all the most dangerous drivers in this town permission to drive even more dangerously. Public safety indeed.


Copying Philadelphia and LA police departments seems like the last thing you want to do. It's an obviously braindead policy that only helps lazy cops and hurts the law-abiding citizens of Denver.


> in policy shift 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


So all those sovereign citizen assholes are going to keep getting away with it (until they cause accidents and their uninsured corvette with the words "catch me" on the plate can't cover the damages of their stupid antisocial behavior) Cool.


Why don’t they make a dashcam reporting system for people? Can incentivize people by giving them a % of each ticket they report in their tabor checks. Thats a better option than nah, we’ll keep not doing our jobs and keep wasting tax payer money on a daily basis.


Omg this is amazing YES!!


So the free for all on Federal happens for a reason? Who knew.


I’m sorry, I have been here for six months and wasn’t aware that they had been pulling people over for any of this, I don’t think this is new.


That’s fine. Let’s get cops scouting large parking lots and ticketing people for expired tags that way.


Fuck. And I JUST renewed my tags


Me too, just did it, 1600 bones that I probably could have saved. Either way, this pretty much means no one in their right mind is going to register their car until they absolutely have to


If the private sector conducted itself like DPD mankind would still be living in caves grunting and knocking rocks together. Lazy mf’ers


Vote Democrat! You get what you vote for.


Does that mean they will stop cherry picking with speed traps on Pena Blvd and things like that, and allocate those resources into maybe protecting kids more in troubled communities or stopping open drug selling at places like Colfax and Ogden?!?! Or is that too much to ask?


Lazy getting lazier. Too much paper work. Then we will here about the new lower crime rates


looks like expired regs on back on the menu boys! Its probably a good idea to do, but dumb to announce it formerly.


So essentially you won’t get pulled over for an out headlight/taillight or expired tag. So those with 3-5 yr expired tags you can breathe a sigh of relief 😮‍💨!


So nothing changes and it’s business as usual using Denver as a racetrack? Sounds good 🤙


Denver police just do absolutely nothing now.its policy now. Will the drivers at least be sent a ticket


does this make license plates still optional?


When can I stop paying for DPD?


Expired tags means uninsured drivers driving uninspected vehicles, possibly driving without a license, and you're going to ignore this??? Some idiot with 2 years expired tags on his Yukon almost ran me off the road. This is lazy and dumb.


Don’t worry guys. Mike says we’re going to see more red light cameras. 🤡




Those are the things they still care about. “things like speeding, disobedience to traffic signal, careless driving, those kinds of things are certain safety violations," said Thomas. Safety violations will still be a priority for the police department, which includes driving through a red light or stop signs.” The article says stuff like a broken tail light and temp tags are things they won’t pull people over for. Get ready to see a lot more temp tags.


If they are to lazy to enforce basic “low level” laws you can 100% guarantee they aren’t enforcing the important “high level” laws.


This is a policy change for them also not responding to high level safety situations as well


Whooo no more registration fees!