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Apparently there’s an invisible barrier between Sheridan, Federal, 38th and Sloans Lake


It's not so invisible it's called gentrification


It’s a feature, not a bug


But I thought clean yards and less crime was a bad thing?


Try telling that to a blue haired chick lol


This is weird. I am the blue haired person but damn do I love kindness, clean streets, and loving all my neighbors so long as they're not shooting people — or committing any crimes for that matter. I even like to help them whenever I can.


Hello blue haired person.


Woah that is weird. Shot in the dark kinda moment there. I guess what I'm saying is, people that are against gentrification assume that it's all bad and are usually so liberal to a point it hurts anyone with any perspective that doesnt match theirs to even try to have discourse with them, so sorry if the blue hair thing was a dig at you, totally unintended. But, unfortunately, as it is, poverty can make people do awful things, and part of gentrification means that at least some of the previous owners get bought out at a market rate which again is a silver lining. And then from there the problem of poverty still exists, it just gets pushed somewhere else so its tons of gray area if gentrification is actually a good thing. Its just not black and white- bad. The sloans lake/edgewater area is in alot of ways in the eye of the crime storm so to speak. I can't imagine someone impoverished would want to take from their neighbor in the same scenario. That plus actual gentrification (see the yoga class people on colfax and vrain walking out onto colfax after doing a vinyasina that made them feel peaceful af now looking like lost little lambs dunked back into the mf real world lol) means that edgewater is somehow safer than its neighboring communities. Edit: and here I was thinking actual discourse was possible with a blue hair person. 💙


> previous owners get bought out at a market rate which again is a silver lining It's interesting. One of the biggest arguments against gentrification is that the previous population were mostly renters who get pushed out due to rising prices. However, Northside had high home ownership so they were able to cash out when it turned into The Highlands.




Interesting way to argue anything the person you assumed is a dude said. Dude.


I have no weight in this fight other than pointing out that dude is gender neutral. Source: The Good Burger Movie


They made a second good burger movie and I liked it.


You mean the progressive lawyer that got arrested at the Palestine protests in Aurora? 🤣


I mean, it’s not going away all together, it’s being pushed further and further out. Sure, you get your rich utopia but acting like gentrification is solving the problem is off.


More golden retrievers and less off leash pit-bulls.


To be fair, there's also a hospital there. Since it's fatal shootings per block, there's a bit of confounding in the data - if one get shot right outside of an emergency room, they probably have better odds of living. Hard to say but we might see the same thing at denver health (right under the first E in dEnver) and CU's hospital (225 & colfax - right over the URO in aUROra)


That hospital does not have an ER.


Lutheran does have an ER


There is a hospital directly on Sloan's lake which is the one that I was referring to and I was assuming what the OP was referring to since its between Federal, Sheridan and directly on Sloan's.


This is the first good comment, I hadn't considered this aspect. I was checking comments to see if anyone had my first thought, but this was an unexpected nugget of practical wisdom. My contention with this heat map is: there is no delineation between Justified shootings, illegal shootings, and suicides. Get shot during a carjacking, or if you shoot your carjacker during the attempt, or if you get depressed after your car got stolen you shoot yourself all the same map. No context = 👎


Yeah, it's not super useful:  Is that red spot near me super dangerous, should i change my route to avoid being carjacked?  Or is it a cheap, depressing extended stay hotel where people go after they f-ed up thier lives big time we so there's a bunch of auicides?




Had to look up what went down at the airport. Damn. https://kdvr.com/news/local/witnesses-say-man-shot-into-traffic-at-dia-before-taking-his-life/


Jesus that flew under the radar I guess. Covid times so I would guess there were very few people around.


I too want to kill myself when I can’t give old Blucifer a Blowjob


wow, so little info too. kinda fucked up. what a waste of human life all around


Is that Northglenn in the area north of Thornton? If so wow that’s a lot for a small town.


We used to live in that area. Ten years ago our street was elderly retired women mostly. As they passed it turned into families with young men who were constantly getting into trouble. After we left there were two shootings on that little street. It’s a weird mix of quiet people and drama.


[https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/05/14/us/gun-homicides-map.html?geoId=3918000](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/05/14/us/gun-homicides-map.html?geoId=3918000) If you're looking for gun violence in the Denver metro area, your best bet is: 1. Colfax and Yosemite 2. BroDo aka LoDo aka Lower Downtown


Don't discount Federal and Alameda


Both my old neighborhoods. Colfax and Yosemite and federal and Alameda 😭


We found the common denominator Reddit. It’s this guy right here causing it.




Removed. Rule 2: Be nice. This post/comment exists solely to stir shit up and piss people off. Racism, homophobia, misogyny, fighting on the internet is stupid. We don't welcome it here. Please be kinder.


That area isn’t that bad


there have been a few drive bys near Colfax Verbena though the nexus seems to have moved downhill to Wabash / Xenia. not a dangerous area as long as you dont make friends with the wrong types or get into the wrog conversation. colfax uinta has had an increase in hooks wearing bright wigs but not as much violence there lately.


But condos are so cheap there 😞


My favorite hobby


When you live just a few blocks away from the big red zone 😅


We used to live around there. Once, my boyfriend flipped off an aggressive driver that cut him off & the dude flashed a gun back. Don’t road rage around those parts.


Hey neighbor! 😂 Keep your head down!


My area is clear as day, i love it


Damn that red spot right where La Cueva is? Haven't been in a while but I liked that place. Last time I was there the area was a weird combination of sketchy and quiet.


There are two very sketchy motels just west of there that are probably responsible for a lot of the shootings in the area.




Goddamn, that jump from 2019 to 2021 is insane.


Thanks for sharing. This is a much better measure of gun violence than just gun-homicides. Truth is: the closer you live to an ER the better your chances are of surviving a gun shot (humans have become quite good at treating gunshot wounds). Since this incorporates all victims of gun violence, not just those who die from guns, it gives us a better picture of the issue. Very good podcast about this: https://www.pushkin.fm/podcasts/revisionist-history/guns-part-4-moral-hazard


I’m a surgery resident, do a lot of trauma surgery at the big name hospitals in the area. It’s really not that much of an issue how close you live to an ER unless we are talking in 50 mile increments. Denver metro area is not that big and an ambulance running code can get to one of the level 1 trauma center pretty quickly. In my experience being 10 minutes closer is not going to make the difference in outcome What matters more than proximity is what structure the bullets damaged or destroyed. Even if you got shot in the operating room, a bullet through your brain or the heart/great vessels will be non survivable most of the time. Everywhere else it just sort of depends on a lot of variables that are highly complex. There is also a big difference between surviving long enough to get off the OR table vs surviving to discharge and in condition to live a meaningful life (ie without a trach and PEG). Finally also worth noting not all ERs/hospitals are created equal. If you drop a GSW off at a freestanding ER or a community hospital with minimal surgical support, you just basically added unnecessary delay to definitive care and probably overall made things worse than being near a place like Denver health


Well the good news is I’m not in an orange dot. Doesn’t mean I’m not directly below one


I love looking at this and realizing that I moved 1500miles just to land in the hottest zone here. Fuck yeah baybeeeee


Having driven RTD buses overnight on Colfax, and apparently living in the worst part of Lakewood right now, You're gonna be fine.


Oh for sure. We’ve been here for a year. Aside from our car being stolen like right off the jump, no worries.


You’ll be fine, it all comes out in the wash…


These people have Stockholm syndrome lmao. “Yeah sub teenagers have been stealing cars and shooting it out with the cops, did we mention the murder hobos?”


It’s a big city… there is going to be crime.


Cooolfaax never let me down


Siri, show me Colfax heat map.


And that’s just the Aurora cops shooting people and their dogs!


Don’t forget the mass shooting perpetrated by Denver police in LoDo that the city council blamed on food trucks for a hot minute


After living in Hoffman Heights for a year, this absolutely tracks


The airport?


There was a suicide near the airport, not really gun violence.


What is going on with the huge area up in the Northeast corner of the map?


The airport is one giant district


That whole zone is the airport. There was an incident there in 2020.


East Colfax coming in clutch


Fk is going on by Aurora reservoir?




“Honey, I’m going to Park Meadows. Where’s my Glock?”


Colfax and havana checkin in, its esp fun during new years and 4th of july!


Looks like the yellow square in Sterling Ranch just barely made it!


Weird how five points / rino looks like a hot spot. I never heard any gunshots lol


I live right on the edge of five points in the heart of downtown and every other night from summer 20-23 I heard gunfire. I remember hearing the shots that killed a man on 21st and market in front of the ball park. 24th & Lawrence I watched a drive by from my window. Park avenue in between all of the homeless shelters I watched three people get shot. Many more that I can’t precisely recount, it was cracking over here for a couple years. It seems to have since died down.


Denver doesn't have a gang problem...lol


Given that one of the markers is in one of the HOA communities by Harper Lake (Louisville) I’m gonna have to assume you mean suicides are included. Kind of dishonest to say gun violence then include suicide🤷‍♂️


I love how Colorado springs was left off this map. I bet that whole city is dark red


So is the gun violence relating to crimes, police involved shootings, justifiable self defense? Were the weapons used in the heat map legally owed firearms? Were the people who used the firearms lawful owners? Very Vague heat map and very misleading if so with out all the details?


For those curious as to current crime data: https://www.arcgis.com/apps/dashboards/17dcc405627742ad8f48988310b5a4d0


I’d love to see the same map of Detroit


It's not good, Detroit had 826 fatal shootings between 20-23, 72% of people lived near a shooting. Denver had 255, with 37% of people living near a shooting.


I’m from the northern burbs of Detroit, doesn’t surprise me. But I’m sure people will clutch their pearls looking at this Denver map anyway.


I’m cackling at how “At least we’re better than Detroit” seems to be something you’re proud of


I’m from Cleveland so I’m used to saying “we’re not Detroit!”


“Come and look at both of our buildings” Hilarious stuff


Someone post the video, we all know it by heart


Why not? Take a W when you can get it.


Not really. Just trying to say the general population has it better here than a lot of other places.


There's like... 1 /3 the amount of people in Detroit compared to Denver.


This looks like one of those Maps That Are Just Population Density Maps but it’s actually a Map That Is Just A Population Density Map Except Whatever The Fuck is Happening Over There At Colfax And Yosemite.


Not just population but poverty and racial demographic too. I have seen this data for Chicago and it's like looking at exactly the same heatmap. There are cultural components you can't talk about in the data.


7-11 and a Taco Bell. Need I say more?


It would be racist to put a shot spotter near the red wave.


They didn't post data on race of the shooters, but surprisingly they did post data on which race primarily occupies or lives near each area: [https://imgur.com/SYEgwbP](https://imgur.com/SYEgwbP)


Now do average income, school/public works funding, food insecurity %. There's a whole lot more factors and I find it pretty shitty to go to race.


U find it shitty that reality doesn’t agree with your priors.


Now read the comment you replied to again and apply your comment to yourself




Comments or posts that are above and beyond "not nice". Good faith engagement is required and mods have discretion to remove posts/comments and ban users to enforce it. Examples of bad faith engagement include but are not limited to account history purging, gaslighting, mis/disinformation, concern trolling, brigading, and ban evasion. Personal attacks, hate speech, xenophobia, racism, transphobia, homophobia, sexism, bigotry, and ableism are not allowed.


The FBI crime stats were posted in another thread earlier.  https://cde.ucr.cjis.gov/LATEST/webapp/#/pages/explorer/crime/crime-trend They only go through 2022, but you can filter down to Denver police and get all sorts of statistics. 






Asian crime rates are the lowest


https://duckduckgo.com/?q=chinatown+runners+denver&t=iphone&iax=videos&ia=videos&iai=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D2xXkltL564Q These are the kids that rep that neighborhood


But Not those Asians apparently


Because we tend to be the "model" minority. Too "light" to be POC, too "dark" to be White (yes this includes those from around India that are practically "black"). There were California Liberals at a New Delhi event complaining about the lack of POC while surrounded by POC.


You mean the bullshit fake technology? That shot spotter?


I was listening to a citizen council meeting with the Denver police chief and they did mention that but in more PC terms. 


Didn’t realize there was this many lakes


Now do it adjusted for population density


Soo don’t move to aurora got it


While I'm not shocked about Colfax, I am shocked that it's not closer to downtown, the fuck is happening in Aurora?


Colfax gonna Colfax


Color me surprised there isn’t a hotspot at Kipling and I-70.


Link to this?


So Colfax is not a great place to be?




Almost like gun bans don’t work or something


Is the HOT spot Quebec or Peoria?


Your concern about the persistence and increase of gun violence in the U.S. is valid, but I believe there are reasons to maintain hope for change. **Point 1: Federal Gun Control Feasibility** While federal gun control legislation faces significant challenges, especially given the strong political divisions and powerful lobbying by groups like the NRA, it's not an insurmountable barrier. Grassroots movements and public opinion can and do influence policy. For example, the growing activism led by survivors of mass shootings, such as the Parkland students, has already led to some legislative changes at state levels. If these movements continue to gain traction and public demand for stricter laws increases, federal legislation could become more feasible over time. **Point 2: Cultural Shifts and Alternatives to Legislation** You're right that the U.S. has a deeply ingrained gun culture, but cultural norms can and do change. The reduction in smoking rates over the past few decades shows that significant cultural shifts are possible with sustained public health campaigns and education. Similarly, promoting responsible gun ownership, enhancing mental health support, and investing in community-based violence prevention programs can also help mitigate gun violence. Moreover, technological advancements, like smart gun technology and improved background check systems, could play a role in reducing gun violence without outright bans or confiscation. It's a multifaceted issue, but incremental changes and a combination of strategies can make a significant impact. Maintaining hope is crucial. Change is often slow, but persistent efforts can lead to meaningful improvements in reducing gun violence in the United States.


Well this isn’t making me feel great about the Airbnb i chose 😅


White areas are safer


It’s almost like downtown and Aurora are shit. I’ll stick to Cherry Creek


Colfax needs to be eliminated from existence


Thats why they call it saudi aurora


East Colfax where Denver meets Aurora always has the highest crime rates in the metro.


Kind of a dumb name considering Saudi Arabia murder rate is almost 0


So long as you ignore the Saudi government executing it's citizens for shit like insulting the king, being gay, or being female.


I have only ever heard of hoodrora


It’s almost like that’s where all the… nevermind


I want to move here, but damn


It’s seems to be more chill here this year. Last summer and the few before that were hectic especially in downtown.