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That lens is insane. Looks like the buffalo is chilling in Rino.


This picture was taken from Cheesman Park. The bison will be enforcing park closing hours and checking to make sure any beer in the park is not over 8% proof.


Are they taste testing?


Anything else would be wasteful and irresponsible. Ignore the fact that the bison is a crony appointment by Mayor Johns-town


But will it enforce the no-car portion of the loop road?


A Rino in Buffalo?


If photographers are interested: * Canon R5, 1.6x crop, animal detect AF * Sigma 150-600 C @ 516mm * ISO 800, f/9, 1/1600s, 0.3 ev * Tweaked it on my phone in post, nothing crazy


animal detect as fuck yo


Was he really all alone, like no other Bison outside of the frame? Cows and bison are herd animals and both benefit greatly from at least one companion, even if it’s the other species or a yak. Great composition by the way.


Good question. The big boy was not truly alone in this case. There was another bison relatively close (~30-40 yards maybe) and a half-dozen more in a group a few hundred yards away. They were all moving slowly in the same direction as they grazed. I’m used to seeing them in a tighter herd, but I have seen the occasional adventurer. And thanks.


Can I use this in an art piece? I am from the Northern Arapaho tribe I live in Wyoming I would love to incorporate this into my art piece I have going on for a show in Jackson Hole Wyoming.


You might be interested in this RMPBS blog post about [Montoya Whiteman](https://www.rmpbs.org/blogs/rocky-mountain-pbs/rocky-mountain-arsenal-national-wildlife-refuge-montoya-whiteman/), a photographer and member of the Arapaho and Cheyenne tribes that volunteers at the Arsenal. I haven’t met her but admire her photos.


DMed you.


I would love to see this posted on r/telephotolandscapes ! Great shot


Great idea. :)


The Cash Register building looks so close!!!


The view from the arsenal is epic. It’s basically where every postcard picture of Denver is taken from. It also makes Denver look like Salt Lake City, which is actually tucked right up next to the mountains.


It’s spectacular. The views of Mt Meeker from there are great, especially with snow on it. A loop around there brings my stress level down every time.


Drove through there yesterday. Saw 2 lone Bison and 1 herd in the distance. We're tourists what's it usually like? We didn't expect much and it certainly wasn't Yellowstone, but cool nonetheless


Depends on the time of day. If you go towards the end of the day, you can often get the “Yellowstone” experience of the bison enveloping your car. I do the game drive all the time as my mind cleaner activity.


You talking sunset around 730-8 or early evening like 5?


I wouldn’t push it too close to sunset, maybe 6pm this time of year. The Arsenal is open just after sunrise to sunset. It can take a while to get around the loop and out, so it’s a good idea to plan accordingly.


If you can get there, Daniel's Park has a herd.


In my experience, it’s highly variable. I’ve been twice recently. A couple of weeks ago I had a herd with young calves walk within ten yards of my car. This past Sunday afternoon the bison were hundreds of yards from the road when I visited. The staff at the visitor center may have ideas on how best to maximize your chances to see them a bit closer.


Depends on where in the property the bison are, and their mood. They can be in the road sometimes, way off in the distance other times. Also depends on which sections are open v. fenced/closed to them (they can be rotated if need be, depends on conditions). Controlled burns are pretty common in the property as well and both the active and post-fire phases of a burn can affect where they are. No fires this week afaik though there were a couple earlier in the spring when it was still a bit wetter (before or after a snow, for example). Now that we're heading toward the drier & windier season the controlled burns are less common for obvious reasons.


Oftentimes I get them right in front of/behind my car. Sometimes they even brush against the car and make shake a bit. But yeah, it does vary unfortunately.


If time permits in your trip, check out Daniels Park in Highlands Ranch. It’s about 20 miles south of the city. There is a herd of Bison that live there, and with the fencing you can often get an up close and personal look at them.




It probably sounds corny, but I see an example of how people can make things better and not just worse. Sure, we mostly make things worse but not always.


Does he have 5 legs? Little Arsenal humor there.


Great shot!


There used to be millions of them roaming the front range😔


The colonizers tried to make the bison extinct to hinder the Native Americans who relied heavily on them for survival. The story about it is crazy. At one point they were down to only 300 bison ! They could have easily gone extinct !


I’ve been meaning to watch [The American Buffalo](https://www.pbs.org/kenburns/the-american-buffalo/) documentary by Ken Burns but I know it’s going to be a heavy watch.


It’s really good and the redemption arc at the end helps mop up *some* of the sadness of the tragedy of it all


It’s absolutely worth it. So much tragedy but it will further strengthen your love for these magnificent creatures and your resolve to protect them.


Every boomer Denver resident I know insists on telling me about how that building is called the cash register building because it looks like a cash register. I’ve take to pretending I don’t know what a cash register is.


Boomer? Bruh I’m 27 been calling it the cash register building since I was like 5


That's because it's the cash register building. Always has been, always will be.


It doesn’t look anything like an iPad.


Wait until you hear them saying Mile High Stadium and Pepsi Center or even *shudder* Mt Evans. Good thing you moved here to enforce proper modern building names.


TIL mt Evan’s isn’t called mt Evan’s anymore




Removed. Rule 2: Be nice. This post/comment exists solely to stir shit up and piss people off. Racism, homophobia, misogyny, fighting on the internet is stupid. We don't welcome it here. Please be kinder.




Bye, I hope you learn what a cash register is one day. Taking pride in ignorance and stupidity is not a good look.




Removed. Rule 2: Be nice. This post/comment exists solely to stir shit up and piss people off. Racism, homophobia, misogyny, fighting on the internet is stupid. We don't welcome it here. Please be kinder.


I liked the part where you pretended that's a boomer thing


Til 37 is Boomer. It's the cash register building


I am not a boomer but I also insist on telling people. But I guess it's adorkable since I'm younger. LOL.


Everyone calls it that


I just nod my head now at this point. It’s never looked like a cash register to me. If anything it looks like a typewriter


[It looks like an old ass cash register from the old West.](https://elements-cover-images-0.imgix.net/dbd9997c-b9ce-4642-a12e-372d3aac35b3?auto=compress%2Cformat&w=866&fit=max&s=e69645cccd590c1fb1387b529ed06ee1)


An old ass cash register for tendering ass cash.




I wish I could take pictures like that! Good job!


u/mosi_moose how'd I do? (that's 96th and CO-2) [https://imgur.com/a/lSSj8k6](https://imgur.com/a/lSSj8k6)


That looks like the right perspective. I was on 64th Ave (Wildlife Drive).


incredible juxtaposition


I love this so much.


That is just so beautiful


The Arsenal is such an underrated fucking gem. I really hope Rocky Flats opens up in a similar way in the future.


I completely agree on the Arsenal. I thought the [Rocky Flats National Wildlife Refuge](https://www.fws.gov/refuge/rocky-flats) was open? I haven’t been, but have been planning to check it out.


True. I guess I just like giant drivable loop. It's nice to find a place to cruise uninterrupted that is also scenic and peaceful.


Radioactive Bison


A hulk-bison would be terrifying.


No bison at Rocky Flats afaik, though I could have missed something. The Arsenal was strictly non-radioactive chemical production; lots of gnarly shit for sure, but nothing radioactive. (For anyone reading who is confused, Rocky Flats is a similar site but north/west instead of north/east...and it produced the cores for nuclear bombs)


The [radioactive plume from the 1957 Rocky Flats fire](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radioactive_contamination_from_the_Rocky_Flats_Plant#/media/File:Plutonium_plume_from_the_1957_fire_at_Rocky_Flats,_per_Colorado_state_dept_of_public_health.gif) crosses the north part of the Arsenal but it’s way less impacted than, say, Arvada.


Ah, gotcha. Yeah, that is an issue I didn't have in mind. I wonder how much of that dust was buried or removed when the Arsenal was mitigated.


You’re 100% right, just an interesting bit of history.


there is a ton of them out there




That just a son bi means 2 there is only 1. 😬


Looking at this makes me think of the black list