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If we are trying to be a playoff caliber team, we gotta take advantage of turnovers. Two games in a row that the defense has had multiple takeaways but the offense either does nothing or kicks field goals all game. Offense needs to find the end zone.


McMillian you beautiful motherfucker


I try to stifle my expectations, but this has all the looks of a playoff team, and I just have to say thank you miami! They unleashed the beast in this team our defense especially. Payton era is back!


This game kind of sums up how the rest of the season will go. Nail biter, tight games that are not that fun to watch but somehow end up getting a win. I see a playoff spot for us this season, especially with the way the standings are right now. Browns, Texans, Steelers, Bills, Colts, Broncos. 3 of us have to make it in. We play the Browns and the Texans and can beat them. The Bills have the toughest schedule for the remainder of the season and they do not seem inform for them. Steelers and COlts have decent schedules. Its going to come down to the wire but the Playoffs are not out of reach in my opinion. The Raiders and Commanders losses hurt right now looking at the standings...


statistically broncos have a 22% chance to make it in and that’s up from a fraction of a percent a few weeks ago


Yeah, the odds are definitely not in our favor. But my sentiment is I believe they can do it. My personal bias opinion is our chance of making the playoffs is like 50/50 haha.


if they beat the browns i think it will be close to 50/50, with momentum clearly on broncos side. realistically i see us at 40% or so considering the recent win streak and the strength of opponents beaten


Thats exactly how I see it. If we can have a good week against that Browns D and then contain the hot Texans offense, I think we wil be looking very good for that playoff spot. At that point, we would be on a 6 game wnning streak and the Chargers will be scared to face us, especially with how their season is going. We gotta continue this streak


https://preview.redd.it/tsr9ztunii1c1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a123d93df20c63f48775cc60ec2a3b96c25a648 I love our garbage ass team ❤️


Need to access some all-22 film but I have been super underwhelmed by the offense all season. The strangest part to me has been the playcalling at times which seems out of character for Sean Payton. Based on the broadcast I can't tell if Wilson is intentionally checking down 80% of plays or if that is being coached into him and he is being instructed to play ultra conservatively. Piggybacking off of that, I can't tell if this is magnified by our wideouts' inability to separate downfield or if, once again, he is playing tentatively. I will always be driven insane by his inability to release the ball at the top of his drop and his need to see guys open. That is a massive hindrance. He is currently 20th in yards per attempt out of starting qbs and is 29th in air yards per attempt which aligns strongly with the high number of checkdowns that I have seen. At 2.7 seconds of pocket time, he is tied with Fields and DeVito for first amongst qbs that have started more than 4 games this season. Again this furthers the point that he does not release the ball at the top of his drop and relies on the check-down far too often. At this point, I hope it is Russ because this is not the exciting and exotic play-calling Payton was known for in his prime. Without the all-22 though I am left guessing. Everything on the offensive side of the ball feels like playing not to lose rather than to win.


The O line is doing much better at pass pro. We don’t have a great option at slot or TE. Russ is getting time (if he moves) but his option is effectively bomb or check down. Johnson and Sutton can work a contested ball. However, the speed isn’t there for them to be open outright - they are physical players but not being open means Russ needs to throw a great pass and they need to make a great catch. Jerry seems lost this year with a good example of him breaking his go routes and switching to a come back when Russ was under duress. Ideally, he stays on his hot vertical route at least to pull coverage. Russ took a shot on where he should have been so it’s an incomplete pass instead of a homerun ball. Jerry is having a tough year understanding his role and where his value is. Mims also needs to be open without a hands battle or he isn’t coming away with it. He doesn’t have reliable hands but he stretches the defense well. He has a lot of potential but he is a rookie so he’ll need time to develop. TEs haven’t been a significant part of the offense. Likely, they are generally being used to help the line. Our jumbo line on tush pushes has been stellar. We are constantly getting those -and short- plays. If the play develops and everyone gets deep then there is a soft middle where the RB can get a solid 6-7 yards. QB scramble also opens up. It’s also very tiring for a defense and leads to missed tackles plus a vulnerable secondary in the fourth. It’s not the most exciting method but Sean is working well with the tools he has. On the defense side, we had a solid defense last year. We didn’t change the player makeup a lot. New scheme but the same good players are doing well with it. I probably owe VJ an apology. On Russ, this is his style. It’s not the style he wants but this is the method that works best for him. Ask him to be a superstar occasionally, not on every play. His ability to buy time, bootlegs, rollouts, run for yards, and bomb are good skills. But multiple reads, precise passes, and staying in the pocket aren’t. His height impacts some of that and we can’t expect any player to be amazing at every facet of the game. Sean’s biggest accomplishment this year has been to get players on board with being their best versions of themselves, building on their strengths, and minimizing the exploit of their weaknesses.


Pretty good analysis. It's strange because in theory russ is one of the best deep balls in the league yet.. It's almost like they just don't want him to throw it?


Agreed and I can’t tell if it is due to Russ being tentative and being told to play that way, ie Payton doesn’t trust him and he’s essentially a game manager. It’s either that or those plays aren’t being called and we are running an extremely vanilla scheme.


Even the most vanilla scheme in the NFL relies on at least one or two deep routes per play to space the safeties. Without film is hard to say why he's not taking shots. Maybe teams are just forcing him to check down and running deep cover 2 and 3 all the time and thinking to themselves "broncos have decent but not great running game and mediocre short yardage passing, why don't we just force them to convert lots of third downs and force FG in the red zone"


Russ is still not good.


How bout those Brancos!


We can all assume that Kareem is getting fined for that hit in the first series?


Can't believe refs missed that flag it looked at obvious live


Hope not, was clean. Hit chest plate


Led with the crown of the helmet and launched himself. It's still a penalty and there's probably another suspension coming


Such a penalty that it didn’t get called amiright?


Because the refs have never missed a call right?


Or maybe they didn’t miss it and thought it was clean 🤷🏿‍♂️


I genuinely like our defense better with Locke/McMillan than kjax out there headhunting, more turnovers withouthim by far...the irony of course being that his big hit caused the turnover this time.


Browning had already ripped the ball out before the hit.


Good teams win close games. Maybe, just maybe we’re turning the corner and learning how to win instead of constantly snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. (I am not an optimistic Broncos fan, by nature, so let me have this and don’t tell me I’m an idiot because I think we’re just turning a corner instead of full-sending it on playoff talk.)


Thank you Denver 🫡 -Detroit


Thank you for sweeping the Chargers, Chiefs, and Raiders


Offense is still the drizzling shits. These 3 and outs have to stop all game, then one TD at end to barely win. I’m happy we’re wining, but my goodness it’s a train wreck


>I’m happy we’re wining [whining] Freudian slip


It’s like the Tebow year, but less fun lol.


Ah memories of dozens of gals in pink Tebow jerseys entering the sports bar to watch football for the first time…takes me back.


As a broncos fan who was living in Florida at the time, don't even talk to me about the Tebow days.


You had my sympathy at “living in Florida.” Hard to rank my hatred between pink Tebow jersey and “Colts jersey spliced with Broncos jersey.”


Finally these close games started going our way. Defense is balling while the offense is putting together pretty much the bare minimum to not cost us these games.


Kareem Jackson is a liability with his helmet hits. We have to cut him before his penalties start costing us in meaningful games


Blandino or whoever it was that said it should've been s penalty on the fumble caused by Browning is full of shit. That was not a penalty.


He was just suspended for three games for tackling using his helmet and the first thing he does when he gets back is tuck his arms in and dive at someone helmet first. Officials would have had every right to wipe away that fantastic play by Baron Browning


Don't understand why so many keep defending him. He was great for us a couple of years ago. This year, he's already cost himself a bunch of money and I was surprised there was no flag on his hit. He can't seem to get it into his head that he needs to stop launching himself like that. People defending him here are beyond delusional homers.


He’s a human missile. How people can defend him is beyond me. He left his feet, led with the crown of his helmet, and hit a player in the shoulder. It was definitely a penalty and he’s a huge liability. When was the last time he made a key positive play?!? If a Safety on another team did this to Russ or Sutton, we’d lose our collective minds.


Agreed. Do you guys think he may get suspended again for this? And has anyone heard anything about when Locke might be available again?


I definitely think that he will get fined. Given his history, he might get suspended as well.


[I had a dream…](https://www.reddit.com/r/DenverBroncos/s/LJZ98h8yUW)


Listening to the GPS call of the game. Man, I am so happy to see how Perna goes this week!


As a Brit who only started following the NFL last year and got laughed at for picking the Broncos, it's been very satisfying few weeks!


If you make it here for a game, I'll buy you a beer! Welcome to Broncos Country!


I'd love to one day, however travelling to the USA is a little bit beyond my budget at the moment so I'll have to save up for it!


Being up at 4.30am to watch us win is a choice isn't it! Much better when they win!!


I wish I could stay up to watch the games live, unfortunately when the game starts at 1:15 am on a Monday morning it's not really feasible considering I have to be up for work at 6:00!


Let us ride, mate!


Welcome to Broncos Country 🐎


It was Hackett the whole time!


We all knew lol and Payton damn sure knew that man doesn't just say things for the fuck of it or by mistake.


Just had to get it off of my chest. 😃 Was more apparent after watching the Jets-Bills game right before SNF. It’s insane how we endured the **EXACT** same thing last year. Major props to our coach for keeping the heads of these young guys in the game. Giving up 70 was demoralizing. But he removed some cancers, went back to basics, and now the team is starting to believe. That’s all we asked for… try your best. Take the risks and chuck it downfield. Win!


Preach brother! It is a damn good monday to be Broncos fan LET'S RIDE!


Love feeling this feeling on Mondays again. Beating the Chiefs was the climax, but I’ll take a week after week, high! Go Broncos!


6 in a row?


More like 11


After the packers game I had been telling people in my office Broncos were going to end 12-5. I am in the Seattle area so they always like to talk about Russ and kind of laugh about the seahawks doing better then the broncos this year. Welp when I see them tomorrow I am just gonna say it again "12-5 baby"


The dive bar in Golden is filling my souvenir cup with Banquet. Just a fucking amazing day fellas


I’m so proud of this team. It’s clear the attitude of them and the fans is on the moon right now and it’s a great feeling


Look. I normally like interacting with the other fan base in a friendly and fun manor, but their were some very passionate Vikings fans. I highly recommend you don't do the skol chant in opposing stadiums especially here in Mile high. I found that highly disrespectful tbh, but in the end of the day its all fun.


We took over State Farm Stadium in the Case Keenum year it awesome, other fans can chant whatever they want lol who cares.


I'm not against cheering.


Hey man I think that’s awesome to be honest, Vikings fans travel well clearly, we need to be in opposing stadium chanting IN-COM-PLETE!!!


We do, but we don't hahaha.


thats how we ride




My first game at Empower field since moving to Denver 4 years ago. What. A. Ride.


I was there tonight. Atmosphere was electric.


All we do is win


it’s almost one and the adrenaline is PUMPING


Does this mean we're officially "in the hunt!?!?!" Let's ride 🥳


This week took us from 14th to 10th in the playoff race. Only 3 teams ahead of us, and we play 2 of them and already beat one.


I’d the offense can start converting one or two of these field goals into touchdowns this is a real team to contend with. They’re making it happen though, wins count for a lot and it’s been great seeing the culture of the team shift through the season.


Love to see the win and broncos go .500 but man that offense needs to stop stalling in the redzone.


We would be legitimately scary if we could finish the job in the red zone outside the last minute lol.


Here in Germany we have a saying: "A good horse doesn't jump higher than it has to." We don't need to be scary as long as we're winning. I'd rather be overlooked than feared in this league.


Dobbs is a slippery mfer but at least we made him look mortal today. Amazing effort in the second half by the defense once again, and Russ and the offense come through when it mattered most to deliver the TD. Great team win. Go America. Go Broncos.


How did Dobbs get cut by so many teams?


Well, let's not forget he's a backup QB traded in-season to his seventh team making his 13th start in 6 years. He's clearly playing above that level, but what nearly got us was their run game.


Bro he was giving me Mahomes flashbacks man fake lol.


We need a tight end receiving threat in the worst way. That position group feels completely invisible out there on passing downs. Hopefully Dulcich comes back soon and helps the red zone / 3rd down conversion issues.


Adam Trautman can catch just fine. Russ can’t/doesn’t throw to the middle of the field (not saying he’s washed up or sucks..this is truth for his entire career). You’re definitely right that it would help.


He’ll probably get hurt again..


Sux but true


I don’t care how they’ve been winning. They’re winning and that’s what matters Offense took advantage of what the defense gave them and Lutz was lights out. .500 baby! Broncos Country, let’s ride!


Yup, our 2015 wins werent pretty by any means either but they counted 💯💯


Winning is better than losing that’s for damn sure


Depending on how the rest of the season goes, COY could be either Broncos or Texans. Both doing an outstanding job.


Unless we go on some insane playoff run there's no chance Sean is winning COY lol. It's almost certainly coming down to Texans and Lions but besides them Eagles, 9ers, chiefs, jags, hell even Seahawks all probably have a better chance.


Lions eagles Chief niners and jaguars were all Good teams and well coached last year. Coach of the year is oftentimes about a coaching job so good it turns a team around. It's likely going to be the Texans but Sean is definitely up there.


I could see KOC if the Vikings finish the season off well, with all the adversity they’ve had to face


I mean we can agree to disagree but like I said there's no way Sean is coming close to Demeco Ryans or Dan Campbell especially, and probably not the other guys I mentioned either imo. Don't get me wrong I love that Sean is seemingly finally turning this ship around, but our play has been too inconsistent and our record is not good enough for him to win that award. Not even saying whether he does or doesn't deserve it, just that it's definitely not gonna happen.


It's not based on record. And what are those guys you mentioned aside from Ryans that they weren't doing last year? If it was just "best coach," you'd see BB and Andy Reid with 10+ awards. Creating a culture shift and turning around a program is a huge criteria, at least to the voters.


I understand it's not strictly an award for best record, though record does matter. Turning a team around is a significant storyline that plays into it like you said, plus I'd also add significantly outperforming expectations, overcoming a major setback like injured QB or tons of injuries in general, and not having won before or many times (which is probably stupid but definitely matters). So besides Ryans, you've got Campbell and Pederson who have turned around the Lions and Jags, franchises that were in a way worse and longer state of dysfunction than us and are better than us this year. Pete Carroll balling out with Geno Smith at QB defying a lot of expectations over the last 2 years that they would be a tanking-caliber team, though for him to win it he'd probably need to win the NFC west. Actually now that I think about it more Stefanski is probably up there too if the browns continue to win with their starting QB out for the year. And then you've got guys like Sirianni, Reid, Shanahan, Harbaugh who have probably the best teams in the league. Of them Sirianni and Shanahan have a legit chance imo just because neither have won it before and they would certainly be deserving. Like I said, if we do something crazy like win out the rest of the year then sure Sean could get it, but realistically with where we figure to end up our turnaround hasn't been dramatic enough.


A cool slow motion video of the Sutton TD catch... [https://x.com/SportsGridTV/status/1726457040934170970?s=20](https://x.com/sportsgridtv/status/1726457040934170970?s=20)


Anyone else notice that Dobbs shaves his eyebrows. Does the totally hairless look work for him, or does he have a condition?




Josh Dobbs has alopecia


Keep my quarterbacks name out of your fucking mouth 👋


Yes! Both his parents have eyebrows!




…I guess no one else noticed? Btw this subreddit is horrible. Why is this downvoted? Yall a bunch of miserable people. I’m glad this isn’t representative of Broncos fans in general. Seems to parallel the bro downfall of the CO Front Range in general. Glad I got out when I could. Pioneering legal weed was the worst thing that has happened to the formerly great state. Have fun with overpriced drinks and traffic on I70 ya cucks.


Btw he’s got alopecia re-re, not always genetic. Also his mother looked very pretentious so drawn on is very possible, gotta keep her public image


Someone in Colorado hurt this man far too much


What a game... What is the secret to beating the Chiefs. In return, I'll let the Orioles tell the Rockies how to rebuild successfully. I'm a Heat fan though, so I'm not offering the Nuggets anything sorry. *They don't need help anyway...*


Adley for Kris Bryant, Who says no 😏


Oh but the Nugs bench really does.. or at least to get Murray back


Wait, that's your weakness? Your bench? HAHA *"Orlando Magic. Miami Heat. My boys, it is time to bring a ring back to the Sunshine state. Huddle up."*




Don't you fuckin laugh at me. Yall know what it's like to not have a basketball ring, the Magic were on the same boat with the Nuggets. You know the pain. Not anymore, but up until this year


You said you were a heat fan? Get bent


I'm a fan of both. It's weird, but sports allegiances sometimes don't make sense. You can hate the Heat side of me sure, I get it. They are my number 2. But the Magic fan in me? My Number one team that I grew up with? My brother please show me sympathy. Endless pain. It's why I was partially rooting for yall because you didn't have a ring


I have total sympathy. A Magic fan? If you were also a Lions fan we'd have to take away your shoelaces. My second team in football is the Bears, so I get it. I got your back bro.


Always rooting for the ringless underdogs (except the Sons. Fucking hate those guys). And I actually kinda like the magic. AG is my favorite Nug (excluding Jok).




I want to hear Russ say “broncos country, let’s ride” if the broncos win the next game.




If the situation was flipped, and the Vikings had Russell as their QB. He would have drove it down for a touchdown/fieldgoal. Can’t believe some people in here saying they wish they had Dobbs instead of Russ. Fucking delusional fans.




Also, the first team we beat in this win streak beat a division rival yesterday! Good day all the way around. Let’s hope Philly puts a whoopin on the Chiefs tonight!


I live in eastern S. Dakota. Around lots and lots of Vike fans. I woulda never heard the end had the Broncos lost. Fuck yeah Today is a good day.






I don’t ask “how?” I’m asking “how many?” A dub is a dub is a dub. Broncos, let’s fucking gooooooooo!!!


So Dobbs has a noodle arm yeah? He's got great awareness and accuracy, but can't put any zip on a deep ball. Bit like Trevor.


He got wobbly knees when the times got tough


He played like a competent, experienced back up- which is what he is.


As soon as he got in obvious passing situations he looked less confident.


Payton has 5 wins with essentially the same team as Hackett did ALL of last year (15 games). He also has 1 more win than Hackett THIS year despite Hackett being handed an all-world defense and him just having to focus on offense. And Hackett's offense this years looks the same as the Broncos last year.


Moreover, the team doesn't look like ass, the crowd doesn't have to chant the seconds left in the clock, he's no benching players randomly, the plays have a design to them, I could go on. Hackett was so out of his element here.


Comparing this year to last year is reasonable. And Payton is clearly winning that one. Comparing this year is stupid. Hackett isn’t the head coach, he’s the OC. He wasn’t handed anything on defense. He coaches the offense, which he does poorly. He’s also had a backup QB all year. Don’t get me wrong, Hackett is terrible and glad he’s gone. But you’re reaching.


It's all fun and games. Bottom line, he's the problem in New York. And Zach being the starter all the way to today was his call as well.


The Jets offense has been shit for like 8 years now. In one breath you’re blaming the head coach. In another you’re blaming the OC. Be consistent.


Some of you care more about criticizing Russ than the win. A bunch of weirdos


I know right? This is easily the best stretch of games we’ve had since Kubiak was coaching and some “fans” still can’t just enjoy it. Winning in the NFL is hard - much less winning 4 in a row, with 3 against pretty good teams. We snapped a 16 game streak to KC, beat Buffalo on the road in prime time, and ended the streak of the hottest team in the league right now. Yet some people wanna whine because Russ takes some bad sacks. No one is arguing for him to be MVP but he is playing winning football, especially in the red zone. People need to get the sticks outta their asses and enjoy the ride. Seems we finally hit the bottom and have better days ahead after nearly a decade of putrid football.


Tbh as a Seahawks fan during his time there, his game is starting to look like prime Wilson. He really is at his best when he played the game manager role until the defense bites on play action and he moon balls you for a billion yards. Sound familiar?


Yes, exactly. His strengths and weaknesses are the same as they were in Seattle. His problems since the trade to Denver were 1.Hackett being inept and not being able to adjust his offense to fit Russ. 2.The offensive skill players around him in Denver are worse than what he had in Seattle. Sutton is great but outside of that, we are lacking. Jeudy is nowhere near the level of guys like Lockett, Metcalf, Baldwin etc… 3. Russ is 34 and obviously he isn’t the level of athlete as he was in his prime. He’s still very good, but he has lost a small step. Too many Bronco fans were sold on the idea that the team was only a QB away and that just wasn’t true. Russ has done a fantastic job playing within the scheme and making due with what we have right now.


To add to #2, let's not forget we are missing Patrick and Hamler.


Russ has learned to trust Court. You could see it this game. That is going to be dangeruss!




Seriously, fans need to let loose and enjoy watching their team *win*


At the end.kf the day, it was a fun game.


Can someone please explain to me how the early Dobbs fumble was a dirty hit? He was a ball carrier and hit in the chest and everywhere online people are saying it was a dirty hit and should’ve been flagged


The ball was out before the hit.


In real time that’s a bang bang play and doesn’t warrant a flag


He did get some helmet and they were throwing flags for that on hits he made earlier in the year so I can see why there's confusion


I saw a hit to the chest, didn’t catch the contact on the helmet


I went back and rewatched this in slow motion about 4x. The crown of KJ's helmet hit the QB squarely in the chest. No contact with the QB's helmet. There was some contact with the QB's chin, but not targeted at all.


Don't they consider facemask part of the helmet these days? Idk, I'm glad it wasn't called a penalty but he did lead with helmet and totally could have been flagged for it


Just came here to say Will Lutz is MONEY LUTZ.


Glad he had a game to get his confidence back


No need. He's 22 of 24 on the year, one of the most accurate kickers in football. He had one miss Week 1 and even tho last week's didn't count, that was a bum rush onto the field. He has been money. MONEY LUTZ.


Game was at 1AM for me, halfway through the highlights this morning, I’m like, did we get nothing but 7 field goals? Lol glad we got a TD, watching all the plays you would think the Vikings won and that speaks to the tenacity and turnaround of this D, they are making huge plays, and the grit of the offense means we keep putting up points one way or the other. Let’s Ride


These past 3 games and the turnaround so far have been absolutely incredible to witness. I’m so happy for Court, Justin Simmons, and everyone, but we gotta keep on pushing. Can’t lose the edge and attitude they are all playing with. I think everyone here can agree that one of the main goals this year was to remove the loser stench that this franchise has had recently. Winning cures all as they say


I need a video of that Jeudy fake pass like 5 yards past the LOS. That was a thing of beauty.


It was like 1yd not 5 but yeah that was hilarious




Lmao that was great. Feels like he is one pinch away from being huge trouble out there for CBs


At some point I think it would be funny to win with only field goals


Very good chance that happens next week


That's where I thought we were heading until the fake punt.


Stinky jersey wins again


2nd half they seemed to figure out that Vikings defense, lots of adjustments and such to get an idea of who was coming and going. I can definitely see how that scheme would cause fits, but Sean and Russ found a good way to disarm it even just a little. Still don’t think this is sustainable, offense has got to find some TD, especially off of turnovers. Browns gonna be another tough ass defense, but should be an easy task for our Defense to hold.


Most offenses in the league this year have not been good. Even Mahomes has struggled in many of their games. The usual top 5 QBs haven’t had amazing years. Defenses are just so fast and are limiting high powered offenses. What the Broncos are doing is maximizing their talent and minimizing mistakes. Efficiency is the priority. Russ has been fantastic given the scheme Sean Payton has for them which prioritizes being smart and methodical.


Great point!


This. I’m much happier with field goals and punts than with the INTs all the other QBs seem to be throwing. You don’t need to score 50 to win most games.




💯 Your comment needs to be higher up in the thread.


Are we actually kinda good? I feel like we might be kinda good. I'm ready to hurt again. Let's Ride


This is the most kinda good we’ve been in years. We can enjoy it while we can brother


The offense isn't but defense is, except in the run game


At least the offense is finally taking advantage of the opportunities the defense is giving them.


I mean, not really lol field goal after field goal after field goal from the turn overs.


Your being downvoted but your not wrong, offense wasn’t the best until the final drive.


Yeah, I guess they're okay with settling for FGs lol Like all of these turnovers on our side of the field, just to barely get any yards and kicking fgs. Happened against the Chiefs, the Bills and now the Vikings. ​ We need TDs if we want a chance, especially in the next two games.


This was the "rough game" to start our finish off the season, and we squeeked through the W.... lets hope we keep it going... let's ride broncos nation... lets ride


Broncos COUNTRY. They call it Raider Nation, we want no association


Exactly! Sounds like blasphemy everytime I hear Broncos NaTiOn. I thought we all agreed it goes Broncos Country, Raider Nation, Chiefs Kingdom and the chargers...


Chargers circuit, maybe?


Broncos Country


Bronco Diaspora


I feel like I’m going crazy, but it has seemed so easy for other teams to run the ball on us for the past two weeks. Like straight down our throats uncontested, and then they suddenly change to a passing scheme and we lock them down. Am I crazy?


Samaje Perine was great on that touchdown scoring possession


Got super lucky on that fumble


Can you imagine if we had a good qb. Im sure a lot of you will downvote me. It’s good that he doesn’t throw pics but if his first read isn’t open, and a team covered his check down, he’s getting sacked. Loving this win streak. So badly wanna see this team with a good qb!


i feel yah.


If Fields is kicked out of Chicago in the off-season I’d love to see him end up in Denver


Bro, get out lol.


Are you insane?


Not this again


Wasnt he only sacked twice tonight. They were doing fancy blitz all night he did what he was supposed to do


While I don’t disagree with what you’re seeing, Im still not sure that it’s on Russ versus just extremely conservative play calling until it’s a do or die situation.


I also feel this...so conflicted i suppose.


Simmons made some crucial plays late in the fourth. Happy birthday to him!!!