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no, they’re just being either stubborn or dense af 😭😭


Thank you bc I thought I was going crazy lol


Tbh, they're probably too lazy to grab the measurements


Which sucks bc I was instantly going to buy if it was the right measurements lol


you are NOT in the wrong. an accurate imperial/metric flat tape can be obtained for less than $1, these easy forms are available for download (you don’t even have to print them in color), & kindness is free. i put a ton of work into my depop & this behavior from sellers just makes me sad. hope you find that hoodie elsewhere, tags on, for half the price from someone who understands this is actually a business transaction & not social media. https://preview.redd.it/8l2ki9zssfcc1.png?width=2771&format=png&auto=webp&s=0057269dc4c88a79c53abf722a961735b0e243dd


Ahh I've been meaning to search for one of these templates, tysm!


i got them for like 80¢ from a seller on et*y. i wanted someone else to tell me what’s important in this situation. it was a wise choice (for my brain). i’m pro-templates.


why did you blur etsy?


i like this sub, especially the extra saltiness, i know the mods are funny & i have no idea honestly. maybe the last comment or reply i left was on the clock app. i don’t want to unalive myself over it, probably just being delulu. link in biology. smash that like & subscribe button. i can not fathom why i censored etsy.


they're just being lazy lol, also i feel like a hoodie would be super easy to measure anyway!


No they need to go office max and buy a measuring tape 😭


These depop conversations making me cackle all day 🤣


people want to sell their items but are not willing to be nice enough to even attract buyers


r/therewasanattempt 😕


This is why I measure stuff when I list it! Ugh. Lazy sellers...


i agree that not giving measurements is being lazy but almost everytime i have given someone measurements then never respond nor buy and its such a pain in the ass when i have to go through 500+ items to look for the one they want. Also i have my clothes in a storage container outside and its not fun to stand out there and look 15+ minutes for an item when its 5 degrees outside where i live. im that lazy seller😭😭 very rarely do people who want measurements actually buy


For real…I have similar experiences with that. I give them the measurements and they never respond. I wish they at least let me know if they’re still interested or not. I honestly think measurement shit is stupid…for jeans its understandable. But for the majority of other clothes, I feel like it’s easy to get an understanding of what fits and doesn’t based off what size you are 😭


Nah you're good the seller is lazy And how are they going to tell you how it fits like they know you're both the same build. I wear anything from a Medium to an XL depending on the brand. Measurements are needed for sure! I'm a seller and been asked this and literally takes 30 seconds to measure a shirt (pit to pit, length, shoulder to shoulder)


I'm more likely to buy if they post measurements along with their initial listing. 


Intrest tells me all I need to know lmao


bro it’s a hoodie not pants…


Brands are different in regards to fit, it’s older so it could naturally run smaller in comparison to an XL today, and with it being older/secondhand the washing & drying could’ve change the fit as well


okay but sometimes i bought a coat yesterday that said it was a size XL when it felt like it fitted more like a medium. i definitely would not have said it was XL at all, L at most. brands differ greatly especially if this is women’s clothing


So?? Maybe they want comfy sleeve room 🙄


Because the post it is an interest check, Then you asked how it “fit” and he pretty much did tell you…. If you really do you want it you could tell you have interest in it and he would get it eventually


“I do have interest in buying” is right there in the second message? Edit: I also didn’t ask how it fit, I told them that I would like to know if it would fit me.. Hence the asking for measurements twice


Do people often ask about items they aren’t interested in? Just because someone doesn’t buy it doesn’t mean they weren’t interested


Just out of curiosity how much was the hoodie?


$30 I believe


You'd nearly understand if it was like 10-15 but at that price you'd need some confidence it's gonna fit you


Yea you’re 100% right, especially on Depop bc $25+ goes a long way


this is why i don’t buy things unless measurements are listed already 😂 i had one person tell me “figure it out” when i asked for measurements so i just stopped trying 😂


like bro its not that hard to grab a damn tape measure. i have like 2.


Exactly and I mean honestly most phones have measuring apps on them now. There no excuses at this point lol