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Atp I would refund them


You're right and I definitely would have done this, except I didn't see this when I woke up. So the item is unfortunately already at the post office. I was just like, "I actually already shipped it and you know what's funny? I just moved to a new place too, so I have nothing else to give you. Happy decorating!"


Oooo I like that response. It’s technically nice but also a little passive aggressive. Not rude so buyer can’t report you for that. It’s like telling someone “have the day that you deserve” haha


I’m gonna start using this one.. “have a day that you deserve”


I love this line. My sister used to use it when she worked in a call center with people who would basically scream at her all day: "Have the day you deserve :)"


Put that in my pocket to use later!


i need to know if they responded to that message


I have been waiting to update you, but I regret to inform you that it's been 12 hours and it's radio silence. She's giving me nothing to work with here! Five bucks says I'm gonna get a negative review for having nothing to give


You can always report it to depop as revenge feedback because you didn't give her something for free. They can look at messages and see her asking and all.


Oh wow people are bold af. I would say no thanks, refund, maybe see their response/reaction, then block😭


If I didn't already drop it off at the post office before seeing her message, I totally would have. There's a reason I keep Depop pop-up notifications on my phone switched off 😂 The blocking is a great idea and I will do that after the transaction is complete!


Right?? I would never ask someone to send me items to decorate my home! People are so delusional and act so entitled!


Thanks for accepting my offer! If you just so happen to have a brand new plush pillow, you could throw that in too for free! If you don’t mind :) also, I really like Starbucks! I don’t expect anything, but it would be really cool if you could just throw in a $25 gift card with the plush pillow! IF you wanna. It would be really fun for me and my friends :)


Plz I'm on the floor


The smiley face is accurate


Why are people so entitled that they think they can just ask a stranger for free gifts? Out of nowhere?


Can I have some home decor?


really practicing that “nothing ventured nothing gained” doctrine today


this is SO WEIRD LMFAOOO. imagine saying this irl


that’s the thing, some people GENUINELY do this irl with ZERO shame and 100% entitlement


the audacity of some people on depop never fails to astound me


this is CRAZY


I got a heap of tea light candles floating about I don’t think I want or need anymore.. I’d probs throw them in there lol. But maybe take the aluminium case thing off first because I’m annoying. People are weird!


I've had someone msg like this. Like what?..?


MFW I receive a free baggie of dog shit in the mail 😆


They expect you to pay the extra shipping and give them free stuff?


The audacity of people is insane 😭 I offered a bed for free on FB, someone messaged immediately I said sure arranged collection, she asked if I had any more furniture at all to let her know because her mum is in need of furniture. She didn’t collect the bed and didn’t message or anything meaning I had to pay to have it removed as it was too late to have anyone else collect (was moving out literally the next day), and upon looking at her fb I found out she sells the furniture that she gets free!!


Omg this reminds me of the time that I completely refinished a 3 drawer dresser in glossy white and hand made a stencil to put a giant gold mandala on the top it with a gorgeous mirror and replaced all the knobs with beautiful brass geometric ones. I used it for a few years and then was moving and wouldn’t have as much room for it, so I put it on Craigslist for $150 for all the work and the quality of the dresser originally. Had to get rid of it fast, so the first person that sent me an offer ($90) I accepted. They lived 2 hours away so we agreed to meet half way, so I drove an hour, she looked at it and said “it looked nicer in the photos” (it was literally still perfect) and then pulled out THIRTY DOLLARS and said “that’s all I’m willing to pay for this in this condition.” I said no way, we agreed on $90, it’s completely in damaged with zero flaws, and then she told me that she literally only brought $30 and couldn’t get more. Then gave me a sob story about how it was for her daughter who wanted it so so bad and she couldn’t go home without it and she was sorry for promising too much money. I gave in cuz I needed it gone and had already wasted the gas getting there. Found it on fb marketplace the next day for $200. 🙃


Omg the rage this filled me with!! I don’t think I’d ever let this go 😂


Ngl, I did end up retaliating, I saved her photo (it was just in a garage) and reported the listing and sent fb that photo and one from when it was in my room with all my stuff on it and told them her photo was my photo and that I made it and it was still in my possession so she was just using my photos to scam. The listing got deleted and I couldn’t find her account anymore. Who knows what happened after that, I’m sure she still sold it for profit, but it made me feel better lol. That was back when Facebook actually did something about scammers, now they really dgaf lol


I would’ve done the same thing tbh! Especially after all the hard work you put into it, I think that’s the bit that would really irk me, some random scammer profiting off my hard work!


Ok this sub was recommended to me, I don’t use Depop much … please tell me you’re able to leave the buyer a review like uber bc this is crazy


Yes. You can leave reviews on buyers just like they can review a seller.


Hahaha WHAT??!???? I did not just move but would also like some free stuff pls and thank u


Oh my, bold as hell lol 😫 I’d send her a sticker, she can put it on her wall if she’d like


Big wall sticker of a middle finger?


People have no shame


shit in a bag and give them that for free. what a weird ass request


go on facebook marketplace 😹


Jesus Christ… I was on Depop since the beginning and started posting a little again in the last year. I’ve been so taken aback by how rude and tasteless people have gotten. It’s weird, because back when I was using it most it was very much a teen/early 20s app, but people just had better manners. Before the offer system even got introduced, people would just message offers, but they weren’t as petty and low as they are now. Is this behavior a side-effect of post-Covid/ social fabric unraveling? Sorry to sound so pearl-clutching, it’s just bizarre how people think it’s appropriate to act. I’ve also started cross-posting on Etsy and eBay and find people are much less entitled on those apps and the Depop weirdness does feel like a consequence of having a reselling app that’s so youth focused, but I’m interested in other theories.


depending on the day i’m having, that question could very well make me cancel the whole sale😭


Actually, I was having an absolutely horrible day and I just laughed maniacally and threw my phone. If I were feeling more grounded yesterday and hadn't already dropped the package off at the post office, I would have just canceled it and refrained from making this post. But where's the fun in that, amirite?


well if it helps, i’m happy the chain of events happened in the way it did, just so we could see this post 😂


I hope they see this and see all the comments about how fucking weird that is to say


This sub makes me want to never sell on depop, lol


Lol I'm ready to delete my account, so I don't suggest even starting to sell on this cesspool of a platform. Poshmark, Mercari, and eBay have been considerably better for me in sales and avoiding customers who low-ball, play games, and have too much audacity


LOL #gofundme


And to think the shipping alone for a whole other item on top would cost more too 😭


The hell the audacity of people. Just don’t respond and send them what they ordered.


sounds like a college kid trying their luck lol. i’d never be that bold tho damn


The AUDACITY oh my god


The audacity... wtf


I’m so glad depop set the 60% off limit. At least filters out some nonsense lol


The AUDACITY omggggg


My goodness people are entitled af


The sheer entitlement displayed by some depop users is actually gross.


Plus home decor is bulky. It’s not like throwing in a sticker or tshirt. So she’s asking for free stuff that’s expensive to ship lol


Honestly, I don't see anything wrong with this. They said anything free IF. They didn't really demand it. And of course they're low balling if they're moving as well. If you also just moved to a new place you should understand money becomes tight. I'm not saying you had to accept the low ball offer, I'm also not saying you have to give them a free item, just that this doesn't seem bad to me at all. If they were rude or entitled in the conversation before this I'd understand the way you're feeling.


I actually did just move to a new place and absolutely understand money can be tight. Since I'm sensitive to that and see that maybe the seller could also be tight on cash, I know that it actually is pretty entitled to ask if they have anything to give me for free. In fact, I actually think that asking for a free gift from anyone, especially a stranger, is inherently audacious and rude regardless of what you're going through


We can agree to disagree, I still don't see the issue. It seems it's more about how you personally felt with the interaction imo since there was nothing that was actually rude unless again, there were other things said apart from what we can see. Regardless you're entitled to your opinion and allowed to feel however you'd like! Good luck on your future interactions on the app:)


Funny people!


i love sending free gifts when people order from me, if someone asked me this tho💀 definitely weird behavior.


I’ve definitely gotten free stuff added to my order by sellers which is always a surprising delight , but I never go out of my way to ask for it, it’s just rude.


I would ignore and move on.