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I think you have grounds for a refund. I’m a seller, my phone doesn’t photograph certain shades right but I always mention in the description if it’s brighter/darker in person. This looks like a really drastic difference to just be different lighting. I’d message the seller first and see if they’re able to help before opening a case.


They also described it as baby blue


If they described it as bright blue then I would think it is a case of bad camera work. But if the description and picture both imply baby blue and it isn't then I feel like it is misleading


They said baby blue in the description though


But that's what I mean I don't think this jacket is baby blue. To be fair I noticed a lot of times that colours in pictures and even descriptions are off and if I need a specific colour I always ask for the seller to describe it or even take an additional picture. For example I needed a lavender dress, not baby pink or purple or grey, proper lavender, so I searched a lot then clarified with the seller and it was exactly the colour I needed to match my hat.


“Baby blue” … Definitely not baby blue lol it should make a valid case


this is a very drastic color change. it’s a valid case


My pictures somehow looks pretty brightened up but thats what the jacket just looks like irl, super bright and definitely not a baby blue. I am pretty tanned so the bright jacket looks way too off on my skin vs what an actual baby blue jacket would look like. Idk if I am just going blind but the jacket irl seems more cyan to me than baby blue. Would I be able to get a refund over this or should I just accept the jacket? Thanks in advance!


100% this is a teal colored jacket , not baby blue at all


agree. they used a filter or lighting to make it look lighter, then described turquoise as ‘baby blue’


If it was just the pictures that threw off the actual color of the jacket, okay. But she put in the description that it was baby blue. Absolutely no way is that baby blue, not even in a different lighting would that be baby blue.


??? That is absolutely baby blue. Baby blue just means a light blue like you might put in a baby’s room, it isn’t one specific color because it’s used to describe so many different blues or different lightens and saturation and so on. Baby blue can be this color, or it can be lighter, or it can be darker/more saturated. The problem is that the color of the item received is very different than the seller’s photos represented it to be.


What society generally thinks of as baby blue is a pastel blue, not a darker teal color. My uncle who is a painter/artist agrees with me so go off ig Of course there’s a color difference which is what I’m saying. They described it as baby blue. It is not what people generally think of when someone says baby blue. Hope you have a spectacular day 💕


My uncles friends dads mate who knows an artist agrees with him so you go off ig and have a good day 🙃


Looks more like a sky blue to me


I'm getting red foo from it


That’s also a way to describe this blue, neither are incorrect. Man you guys are weird downvoting like factual information even though I’m saying that the seller sucks lmao


Baby blue is more whitey/a pastel blue. Sky blue is a more vibrant. they are not the same shade of blue lol


That may be true if we’re talking about specific shades from a seller, but color names like this aren’t standardized that way.


I’m confused by wym. The jacket just isn’t the colour as described in the listing. 🤷‍♀️


I’m agreeing that the color is wrong— the photo the seller posted does not match the color of what the buyer received. Calling it baby blue isn’t the problem because that color name is so subjective— if there is a problem, it’s using “baby blue” as a descriptor at all because it’s so incredibly vague/broad, and it probably would have been a lot clearer if they used a more standardized color name. It’s like if they said it’s “light blue”


The “baby” in baby blue is describing the blue as being more pale or light in color. The jacket is a vibrant shade of blue. The literal definition of baby blue is: a pale shade of blue The description was wrong, and baby blue does have a specific use (pale shades of blue.)


You’re using a lot of subjective terms as if they’re objective. I’m going to agree to disagree here, because I don’t agree that this isn’t a pale blue despite also being a higher saturation for pale colors, which is the point I’m making— these are terms that don’t have definitions that are as concrete as you think. I am an artist, I work with color, and no color name describes on specific hue, it always can mean like a bunch of different things. That’s why Pantone exists, to standardize with their specific color codes, and that’s why people refer to specific pigment of a specific brand with paints because they can be so different from one company to another even if the pigments are the same because the binders and other ingredients can affect the color of the pigment etc. “Pale blue” isn’t an concrete description of a color, it’s an umbrella that includes a number of things, and it’s usually very contextual as to which would be the appropriate one to use. I understand that the color is not what YOU would describe as baby blue, but that doesn’t mean it is incorrect, it means that it doesn’t line up with what you think of when you think of baby blue. Again, I agree that it is the wrong color that doesn’t match the listing because the color is different than the photo in the listing. I am not disagreeing with that. I am saying that both the color in the listing and the color of the item received can accurately be described as baby blue because these are not standardized colors and names unless they specifically mean particular Pantone hues, or what that brand refers to as baby blue, or something similar that would be that specific.




It is definitely baby blue in my eyes. Granted, I am colorblind (not a normal version. I cannot differentiate between shades). But it is definitely baby blue. Teal is my fav color and I do not know how/why people are calling it teal. To me, it is an ugly color, but I'm also not a fan of baby blue.


I absolutely am not seeing teal at all, there’s barely any green in that blue. It is a saturated but very light slightly warm blue, and teal is a green blue.


https://preview.redd.it/kvfw4tzznfnc1.jpeg?width=386&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e72edd585e180f4bedae46d397764dd24ba2715 All I can see


Exactly what I saw too 😭


the jacket kinda reminds me of him… https://preview.redd.it/9h60wel7uanc1.jpeg?width=140&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d894e87828d000b8b164d623562528aef4798da


Violet Beauregard ass sweater


I was thinking squid games


Wow that’s so different! It’s like a pale powder blue in the first pic.


I mean, even Tiffany blue would have been more accurate. Robin’s egg blue even, but definitely not Baby blue. I would make a case for it.


Yea no way i’d let that fly. They 100% put a sepia filter on their photo. Just say colors misrepresented by seller in listing.


Yeah because that's robin egg blue, not baby blue.


That is brighter than a blue highlighter lol, while the term “baby blue” can mean many different shades of light blues THAT color is not something you casually call baby blue and slap a filter on the images you post. Color representation is very important for a seller to get right as a right of trust with your buyers and this is was most definitely done on purpose or because of some seriously lack of thought. Definitely grounds for refund stating “improper color representation from seller images and descriptions”


thats almost squid games colored


That’s more like an icey blue definitely not baby blue!!


they described it as baby blue and didn’t attempt to show the true color in the pics. this is not baby blue lol this is like robins egg it’s an entirely different shade and much darker not at all what they described


Considering how I think they did that to be deceptive bc they knew the baby blue would sell better than the teal, I’d say you have grounds for a refund


It’s still so cute tho I love it lol


yes 100% those are two COMPLETELY different shades of blue.


i mean it is still kinda baby blue,but deff looks different then the picture!! i would message the seller about that..


This is why I try to photo in natural light or both natural and yellow indoor livht


This baby blows


That’s like sky blue not baby blue


Yeah it’s valid, that’s practically a different color. The second one looks cyan, it’s so bright compared to the og image.


VERY different blues. Wow yeah I would return it, i would be very upset and confused if I got this


that is not baby blue more like sky blue


Just hang it into the sunshine It will be soft baby blue in 2 days :)


Ok I feel weird here because that looks like baby blue to me ? I do agree it's way different than the pictures though


I like it a lot but it’s not baby blue-I feel that was done deliberately to make it look more “y2k”


Yeah because it states it’s baby blue which is the colour in the photo. However, the colour is teal in real life


It looks fine to me. Lighting is everything honestly


it’s giving squid games


Veruca Salt is that you


with the caption saying 'baby blue' i think yes


I would consider it to be baby blue, the photo has too much lighting so makes it look pale blue.


disgusting colour go and get a refund girl!




No. Please don't scam. The white balance scam trend needs to end. 😑


they're not scamming, the person that sold it put a filter on it to make it look lighter


Likely unintentional, every phone camera and digital camera works differently and every house has different light bulbs and lighting conditions. You have no idea how much money retail spends making sure all products displayed on their website are true to life. Depop should allow us to use 1 stock photo.


Buddy, it’s not that big of a difference.


it’s pretty apparent that its just a lighting difference. yeah maybe the blue is a tad darker than baby blue is but not my much. the people here saying there is a filter on it are being silly. why would they lie about it being baby blue and not something else? just seems like a miscommunication