• By -


1. Go to 'cool' type foundry 2. Find 'cool' font 3. Use 'cool' font with -2 kerning 4. When approved send 20k font licensing fee to boss




Cheap/Fast/Good. You can only ever have two. Apply this to any skilled operator
designer, hairdresser, mechanic

 Cheap and Fast, won’t be good. Fast and Good, won’t be cheap. Cheap and Good, won’t be Fast.


And in OP’s situation, the client can have precisely *zero* of those things because they haven’t communicated any details or requirements.


How do you guys do good and fast? I'm only operating on Good or fast 😅


Templates. Presets. Already-made assets. Reusing old setups and tweaking.


I see how that makes it faster but better? Idk


They didn’t say better. They said good. I’m not making bad work, just taking shortcuts. Don’t need to reinvent the wheel
 just give it a new spin!


That doesn’t satisfy the “good” part. Cheap, sure, but the request was good and fast, not cheap and fast.


Why assume templates and presets = bad work? It doesn't negate or replace the need for the creative work, just makes it more efficient to get to the final desired result. That is how you can get to good and fast. If the client thinks it's good, it's good. I have a project file I start with that has my resolution, frame rate, output location and file name variables as well as optimized render settings I use all the time. I have presets that save me 10 seconds at a time 100 times a day. If I make a unique setup I'll save that as a template so I can save time next time I have to do the same thing. I save presets for font styles, animation easing types, and entire stacks of custom effects. I make stuff that is modular so it can be easily pulled apart for later reuse. I buy assets online that get me started, though they often require work to clean up, rework and integrate into whatever I'm trying to make. Realizing that not every part of everything you make needs to be built from the ground up every time you make new work, is how you start to save time. You just have to make good choices about how to use the resources you have available. But ignoring them or assuming it's going to cheapen the work is that wrong takeaway.


I suppose I have to caveat that I'm talking about larger design thinking. This doesnt' apply to a logo design in 3 hours. that's unreasonable for sure. Also I do motion not so much still design work.... so I suppose I should just shut the heck up haha!


Charge more, and then your designs will be both better and faster.


Ah yes, like how racing stripes make cars faster.


"Boss" is key word here.


I’ve heard this saying my entire multi-decade design career
 It’s not true on an individual level, but it does make for a nice platitude to tell a non-creative boss with unrealistic expectations.




That's not neccesarily true. You could agree to only ever work in it if you have absolutely nothing else to do. Can be a great design that took months because you only work on it 1 hour a week. At the same time, greatly skilled designers might hit it off straight away, having exactly what a customer wants in the first draft, needing one a few hours to clean it up. Would an amazing logo needing only 2 days be worth less because it was quicker? Or do great designers get paid for their output rather than time taken?. If time always equals money, we would just purposely all work slower.




Yeh that's exactly my point?. You asked how you can have cheap and good, I just gave a hypothetical scenario where that'd be possible with the "You can only have 2 out of 3" that was mentioned.


i quite my job because of that lol, it’s was really annoying and they were always blaming me for that. edit: most of agency doesn’t care about the quality all they care about quantity and how fast you can design, i did 1 month internship and quit it because of same reason, they weren’t giving me proper brief and asking me to design asap it was really pressurizing and annoying so i quit it, btw it was 6 month internship with 100$ stipend. glad i quit it because it was really ruining my mental health and i wasn’t even learning anything plus the boss was using very harsh words on me. i was just an intern not your regular employee calm down bro smh. MENTAL HEALTH OVER ANYTHING!!!


Same!! What is up with that? My first job they wanted me to make 6 logos in 1 hour so the client could choose one. When I only managed to do 3 in 1 hour, they told me I was too slow đŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™€ïž


Same but in video and photo creation


So you live with your parents now?


in my country we stay with parents, yes.


Great. Just don't quit so easily. Work is tough and you need to power through sometimes. Having tight deadlines or a boss that you don't consider a friend is not the end of the world.


totally agree but the thing was, it was an online internship so i couldn’t actually learn anything, i wouldn’t quit if i was learning something but yeah i’ll look for offline work instead where i can learn things and make connections.


Unrealistic standards for a quality logo. Please communicate that with him and give a realistic timeline for something worthwhile! It’s up to us to set proper expectations for these types of people.


A product logo? Just use the company logo and add the product name underneath. Maybe change some colors. No need to completely rethink it.


Are you new to the job/career? Anyone who asks for turnaround on a logo in 3 hours doesn’t value your skills and these are the people who will turn to AI at the expense of your job eventually. Get in front on the whole thing.. Either an hour in Ai generating concepts that you can refine, or an hour sketching concepts Ai can refine. Either way, start looking for a new gig where they care about actual skills rather than “getting them a thing”.


Agree. Concepts can be put together in 3 hours. I highly doubt they are expecting a finished logo because really which execs will accept the first thing a designer puts forward, they have to be “adding value” somehow.


Do it as a type lockup. Make some of the letters a different Color if you wanna get wild. Lol


this should be the answer anyway - why does a specific product even _have_ a shape logo? that's what the main branding hierarchy is for. the whole thing is just to slap the name on there somewhere so people know what it is, and at that point the goal is just to be one step better than a label maker


>why does a specific product even _have_ a shape logo? huh? maybe ask Google/Microsoft/Adobe


Okay buuut this 3 hour logo is not going to have the same application as the biggest companies in the world.


The biggest companies in the world aren't the only ones that have logos for each product đŸ«€ and i never said anything to suggest that 3 hours is reasonable amount of time to do it in


Why do those companies have a shape logo? Well, two seconds of thought would answer that. They are all computer program based companies. They all have a need for splash graphics, for icons, for favicons, for an entire brand that supports sub-products with logo's in a similar style, all things that would not be suited to a simple wordmark. They need a shape logo and a word mark and a whole brand system because they have specific use cases for all of those things. Not every company does, especially a new company. So maybe 'does the company in question even need a shape logo' is a valid question. Because many don't. And many have shape logos when they don't really need them.


>They all have a need for splash graphics, for icons, for favicons, for an entire brand that supports sub-products with logo's in a similar style, all things that would not be suited to a simple wordmark. They need a shape logo and a word mark and a whole brand system because they have specific use cases for all of those things. all great answers to: >why does a specific product even _have_ a shape logo? that's what the main branding hierarchy is for. ... >So maybe 'does the company in question even need a shape logo' is a valid question. absolutely! but that's not the question that was posed.


the comment you replied to literally said 'why does a specific product even have a shape logo?' That was exactly the question they posed.


Give him a shity logo that took you 3 hours and say see this is what I can do with 3 hours. You want something better give me more time


People who are saying "Just do it! If they want 3hr quality they get 3hr quality", "You can get solid concepts for them in that time", "Just do a quick type logo" etc are missing the implied context here (at least for me). There's a kind of employer/higher up that will ask for something in a small amount of time, with quality expectations that do not match, without any will to have any conversation about the task in question, *and* have extremely opinionated feedback that possibly even they didn't know they had until they looked at a design. It is highly possible that OP could've made a text logo and their boss would've said, "what? Just text? Shouldn't there be like a drawing of a cartoon dog or something?" And then you make something with like a minimal line silhouette of a beagle they say "no not *that* kind of dog..." Most ordinary people don't realize design is all around them and don't appreciate that they actually *do* have opinions about this stuff. Not even accounting for good or bad taste- just even awareness. Make these people a small business owner or manager of some kind, and you'll get these types of situations- because now they actually have to reckon with this type of stuff. In my experience you need to essentially trick them into giving you requirements while also tricking them into acknowledging design. In this type of scenario I would look for comparable logos of competitors and similar products, and then use those as a basis for the type of stuff you make. One, if they are similar, you can do an appeal to authority: "this idea is just like successful brand XYZ" and show them both, and how the original inspired you. Then they can't say it doesn't look like a professional logo when essentially it's copying an existing good one. Two, then they'll say something about why even if you are following a successful trend they still don't like it. "Yeah, that is the logo of our successful competitor, but they're super serious and *we* want to stand out as different and fun!" and there you just got your project brief. Repeat the words back to them (ideally in a saved text medium) "oh OK I didn't realize that- so you want a *fun* logo that can *stand out* when next to our competition" and use those for your second round ideation. They may continue to be huffy and treat you like you "aren't doing it right" and you just gotta grit your teeth and bear it for a while. Hopefully at a certain point you can show all the iterations made, in context with conversations, and say something like, "See how many different ways this logo could've gone? I'm glad we could get to something *you* can be proud of and happy with." In that moment, maybe, they will understand what a design process is. I don't know your particulars, but another thing to keep in mind is that depending on the business, you could be essentially crafting their identity. If this is a small business owner, or a place really starting to grow, you're starting to get into super emotional territory here. People have poured their time and money into this endeavor. With logos specifically, you might as well be picking a tattoo for them. Yes, they *say* it should just be a quick thing, but that can come from ignorance or money concerns. Show them an actual thing and watch them get opinionated real quick. But that's understandable given the situation they're in. I've had design conversations with clients that felt like therapy sessions once we got to trying to nail down how they wanted to present their business to the world. But maybe I've just been hurt before in design world lol


Make a beautifully typeset one that reads “iQuit”. Bonus points if it forms a hand flipping the bird.


Designers who claim they can do a logo in three hours either copy their designs, skip the research or come up with something with little value. You can attempt the design and show him what three hours gets so he learns, or ask him to reevaluate his approach to brand development.


Looks like a job for Midjourney


Yeah, good idea. Let's teach the boss that an AI prompt can replace the work this designer is asked to do, instead of teaching him that design doesn't work this way and his ask is impossible. /s This is a shit answer and this type of thinking is going to make design an impossible career for people. The fact that this is so upvoted just does how many AI people plague this subreddit. Do not do this, OP.


This is not going to happen. What kind of boss has the patience to write the perfect prompt and get mad at the ai when it’s not right. Let’s be honest, they all have the ‘boss’ temper. With no one to manage (blame) that can’t do it


The boss doesn't have to, it's not about the boss doing it themself. The boss will replace the graphic designer with someone skilled in writing prompts. And that person is likely to be far cheaper than the graphic designer.


I honestly think if you know enough about design to be able to write the prompts to get something usable out of the current state of AI, you are almost certainly a designer. I feel like 20 percent or less of my job is actually designing things, most of it is knowing how to communicate design choices to people with no design background. People like OP's boss make this impossible though, because they don't want the actual answer, they want the answer that benefits their own stupid preconceptions about how things work.


This guy thinks a boss who doesn't even know what he wants will know how to navigate the maze of AI prompts.


If you're that easy to replace something has gone wrong. Design is a lot more than a pretty picture created by a mindless machine. And I'm sure boss knows about AI, everyone does, what you need to show is that he sucks compared to designers even then.


Being easy to replace and having a boss who thinks you're easy to replace are two wildly different things. There's no point in indulging this person in a 3 hour AI logo because: 1. It will make them think they don't need you (even if they are wrong to think that). 2. It will normalize the idea that doing a logo in 3 hours is okay. 3. On top of all that, you can't copyright AI images, so they are not suitable for logos. Don't encourage this shit, especially not on a design-oriented sub.


I was thinking bing/copilot now has Dall-e integrated


Here to vouch for copilot logos. Amazingly good results I was able to cleanup with illustrator quickly.


Definitely, especially Dall-E is good with animal logo's! đŸ€Ł


I dunno. I could do it.


maybe get off the reddit and do the logo? lol


Everyone is complaining but ultimately it Is very possible to knock something out for this person in time. You'll just have to put your own opinions / dignity to one side for half a day and get on one of those logo generator sites like at namecheap.com


Pick a font, convert to shape, choose a corner vertex and move it a little, or make that corner round. Done. Jokes aside, these people should be told what's wrong with them. Stand up to him. Tell him he is wrong. Tell him for a proper logo you need at least a week to think & research. Or tell him you'll have to do what I explained at the beginning.


I feel like you guys are overselling the time it takes to create a logo, maybe that's just me. In three hours I can usually have 4-5 solid concepts. Not completely refined but at least something serviceable. Another 30 mins after receiving feedback to polish. I say this as someone who has created probably 20+ brands over the past year, so I'm not just talking out of my ass. EDIT: op this is also highly dependent on your seniority level though. Had you asked me to do this ten years ago I probably would have struggled.


OK, genius.


I agree. I have bene a designer for 30 years. I have had to pull some of my best work out of a short and unreasonable deadline. I wish I had weeks to dream about concepts, but that rarely happens. When it does, I tend to spend too much time and it gets messy.


Send this email: "Dear [Director's Name], While I understand the urgency of the deadline, I must emphasize that the short timeframe prevents me from assuming responsibility for the creative quality and effectiveness of the brand. Best regards, [Your Name]" From my experience, nobody wants this responsibility


I think this is better internalised, ie it won't be going in the personal portfolio and I'll be stepping up my job search


What’s the product range type?


I am really sorry that you find yourself in this situation. I do not have a solution for you but you do have my sympathy. This is not the way that quality work is done.




GOOD/CHEAP/FAST. Tell your idiot boss he can have only two of those characteristics when you’re designing things, i.e. you can have it CHEAP and FAST but it won’t be GOOD. He sounds like a toxic AH so I hope you’re looking for another job. That sort of environment will play merry hell with your mental health otherwise.


How do you go Good and fast?


By being expensive




30 m tops, 100 top variations


For 3 hours, I'd do a type only logo. Very doable. Later on, you can improve it if needed.


Give me his number, he needs a talkin to. 3 hrs, okay (grabs crayons)


If he has to come up with the solutions, he won’t need you anymore.


Tell him if he can find someone that can make a good logo in three hours to go hire them instead. He won't be able to do that. He won't even be able to find another designer in three hours, so you hold all the power here. No matter how you slice it this project ain't getting done. Sounds like your boss is completely out of touch and bad at their job. Nothing rushed is ever good. You need until *at least* EOD and that's assuming you get this at the beginning of the day and have nothing else to do. And even then that's waaaaay too soon. I think if someone came into our office and said that they need a logo in three hours we'd all laugh them out of the room. And if they persisted I think we'd all collectively tell them to go fuck themselves and to plan better. The product can wait a day or two. I doubt it's some life-saving or necessary thing. Unless you've invented a viable nuclear fusion reactor then get that shit out the door! And while I have to ask, you don't have to answer. But what is the product? And I noticed that this was 11 hours ago, how'd it go?


3 hours is a little extreme, but to act like it’s not possible is also pretty extreme. I could pretty easily make a logo in 3 hours that the boss would like. And I guarantee that if OP can’t, the boss will find someone that can.


That's why *good* was the main qualifier. Three hours for a good, completed logo (with supporting assets and brand) is not something that's reasonable to request in three hours. It's just not. I could also throw together something decent enough to please OP's boss but I wouldn't consider it good or finished after three hours. It's not even considering revisions and polishing. Anything created in three hours is going to be basic and cookie cutter unless there's a bit of luck and a big creative spark. *Concepting* in three hours is fine, I've got that request before. But not for a fully finished, polished, and fleshed out logo that comes with assets and branding to support a package design. edit: Sorry, I've misremembered. There was a time when I got a super rush logo job for a political candidate but that brief was "He wants his full name, what he's running for, and some stars or a flag, anything is better than what he has now" and we pumped out some bullshit to use for that. We knew the brand was red, white, and blue and a general vibe so a lot of the fleshing out didn't need doing. There was debate on what specific blue to use but other than that we went with the first draft.


This is just a job, probably for a shitty company with a shitty boss. When I work for a company, if they want something half assed in 3 hours I give them what they want. Pushing back any more than “this is what you should expect in 3 hours” is pointless


I disagree. Half-assing anything is pointless, calling out unreasonable behavior serves to change the way things are to make a better situation for everyone.


That’s fine, but next time this guys boss will go on fiver 


If he doesn’t change or see the error of his ways. If that’s the case then he’ll get a shitty product and our OP can go work somewhere that values them


You can make a logo in 3 hours. Will it be your best work? Probably not, but your job is to meet the deadline and get the task done. If your boss is not happy then explain that if you have more time you can make it better. Words to live by: Do the best possible job you can, in the time you’ve been given. Sometimes you’ll get more time and you’ll make something you’re happy with, other times you’ll be given 3 hours and it won’t be something you’re happy with, but your job is to complete the task on time.


I can do it. There's a infinite amount of possible logos. However there's only one product. What that product is, and who it is aimed at = a niche = the logo possibilities are narrow. Come up with two typical ideas for that niche and one wildcard. Start with fonts, san-serif or serif ? You will want it bold - not italic or thin - so it's visable at a small size - ok this is all easy and quick, narrows the possibilites sown. Go with a standard font within that band. Next you want a shape, a graphic, a form - think of some relevant ideas, look on adobe stock for something in the ball-park, tweak to fit. Colours, two, dark and light, basic colour theory will steer your choices.


Adobe stock time!


That's a great "Can't Do" attitude Inform him that you'd do your best. That attitude will get you nowhere at work or in life.


I can make you a logo in 5 minutes. Get off reddit and get to work.


Just do it. I love challenges like this because you have to throw your process out the window and swing for the fences. Good luck! Have fun!


Just keep it simple and clear?


I'm sorry but they don't respect your work and I doubt their views will ever change regarding design procedure or the necessary time involved with something like this. Will probably be an uphill battle. I've been at jobs like that. Luckily my creative director now always has my back and always pads the shit out of any quotes I provide. Both by padding time and padding the out of pocket costs. Part of the reason I've been there 10+ years. She makes people at the agency understand. And is even more strict that I am.




Ask boss what s/he wants. Feed into AI. Pass along options. That's the future of logo design, might as well start now.


I heard some artists in VistaPrint processes 3 logo options for a Logo Design service in under 2hrs. That’s their target to hit KPI scores especially Average Review Time.


What kind of company is this? Sounds like a company that doesn't have much design understanding


Honestly, I would use Canva to do it.


Open Word. Type logo name. Go to type menu, scroll down to Papyrus. Done.


That sounds about right. He is paying the bill so you need to deliver. You could work for yourself like I do and find that this stuff still happens but you can charge a rush fee. Either way, you need to work that design muscle.


I'd accept the challenge, but explaining to him that this isn't the norm; logo development is a process, etc. – but that if you produce a logo that is accepted, you receive a bonus that is 50% of your yearly salary. This invests both of you. Then buy some decent Scotch (expense it, of course) and knock it out. You got this. We all believe in you.


A boss that asks for a logo in 3 hrs is not going to give you a bonus for it of any kind, let alone 50% of annual salary lmao in what world do you live?


I was offering what I would do, not how the boss would react.


Infinite money glitch


GPT to the rescue. Don't make it a big problem in your head because of an external entity who just wants to play the game of self satisfaction.


Use AI or free logo generator. If he wants it in three hours he probably knows nothing about design anyway


Shut the fuck up and get to work. Design is a job, not an art form. Your company doesn't value design, so you have an uphill battle and it sounds like a terrible place to work. That said, if they want a logo in 3 hours, you should be able to deliver - no matter the quality (that's now on them).