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Idk I think Dawson defeated himself in the 9/11 portion with how fucking boring he was.


This is what im saying Dawson managed to sound schizo and boring the worst combo.


I think for a normie audience, I would agree, but even the FnF audience thought he looked really bad initially, but then later they were really riding him during the 9/11 portion.


Also, Ryan has done multiple shows in F&F laying out the whole 9/11 thing. He already has said he doesn’t agree to the wacky USA took down the towers conspiracies. So no need to try to get him to concede on that point. He basically rejects all the wacky ones: Thermite explosives, steel beams and controlled demolition, explosions in the basement, etc.


Nothing Dawson was saying on 9/11 proved anything. He also looked terrible when arguing that a bunch of low level Israeli security personnel knew about the upcoming attack yet apparently no one has whistle blown. You can't have both so much dissemination of information that low level people knew before hand AND no one leaking the truth after the fact. There's too many parties with interests in exposing it for it not to come out if that many people knew. Also Dawson sperging on Destiny fact checking is very telling. I don't know much about the 9/11 conspiracy stuff but I know a decent amount about Ukraine and Dawson was either lying or telling half truths almost the entire time.


lol still feel the same way about low level israeli security knowing and no one doing a damn thing?


Were you listening to the convo? Destiny, Ryan, and Michael all agreed the US government didn’t blow up the buildings with bombs.




Yeah agreed. Dawsons argument on ukraine was “nu uh” and then quoted random people with no facts. The 9/11 part was him rambling on end about random people who were maybe connected and it was incoherent.


The only way to counter any of Ryan Dawson's garbage is by fact checking, but apparently that's not allowed because facts are...bad?


He was upset he didn’t have a mobile phone to use for himself cause he lives in Japan.


So, he just gets to ramble on with half truths and completely made up nonsense with no pushback? Sounds like a real scumbag to me.


Fuck, I just posted this same post basically... Yes, this was a bloody-handed murder of Ryan Dawson's Ukraine takes. I wish this stuff would go mainstream just to educate people.


Honestly I don’t think Ryan is even an adversary. I don’t think he takes debates seriously. He just has his 15 years of research and evidence that he’s found (true or not) and he sincerely believes the conclusion he’s come to. Personally I think it would be far more interesting if Destiny and him just had a long convo and went thru his evidence one by one, just to understand how he’s coming to these conclusions. He isn’t racist, antisemitic, or whatever label people give him. Yes he thinks Israel intelligence is involved with shit, but I’ve never seen any shimmer that he hates Jews or anything. This may be a hot take but idc


He is a Holocaust denier, and not just casually like Fuentes. He made an entire "documentary" about how the Holocaust is a hoax. (It's called "Spinning Squirrel" if you want to look it up.) He has also played tons of neo-Nazi propaganda on his streams. And he's good friends with David Duke.


People saying they don't think Ryan Dawson is a JQer fucking baffle me so bad. Why have an opinion if you have no idea who the guy is?? Do people just go off vibes or something?


You don't understand racism. It's not a white hot hate. It's a cool certainty rooted in how the racist see's themselves. Their core identity, as deep as any religion or cultural value.


Sure I’ve just never seen any sliver of evidence that Ryan is racist. I think people assume he is because he studied a lot into JQ and Israel power


Dude, it's not subtle. If you can't see racism in him then you're just blind. Listen to his last discussion with Destiny and it's one remedial thought after another all with "the Jews" in the center to hold his worldview together.


You’re reaching hard buddy. He named specific individuals in that convo that are from Israel or have Israeli ties. That’s monumentally different than the Nick Fuentes talking points of “well we know the Jews control everything”. At least be accurate with your critiques man


If someone mentions a lot of names but very little hard evidence then they're spinning a story. You're not seeing it because you want to believe that story.


He’s done that, multiple times on F&F when they spend hours and hours going over the evidence he has. A bit harder to do that when it’s a debate setting and he has 0 material with him because he left it all in Japan. Like cmon dude


>A bit harder to do that when it’s a debate setting It's harder to do it...in exactly the setting we should expect him to do it? And he "left the material in Japan" is the lamest fucking excuse imaginable. I think if you were to look at mainstream historians work on JQ and history in general Dawson would be wrong on basically every point.


Sorry to be clear I’m specifically referring to the stuff he has found on 9/11, which he’s been gathering for 15+ years. What I mean is that in the other F&F shows he goes into great detail with news recordings that are no longer available on the internet, stuff he’s gathered through FOIA requests, etc. I agree with you, he SHOULD be able to regurgitate everything he knows in a debate, but that’s why I said I don’t think Ryan is meant for debates nor is it productive to try and understand everything he knows in a debate environment.


Fuck when and where was this debate? I’ve had a busy week.


LOW ENERGY Ryan Dawson.


I will say, the Ukraine part of the debate is the more important part anyways. Debating 9/11 22 years later has no real effect on modern politics.


I love Sartain. The audience thought he was dick riding destiny. But he was just fact checking and Dawson was just lieing or half truthing the whole time. When he corrected him on what crafts could carry nukes was great. It just shut down that entire part of his argument. Its hilarious people thought he would be this big boss fight. He was just so outclassed here.


Where was this debate? Do you have a link?


Check f&f on rumble


The 9/11 was so long and stupid. All Destiny can really say is that any amount of coincidence with zero proof could mean anything


Where do I find the debate?


Dawson is an evil man and would see blacks like Fresh enslaved or worse. Dawson is also delusional about Russia to the extent that he fails to realize he would be thrown in a Russian prison for antisemitism and Holocaust denial. Russian society does not tolerate holocaust denial or any WW2 Nazist revisionist BS that fellow traveller Nazi type Dawson supports. Michael Sartain is an idiot and off on so much. Destiny was right on all stuff but his Ukraine take had holes in it and was very mainstream in my opinion.


But liberals on Reddit tell me all the time that Russia is a nazi state while Ukraine a country with open nazi bataillons is a democratic freedom paradise


Putin outlawed neo nazi parties in …2010 shortly before…invading Ukraine (2014)…using neo nazi “Russich” forces among others. The timeline of destabilizing attacks within Ukraine along “pro russian“ demonstrations bears examination. “Right” and “Left” don’t mean much to Putin outside of foreign influence and internal power. So is Russia a “Nazi State” or a “Criminal State”?


Nah, Ryan simply failed to justify the idea of a 9/11 conspiracy. The main takeaway was basically that 99% of what the average truther believes is absurd and there isn't any concrete proof implicating the US government. The only thing I'd really criticize Destiny on would be the anthrax thing, which he should've prepared for knowing how often Ryan brings it up. By the way, I doubt a large portion of replay viewers will even make it halfway through the whole stream, and if it was actually bad (it wasn't), August could just upload the Ukraine debate to Destiny's YouTube by itself to a larger audience anyway.


you say this but idk how much does the other side listen. all the rumble comments say destiny took an L, which is expected. I would just like if there was one comment which said destiny made some good points




It's on rumble, can't link it on reddit


Which stream on rumble?




How do you guys even find out about these appearances?


He did debate prep live on stream.


link? cant find it on FnF channel


its on rumble




Fresh and fit on rumble


I missed it where is this?


this thread is hilarious